(A/N: OK, huge apologies for the wait! It's been over a month and I've just been really busy! In return I've written an extra long chapter. Hope you don't mind. I don't want anyone to think I'm giving up on this story, I will see it through to the end. This chapter, we'll be seeing the kids returning to Hogwarts. Please review as always!)

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters in it, JK Rowling does. Also, I do not own the song 'I'm sexy and I know it,' LMFAO do probably.

Chapter 20-Seven Minutes in Heaven

After the rush of packing and Ginny checking James hadn't got any stink bombs in his trunk for the millionth time, Lily collapsed back on her bed. It was strange that she'd actually missed school, as she'd been so looking forward to the Christmas holidays and a break off school work.

She missed her strolls up to the Owlery and the Astronomy Tower, as well as James, Fred and Louis pulling constant pranks at school and their ongoing battle with Albus, Scorpius, Charlie and the Avery twins.

She was suddenly startled by a knock on the door and she sat up saying, "Come in."

"Hi Lily-kins!" Came the voice of Alice Longbottom as she emerged into the room with a laugh.

"Alice!" Lily exclaimed, leaping up to engulf her friend in a hug, "When did you get here? I didn't hear you!"

"Ah well," Alice said coyly, "That may have something to with the fact that I might have been, erm, with your brother."

"My brother!" Lily laughed indignantly, pretending to be insulted, "You come all this way to our house, to see my brother! Well I am most insulted!" Her hand flew to her forehead dramatically, as Alice laughed.

"Sorry Lils," Alice said guiltily, "I just haven't seen him in ages and..."

"It's fine Alice," Lily assured her, "I was just joking!"

"Phew," Alice said, "Oh by the way," her face grew serious, "Have you heard anything from Lola?"

"I got an owl from her saying she could come today," Lily said puzzled, "But other than that, no."

"Hmm," Alice nodded, "She just seems really...odd lately. She's always been giggly and funny, but do you remember before we broke up for the holidays she seemed a bit off?"

Lily thought back, and realised Lola had been not her usual self. Perhaps it was something to do with home? "I know what you mean Alice, but I don't know why. Maybe it's her family."

"No," Alice shook her head, "I spoke to Charlie at Diagon Alley just the other day, and everything seemed to be fine."

"Well," said Lily, deep in thought, "I think if there is something bothering her, we should let her tell us in her own time. You know, rather than pestering her about it."

"S'pose," said Alice glumly, "But if it gets out of hand, promise we can intervene?"

"Fine," laughed Lily, "You always did like to meddle didn't you Alice Longbottom!"

"What can I say," Alice smirked, "I am my mother's daughter."

They were interrupted by a call from a grumpy voice downstairs, "Lily! Dom's here! And in the name of Merlin's bollocks, can you try and keep it down! I can hear you two giggling from down here!"

"Ooooh! Someone's getting a little bit tetchy!" Lily shouted back.

"Yeah Jamie, is someone on their period?" Cooed Alice.

They waited with giggles for his reply, before he yelled, "Oh just shut it Longbottom!"

"Hey! That's my girlfriend you're talking to!" Came the angry call from another voice. Albus.

"Kids!" Shouted Harry from his study, wishing the lot of them would be quiet, "Might I suggest that you resume this conversation in the same room?"

At this Lily started to laugh hysterically and shouted back, "Yes Dad!"

The door opened and Dominque came in, giggling at the display, "Merlin, James is bloody grumpy today!"

"I know," Lily shook her head, "But less of that Dom! It's great to see you!" Her and Alice hugged their friend.

Naturally of course, the gossip and tittle tattle started.

"So," Alice clapped her hands, "Heard any goss?"

"You never change Longbottom," Dom shook her head, "But yes I do have some gossip," she added secretively.

"Oh do tell!" Lily begged.

"Well, dearestRosie," Dom began sarcastically, making them scoff, "Got herself a boyfriend."

"No!" Lily said surprised.

"Yes," Dom nodded.

"Ooh, I bet he's a Ravenclaw," Alice giggled, "I bet they met over coffee at a library and he said, 'Oh Rosie, do you want to see my study planner?'" She dropped her voice so it became husky, "And I bet she said, 'Well I'll show you mine if you'll show me yours!' and then it was love at first sight!"

This of course had the girls in tears, even more so when James shouted again, "For Godric's sake! Do any of you understand the term Shut The Hell Up?"

