The Lost Chapters

The following chapter is an alternative way for Lex to meet Ian and Ellie. To give you a little background: I was going to split up Tim and Lex, and have Bodan find Lex ... and then have Ian and Ellie find them in the lab. This chapter would have taken place after Lex scarred Bodan's face. Ian was going to hear a noise in the lab and run to where the noise was. And now, without further delay ... here's that lost chapter:

Unused Chapter, Special Added Bonus

Malcolm ran up to where the noises were heard. Ellie was right behind him. When he reached the door, it was locked. He could hear yelling and crying coming from the inside. He knocked on the door.

"Hello? Anyone in there?"

Lex heard a man's voice at the door. She was relieved for a second. She started to call out to the voice, but Bodan stopped her. He put his hand over her mouth and looked around for something he could use to shut her up. He found a row of oxygen tanks lined up against the far wall. He wrestled her that way and grabbed one of the tanks. He let her go, so that he could get a good grip on it. Lex wasn't even looking at Bodan. When he let her go, she took the opportunity to yell at the unknown man at the door.

"Please, HELP ME!"

Bodan quickly silenced her, though. He took the oxygen tank and shoved it into her stomach. She fell down hard, gasping for air.

Ellie and Malcolm heard the desperate cry for help. Malcolm started to throw his body weight into the door, to try and jar it open.

Bodan bent down and slapped Lex in the face. He was about to attack her again, when he noticed the man on the other side of the door almost had it open. He decided he could just shoot the man behind the door, but when he reached for his gun, it wasn't there. He grabbed Lex's hair and jerked her head up. Her breathing was getting more normal, but she was crying.

"Alexis, I am going to kill you, my dear. Just not right now. It seems that I've lost my gun. This scar you put on my face will make me suffer forever. So I'm going to come up with something that will make you suffer in the same manner."

Bodan smiled at her, and then quickly exited the room, just as Malcolm forced the door open. Ellie saw the shadow of a dark figure running through a door near the back of the huge room. Malcolm saw a young woman lying on the floor in the corner of the room, trying to get up. He ran to her.

"You okay?" He asked, as he helped the young woman up.

Lex felt like she was about to die. Her stomach was hurting so bad, she thought she might have to throw up. In a few minutes though, that feeling had gone away. She didn't look up at the man who had just burst into the room, saving her life. Every time she moved her head, she felt dizzy.

"Yeah, I think I'm okay," she said, coughing. "I think I'll feel better if I stand up."

"Okay, then," the man said.

Lex thought the man's voice sounded vaguely familiar. Malcolm helped Lex get to her feet. As she was standing, she took a good look at the man and recognized him.

"Dr. Malcolm?" She asked in disbelief.

Malcolm nodded and stared at her for a few seconds. She looked familiar, but he couldn't quite place her. Then it hit him.

"Lex?" He finally asked.

"Yes! Yes, Dr. Malcolm. It's me . . . Lex! Oh my God, am I glad to see you!"

She threw her arms around him and held onto him very tight. He noticed she was shaking pretty bad.

"Ian, a man ran through that door back there," Ellie said, pointing.

Lex lifted her head up at yet another familiar voice.

"Dr. Sattler?"

Ellie smiled.

"Yeah. Please, Lex, call me Ellie."

"Look at this, we're all together again," Lex said through tears. "Is Dr. Grant here, too?"

"Yes, he is . . . somewhere. We got separated. Lex, what happened? Who was that man?" Ellie asked.

"His name is Patrick Bodan. He works for Biosyn I think."

"I heard yelling and crying. Did he hurt you?" Malcolm asked.

"A little bit, maybe."

"Well, where was he going?" Malcolm asked, as he started to walk toward the door the man left from.

"I don't know, Dr. Malcolm. Don't follow him," Lex said, as she pulled his shirt.

"Please, you can call me Ian."

"Ian, Bodan is crazy. He would have killed me if you hadn't come along."

"Killed you?"

Lex nodded and stood there, looking at Malcolm. Dizziness swept over her again. She collapsed in his arms.

"Lex? Lex?" He said over and over again.

Lex had passed out. Malcolm gently set her on the floor and sat next to her, looking her over. Ellie knelt down next to them. Malcolm looked at her.

