Disclaimer: I DON'T own fairy tail, although I really wish I did so that I can make NaLu happen...
My Very First Lucy X Natsu Fanfiction
Chapter One:
Finally, the Fairy Tail mages succeeded in helping Edolas regain their rightful King. True, most of them didn't agree at first but after the convincing false battle between Mystogan and Natsu, their minds were changed. In what seemed like an eternity of darkness and unease, Edolas has finally found peace, all thanks to the rowdy Earthland mages.
Right after the declaration of Mystogan as king, all magical beings were sucked in by the anima and sent back to their world… All except for a blond celestial mage who was trapped inside an ice pillar.
I was shrouded in pure darkness. Not a sliver of light penetrated its walls, it was a hollow abyss of nothingness. I screamed for help, but an echo of my pitiful shrilly voice bounced its way back to me. I was alone, and I hated it.
I didn't know how I had come to this place, and the last thing I remember was celebrating the crowning of Mystogan as the new king of Edolas with my precious nakama, and the stinging pain I felt before passing out.
It was a cheerful night, and everyone has already forgotten about the past.
Natsu was greedily munching on his large piece of fire chicken leg. Gray was off searching for his missing clothes under Erza's orders as she savored her strawberry cake. While Happy was contentedly seated on my lap eating away at his fish, I on the other hand, enjoyed watching the festive merriment of the people of Edolas.
I was glad that things turned out to the way it was now, and I wouldn't have it any other way, except at least, the presence of some of my new found friends. The Edolas Fairy Tail guild couldn't attend since they were quite distanced from the Main land and were too tired out to transport themselves here.
I remembered meeting my other self and the ultimate shock I remembered feeling when meeting Lucy Ashley. She was my complete opposite, a roguish persona of Lucy Heartfilia. And what's more, they were a thing with the other Natsu; Natsu Dragion. They wouldn't come out and say it officially but they respected and cared for each other without need of words. I admit, I was a bit jealous. I mean, I've been keeping my feelings for Natsu a secret to everyone and as I remembered the look in his face when he saw Lisanna, well, how could I not feel jealous of my Edolas self?
As I thought about these things, I felt a stinging pain on the left side of my neck. It was like the pain you felt when an insect would bite you, only ten times worse. And that's when I lost consciousness and opened my eyes to complete nothingness.
After roaming around and losing all hope of finding a way out, I sat dejected on nothing but a black floor. All I could do now was think…
What are Natsu doing right now? I'm sure they're creating a raucous wherever they were. That's what they always do. Is Natsu looking for me? But how could he do that when Lisanna is right there with him… I'm sure they're extremely happy now that they're finally back in each other's lives. Yeah. Are Erza and Gray worried?Maybe, but they're also celebrating about the return of a 'dead' family, they probably forgot I even existed… these thoughts went on and on until a piercing light caught my eye.
It was small at first, but after every second it grew larger until it was a blinding light that I had to cover my eyes. A strong gust of wind licked my pale skin, sending chills all over my body. I could hear the rustling of leaves, and a faint sigh. Finally opening my eyes, I met the dark pools of ash that belonged to my favorite dragon slayer. Natsu Dragneel was staring at me.
"W-what?" I stammered, feeling a blush crawl to my cheeks. I noticed that he wasn't in his usual outfit. The black vest rimmed with gold on the side was replaced by a maroon long sleeved sweater with white edges. His white pants were gone, instead he wore long and lose black slacks. His sandals were gone as well, and a pair of closed shoes changed them.
"What the hell are you wearing Lucy?" Natsu asked me. I looked down and found my set of usual clothes. What was wrong with it? I always wore a blue pleated skirt, and my white sleeveless blouse.
"What kind of question is that? It's obvious I'm wearing clothes, stupid." I grumbled, subconsciously searching my right hip for the pouch where my keys were usually at. I smiled when I felt them there, safe and secure. Natsu saw what my hand was holding and his eyes widened.
"You're the other Lucy aren't you?" He asked, stepping backwards. I gawked at him. Other Lucy? I thought for a moment and remembered I was still in Edolas.
"Yeah, and you're Natsu Dragneel… right?" I asked, unsure of myself. Well, he obviously wore something Natsu wouldn't, and his way of speech was intellectual… smart. Natsu could never be associated with the word 'smart'.
"Uhmm, sorry to burst your bubble… but I'm Natsu Dragion of Edolas." He said, rubbing the back of his neck, which I found adorable.
