"This… This is all your fault…" Crys muttered. "GOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLD! WHERE THE HELL ARE WE?" Gold had brought Silver and her to a long and crumbling hallway, only to fall in pit hole after a few steps. It had somehow brought them to a white room that had no exits besides the hole that they came from. The room was fully empty.

Gold gave a nervous chuckle and a big grin. He put his hand under his chin and started stroking his non-existent beard. "Hmm, that is a good question, young grasshopper… Where are we…? Hmm…"

"Gold… Are you shitting me?" Silver asked with a glare.

"Ah, but I shit you not, young panda bear."

"Panda? Really?"

Gold shrugged. "Your fat and ugly, so I thought, why the hell not?"

"…Then fuck you too."

"Gold, Silver," Crys could barely contain her anger. "Get us out of here then do whatever the hell you want. Unlike you two, well okay, maybe only Gold, I actually have some things to do!"

Gold held up his hands. "Whoa there, super serious gal. One of the main reasons I dragged you in here was so that you could relax."

Silver glared at him. "…Then why am I here?" His best frenemy gave a all too annoying grin.

"I brought you down here because… wait for it…" He paused for dramatic effects. "…I felt like it!"

Silver gave him a "what-the-fuck-man?" look and Crys face palmed.

"Gold, I swear you are going to be the death of us…"

*Clink, clank, swoosh*


"What was that?" The three of them saw a blinding white light appear from the hole they fell from, causing them to close their eyes shut. Once they opened their eyes once more, the hole had miraculously closed up and three doors appeared in front of them.

"Welcome to the Virtual Simulator Generator!" A hologram of a girl in a maid uniform with brown hair appeared.


"What would you like to live in today?"


"Would you like fantasy, horror, ninja, pirate, host club, Maid café, sparkly sparkly neko desu, green,-"

~ half an hour later…~

"-Slenderman, Hetalia, or none of the above?" By the time the maid finished, Gold, Silver and Crys blanked out.

"U-uh, wh-what's the most popular…?" Crys snapped out of it.

"The most requested would be "fear world" where in you would have to face your biggest fear. Would you like this to be played?"

"Uh… N-no thank you… um, what's the second most requested…?"

"That would be "Paradise", where in all your greatest wishes will be played, including the ones hidden deep inside."

"Oh… then, we'll, um, take that one, I guess?"

"Very well then. Please each enter one room." The hologram bowed and disappeared.

"So… I guess I'll see you guys later…?" Gold said awkwardly as the group was in front of their respective doors.

Silver entered the room as per requested. He saw a comfy-looking chair and a helmet. He also saw two other doors apart from the one he came from.

"Please take a seat." The maid-hologram had once again appeared and gestured to the seat. Silver complied and sat down, although a bit cautious. The hologram calmly walked to him and picked up the helmet.

Silver blinked in disbelief. "…What the…?"

The maid-hologram(?) gave a sweet smile. "Please make your self comfortable." And she forcibly shoved the helmet onto his head. He could feel it somehow moving and adjusting to his head.

One minute later, the glasses lit up and literally, right before his eyes it said: WELCOME TO VIRTUAL SIMULATOR GENERATOR! ENTERING "PARADISE"… LOADING…

And he soon found himself in a small house.

He looked down and saw he was in his school uniform. "I'm home." He felt like he had to say it.

"Oh!" A voice replied. "Welcome home, son!" It came out of the kitchen. He prepared himself for a burglar imitating someone he knew. He scoffed. Doesn't the burglar know he lives alone? As the shadow became bigger he positioned himself for a kick…

But out came Giovanni.

In a heart shaped apron.

Which was pink.

What. The. Fuck?

Silver stopped mid-kick.

Gold woke up to Crystal right next to him.

On a bed.


He blinked then immediately grinned.

I could get used to this…

He heard a gasp from the door. He looked and saw Yellow standing there, trying to stop her tears from falling. "Gold, how could you…?"

It was that moment that Crys decided to wake up. "Huh…? Gold? Wha…?" She looked towards the door, blinked, then turned towards Gold angrily. "I thought you told me at the bar that you were single! SINGLE!" She screeched. Gold winced.

"What?" Yellow cried. "Am I not a good enough girlfriend to you?"

I suppose one of my wishes was to have two girls fighting over me… but, why THIS scenario?

"Excuse me," Another voice demanded. "What do you think your doing with my husband?"

It was Blue.



Crys stared blankly at the fancy door. She looked up and it read "Music Room 3". She sighed and, clutching her books, entered.

Immediately, she was showered with rose petals.

"Welcome, mademoiselle." A sparkly voice said. She looked up and saw… Gold?

"Hmph. Crystal Stone, third-year's valedictorian." It was Ruby… with a creepy computer and glasses?

"Uwah~ So that means your really smart right~?" What the… Red?

"…" A man sighed irritably and glared at the man. …Green? "No duh."

"Well then," An elbow rested on her right side. Di… a?

"What would you like?" Another one rested on her left side. P-Pearl?

"Would you like…" The two men on both sides of her lifted her chin so that she would be looking at both of their eyes. "Us?"

The last man gave a smile. "Please, take a seat." She ran to the couch without second thought. She looked up and saw a blob of red hair. He looked familiar but she could really tell…

"U-um… where am I exactly?" She asked politely.

"Ohohoho…" Gold grinned. "You are at…" They all positioned themselves. "Pokedex Host Club©!(Yes, there was a copyright.)"


Wait. Wait. WAIT. Waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait .

That means…



That was the world exploding.


"Thank you for trying VSG! Please come again next time! Also, if you wish to fix yourself up, you may take the door to the left." The hologram disappeared with a swoosh. A small TV then came up reading: ENTERED AT 17:14. FINISHED AT 18:44.

Crystal looked blankly at the ceiling.

"What… was that?"

She fixed herself up in the bathroom before heading out.

"So uh, what was yours all about?" Gold started off with an unsure grin.

"Mine… Oh god… I don't want to talk about it." Silver grimaced.

"Yeah… Me too…" Crys grimaced with Silver. "But, hey, am I the only one who heard an explosion?"

Gold thought a bit. "I think I heard one, but I was already out when I heard it."

Silver nodded. "I heard on too, after I removed the helmet."

"Huh… I wonder what that was…?"

"Eh… probably not that important…"

In the surface world…

"SILVER?" Blue shouted in a massive crater. "ARE YOU THERE?"

"…Uh, Blue?" Red asked slightly terrified. "Where did you get that grenade? Or that gun?"




I haven't updated in god knows how long, but… I had to deal with schoolwork~!


(And derp, sorry for the filler~ And the shortness… DON'T KILL ME!)