After their laughter had subsided, Dom dropped her voice and said, "Oh and that's not all."

"What?" Came the replies in unison.

"He is none other than Jacob McLaggen! The Ravenclaw seeker!" Dom continued, "And he sent her some soppy love note during the holidays and Uncle Ron found it!"

"And then what?" Alice asked.

"Need I say anymore?" Dom scoffed.

Lily's face went white, every Weasley knew that that was the worst possible thing to happen, "Are all possible kinds of weapons out of the house?"

"Aunt Hermione's trying to calm him down," Dominique laughed, "But, if I'm honest, I think he's up to no good."

"How so?" Lily asked.

"Come on Lils," Alice said sarcastically, "This is a MCLAGGEN. The very name screams, 'no good.'"

"He is a womanizer Lils," Dominique added.

"Yes but," Lily struggled, "Although Rose is an absolute pain in the arse, she is our cousin. She may seem all holier than thou on her high horse, but we know she sort of means well."

"Lils I think this will be a learning experience for her," Alice said, "Do you remember what she was like with Scorpius? This is Karma."

Lily was about to cut in again, when there was a knock at the door.

"Come in," Lily called.

A goofy smile lit up her face when she saw Lola and Scorpius at the door.

"Excuse me ladies, "Scorpius smirked, "I'll be with Al downstairs."

Lily's jaw dropped when he promptly turned on his heel and left. Alice and Dominique laughed at her expression.

"Oh Godric Lils," Alice laughed, "You should see your face!"

"What is it with everyone being more interested in bloody Albus!" Lily said exasperatedly, before she saw Lola and smiled, "Hi Lola."

"Hi guys," Lola gave a small smile, causing Alice to give Lily an I-told-you-so look.

"How have you been?" They all went over to hug her.

"Um great," Lola said awkwardly, feeling a bit trapped by the sudden bear hug, "Um guys-I kind of can't breath."

"Oh sorry!" Lily said, "How are you Lola?" She asked again, hoping she would get a proper answer.

"Oh you know," She shrugged, changing the subject, "Charles came with me by the way. The Avery's arrived, as well as Henry, Andrew and Sam."

"Yeah, Louis came with me as well," Dom added.

"Great, so we have a full house," Lily smiled.

"Although," Alice added warily, "This is going to be so awkward."

Everybody else seemed to give a knowing nod.

"What? How?" Lily asked confused.

"Well...Sam? Andrew? Madam Puddifoot's? Ring any bells?" Alice smirked.

"Oh mother-"

"It might not be that bad," Dominique interrupted Lily, trying to diffuse the situation.

"You are kidding right?" Lola turned to Dom, "Dom, think again. Sam and Andrew. Quite possibly in the same room as Albus and Scorpius."

"Oh bloody bugger," Lily moaned, "This means we have to go down and make sure...you know...nothing..."

"Well I'm sure they aren't going to suddenly break out fighting!" Dominque laughed nervously, hoping someone would agree. But no one did.

"This is Albus we're talking about," Alice said, "He has the maturity of a five year old on Weasley's Wizard Wheezes' extra hyper candy," she deadpanned, making Lola guffaw, but suddenly cough when it seemed she was the only one who found it funny.

"Well," Lily stood up, "I guess there's nothing left to do, but go down."

"Yes," Alice stood up, before saying sarcastically, "Let the baby sitting commence!"

They made their way downstairs and heard noises coming from the living room, so went in, finding the situation quite as they expected.

Although there was no physical divide, it was almost as if someone had cast an invisible boundary across the room; with James and his group on one side, and Albus and his friends on the other side, having a massive stare down.

They barely noticed when the girls came in.

"Hey Albus," Alice waved a hand in front of Albus' face.

"Alice," Albus grunted, his glare on Andrew not wavering.

"Right!" Lily clapped her hands together, trying to sound cheerful and hide her dismay, when Scorpius didn't even acknowledge her.

She felt deflated when no one responded and looked helplessly at the others, throwing her hands in the air.

"Did you know Lily," Began Alice with a glint in her eye, "That I was just in Diagon Alley yesterday and I bumped into Albus Dumbledore!"

What? Lily looked at her friend quizzically, before Alice winked at her and she realised the plan.

"Oh really?" Lily responded nervously, "And I heard he was with Severus Snape as well!"

Still no reaction.

"I'm a lesbian," Lola said bluntly.

