I'm going to give you the first chapter introduction to this new story, finish Window, and then continue this. IMPORTANT! VOICEOVER'S ARE INITALICS! THE PERSON SPEAKING WILL BE METIONED BEFORE HAND. WON'T FOLLOW GLEE PLOT ENTIRLY, IM JUST USING THE MAIN IDEA

*Nina Martin*

I am NOT a loser. I just happened to be unpopular. Going to this boarding school is great, and I'm really good friends with Patricia and Mara. Then there's the popular people.

*Eddie Miller*

Top of the game. I run this school. It helps that I'm beast at 'football' and the chicks dig my accent, but it's mostly because I'm totally hot. Girlfriend? I have many. It doesn't matter if my dad is headmaster, because people don't know that. My best mate is-

*Mick Campbell*

Totally one of the most popular guys. Alongside Eddie, my best mate and teammate. Dating Amber Millington, head cheerleader, can be tough sometimes but I love her. My enemy is-

*Jerome Clarke*

I'm a mega flirt. I won't call myself popular but I'm up there. Nowhere as low as Nina Martin and-

*Patricia Williamson*

I used to be best friends with Joy Mercer. But then she was a cheerleader and she ditched me for Amber Millington. Nina and Mara stick by me, especially when I'm pranked by-

*Alfie Lewis*

Jerome is my best mate, but he's a lot better with the girls than I am. Either way I'm only after one girl and that's-

*Amber Millington*

The world loves me. Being head cheerleader's so easy. Especially when I'm on top of the world. And totally gorgeous. My enemy? That's-

*Mara Jaffray*

I love math and science and learning. I may not be popular, but I have good friends and that's what matters. I hate-

*Joy Mercer*

There's one thing you need to know about me. I love-

*Fabian Rutter*

I'm not popular. I won't be popular if I hadn't been friends with Mick. I'm not as popular as him but I'm not getting slushied by them. Have I slushied anyone? Hell yes. Many times. I live in Anubis House and I've always kind of had feelings for Nina Martin. But if I dated her, I'd lose my status and Mick said I couldn't afford that. My passion though, singing and playing guitar

Jason Winkler. He is a drama/ history teacher who's chasing the gym teacher, Mrs. Robinson, and waiting for something in this school to really draw him in. He always wanted to make a difference, but what difference can you make when there is no change to be made? What is there to do?

*Jason Winkler*

It's hard to change things around here. Everything has always been the same. There hasn't been one day where I have really seen something change. I've only been here for a year, but I haven't seen anything new. And how are you supposed to change things that aren't changeable- wait, what's that?

Jason looked into the auditorium, where he held most of his drama classes. There was noises coming from the seemingly empty room. It was a bit after hours –Jason had to run detentions- and it was very late for a student to be in school. Jason peaked his head inside the room, noticing a girl in the dark finishing Taking Chances by Celine Dion. The room was dark and he couldn't see who it was. Flashing on the lights, he revealed Nina.

"Nina?" Jason muttered, "What are you doing here?"

"Mr. Winkler! I'm so sorry! Please, don't tell Mr. Sweet, I could lose my scholarship!" Nina babbled on, but Jason held up a hand.

"Nina you have an AMAZING voice." Jason smiled.

This was the change he was looking for. He needed to start-

"Glee club." Jason said, "I want you to help me start it."

Any ideas guys? I'll be taking requests but THEY MUST BE Fabina, Peddie, Jara, Amfie, or Moy.