"So, where was I?" I asked, looking around. I found myself standing in the middle of a pool of cold water. I was kind of wet, and I just realized I was shivering when Edo-Natsu offered his sweater to me. Now he was topless… which helped, a lot.
"You were inside an ice pillar or something. I just found you out here when I was, uhmm.. fixing up my car." He answered, looking at me with a weird expression. Like he knew something I shouldn't know because it would probably break my heart.
"What is it? What are you hiding?" He fidgeted, but then sighed. I watched him look at me with pitiful eyes.
"Uhmm,… I don't know how to say this to you without hurting your feelings, but the other Earthland Mages left three weeks ago." Edo-Natsu said, his gaze watching me, curious to see how I would react.
At first, I felt nothing. During my time inside the dark abyss of nothingness, I've already accepted the fact that once Lisanna had returned, I would be forgotten.
Then came sadness and self-pity. I couldn't help but smile at the thought that I was never a real part of Fairy Tail's strongest team.
And last came anger. I was angry that nobody even tried to search for me, that nobody noticed I was gone while they were out there enjoying themselves.
Several different emotions probably showed on my eyes, as I saw Edo-Natsu slowly wrap an arm around my waist and pulled me into a hug. I was shocked at first, but then gave in. Tears sprang from my eyes, as I realized that the feeling of abandonment was the strongest. Even if he wasn't a fire user like his Earthland counterpart, he gave off a sense of warmth that reached my heart.
"Don't worry Lucy, we can go talk to Mystogan about this… I'm sure he can help you." Edo-Natsu assured me, caressing my hair. I felt comfortable wrapped in his soothing embrace and I didn't want to let go, but I was ashamed of being so vulnerable and weak.
"Th-thanks…" I muttered, stepping out of his arms. I wiped my tears away and smiled at him. I saw his face soften and a kindly smile grazed his lips.
"You're welcome, now what's say you join me in a ride back to the guild?" He asked, offering his hand. My smile grew wider, as I accepted his offer.
"Thanks again, Edo-Natsu…" I said, as I followed the man who found me.
"Just Natsu…" Edo-Natsu commented, looking back at me with the same goofy grin Earthland Natsu always wore. I felt my heart clench as sorrow flooded my lonely spirit. Edo-Natsu probably noticed something was wrong because he stopped walking and turned his body, fully facing me. I forced a smile, but I couldn't hold the tears back… curse my weak self.
"Ahahaha… I g-guess *sniff* I'm-m n-not ok-kay after-r all…" I laughed, wiping the tears from my eyes. Edo-Natsu gave me a pitying look, and then he placed his hands on both sides of my shoulder.
"No need to worry Lucy, I'll be right by your side during your stay here in Edolas. And we'll get you back to Earthland in no time, I promise." He grinned, pulling me into a comforting hug. Right now, I couldn't help but spill my bucket full of tears and bawl like a baby. Here was a man whom I hardly knew, looking exactly like the man who left me, comforting me even if he also hardly knew me. I smiled… Oh the irony of life.
It's been three days since Natsu, Erza, Gray, Happy, Wendy, Charle, Gajeel, Pantherlily and Lisanna were back from Edolas and everyone were celebrating the return of the 'dead' Lisanna. Almost everyone except Juvia and Gajeel didn't know who Lisanna was, and both of them along with the exceed and Wendy were wondering where a certain blond celestial mage was at. Wasn't she sucked into the anima like Team Natsu plus Wendy, Charle and Gajeel? But they kept quiet because they thought that Lucy was probably back at her apartment sleeping it out.
Until four weeks passed by, and Juvia was now worried for Lucy. Shyly, she approached Erza, who was currently in front of a large 3 level strawberry cake.
"Ne, Erza-san… I was wondering-" But Juvia couldn't finish her sentence because the guild doors burst open, revealing a grinning Natsu, Happy flying closely behind. Juvia watched as the dragonslayer casually walked towards Lisanna who was surrounded by people and draped his arm around the young female take-over mage's shoulder. The whole guild hollered and cheered.
"I guess Natsu and Lisanna are back to the way they were back then, huh?" Juvia heard Macao comment. She sighed, and continued what she was about to say to Erza when she found that the scarlet haired mage wasn't at the table anymore and an empty plate with pink icing and bread crumbs were left on top of it. Juvia sighed, giving up.
It's not like Team Natsu would forget about Lucy anyway, maybe the blond just went on a vacation or something. Confident in her reason, she instantly searched around the guild for a certain raven haired stripper.
