Before you freak out that I'm starting another story that'll take time away from iWYTBMF this one was actually written at the same time I wrote iRemember. I had two endings for iOMG, the first being Sam brushing the kiss off and this being the second one. This one is more involved and a lot longer but the chapters are shorter (this one in particular) and will be updated more quickly (I'll say every Saturday, maybe more often if people are enjoying it -hint hint). I'll only have to review it before posting so no need to kill me for getting distracted, k?

You can thank (or blame) the reader 'Lackadaisical Pajamas' for me posting, btw. They were stalking my iCarly stories and I felt bad that they ran out of stuff to read. To LP: fyi, this is not the story I was talking about in my pm. There's a future fic 2/3 finished called iThee Wed sitting on my desktop tempting me to finish it but I will not until one of my other WiPs are finished.

This story, like iRemember, picks up at the end of iOMG and goes from there.

ETA: Any resemblance to another story is purely coincidental, I promise. I don't think I've read iCarly fic since before iOMG even aired so if my story does resemble your story you have my apologies but it is in no way intentional.


Oh my God. She was kissing him. Sam was kissing him, again, and it was taking all of Freddie's brain power just to process that it was, in fact, happening. So much so that he was still deciding what to do about it when she solved his dilemma by pulling away. "I, uh…" Well, that was eloquent…

Stupid, stupid, stupid! Him looking like he was about to pass out (or throw up) was not the response Sam had been going for… Despite the gargantuan lump in her throat she managed a mumbled, "Sorry."

"It's cool," he answered automatically, wondering what the heck had gotten into her lately. She may have felt like Sam and smelled like Sam but she most definitely was not acting like Sam, and if she didn't also kiss like Sam he would swear Melanie had taken her place. Not that he remembered how Sam's lips felt or anything…

It's cool? Well, that was a glowing endorsement if she'd ever heard one… Think, Puckett! "Jeez, I knew I was out of practice but I didn't think I was that bad. Way to boost a girl's confidence, Frederly…" Her tone was light despite all the effort it was taking not to cry in front of him.

Freddie blinked, completely lost. "Huh?" Maybe they needed to take her to a doctor. Or an exorcist…

And apparently she was so horrible she'd broken him, too. Good to know. "You said to show Brad how I felt… It's been a while so I figured I'd make a trial run." It probably would have gone over better if she'd been wearing a brown wig. So stupid.

His brain finally stopped lagging and caught up to the conversation. "I meant with words, Sam! Not by assaulting him!"

Sam's chest clenched with actual, physical pain. "Yeah, well I'm not so good with the words," she admitted, shrugging nonchalantly while what was left of her heart broke into a gazillion pieces. "Judging by your reaction I should stick to using my mouth for eating…"

Too late Freddie realized how he'd made it sound. "I didn't mean…"

"Don't worry about it, Benson," she interrupted with a condescending pat on the cheek, not really needing to hear whatever lame excuse he'd come up with. She'd gotten the message loud and clear. "Thanks for being my guinea pig."

He didn't want to leave things like that – knew he'd probably hurt her feelings – but he had no idea what had happened much less how to fix it. "Sam…"

"I'm gonna go find Brad and try my hand at the whole 'talking' thing." With a mocking flick of her wrist Sam made her way into the school, only mildly surprised to find Carly spying from the other side of the glass. "He's all yours," she motioned before escaping down the hallway.

How could she just walk away knowing Carly had seen what she'd seen? "Sam!"

"Gotta go!" Sam called over her shoulder. "Things to steal, people to torment!" A janitor's closet to hide in until she pulled her chiz together…

Carly watched her best friend disappear, brow furrowed in confusion, before joining Freddie in the courtyard and smacking his arm. "You were supposed to get her to ask Brad out, not make out!"

"I did," he confirmed without taking his eyes from the dark sky. "Apparently the kiss was a refresher course or something…" Professor Benson, Kissing 201. He felt so used.

What was with those two and the random kissing? She couldn't help but sound a little perplexed when she reiterated, "So she is going to ask him out…"

Freddie finally met her gaze, shrugging, "She said she would." Whether she actually did or not remained to be seen.

Oh. Carly wouldn't argue with the results. "Good job, Freddie; that's awesome."

He may have gotten Sam to ask Brad out but the 'good job' label was definitely up for debate. "Yeah – awesome."

Questions? Comments?