"Shut up Lola," Charles grunted.

The girls looked at her eyes wide.

"What? It was worth a try," She shrugged. Honestly, Lola thought, they were three of the most gullible witches she'd ever met. How could she be a lesbian, when she liked a certain male..."Oh and Charles," she added, "You shut up."

"I-I-I'm wearing no underwear!" Lily exclaimed.

"Yes you are. Stop lying Lily." Scorpius spoke to her for the first time, nevertheless without looking at her, looking instead at Sam.

"And how would you know!" Retorted Lily indignantly.

"Because I saw them as you walked in," He replied, still glaring at Sam.

At this, there was a chuckle amongst the Slytherin boys, minus Albus, who looked annoyed.

"Oh really?" Exclaimed Lily, bright pink trying to regain her composure.

"Yes really," he replied tonelessly, "Pink with the little white ribbon on."

At this, the boys chuckled again. Even Lola gave a snort.

Lily was now bright pink-almost the same shade as her knickers.

Her friends looked at her expectantly, and she nodded.

"Dude," a scarred for life looking Albus said to Scorpius, "I know you're dating my sister, but if I ever hear you talk like that again...I'll...avada you. Deal?"

"Deal," Scorpius said.

"You're a right dick head Scorpius Malfoy!" Lily exclaimed, feeling humiliated, after being laughed at.

She saw a mild flash of something flicker over his face, but as ever he remained the Malfoy picture of indifference.

Someone started to hum some time afterwards, one of the boys and Lily looked around for who it was. She and her friends exchanged hysterical glances, when they realised it was a Celestina Warbeck song.

"Um James?" Louis said bemused, "Are you humming...Celestina Warbeck?"

"Yes I am my friend, yes I am," James dead-panned.

The girls giggled at this, but soon grew unhappy as the silence continued. They sat on the floor, after standing became too much.

"I kissed Slughorn," Lily piped up after ten minutes of awkward silence.

"Lily just quit while your ahead," Scorpius said.

"I'll quit you in a minute," Lily threatened, causing a chorus of 'Oohs' to go off.

Again, she studied his face and she saw something, she didn't know what, but something passed over his face briefly, as his jaw flexed.

"Right, that's it," Alice stood up and walked to the opposite end of the room.

The girls watched her in suspense, wondering what she'd say.

"You know what?" Alice said, wiping imaginary beads of sweat from her forehead, "Is it just me, or is it getting hot in here?"

Lily laughed, as she saw Alice trying to look sexy.

Alice took out her hair band and dropped it on purpose on the floor, "Ooops! Silly me!" She bent down to get it, giving the boys an ample view of her bottom.

No one looked over, but Lily could tell Albus was itching to look.

Alice sighed in defeat, but suddenly, inspired by Alice, Lily had an idea.

"You know Alice," Lily strolled up to her, "Since we've already established that I am wearing underwear," she looked meaningfully at Scorpius, "And it is oh so hot, I might just...take it off..."

"I bet you ten galleons it's the pink ones with the white ribbon," Scorpius said.

"I'm in," Charles Flint said.

"And me," Alfie Avery said.

"Yeah go on," Henry said.

"Lily don't you dare," James commanded.

"Scorp I thought we had a deal!" Albus moaned.

"No can do buddy," Scorpius said.

The amazing thing, was that none of them had stopped the staring contest.

Lily looked at her friends helplessly. She hadn't thought she'd actually have to do it.

It was at this point, her knight in shining armour came and saved her.

"Yeah, yeah, when I walk on by, girls be looking like damn he fly," Dominique suddenly started to sing, the suggestive song sounding awkward coming out in a nervous, timid voice.

"Dom? What the hell?" Louis looked over, and even some of the others did.

Dominique swallowed, but persevered, "I pimp to the beat, walking on the street in my new lafreak, yeah. This is how I roll, animal print, pants outta control..."

Lily tried to stifle laughter, but couldn't, the same with Alice and Lola, as the boys ceased their staring match, and instead were staring incredulously at Lola.

"It's Redfoo with the big afro, and like Bruce Leroy I got the glow," She continued, and Lola started to click her fingers to the beat.

Dom gave her a grateful smile for the moral support, "Ah, girl look at that body, ah, girl look at that body, ah, girl look at that body, ah, I work out," Her voice wobbled, " Ah, girl look at that body, ah, girl look at that body, ah, girl look at that body, ah, I work out."