"Ellie, can you watch her? I'm going to see where that guy went."

"Yeah, I'll stay with her, Ian. But are you sure you want to go chasing a crazy guy on your own?"

"I'm just going to check the next couple of rooms back there, to make sure they're safe."

Ellie nodded and went back to tending to Lex. Malcolm reached the rear door, went through it, and then closed it back.

About ten minutes later, Lex woke up. She looked up at Ellie, and then looked around the room.

"Where's Dr. Malcolm?"

"He went to make sure the building is safe."

Lex sat up rather quickly. The sudden movement made her head spin, but she got up anyway.

"He went to find Bodan, didn't he?"

"No, Lex. He just went to make sure the next few rooms are safe."

"He can't find Bodan, Ellie. That guy will hurt him. He's a trained killer."

"Lex, Ian didn't go searching for Bodan. He'll be back in a minute."

Malcolm had gone through two rooms now, and was about to go into a third room. He opened the door and, to his surprise, he found a very large man standing in the room. He guessed it was Bodan.

Bodan turned toward the door when he heard it open. He had succeeding in finding his gun outside and was working his way back through the lab. He saw a man standing in the doorway. He made a mental note of the man's face and recognized him.

"Dr. Ian Malcolm. One of Hammond's little helpers."

"Patrick Bodan. Abuser of young women."

Bodan smiled at Malcolm. He seemed pleased in knowing that Malcolm knew what happened with Lex.

"Oh, Dr. Malcolm, I didn't hit Ms. Murphy all that much. Only as much as she deserved." He touched his face. "She just deserved a lot."

Malcolm thought about going after Bodan, but the man was entirely too big for Malcolm to even think he could win. He was thinking of a way to get out of the situation and back to Ellie and Lex, when Bodan pulled a gun on him.

"Hands up, Dr. Malcolm. Let's go pay another visit to my dear and beautiful Alexis."

Malcolm put his hands up.

"Bodan, leave her alone. She's an innocent bystander here."

"Innocent? Innocent?" Bodan said, laughing. "See this?" He pointed to the right side of his face. "This is what that innocent bystander did to me, Dr. Malcolm."

"I'm sure you deserved it."

Bodan smiled.

"Okay, enough small talk. Turn around. Go. And keep your hands up."

Malcolm did as he was instructed. The two men walked through the next two rooms, and then made it to the door of the room the ladies were in. Malcolm stopped.

"Dr. Malcolm, open the door."

Malcolm reluctantly opened the door and went inside. Lex saw him right away and smiled. She started walking toward him.

"Ian, I thought something bad may have happened to you," she said, relieved.

"Well . . . not yet," Malcolm said. "Lex, go back to where Ellie is."

Lex stared at him with confusion on her face, then she saw why he was being so protective. Bodan walked slowly into the room with his gun still drawn. He looked at Ellie.

"Dr. Sattler. Pleased to finally meet you."

Ellie looked at him strangely.

"How do you know me?"

"Oh, I've been well briefed on you, Dr. Malcolm here, and Dr. Grant," Bodan looked around the room. "Where is Dr. Grant?"

"Obviously, he's not here," Malcolm commented.

"Never mind that, anyway," Bodan said, smiling. He looked at Lex. "Alexis, I would like you to come with me."

Lex walked a little closer to Malcolm. Tears started coming down her face again, but she didn't lose it. She thought about not going, but that would probably somehow mean that Ellie and Malcolm would get hurt. They would try to protect her from Bodan, that much was certain to Lex.

Malcolm wasn't about to allow Lex to go anywhere with Bodan. He was standing in between Lex and Bodan.

"She isn't going anywhere with you, Mr. Bodan."

Lex had to stop Malcolm from moving forward. She whispered to him.

"Please, don't put yourself in danger for me. I'll just go with him."

Malcolm looked at Lex, then he glanced back at Ellie, and finally he looked at Bodan.

"I don't think so, Lex."

"Do you want me to shoot you, Dr. Malcolm? I don't really want to do that at this point because I may need you later on. But if want that, I'll oblige you, sir."

Ellie walked toward them.

"Okay, everyone. Let's try and calm down, okay? Things have not gone the way they should of so far, so if we stay calm, we can all get out of this unharmed."

