Well isn't this exciting?! I'm getting ready to write a chapter for this story for the first time in three years! I feel like writing again may help soothe my soul like it did before. I am restless by nature and creating stories has always been something that I did since I was little. I apologize if this has a different air than it did three years ago. I have grown and changed, and I still have not had a baby so I'm kind of just using what information I have acquired from friends or research. well I guess its time to calm my nerves and get started! Here we go!

The walk back down the mountain was not pleasant. With spirits as low as they were ELya was not sure how long they could continue on without someone having a mental break. All they could see was white, well maybe Legolas could see something way out in the distance, but the rest of them were stuck with white. Until suddenly they saw the mountain. It almost seemed to be a large black slab of mountain rock, but to Gimli it was beautiful. This was as close to home as he would be for a long time, and he found it comforting to look upon the gates.

It took another hour to work their way across the broken uneven ground to begin their search for the door. What no one had mentioned was that it was invisible. It took several more hours and a bit of magic to find the gate. It was beautifully decorated, and glowed lightly in the darkened cavern they found themselves in. It was looked the inscription above it read "speak friend, and enter." They were all at a loss and for a time it seemed hopless that they would even be able to get the door to open.

After a while Elya stood away with from the others with Aragorn and Sam. It had been decided that the mines were no place for a pony. Bill would have to find his way home, without them. Sam was trying so hard to be brave for his pony and for the others but his heart was obviously breaking at the thought of loosing a friend Elya laid a gentle hand on his shoulder and he seemed to take some comfort in the gesture. Aragorn said some nice things and with a small smack to the rump the pony began his trot home.

Eventually Elya wondered over to where Boromir sat looking bored, and very displeased with the stop in their journey. He had been sullen lately. There had been a slight incident where Frodo had fallen and the ring had slipped from his neck. Boromir had picked it up, and for a moment appeared unable to take his eyes of it let alone give it back.

"Give the ring back to Frodo." It was a command that had come from Aragorn. Elya saw his had slide down to the sword on his hip. The gesture wasn't intended to be threating but the message was clear. Give it back , or I will make you give it back.

"Boromir." Elyas voice appeared to break the trance, and stop the crazy muttering that Boromir had been started. He handed back the ring with a whispered apology to Frodo. That should have been that but the dark shadow had seemed to creep over her again. She placed her hand on her growing belly and child as if that small gesture could protect it from the world and all the dark things happening in it.

"This place is dark." Elya stated the obvious because she had no idea how to break up this new wall that Boromir had thrown up between himself and all of the rest of them. even her. He grunted in response and she scooted closer and laid her head on his shoulder and looked at him until he finally looked at her and smiled. They sat there for a long time cuddling and he would place his hand on her belly and swear he could feel the baby moving. She laughed she couldn't even feel movement yet. so she knew he was joking. Suddenly out of no where Frodo asked.

"What's the elvish word for friend?"

"Mellon" was Gandalfs reply. Suddenly the door opened. They were all so excited and caught up looking at the sudden opening that they didn't realize that the water behind them was rippling and moving. Something big was headed for the company, and for the moment not one of them were aware of it.

Sorry it was short but life is calling and I must take care of things here. seriously though review and tell me how you all feel about this starting back up, and if you have any requests or comments to help make it better! Lots of love to every one! xoxoxoxo