"When I walk in the spot yeah, this is what I see, everybody stops and they staring at me," Alice joined in, and Alice, Lola and Dom looked at Lily expectantly for the next line.

Lily swallowed, "I-I got passion in my pants and I ain't afraid to show it, show it, show it..."

They looked at each other, getting ready for the chorus, when unexpectedly, James leapt up and said, "I'm sexy and I know it!"

With that he started to jump around, with wild dance moves, making everybody gob smacked, before they started to laugh hysterically.

Louis jumped up and joined him, grabbing him by the shoulders and yelling, "Ah wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, yeah!"

It was at this point, Lily thought she was dying of laughter and couldn't breath, and Dominique...she was dying of embarrassment and couldn't breath.


This is not to say that everything carried on in blissful harmony afterwards, things were just a little better.

Alice was currently sitting with Albus, teasing him about something or other, Lola and Dom had gone over to see Charlie, and Lily...Lily was hiding out from Scorpius, with James.

She couldn't believe he'd just ignored her, and then tried to put a bet on the colour of her knickers! But she didn't trust herself to go over to him, as she didn't trust herself. What if she ended up completely overreacting? Anyway, it wasn't like he was making any effort to come over.

"So James," Lily said mischievously, "I liked your little dance."

James grinned, "I was quite pleased with it myself actually!"

He appeared to see someone behind her and said, "Hey Lily, I'm just going to go and see Al."

"Hello Lily-flower," his voice spoke, before she could turn around.

"Scorpius," she replied with indifference.

He smirked at her, unnerving her as if he could see right through her, "That was an amusing little show."

Lily nodded her headed and forced a laugh, but suddenly his face grew concerned, as if he knew she was pretending.

His expression transformed to a more Malfoy-like one, as he looked stern, "You're not still thinking about quitting me are you?"

What? She realised what he was referring to and suddenly felt guilty and shocked that he would actually take her threat to heart.

"Lily?" He pressed again.

"No Scorpius," She sighed and shook her head, as he exhaled, "I-I know it seems like maybe I overreated, it's just...I was embarrassed."

"Embarrassed?" He put a hand up to her face and searched her face.

"Well..." she laughed nervously, "You kind of told the whole room that I had on pink knickers."

"So I was right!" His face broke into a grin, before he remembered he was supposed to be grovelling and he schooled his face to a serious one as he nodded, "Right."

"And, you said it so casually! You didn't even look at me, let alone speak to me!" She continued.

"I am sorry Lily, I was..." He broke off, "I think I just overreacted when I saw...him, Sam," his face grew dark, "And you know, I wanted to warn him off."

"Well I think he's now sufficiently warned off, don't you?" Lily smiled for the first time.

"Yes," he smirked, "So are we good?"

"Yes Scorpius," she reassured him with an amused sigh.

He surprised her by wrapping her in his arms, and holding her tightly to him.

"What's this for?" She asked confused.

"I missed you," he said into her hair.

"Me too," she replied.

"Oy you two!" James shouted, "Put each other down and come over here! We're trying to see who can withstand the most Weasley's Wizard Wheezes!"

They walked over together and everybody watched in wonder as Louis ate four yellow skin pastels and two wart pastels in a row.

Lily smiled as she saw Albus and Alice whispering together and sat a bit closer to Scorpius, hoping that it would all last.

Her smile fell from her face when she saw James' expression, it was the same look he'd had in his eye for a while now.

"James?" She said quietly.

"Lils," he looked down at her, with a pasted on smile, but it faltered when she continued to look at him beseechingly.

"James what's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing Lils, just tired," he smiled.

"James," she said again, before she said in a louder voice, "I'm just going to get a drink," and gave James a meaningful look, before she left the room.

He appeared in the kitchen five minutes later with a troubled look on his face.

He didn't say anything, but Lily thought it would be best to let him say it in is own time.

"It's going to sound silly," he said after a while.

"I won't find it silly, I promise. I won't laugh," Lily said sincerely, "I promise," she said again to his doubtful gaze.

"I-I," he looked down at his hands, "I guess I feel a bit lonely."

"Lonely? Why?" Lily smiled, "Did you not see how many people we have crammed in that living room. And how can anyone related to the Weasley's be lonely?"

"Not-not like that," he struggled.

Realisation dawned on Lily and she waited fro him to continue.

"I guess I see Al and Alice, and you and Scorp...and I think, I want that," he looked at the floor.