Bodan laughed.

"It seems all of us will be fine, with the exception of Alexis. Come on, my dear."

Malcolm was about to protest again, when Bodan struck him in the head with his gun. Bodan didn't care for the conversation any longer.

"Ian!" Ellie yelled.

Malcolm didn't even hear Ellie. He felt his legs give out and then he hit the floor, unconscious. Ellie ran to him. Lex was about to kneel down, when Bodan grabbed her by the shirt and dragged her toward the back of the room. Ellie stood back up.

"Mr. Bodan."

Bodan turned around and glared at Ellie.

"What? What is it that you think you can do about this situation, doctor?"

Ellie couldn't think of anything to do or say. She began to feel helpless, just like she would with Mark.

Bodan twisted Lex's arm and made her cry out. He looked back at Ellie.

"Dr. Sattler, I suggest you stay out of problems that don't involve you. I wouldn't want to have to beat you into minding your own business. After all, isn't that what your dear and sweet husband is for?"

Ellie stood there, looking at Bodan. She suddenly felt very frightened. How did this stranger know so much about her? She wanted to help Lex, she really did. But the thought of being harmed was stopping her from moving forward. She began to gather up enough courage to help Lex. She took a deep breath and took a few steps toward Bodan. He reacted by taking a few steps toward her, getting right up in her face, closing his hand, and punching Ellie in the face.

Ellie fell down hard, holding her hand to her bruised face. Lex screamed. Bodan hit Ellie with such force, that Lex didn't think she was even conscious. Ellie was still awake, though. She moved her hand from her face and noticed blood on it. She started to panic. She laid there, looking at Bodan and Lex. She didn't get back up. She felt totally useless, as she started to shake uncontrollably. Her eyes began to water.

Lex was looking at Ellie. Bodan had mentioned that Ellie was married and that she was constantly abused. Lex guessed that Ellie probably married Grant. And Grant was abusing her? She didn't want to believe that, but anything was possible. Why else would Ellie be with Malcolm? They must have gotten away from Grant.

Lex was trying to get away from Bodan, but he dragged her from the room. As they reached the door, Bodan turned around. Ellie was getting up and he had heard her. He adjusted a switch on his gun and fired it at Ellie.

Lex yelled as Bodan fired the gun. Ellie had already felt something go into her leg and was looking down when Lex screamed. She slowly picked her head up and looked at Lex.. Then, she looked back down at the pain in her leg. She expected to see a bullet, but instead there was a yellow dart stuck in her leg. She started to raise her head up again, but a surge of sleepiness rushed over her. She fell over.

Lex was relieved to see it wasn't a bullet. She was still looking at Ellie, hunched over, as Bodan dragged her out of the room. The fact that Ellie was so upset over Bodan threatening her made Lex really angry. How could Grant turn such a strong and brave woman into what she just saw? She would have to definitely question Ellie about it, if both of them lived that long.

The above chapter caused the beginning of Chapter 25 to change slightly. Here's the way Alan Grant originally reunited with the Murphy siblings:

Chapter 25: Getting Re-acquainted With Old Friends (Alternate Beginning)

They carefully walked across the abandoned mall area. This was where visitors could buy Jurassic Island merchandise. Tim noticed that the large double doors were open across the way on the other side. The opened doors let a little bit of light in the room, but it was still very dark. He quietly motioned to Lex to go in that direction. Tim was just about to follow her when...


The large door that Tim just shut behind him suddenly flew open! Tim let out a very loud scream, while Lex just dove down behind a nearby check out area. Tim glimpsed a fast moving figure coming straight for him. Very fast! Tim suddenly realized, to his relief, that it was a man - not a carnivorous dinosaur. The man ran right into Tim, knocking him down to the concrete floor. Tim and the man came crashing down with a giant thud. Tim looked up at the man and thought he looked vaguely familiar.

When something ran into the room and knocked Tim down, Lex took cover and started to search for a weapon. She found one. It was a part of a metal clothing rack. It was pretty big and a little awkward to swing around, but she managed. She started to run toward the man that tackled her brother. She figured it was Bodan.

Tim was finally able to recognize the man. It wasn't Bodan, like he had guessed, too. It was Alan Grant! But how and why he was here was a mystery.

