(A/N: This is my first story so bare with me! Depending on how many reviews I get I'll try and upload frequently! Please go easy on me!)

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, JK Rowling does.

Chapter 1-Food Fight

Lily Luna Potter had known from a very young age that she wanted nothing more than to board the Hogwart's Express at platform 9 ¾. Her only wish. Well for now.

It always seemed so close yet so far. With every birthday she agonised over how many years she had to go, and looked on wistfully as her brother's boarded the train each year.

Nothing, not even Christmas and her birthday rolled into one, not even the Nimbus 3001 could beat the sheer joy and exultation of when she got that letter. A large shriek sounded throughout the house.

Ginny immediately rushed up the stairs with Harry hot on her tail, as a startled James and Albus made an appearance.

"What is it Lily?" her father asked in concern as her mother searched frantically for any cuts or scrapes. When she found none, a puzzled look crossed over her face.

"Its Hogwarts!" she cried, "I-I, my-my letter!" She could barely think coherently and struggled to find the words.

There were simultaneous groans from the corner as James turned on his heel and Albus followed suit.

"Here I was thinking something life threatening had happened!" James murmured.

"James," Harry said in a warning tone, as Lily pouted, "She's just excited, that is all."

"Yes," Ginny added with a stern glance in their direction, "And I seem to remember I got Kreacher to set you off on the dishes half an hour ago. Muggle style!" she added with the final blow, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

James groaned again, slumping against the wall, as Albus smirked at his brother's misfortune.

This did not go unnoticed by Ginny, "And don't think I've forgotten about you turning your Uncle Percy's hair pink the other day, you can join him!" With that the smirk was wiped off his face, and James grinned in triumph, as Albus sulked, mumbling under his breath about how the bloody house elf took far too much enjoyment out of their punishments.

Lily grinned; that was a month ago and tomorrow was the big day. She smiled as she thought of her brother's sulky ways; they put up a tough front, but they were softy's at heart; with a special spot for her. They could always be tamed by the innocent bat of the eye lids, and a winning smile to go with it.

"JAMES, ALBUS, LILY, BREAKFAST!" her mother's shriek broke through her thoughts. "AND YOU TOO HARRY!"

Lily rushed down the stairs, with a hop, skip and jump, they were going to Diagon Alley for school supplies today.

As she walked into the kitchen, as the enticing smell of croissants, scrambled eggs, sausages and bacon wafted through the air, and she breathed in deeply. Her brothers seemed to have similar ideas as they rushed past her.

"Give that back James!" Albus yelled.

Ah, another day in the Potter household she thought.

"Or what?" James challenged turning around, waving Albus' glasses in the air.

"Or I'll-I'll-"

"You'll what? Go running to mummykins?" he taunted. Lily gave a giggle at this, and Albus glared in her direction.

"Why you little- Just wait until I get over there, I'll hex you until you don't know which way's left or right!" Albus fought back. Lily fought back hysterics as she watched the seen.

They were sitting at the table now, scoffing their faces whilst Ginny went to get Harry.

"Nah, not without your glasses," James teased as he waved them in the air, "And anyway, your too much of a little girl to fight me!" James said with a smirk.

"Oh yeah? Come say that to my face you wanker!" Albus said outraged. At this point Lily was clutching her sides she was laughing so much. This seemed to encourage James to go the extra mile.

Just as Lily reached over Albus for the butter, James through a glass of milk in Albus' direction.

He realised his mistake as the milk was in the air, but it was to late. Splash. The milk it Lily full in the face. They all sat in shock for a while, struggling for words.

Lily who had said nothing during the exchange, was furious. Both boys could sense it, awaiting her next move.

"James Sirius Potter," she trembled with rage, but they only saw her small smirk when it was too late.

The next bit went in slow motion, she reached over for a plate of scrambled eggs and through the contents in James' face.

"Right thats it!" he grinned picking up a plate of baked beans throwing them at Lily, but she ducked and it hit Albus.

"Aww Lils!" he moaned, but James grinned wider.

"Nice one sis'!"

The next ten minutes were filled with food flying left right and centre covering the kitchen and themselves with Ginny's hard work. Shrieks of laughter followed as James and Lily went for Albus, and Lily's screams of protest sounded as the boys ganged up on her.

This is how Ginny and Harry found them thirty seconds later; Harry looking slightly amused, and Ginny looking downright furious. The three stopped suddenly, turning slowly to face their parents. Caught red handed.