Gajeel on the other hand, was thinking deeply about bunny-girl. He didn't like the feeling he was having when he watched the Lisanna girl laughing and talking with team Natsu. It was like she was replacing Lucy and that bugged him. Wait, hold up! Did I just call cheerleader her name?Gajeel asked himself, shaking his head. He was slowly realizing that he was getting overly attached to the blond mage.
Anyway, he didn't want to bring up the said girl's name, especially around Levy because she was so happy right now, he'd probably break the dam that held Levy's tears if he ever so mentioned celestial mage. So he kept quiet about it…
Makarov, though, wasn't convinced that Lucy was at her apartment resting, or out on a vacation. It felt like Lucy never existed at all, he couldn't even feel her, which he always could for his children. Makarov was also worried about what Natsu would do when the boy realizes that he's forgotten about his most precious nakama… The guild master also wondered why no one else in the guild noticed the celestial mages lack of presence, but he kept quiet, maybe he was overreacting. Lucy was very capable of taking care of herself anyway…
None of them knew that a certain blond celestial mage was sad and lonely in a world she's only come around to living in.
It's been five weeks since Lucy was found by Edo-Natsu inside an ice pillar. Four weeks since she learned that Mystogan couldn't send her back to Earthland. Three weeks since she cried her heart out inside the arms of a certain pink haired man. Two weeks since she accepted the news, and tried to live a normal life inside a world she's never known about until recently. A week since Edo-Natsu introduced her to their version of Fairy Tail, and a day since she became a member.
It wasn't as different as she thought it would be. Everything was still the same, just a bit, altered… Everyone still treated each other like family, nakama… But they had to get used to having two Lucy's inside the guild, and no Lisanna at all.
All of them though, accepted her like a lost family member whom they finally found, and she became an instant pillar of their lives. Edo-Lucy joked that she was like a lost twin sister she never thought she had. Both of them got along well, and Edo-Lucy even offered Lucy to go and live with her. She agreed, but only for a day… since Edo-Lucy's place was exactly like Earthland-Lucky's, much worse if I may add. So Lucy resulted to living on her own, moving from inn to inn as she searched for the perfect place she could call her home.
Lucy's POV
I stood in front of an apartment building. It was a medium sized two storey building with a flat roof that had a garden at the center, and picnic tables all around. The first floor consisted of her kitchen, living room, a guest room, a washroom, and an empty room. The second floor was like a condo unit. It was for her only. Each room was only divided by pillars and the traditional Japanese walls, there were no doors except for her walk in closet and bathroom. A small kitchen was by the door going downstairs, the bathroom just a few meters to the left of it, and the bedroom, library, and living room set took most of the left space. To me, it was just perfect, and the rent was at a wonderful 30,000 jewel price.
Edo-Natsu was happy for me. I watched him grin while we admired this beautiful place.
"This is just simply… Awesome!" I exclaimed, setting my small bag on the countertop. Just some minor alterations on the spacing and some adjustments to the place would make it the perfect home!
Natsu faced me with a concerned glint in his eyes, paired with a happy smile. "Just like the one you have back in Earthland?"
I shook my head "Much, much better…" I stretched my arms up and exhaled. "Yosh! Now that that's settled, how about we go out and celebrate? Hmmm? My treat!"
He grinned goofily, which still reminded me of him... but, I've already gotten used to the unexpected memories and thoughts about Earthland bombarding me whenever. The once 'Earthland-Natsu's grin' became 'Edo-Natsu's grin' to me but it didn't erase the fact it was once his. He seemed to have noticed my sudden silence and the wide grin he had on turned into a grim line.
"You miss it there… especially him… don't you?" he asked stepping towards me.
"I admit, I really do miss them. But It's been a month since I got left behind, and thinking about it won't help. Anyway, just forget about it and let's get going! Man, I'm famished." I shouted, pumping my fist in the air. Edo-Natsu gave me a quiet look, and then smiled.
Suddenly, I found myself in the circle of his comforting arms. I've gotten used to him hugging me in different occasions, so this was nothing new. I hugged him back as tight as he hugged me.
"Thanks Natsu, but I'm fine… Really." I whispered in his ear. He nodded, and moved away never letting go of my waist.
"Sure ya are! Now where's the free food?" He gave me that signature goofy grin. I sighed, but smiled and led the way out of the house. Such a wonderful friend I have...
A/N:So, that's chapter one of Forgotten... I hope you guys liked it!