Alan started to get up and apologize, but as he rose to his feet, Lex attacked him from behind. He fell right back to the ground, as he was struck in the head by the metal rack. After a few moments to get his bearings back, he tried to turn over. As he did, he quickly had to get out of the way of another attack. The metal rack came crashing down next to his ribs, just missing him. Now he finished turning over and looked in the direction of the attacker.

Lex stood over him yelling at the man to leave her brother alone. She was on her third swing, when she finally saw who she was attacking.

"Dr. Grant? Oh, my God! I thought you were going to hurt my brother! Dr. Grant? Dr. Grant? Are you okay? Dr. Grant?"

Alan peered up at his attacker. His head was spinning. He was very lucky that it wasn't a direct hit to his head, as he could have been killed. He couldn't quite focus on the figure hoovering over him, ranting on and on and on. Then Lex came into focus.

"I take it, you're not happy to see me?" Alan said slowly.

Lex helped Alan to his feet. His head was almost clear now. He noticed how much older and mature she looked. She must have been in her twenties by now.

Lex was happy to see Alan, at first. Then, she remembered how he was the one abusing Ellie. Her smile faded away, as she lifted the clothing rack back up and attempted to hit him again.

Alan, who was not expecting that kind of welcome, was almost struck square in the jaw with the blunt instrument. He reached out and grabbed it, halting the attack.

"What was that for?" He shouted in a confused manner.

"You woman abuser!" Lex yelled, as she jerked the clothing rack from Alan's grasp.

Tim grabbed Lex's arm, as she was about to take another swing.

"What are you doing?" He yelled to his sister.

Lex wrestled her arm away from Tim and was about to attack again.

"He abuses Ellie, Tim. He's not that nice person that we remember."

Alan backed away from Lex, leaving some space between them. He heard everything Lex was saying and was dumbfounded by it all. He looked at Lex and held his hands up.

"I give up, I give up. I have no idea what you're talking about, though."

"Yeah, Lex. What are you talking about?" Tim asked.

Lex took a break from attacking Alan. She lowered the clothing rack to her side.

"I saw Ellie," she said.

Alan was happy to hear that. He put his hands down.

"You did? Where? Is she okay?" He asked.

"Oh, good one, Dr. Grant. Like you care," Lex said.

Alan was really puzzled by Lex's demeanor.

"Lex, is Ellie okay? Was she hurt?" Alan asked again.

"No, Dr. Grant. She's not hurt. She got away from you."

"I have never hurt Ellie," Alan said.

"Then why was she so scared when Bodan brought it up?"

"You've talked to Bodan?" Alan asked.

"I'm asking the questions, Dr. Grant," Lex said, as she raised the clothing rack back up.

Alan raised his hands again, and took another step away from Lex.

"Okay, okay. Calm down. I have never, in my life, hurt Ellie. Her husband has, though."

"Well, aren't YOU her husband?"

Tim was just standing there, watching the drama unfold. He had no idea what either of them were talking about.

Alan managed to smile. He was still feeling a little bit dizzy from the blow in the head, but he was starting to slowly realize what Lex was getting at.

"No, Lex, I'm not. I'm afraid I screwed that up for myself years ago."

Lex was caught completely off guard.

"Then, who is her husband?"

"His name is Mark Degler."

"And you're sure you're not her husband?"

Alan laughed this time.

"I am absolutely sure. Ellie and I went our separate ways a few years ago."

Lex was beginning to understand now. She started to realize how she had only heard a few facts, and then had simply filled in the missing pieces with her own facts. As she realized all of this, she gave Alan a closer look. He was standing a few feet from her, holding the back of his head. He was hurt because of her. Because of her assumptions. Then she looked at Tim, who was just staring at her. She looked back at Alan.

"Dr. Grant, I am really sorry," Lex said. "I really thought you were the one married to Ellie. I thought you were the one hurting her."

"Can I put my hands down now?"

"Of course. Oh, my God, I'm so sorry," Lex said, as she threw the clothing rack on the floor.

"It's okay. Really. I think I'm all right. Just a little bump on the head, that's all."

Lex frowned, as she thought about how she could have maybe killed him. She couldn't bring herself to look at him again. She looked down at the floor, in embarrassment.