"I can not leave you for ten minutes! With you; James being 14, I would expect a bit of maturity, but no! I can't even trust you with the simple task of eating your breakfast!"

There were a few mumbled apologies.

Harry looked at his children. Lily had scrambled egg in her hair and beans down her jumper. He chuckled a little bit to himself, "Nice job," he said under his breath. However when he looked up he saw his wife giving him the death stare. Merlin, he swore that woman had bat hearing senses. He put his hands in the air, as his wife looked on expectantly.

"Well... Of course children it is very...amusi-I mean wrong!" he said as he caught Ginny's next look at his slip. She looked so cute as she pouted.

Ginny intervened, "What your father is trying but failing to say is that it is idiotic and silly to behave in this way," Merlin, he looked so handsom today. She couldn't resist what she did next, "But it never stopped your father!" and she picked up a plate of scrambled eggs before lobbing it in his direction.

He stopped in shock for a second before grinning and making a run for her, "Your going to regret that Ginny Weasley!" and he grabbed her from behind as she shrieked with laughter.

And with that, the fight resumed.

Lily was getting her self washed later when she heard a bang downstairs. It must be Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione, she thought.

She made her way down the stairs preparing to have a gossip with Rose and share her fears for tomorrow with Hugo. As she approached the kitchen door, she heard the distinct sound of her Aunt's voice as she scolded Ron.

"Really Ronald! Is it quite necessary to put such ideas in the children's head! She screeched indignantly.

Lily stifled a giggle. Oh, there was lots of fighting going on this morning she thought.

"Well sorry 'Mione, but you haven't exactly been a shining example yourself have you!"

"Oh I can't believe you would bring that up now!" she shouted.

Lily tip toed in silently, catching Rose and Hugo's embarrassed looks. This was a weekly occurrence in the Weasley family.

"I was only trying to protect them-"

"Am I hearing this?" she mocked, "'Protect them?' From what exactly?"

"Well-well, what if Malfoy corners them?" he said triumphantly, "Bet you never thought of that now did you? Ooh I bet it kills you doesn't it! Not knowing somethi-"

"Why I ought to-" Hermione growled before spinning around, and stopped short when she saw Lily. Uncle Ron looked over too, they looked rather embarrassed for their outburst.

"Lily dear, how are you?" she asked with a warm smile, trying to recover herself. She'd deal with him later.

"I'm fine, just a bit nervous, that's all!" Lily blushed nervously.

With the previous conversation forgotten, she slunk into the room beside Hugo, exchanging smiles with him and Rose.

"How are you Aunt Hermione? And you Uncle Ron?" she asked back .

"Oh I've never been better," Ron grumbled. Hermione shot him a look.

"Excuse us Lily, we got a bit carried away, that is all!" she gave a little look, as Ron scowled in the corner. It always had to be his fault didn't it.

Lily walked over to Rose, "Excited for school Rose?" she asked with a sly grin; they both knew she already knew the answer.

"Oh don't tease Lily!" Rose laughed, "You know I am! More to the point how are you feeling about tomorrow? You know we're all hear for you and Hugo."

"Oh I'm just excited, but a little nervous. How about you Hugo?"

He shrugged sly, "I'm just trying to focus on getting into Gryffindor, Dad would kill me if I didn't!"

They all laughed.

"You know your father and I don't care about your house, and you too Lily, isn't that right Ronald?" it seemed Hermione was still irate with Uncle Ron Lily noted in amusement, she was still using his first name.

Ron hesitated before he was prompted by Hermione, "Well.. of course."

Hugo let out a mock sigh of relief.

" Well, we'll still let you out on weekends," Ron added with a grin.

Just then, Albus and James came running in.

"Hughie!" James shouted, "My man!" they all laughed at James.

"So has Lils told you about our little food fight?"

Rose and Hugo exchanged puzzled looks.

"Oh-oh," he laughed, "I tell you, I went to throw a glass of milk at-"

Lily zoned out, she had been there of course. She shook her head at it, it was rather funny. She wondered if they would see Teddy and Victoire. She longed to see Victoire, now that she was pregnant.

She was broken out of her reverie as her parents strolled in, and she caught the tale end of James' recount, "I swear Mum just went mad, throwing the scrambled eggs, and Dad just fought back, hoisting her in the air... honestly, acting like a bunch of silly kids the two of them," he shook his head with mock severity.

She shook her head at her brother. Daft idiot.

"Right," her Harry clapped his hands, catching the attention of the room, "I think we're ready to go."

(A/N: Please read and review!)