Sorry I just had to write this. The idea has been stuck in my head for days! Just today I was supposed to be reading and I started thinking of this, which is kind of weird cause I. Love. READING! I needed to get it off of my head.
I will own Young Justice the day that my brother actually finds a date (Which that will NEVER happen)
Gotham sewers
The team slowly made their way through the sewers of the horrid city Gotham. They were to go in and try and locate Killer Croc who had obtained a new drug that when entered into your blood stream it would start shutting down you're bodies systems. Robin led the way, considering Aqualad was in Atlantics. Wally, Artemis, and Superboy were trailing behind him. M'Gann was on a special mission at the Mountain to help. The place was damp and dark. The team had to use flashlights to even see where they were going. Their mission was to retrieve the drug and hand over Croc to the police. It seemed simple enough.
Wally shuttered slightly as he flashed his flash light into the dark mucky sewage water, "Dude that's nasty!" Wally cried out as he saw the water flow by. Conner groaned and Artemis rolled her eyes. Dick just kept his eyes ahead. He flashed his light to the side where the mucky water flowed down like a river. 'How can Croc stand living in that gunk? Heck, even the pier isn't this bad!' Dick thought to himself.
They continued walking down the narrow pathway. Unaware of the creature moving in the depths of the nasty sewage water. Dick stopped for a second; he flashed his light on the wall beside them and on the water. As if looking for any clue that Croc had been there. He sighed when he found none. He continued walking, his shortened team following behind him.
"Hey Rob?"
Robin didn't even acknowledge he had heard the speedster. Though Wally didn't seem to care about it anyway, and continued talking. "How can you stand living in this crud hole of a city?" Robin just grunted in response. Wally raised an eyebrow under his goggles. "Dude I think you're turning into Batman." Robin stopped walking and turned around; sending Wally a Bat-glare. Wally took a step back his eyes wide with fear. 'Sense when was Rob so serious?' After about a minute Robin stopped glairing and continued down the sewer.
Artemis smacked Wally in the back of the head. "OW! What was that for?"
"You don't piss off a Bat, Kid Mouth!" She said gesturing in Robin's direction.
"Will you two please just stop arguing and get a room?" Superboy said making both Artemis and Wally plush. They took a step away from each other and continued down where Robin had disappeared. Superboy smirked a little. He would have to thank Robin later for teaching him how to shut the love birds up.
When they finally found Robin he was on one knew inspecting something on the ground. It was something sharp and glistening white. Wally zoomed over to him almost knocking him into the gunk water below. He looked at the object in Robin's hand; it was a large, long tooth. Wally shuttered as he saw the large thing. It was almost bigger than his own hand. It looked huge in Dick's own tiny hand.
"What. Is. That?" Artemis said as she saw the huge tooth as well.
Robin looked up at her. And finally for the first time that night he talked. "It's one of Killer Croc's teeth. He must have lost it somehow."
"And the Justice League sent us after, that!"
"Croc's not as bad as you think. Sure he will kill you if he gets the chance. But he's slow and has a small brain. Not as small as Penguin's though. Man I hate that guy." Robin said, an ounce of humor in his voice. Wally just rolled his eyes.
"Does this mean were close to him?"
"Very, he should be somewhere around he-"
A wave of water interrupted him. The wave crashed into Artemis and Conner. Sweeping them into the disgusting sewage water. Artemis screamed as she fell into the water. She kicked and splashed trying to get to the surface. But something was pulling her down. Pulling her farther under the water.
"ARTEMIS!" Wally yelled and lunged for her. Almost sending him into the water as well. He tried to grab the girl's hand. But she kept splashing too much. Finally he got a grip. Pulling her as hard as he could; but he couldn't get her out. Something was definitely caught on her.
Superboy lunged out of the water. He was soaking wet and his eyes were filled with anger. He quickly grabbed whatever was holding Artemis and tugged it up to the surface. Killer Croc came out of the water, his green crocodile form staring at Conner. He was wearing torn shorts and a torn jacket. His teeth were bared and his eyes looked furious. Blood stained his teeth. He quickly lashed out at Superboy with his tail. Sending him out of the water and into a wall not too far away from Dick and Wally.
Wally didn't seem to notice. He was too busy pulling Artemis out of the water. Her leg seemed to be bleeding horrible, but other than that she was fine. Wally let out a furious yell and got to his feet. He ran a crossed the water at Croc. Though Croc saw this coming; he lifted his giant paw like hand and smashed it down on the water, making a wave that forced Wally underwater. Croc began swimming after Wally. Water was splashing as Wally tried to get away, and as Croc moved closer.
Robin was trying to finish tying up Artemis' wound when a scream filled the air. Robin turned around to see water splashing everywhere. He went to dive in but Superboy held him back. "Help Artemis!" Robin nodded and went back to the blond archer. Superboy jumped in and began wrestling Croc. The giant crocodile threw Superboy off. Making him hit the edge of the concrete pavement that Artemis and Robin were on. He let out a pain filled scream as his spine hit the edge. Before he could sink Robin grabbed from under his armpits and pulled him out of the water and on to the pavement.
"Artemis, stay with Superboy. I'm going after Croc."
"Robin no! You saw that that thing could do! He'll kill you!" Artemis begged as she leaned over Superboy.
"I'm not letting Croc hurt or possible kill my best friend. I've dealt with this dude before. I'll deal with him again!" Robin ran off to where Croc had run off. Each step he felt like he was getting farther and farther away from his best friend. The thought of not getting there in time was unbearable. Wally was his best friend, his brother, the only one on the team to know his I.D and his past. He had to get there before Croc killed him. He had to!
He turned a sharp Corner but stopped dead in his tracks. On the edge of the pavement was Wally. He was holding his thigh and was breathing heavily. "Wally!" Robin ran up to him.
"No Robin don't! It's a trap!" Before he could process what his best friend said. Croc burst from the water. He hit Robin into a wall not too far from Wally and looked down at him.
"Bad mistake Boy Wonder, bringing your friends here at what not. You should know by now that this is my turf!" Croc was back in the water now. Robin looked around hoping to get a glimpse of the horrid monster.
But instead another burst of water came at him. Croc's huge jaws latched onto the Boy Wonder's torso. Dick let out a pained scream as the teeth started digging into his flesh. "Robin!" Wally called out quickly. He tried getting up but his thigh wouldn't let him. One of Croc's teeth was lodged in it, making any movement extremely painful.
"Call the league KF!" Robin shouted before Croc drug him under water in his huge jaws. Robin's lungs burned as water filled them. He felt pain everywhere. And he could see blood leaking from his torso as Croc bit down harder on him. Robin wanted to scream in pain but he couldn't, it would only get more water into his lungs.
Croc carried him farther down into the sewage. He couldn't last much longer without air. He needed to breathe! His lungs felt like they were going to explode. Slowly Killer Croc came to a halt. He pulled a small syringe out of his torn shorts and stuck it into Robin's arm. Instantly he screamed. Not scaring about the disgusting water entering his lungs.
It hurt, everything hurt. He could feel everything starting to hurt. And just like it stated, it stopped. No more pain. He was going into a numb state. He couldn't move. Everything in his body seemed to be shutting down. Then it hit him. The drug! He hoped Wally had gotten a hold of the league. Croc let go and swam off into another direction. Everything was going black.
He could feel someone pulling him out of the water. Then everything went black.
Well? What do you think? I'll try and get the next chapter up either tomorrow or Thursday. Hopefully not Friday. Please Review! Any questions you have regarding this story, others, or just random questions you want to ask me I will happily answer. Just review or PM me!