Alan took several steps forward, and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Lex, it's okay. I understand why you did what you did. If I really was hurting Ellie, I would have deserved all that, and more."

"But you didn't."

Alan smiled.

"What could possibly make you smile?" Lex asked.

"Oh, well, I was just thinking that when we get back to the states, you should meet Mark Degler. You could give him a really wonderful greeting," Alan said, rubbing his head.

"I can't believe I could think you would hurt anyone, Alan. I'm so stupid."

"No, you're not. Look, I wish that I was the one married to Ellie. Things would have been a lot better for her," he said.

He looked at Tim and Lex. He had no idea why he just rambled about wishing he was married to Ellie. It hadn't helped at all. He stared at Lex. She still seemed embarrassed by what had happened.

"Let's just get this behind us, okay? I'm all right. Come here."

Lex quickly went to Alan's awaiting arms. He embraced her. She felt so completely safe. All the things she was remembering earlier to calm herself down, rushed back into her mind, as Alan held her. The one person she wished was here with her, was now here with her. And she really felt like he had forgiven her for almost killing him. She wished this moment could last longer. She didn't want to let him go yet.

Tim was standing behind Alan. He noticed some blood on the back of his head.

"Dr. Grant, I think it might be more than a bump on your head," Tim said. "You're bleeding."

Alan let Lex go and checked the back of his head.

"I was already bleeding before that. I'll be fine."

Tim nodded. Now that they were all calm, Alan took a good look at the boy.

"Tim, how old are you now? Are you out of high school yet?"

"Yeah, I just graduated . . . about two days ago. I'm 18," Tim said, thinking about how much longer it seemed, when he received his diploma.

"Congratulations," Alan said.


Alan looked at Lex.

"Tim's 18, so that makes you, what? Twenty-something?"

"Twenty-two," she said.

Alan laughed.

"Wow. Where did the time go? I turn my back for a minute, and the two of you become adults," Alan said, smiling.

The following chapter was going to happen some time after Alan and Ellie finished using the computer, near the end of the story. Ethan was going to meet back up with them, in this alternative chapter. A little background: Ethan was in a building, alone. He was about to go and meet up with Alan and Ellie, when he was stopped. Ian, Jodie, Tim and Lex were all in the Visitors Center.

In the Visitors Center, there is a safety mechanism installed. It is designed to stop the water from going past the first floor of the building, in case the underwater viewing areas are tampered with, or unexpectedly cracked. This process is known as "activating the flood gates". It would seal the Visitors Center up, stopping the large amount of water from overflowing into the park, much like the emergency doors that shut on Jacob and Smith, when they were in the underground area. So, here's that chapter:

Another Bonus Chapter: Bodan/Jacob Alan/Ellie/Ethan

Ethan turned around to see Jacob standing in the doorway. He looked very upset.

"What's going on, Ethan?"

Ethan became understandably scared. The prospect of Jacob being angry with him was very intimidating. He looked down, without answering.

"You should look at your executioner, young Ethan," a different voice stated.

Ethan looked up quickly. He already knew who it was. When he looked up and stood face to face with Bodan, he started to physically shake.

"Mr. Bodan, sir. Why do I feel like I'm in trouble?" Ethan asked nervously.

Bodan shook a finger at him.

"Ethan, Ethan, Ethan. You have been very busy. Why not take responsibility for your actions? It could prove to be easier on you," Bodan said coldly.

Ethan was about to deny any involvement again, when Alan and Ellie were escorted, by gunpoint, into the room.

"Now, Ethan. I know, for a fact, that these two couldn't have possibly shut off the power in the Pterodactyl Aviary and redirected that power to the Megalodon Holding Area, on their own."

Ethan was sweating very badly. He wiped the sweat away from his forehead, as Bodan and Jacob continued to stare at him for answers.

"Mr. Bodan. I told them how to use the computer, to save us all from the Meg. It was about to free itself. That would have been a disaster, don't you think?" Ethan asked, hoping and praying that his punishment wouldn't be death.

"Ethan, I want you to do something for me," Bodan said.

"What, sir?"

"Activate the flood gates in the Visitors Center."

Ethan shook his head.