"James," she said, "James look at me."

He looked up.

"Is it only me that sees the crowds of girls queuing up everyday to get a date with the famous James Potter?" She smiled.

At this his face broke out into a grin, "Well yes, I had noticed."

"Well you always seem to have a girlfriend on the go don't you? A new one every week? You're one of Hogwarts' biggest womanizers!" Lily smiled dryly.

James frowned, "That's the thing, I don't want another fling. Hell," he laughed, "I could have a girl any time I like!"

"James," Lily said sternly, "If you want a serious girlfriend, you have to keep the arrogance to a minimum."

"Arrogance to a minimum, right," he sounded like he was ticking it off a list, "As I said, I could get a girlfriend if I want-I mean," he coughed at Lily's glare, "I might be able to...but the crowds of girls who queue up-I mean," he coughed again, "Who-oh damn it I'm arrogant! To hell with it! All I'm saying is the ones who queue up are giggly silly girls who are just good for a snog and then..."

"James, if you carry on like that you'll get no where," Lily laughed, "Maybe it's just a case of waiting until you do meet the right one."


Hogwarts. It was the word on everyone's lips the next day. Yes they did look like a rather large party when all of them turned up at King's Cross. The train was due to leave in five minutes and they were just saying their last farewells.

"Yes I know Mum, no stinkbombs," Jane groaned.

"Don't get like that young man," Ginny said, "We've had about five letters so far from McGonagall-"

"Five!" James grinned, "Well that's a new record! Wait 'til Louis hears about-"

Meanwhile Harry chuckled at his son's antics, whilst Ginny scolded him.

"Harry! What do you think you're laughing about! Tell him!" Ginny looked at him murderously.

"Erm...yes James," Harry scratched his head, trying to avoid Ginny's expectant look, "Whatever your mother said."

"HARRY!" Ginny exclaimed.

But Ginny's shout could not be heard, as it was drowned out by the usual commotion.

"I said Ronald, I said particularly that you should not be encouraging them! Didn't I say just last time we were on this very platform, the very same thing!" Hermione's face was red and she was shouting indignantly.

"Look 'Mione," Ron grumbled, "All I said was be on their guard!"

"Be on their guard?" Hermione scoffed, "You call Petrificus Totalus being on your guard?"

"'Mione can you just chillax!" Ron held his hands up.

Everybody froze where they were and looked at him incredulously. Everyone knew that saying 'chillax' to Hermione Weasley would have the opposite effect.

"'Chillax?'" Hermione shouted, "'Chillax?' Have you completely lost your mind, Ronald-"

"Hermione!" Harry jumped in, "So great to see you!"

By the time they had got on the train it was packed, so they had a bit of trouble getting seats together, but finally, after patrolling up and down, they found one.

"What's wrong?" Scorpius asked Lily, as she looked deep in thought.

"Oh nothing," she smiled, "Just thinking about something James said to me.

Lily wondered if James would stop his womanizing habits. Who would be his ideal girl? Was he really feeling so lonely?

She looked over at him laughing at the others, you almost couldn't tell there was something wrong with him.

"Hey Lils," Alice called over, "You look dreadful!"

"Aw thanks Alice! You too!" Lily shouted back. But even she knew she wasn't at her best. She hadn't managed to get to sleep last night, because there was so many of them sleeping over.

"Try and get some rest," Scorpius suggested from beside her, "My shoulder's free," he smiled.

"Thanks," Lily said, and almost as soon as her head touched his shoulder, she fell asleep.

She woke up when they were just arriving at Hogwarts and she felt a familiar sense of calm and happiness wash over herself, when she saw it in all of it's benevolence.

"Lily, you're awake," Scorpius said, from the doorway, "I was just about to wake you up. I've got your trunk."

"Thanks Scor, sorry about that," Lily laughed.

"No problem. Are you feeling better?" he asked, as she got up and he gave her her trunk.

"Yeah tons," she lied. She still felt like she could use another three hours. Well Professor Longbottom's speeches were quite dreary, maybe she could drift off...

The train pulled into the station and there was a big push and shove as everyone tried to get off the train.

"Ah, welcome to Hogwarts!" A familiar, homey voice shouted. Hagrid.


Just as she'd expected, the Professor Longbottom's speech had been dreary, and she kept nodding off here and there. As soon as they'd got back to the common room, she'd leapt onto the couch, trying to drown out the sounds of James and Louis running around shouting their battle cries.

