Okay so final chapter. Everyone who commented, you made my firkin day! I loved how pissed off people were about killing Dick! And I see where you're coming from. But some of the comments just made me smile and laugh. Like one of my favorites was from DarthZ!

DarthZ: DID YOU JUST KILL ROBIN? *very angry Bat-glare* Bring him back. Now.

That made my day DarthZ, lol hope you guys enjoy!

I do not own Young Justice, otherwise I would make Superman dress in a tutu and sing Barbie girl. OMG that would be so funny! XD




Bruce stared in shock as the thin line when a crossed the heart monitor. Alfred quickly pushed past him; the man quickly pulled out two shock paddles and started getting to work. He pressed the paddles down on Dick's small chest, sending a shock into his body. Still nothing happened. Alfred pressed down again, but still Dick didn't move. Bruce was still standing there, his eyes filled with shock and grief. His son was lying on that table, dead. And he could do nothing about it. Tears filled his eyes but he didn't let them fall. He just stared on, as Alfred pressed the paddles down on Dick's chest again. Still no movement came from the small boy.

Mt. Justice

The team was sleeping at the mountain tonight. Not that they really got any sleep. They lay in their beds, looking at the ceiling or at the floor. Wally was sitting on his bed, holding his injured leg close to him. He couldn't believe what he saw when Batman had handed Dick over to Alfred. Dick looked so lifeless, and now he was scared that the only way he would see his best friend again, was if he was in a coffin. Wally choked back a sob; he couldn't handle the thought of his best friend, and little brother, dying before him. Dick was only thirteen! Just barley into his teen years, he was still a kid! And he had risked his life to save Wally's. Not just tonight but countless times before.

Slowly Wally took out his communicator; he placed the device in his ear and pressed down on it. He held back another sob as he started talking into the small ear piece.

"Dick, dude, are you there?"

Only static was heard on the other end. Once again Wally tried, and failed, to hold back a scared sob. "Dude, please answer me!"

Once again only static came from his com. Wally sighed and put his com back down.


Batman had backed away from where Alfred was in a desperate attempt to get Dick's heart working. Though, he was pretty sure it was too late. They didn't have much medical gear in the Batplane and it would take a while to actually get to a hospital. He would call Doctor Leslie but could she really work with a limited about of gear? He wasn't sure by this point. He wasn't sure about anything really. All he knew was that Dick was dead, and he was alone again.

He turned towards Superman, who was sitting in the corner, covering his ears. The sound of the static was it connected to Dick's chest was unbearable! He walked over to the krypton, sitting down next to him. The two stayed there for a moment, grieving over the young hero. He was the first side- partner to anyone in the league. And now, he was the first to die. He was young, much younger than any of his team mates.

His team mates! What were they going to tell them? How could you just drop the news of your team mate being dead? It would be hard, but at least they would have each other to get through it. Who did Bruce have? Well he had Alfred and Clark and the League. But none of them knew what it felt like to lose your parents. And certainly none of them knew what it felt like to lose your son.

Another shock was sent through the air, making him and Clark cringe. Suddenly the Dark Knight got an idea. He ran over picking up the vile from the floor – he had dropped it there while in shock – and ran over to where Alfred and Dick were. Alfred was about to press down on the boy's chest when Bruce stopped him. Alfred looked at him confused, but didn't say anything. Bruce quickly injected the cure into Dick's system, only hoping it would work. After a few moments Batman signaled Alfred, who pressed down one more time on Dick's chest.

A load gasp was heard and then a beat of a heart monitor. Alfred sighed with relief and Bruce almost fainted. He stumbled backwards a little from the shock that it actually worked. Dick had been dead for almost two minutes! It shouldn't have worked! But still Dick was laying there panting hard as he tried to regain some breath.

Dick opened his blue eyes he looked around confused then his eyes landed on Bruce. Dick let out a choked sob; one of relief more than of sadness. Bruce made his way over to Dick kneeling down so he was eye level with the boy. Alfred slowly left them alone, as he went over to Superman who was standing and had watched the whole thing.

Bruce looked Dick in the eyes; he had pulled back his cowl not too long ago. Bruce cuffed his son's cheek and finally let a few of the tears fall down his cheeks. "Dad," Bruce looked at Dick, "Are you crying?" The boy asked with a small laugh. Bruce also laughed, but didn't deny anything. Dick was also crying, but for a different reason.