"I can't do that, sir."

Alan and Ellie weren't really clear about what Bodan was asking Ethan. They stood quietly, trying to figure it out.

"Ethan. I advise that you do what you are told," Jacob suggested.

Jacob lifted up his gun, aiming it at Ethan. Ethan took a deep breath.

"If I activate the flood gates, the people in the Visitors Center will be drowned."

"Yes. But the Meg would be pulled back to the Underwater Viewing Area, allowing us to capture it," Jacob said.

Alan and Ellie suddenly realized what was being asked of Ethan. Ian, Jodie, Tim and Lex were trapped in the Visitors Center. They would be killed. Alan stepped forward, to Ellie's dismay.

"Please, don't do that," Alan said to Bodan.

Jacob lowered his gun down and walked up to Alan. Ethan sighed with relief, as the gun wasn't aimed toward him anymore.

"The people in the Visitors Center are very insignificant to me, Dr. Grant. But the Meg is another story. Sometimes people are just in the wrong place at the wrong time," Jacob said.

Alan was getting angrier. He knew that he was no match for one of the giant men, much less two of them. But he wasn't going to stand by and do nothing, while people he cared about were killed.

"Wrong place, wrong time? That's it?" Alan asked.

"Don't get involved in this. You will be sorry," Jacob said.

Bodan just stood by, not saying a word. Anger was welling up inside him, though. He was about ready to shut Alan up.

"Well, I am already involved in this. Taking my cousin hostage guaranteed my being involved," Alan said.

Ellie nervously walked up to Alan and grabbed his arm, pulling him gently back.

"Alan, this can't turn out in your favor. Please, step back."

Alan knew that Ellie was right. He started to take a few steps back, like she asked. As he did, Bodan rushed him and attacked him. Bodan grabbed a hold of his left arm and pulled Alan toward him. As he pulled, Alan groaned. Ellie tried to get between them, but Bodan was too quick. He punched Alan in his wounded shoulder, as hard as he could. Alan screamed in agony, but Bodan didn't let go. He struck him in the shoulder two more times, with perfectly executed punches. He spun Alan around, so that they were facing Ellie. He violently pushed Alan toward her. Ellie wasn't able to stop him from falling. He hit the floor hard, face and wounded shoulder first. Blood had splattered from the wound, as it had partially broken open.

"Oh, God. Alan? Alan?" Ellie yelled, as she quickly dropped down to check on him.

Alan didn't answer her. He just lay on the floor, reeling in pain. He didn't even look up at her. His breathing was labored, as he finally brought his other arm around, to hold onto the source of the pain.

Bodan stood over them, smiling.

"Talking just didn't seem to be working with the good doctor," he said to Jacob.

Jacob smiled. He didn't usually care for Bodan's temper, but in this particular instance, it didn't bother him. He directed his attention back to Ethan, as he raised the gun again.

"Ethan. Activate the flood gates. Right now. I won't ask again."

Ethan began to slowly walk toward the computer. Bodan came up to him, grabbed him by the shirt and forced him into the chair.

"There. Activate the damn flood gates. Now," Bodan ordered.

Ellie was still sitting next to Alan. He still wasn't looking at her, but his level of pain seemed to be slowly coming down. He finally looked at her. When he saw the concern on her face, he tried to stop her from worrying.

"I'm . . . okay," he looked over at Bodan and Jacob. They were both over by Ethan, with their backs turned. "We've got . . . to stop them," he managed to get out between gasps and winces.

Ellie glanced over at them. She looked back at Alan.

"Alan, if you try and stop them, I'm sure they'll kill you," she whispered.

"Better me, than all of those young people. They have their whole lives ahead of them."

Ellie stared at him for a moment. She didn't know how to respond to that. Her first reaction was to tell him that he had a whole new life ahead of him, too. But she knew that wouldn't help matters. She finally nodded.

"Okay. Do you have a plan?"

"No," he said, trying his best to smile.

On a side note, I was going to do something with the Meg near the end, but decided against it. That's why there is so much stuff focused on the Meg, in the above chapter.


And there you have it. The "lost chapters". I hope they were enjoying, and I apologize for the lack of dinosaur action in them. It's just that all the dinosaur action that I had written made it into the story already.