((FINALLY got an idea on how to keep this going. Sorry it's taking so long. I did get advice to put everything literary on-hold and take a break from fanfiction. I've done that before when I had no internet or computer. I turn to paper and ink after that. It's not that I can't come up with any idea at all, I just have a hard time stopping the idea process with new stories. But when inspiration strikes, I try not to lose it. Please forgive my flightiness...
Thanks to all who have favorited and reviewed this story since the last post. You all really do keep me going and I do try to take all advice. I appreciate everyone's imput and patience with this unfortunate writer. ENJOY!))
Chapter 12: Confrontation
Kaoru Hitachiin was angry. It didn't happen often since he spent most of his time keeping Hikaru's emotions in check. But even the calm ones have to blow up sometime. But he just huffed and stormed out the door, his older brother being the one to chase after him for once. He couldn't start shit with Mori-sempai. Not with Artemis being so close by. She would hear the commotion and rush to the samurai's aid. He couldn't watch her do that without at least getting closer to her heart. Right now, he would only be asking for heartbreak.
"Kaoru, wait up!" Hikaru called, finally falling into step with his younger twin. His golden gaze was filled with worry and confusion. It was clear that he didn't understand what was going on with him. He'd seen the glare, seen him try to include a perfect stranger into their games. Haruhi was one thing but Artemis was quite another. A commoner was easier to deal with than a runaway slave. And though he didn't really wish her any harm, he couldn't see why Kaoru had suddenly adopted this pushy persona that was usually his. Unless... "It's Artemis, isn't it?"
The younger redhead continued down his path, rage burning in his eyes as he jerked the door to their limo open and slammed it shut. Hikaru sighed and opened the door again, closing the door in a fashion that was always more similar to Kaoru's doing. "You're acting ridiculous..." Oh, that was rich coming from him.
"I'm acting ridiculous?" Kaoru hissed, glaring at his other half. "What about HIM?! Mori-sempai just goes around, hogging her and ordering her around like she's his slave or something! And she calls him MASTER... Didn't she get enough of that the first time?! Her last "master" beat her!"
Hikaru sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Mori-sempai isn't going to beat her. You and I both know that. And so what if she wants him to fill that role? Whatever makes her happy, right? Besides, she's just a dumb girl who can't decide anything for herself."
Kaoru's narrowed eyes gleamed with fiery rage. That apparently was the wrong thing to say. "I'm going to teach her how to be her own person! It's just weird how they're playing at a master/slave relationship! That kind of play should be reserved for when they're a couple and going at it like rabbits in May!"
"Kaoru, stop. It's her business... but, if it means so much to you, I'll be by your side on this. I don't like her since you spend your time watching her when you should be watching me during the club..."
The younger twin stopped his fuming and looked over at Hikaru, a stunned look on his face. "Hikaru..." he whispered, realizing that his most loved person was jealous of Artemis. He gently took his hand. "I'm sorry... I mean, I didn't mean to make you angry with me... but Artemis... she..."
Hikaru sighed softly. "Yeah, yeah, I know. I get it. This is like payback for me liking Haruhi... Except you went a step beyond the taboo of liking someone below you. And the fact that she's attached to someone else... Kaoru, be careful..." He pulled the younger twin into his arms and held him in a gentle embrace.
Kaoru nodded and returned the hug, realizing how much he actually needed it. And he slowly calmed down. Realizing that he couldn't exactly command Artemis to do anything without getting some sort of servantile crap from her, he realized that he would have to talk to Mori-sempai in the morning. Hopefully he didn't have some weird fetish and refuse to listen to him.
The next morning, Hikaru stood by Kaoru's side as they awaited Mori and Honey's arrival. The older twin was a bit grumpy since they'd worken up early to catch their sempai's coming to school. They didn't exactly want a big crowd.
The long awaited seniors entered the scene and Honey didn't look happy. Of course, it was fairly early for the little 3rd year. Kaoru looked at Hikaru and whispered, "Keep Honey busy. I'm gonna talk to Mori alone, okay?"
Hikaru looked stunned at his younger twin but nodded as he silently prayed for his eternal soul. They swooped in like the twin terrors they were, Hikaru easily kidnapping the sleepy Honey-senpai, leaving Kaoru to handle a now visibly distressed Mori-senpai.
"Mitsukuni!" Takashi called out, trying to dodge the younger Hitachiin to no avail. Then he put his silver orbs into a clash with Kaoru's gold. "What is the meaning of this?"
Kaoru tilted his head, motioning for the senior to follow him. They soon stopped under the cover of the cherry blossom trees. Turning around, he asked, "Where's Artemis?"
"Home. She needed to rest still."
"Did you force her to? You always command her a dog or something..." There was no response so Kaoru continued, "Tell me this isn't some sick kind of sex-kink... I see the way you look at her but then she spouts that 'master' bullshit and I don't know what to think. But it pisses me off!"
Takashi Morinozuka was blushing softly now, eyes turned away. He could not seem to gather his words together so again, the younger man continued in his slowly increasing explosion. "You better not be taking advantage of her, damnit! She needs someone to rely on, not another sick bastard to get his jollies off while using her like a toy!"
"Kaoru!" Mori's voice echoed around them, the very trees seeming to rattle in terror. But it did the trick in getting the Hitachiin boy to shut up. "...she wants to be my slave. I don't want her like that but she refuses to see me in any other way. I will protect her from her old master but I can't do that if she runs away. I-I'm afraid that if she stops trying to be my slave, she'll leave in fear of being found... She feels like she needs that type of relationship and even...she threw herself at me to try to be useful! Damnit, Kaoru, if you have a way to get her to realize that I don't want her that way and can still have her in my life, I'd love to hear it! My brother thinks I'm a pervert and my mother's screaming at me not to make her a grandmother! And my father..." The Morinozuka heir's face paled as he shuddered at some unspeakable memory the Hitachiin could not understand. "Until you can help me in this situation... do not yell at me for crimes I did not commit."
Mori-senpai left with a haunted look on his face, Kaoru leaning against a tree trunk with shaking legs. That could have gone better...
((I keep forgetting the disclaimer but really, besides for my girl Artemis, who else could I own in this story? Oh... yeah, the blond bitch... tee hee...))