"Why are you crying Dick?"

"Bruce, you-you wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"I'd believe anything you say." Bruce told him reassuringly.

"I saw them Bruce, I saw my parents. They told me to come back to you. They said that my second family needed me." Dick said in almost a whisper, another tear rolling down his cheek. Bruce wiped the tear away with his thumb.

"I believe you." He said softly.

Mt. Justice

Batman helped Robin into a wheelchair. They had made a simple agreement. Robin could say hi to his friends if he was in a wheelchair. Not that there was anything wrong with his legs. Bruce just didn't want to chance him moving wrong and opening his stitches. Robin slipped his sunglasses on, and shifted in the wheelchair with a grunt. He hated the things. Superman and Batman both exited the Batplane with Dick. The plane left after they got out, leaving them alone in the loading bay. Dick looked at Bruce, who gave him a nod. Dick wheeled off in the mobile chair. Superman and Batman went to the debriefing room while they waited for Dick to come back.

The two sat down in some chairs. Superman looked at Bruce, who was hunched over in the chair with a hand on his head. Clark got up and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Bruce, it's okay, he's okay, and we won."

"Clark, I was so close to losing him, if that one little idea hadn't of come to me we would have." Bruce said quietly.

"But we didn't."


It was almost seven in the morning. No one on the team had gotten any sleep. Kaldur, Zatanna, and M'Gann had been informed about the mission not to long after Conner, Artemis, and Wally returned, only making everyone in the Mountain have a restless sleep. They were all gathered in the kitchen/entertainment room. The TV was on but it was only playing static. M'Gann was quietly backing something with Zatanna and Artemis, while the boys sat there not really paying attention to the black and white TV screen.

Only when they heard someone coming down the hall did they look up. Robin entered the room in a wheel chair. He was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a black T shirt. Bandages covered his arms, and cuts were covering his face. He had stitches in a cut just above his eye, while the rest seemed to be bandaged up with some butterfly bandages. Wally was first to react, he ran up to Robin and hugged him tight. Robin cringed trying not to scream. Wally saw this and quickly let go.

"Sorry dude! Did I hurt you?"

"Nah KF, Croc's the one that hurt me." He said with a teasing smile.

"Where were you?" Wally screamed. "I called you on your communicator like five times!"

Robin looked at his friend confused, but took out his communicator and put it in his ear. His voice mail told him that the speedster wasn't lying, well not fully.

"KF you called me nine times."

Wally looked away sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, I was worried okay?"

Robin snorted, but didn't say anymore. Slowly his team mates came up and told him how worried they were. They asked him a few questions, mostly regarding his health. Zatanna was the last to come up. She walked over and smiled at him.

"How are you feeling?" She asked him while the others talked in the background.

"Truthfully?" She rolled her eyes and nodded. "Like I got hit by a semi truck, ran over by a stampede of speedsters, and punched in the face by superman." He said with a playful smile.

She giggled covering her mouth with her hands. She then leaned down and kissed Robin on the cheek. He blushed, but tried to hide it as best as he could, which failed. "Get better soon, Boy Wonder." She said with a smile. He nodded, and slowly excused himself from the room. He made his way back down the hall, where Bruce was waiting for him by the Batmobile.

Wayne Manor

Bruce helped Dick up the stairs to his room. He walked in and helped the boy get into his pajamas. He then helped the boy into bed. Both Bruce and Dick were exhausted. The events of the night had worn the two boys out. Bruce got up to leave, but stopped himself. He looked back down at the boy who had his eyes opened, and seemed to be staring off into space.


Dick looked up at Bruce; his eyes were filled with tears. Bruce's heart broke at seeing his son start to cry. "T-they died Bruce, a-and I got to see them again. B-but I c-can't be with t-them." The boy sputtered out.

"Shh, Dick, it's okay. I know it still hurts, and seeing them now just makes it worse. But it's okay, you have another family now. Your parents said so themselves." Bruce told the boy quietly. "No matter what happens, I'll always be here, and so will the team."

"T-thanks Bruce," Dick said, the smile returning to his face.

"No problem Dick." Bruce got up to leave again.

"Oh and Bruce," Dick called.

"Yes Dick?"

"I officially hate crocodiles."


Lol, what did you guys think? I'd love to know! Anyway this is the end of the story, sorry it wasn't supposed to be very long like I said in the other chapter! Oh Well! R&R!