Well, she thought, he sounds in better spirits.

She'd woken up an hour later, feeling more awake than before and found that everyone had come and sat down.

She was currently lying on Alice's shoulder, "Sorry Ally," she laughed embarrassedly when she saw everyone watching her as she woke up.

"He is an absolute bastard," Lily heard Albus' voice, as he was in mid-conversation.

"Who is?" she asked.

"Kieran Nott," Albus said venomously, "Which is why, me and Scorpius have a little welcome home surprise for him planned," he smirked at Scorpius.

"Ooh do tell!" Lily asked excitedly, grinning at Scorpius.

"We know that he showers at eight thirty. So we're going to go down to the shower blocks in a minute, and put a little product in his shampoo," Scorpius smirked.

"What product would this be?" Lily asked with a grin. She'd heard about Nott and the way he taunted Albus for being a Potter, saying he didn't belong in Slytherin. He also terrorized the first years and was an absolute sleaze bag, who had made a few suggestive comments to Lily once or twice.

"Well," Scorpius said dryly, "Let's just say that around second period tomorrow, little slugs are going to start growing out of his head. Well actually, not little. Big."

"That's going to be bloody hilarious!" Lily exclaimed, "Brilliant."

"Well, I know I am," Scorpius said smugly.

"She meant the prank not you, you idiot!" Alice laughed.

"Shut up Longbottom," he huffed.


"Hey guys we should get going now," Albus checked the clock, "Come on Scor."

"Scorpius," Lily looked up at him with puppy eyes.

"What do you want?" He rolled his eyes, smiling nevertheless.

"Pwetty Pwease," Lily batted her eyelashes, "Can I come?"

"Al? Can she come?" Scorpius smirked.

"What? This is boys only!" Albus groaned.

"What about me Albie?" Alice batted her eyelashes.

"Aw don't do that to me Ally," Albus whined.

"Pwetty pwease with a cherry on top?" Alice begged.

"Fine," Albus said, "But hurry up."

"Ooh can I come?" Louis asked.

"Yeah and me!" Fred added.

"Don't forget me!" Dom shouted.

"And me!"

"And me!"

"ALRIGHT! FINE!" Albus shouted, "The lot of you may as well come. But Gryffindor's have to stay outside."

So about fifteen of them ended up creeping along the corridor five minutes later.

"Hey where's Lola?" Asked Dominique.

"Shh!" Albus turned around furiously.

"Shh yourself!" Lily snapped, "I don't know," she said to Dom, "Must be in the shower. She did mention it."

They rounded a corner, and took two staircases and luckily the corridors were empty.

"I can't believe we're going to find out where the Slytherin common room is!" Dom exclaimed.

"You won't, you have to wait ten metres away. Now be quiet everyone. Filch is about," Albus said.


"Shut up Fred, can't you-"

"What's that noise?" Lily asked.

Everybody looked around, "Don't know," Albus said, "Probably Filch."

But Lily kept hearing it. It was a banging coming from a few metres away. It sounded like a door, banging, but no, she could hear people as well.

"I can still hear it. I don't think it's Filch," Lily said worriedly.

"Probably just Peeves-"

They were interrupted by a loud female cry.

"That was not Peeves," Charlie Flint said seriously.

"What's the matter snake, are you scared?" Louis taunted,

"Oh shut the bloody he-"

"Louis! Charlie! Shut the hell up!" Albus hissed, but even he looked worried.

They heard another bang, this time a lot louder.

"It's coming from over there," Lily pointed, "That door."

"We should just leave it," Albus said, "Probably some randy teenagers."

"It might not be! Someone might be trapped!" Lily whispered.

"Fine," Albus sighed, "We'll open it."

Everyone looked at him expectantly, "What me? Fine," he snapped.

He marched over to the cupboard and pulled the door handle, unceremoniously, making the door swing open and revealing...

"There look, two randy teenagers," Albus said, looking at Lily smugly.

The girl had brown ringlets, but it was hard to tell, because a boys hand was wound into her hair, messing it all up. He himself had messy black hair and the pair of them were stumbling about the broom cupboard, attached by the lips.

The couple soon realised they had an audience and jumped apart, making everyone gasp when they saw who it was.

"What?" Albus asked, as he couldn't see, as he was facing them.

"It's James and Lola."

(A/N: Please review!)