A/N: First, I want you guys to know that im sorry im playing with other fictions when I have another fanfic waiting for me but the thing is, this plot bunny wont stop wreaking havoc in my mind! So bear with me kay? Okay so this fic has some elements from Faster than a Kiss but isn't really a companion fic since Kyoko and Ren aren't together. Anywaaaays, I've forgotten Yashiro's age again. Some one enlighten me? Well read and enjoy Skip Beat! Fans! I hope I haven't gone too OOC. Oh well. Read & Review.

Prologue: Hurricane

~Lory's Office LME~

"THAT. IS. IT!" Lory seethed. Sitting in his lavish office on the top floor of the building, Lory stared at the giant monitor in front of him with something close to agony. He watched as Ren missed yet another opportunity to get closer to Kyoko, the woman he had unwittingly fallen in love with. Really, it was ridiculous, a man his age and with his history with women should logically pounce. But Ren? Nooooo. He to be a "gentleman" and stay at a "proper" distance from the girl. Lory was beside himself with exasperation.

This foolish godson of mine is far more trouble than he's worth!

Grumbling,Lory grabbed a handful of popcorn from the bowl Sebastian was holding next to him and flung it at the screen in irritation.

"Fool!" Lory blinked as his frustrated cry was echoed on screen by Yashiro, who was practically crying tears of blood.

"I work so hard to create these opportunities for you and you! You just let them go! That one was perfect! You could have grabbed it so easily! Why did you let such a chance go? Why? Why? WHYYYYYYYYYY?" Yashiro now had Ren by the collar of his shirt and was shaking him vigorously.

"Yes! Good job Yashiro!" Lory clapped in glee. "Beat some sense into the fool!" Although Ren remained blank faced, with his fingers in his ears; clearly waiting for his manager's temporary bout of insanity to subside. Lory drummed his fingers on his desk.

If only there was some way to goad into making a move. If only, if only, if on-

The president suddenly sat up straight, taking in Yashiro's form on the monitor. He grinned and rolled his chair around, to face his computer, pulling Kuu up on video chat.

"Yo Boss. What's up?"

Lory waved the greeting aside impatiently. His grin grew wider,

"Listen, I have a plan I want to run by you quickly." For the next hour, he reiterated his plan to Kuu, with him throwing in the occasional revision and by the end, they had a working scheme. Kuu himself was so excited he was practically bouncing off the walls.

"That is BRILLIANT! Kuon will never see it coming! Boss, you're a genius."

Lory sat back in his chair, pleased with his plan.

"Yes. Yes I am. But more importantly, I AM A FIGHTER FOR LOVE!" Kuu sweat dropped as Lory assumed his love-love fighter pose.

"Right. Uh, Julie is calling me. She made dinner." Lory winced as he sat back down.

"I hope you have those anti-acids in your pocket."

"Never leave without them."

"Good luck."

Clicking off, Lory sighed in satisfaction. He loved when inspiration struck, Never mind that his inspirations were sometimes dangerous, but nonetheless, they were inspiration. He clicked a button on his desk and spoke into his intercom.

"Sayuki, bring those job offers addressed to Imai Kaien to my office immediately. "

"Right away sir."

"Oh and make sure Jelly is on standby within the next hour."

"Of course sir."

Hang on tight Ren, the president thought with a smirk as he swung around to continue watching Ren and Yashiro converse, now on an elevator 30 floors below. Hurricane Kaien is coming your way.

a/n: well? How was it? Review please!