Patricia's POV


I read your book. It was really good. I knew you would write something amazing. The ending was great, but I'm really hoping you'll write a sequel. I mean, your characters were great together... They shouldn't just let what they had go.

It seemed like the character Patricia wasn't happy at the end. I know you said she was facing reality, but you know what they say- If you're not happy with your reality, change it. Who knows, maybe Eddie doesn't want to face that reality either.

Hopefully next time Patricia sees him in the coffee shop, she'llapproach him. And maybe he'll keep his eye out for her, as well.


I bit my lip, taking in everything the letter said. I had read it over three times and it still seemed ridiculous. Eddie couldn't want to get back together! He was the one who broke up with me. Although, he could've-

"What's that?" Nina asked, nodding her head towards the piece of paper. She sat in the seat across from me, Amber sitting beside her and Joy sitting beside me.

"Oh, nothing." I lied, quickly moving to stuff it in my purse.

"Didn't look like nothing." Joy said, raising her eyebrows. I racked my brain for an excuse and sipped at my latte.

"It's just the coffee guy's phone number." I lied easily. Nina and Joy whipped around to look at the coffee guy while Amber gaped at me.

"What! I've been trying to get his number for weeks! That's not fair- I called dibs." Amber said matter-of-factly and snatched the paper from my hands. She quickly unfolded it and scanned over the words. A smile slowly spread across her face as she read every word Eddie had written.

"Well, this doesn't look like a phone number." She said cheekily, passing the letter to Nina. Joy looked at me questioningly while I held my head down in my hands.

"Where'd you get this, Patricia?" Nina asked, handing the note off to Joy.

"I guess Eddie had asked the barista to give it to me the next time I was here." I confessed. Joy finished the note, a pout on her face.

"Write a sequel. Please. Don't let it end!" Joy exclaimed, looking at me with her lip sticking out. I chuckled and shook my head, bringing the straw of my latte to my lips.

"You can't honestly say that you don't want to get back together. You're Peddie!" Amber exclaimed, joining Joy with her encouragement.

"Nina, help." I begged, turning to look at Nina. She pursed her lips and gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Sorry, Patricia. I have to side with them on this one."

"Thanks a lot, Nina." I muttered. The trio took hold of the note again, squealing at what Eddie had written. Every now and then I would catch the phrases, "He's so sweet!" or "If she doesn't date him, I will!".

While they sat at the table fawning over my love life, I sat in silence trying to figure out my love life. Maybe Eddie was right- sometimes you have to change your own reality.

The next day, I was walking through London with my laptop bag at my side. Joy had been in a bad mood all day, so I decided that I would get out of the apartment we had bought and go work somewhere else. I brushed by people dressed in suits and ties on their way to the office and I couldn't help but laugh at the irony- My work clothes normally consisted of pajamas or shorts and a t-shirt.

I ran a hand through my red hair and was about to open the door to my usual coffee shop when a head of blonde hair caught my eye. There he was; the star of my book. He stood in line, waiting to be served at the register. I debated walking away and going to a different coffee shop, but I decided to man up and face him. I walked into the store, a burst of cold air hitting me as I opened the door. I adjusted my laptop strap and walked over to the line, standing right behind Eddie.

"Haven't seen you in a while." I commented. Eddie whipped around to look at me and raised his eye brows.

"Yeah, it has been a while. I'd tell you that I read your book, but I'm pretty sure I've already made that clear." He said with a smirk. I laughed and nodded, enjoying having a conversation with him. "So what are you up to?"

"Well, I came here with my laptop to get some work done. I've been tossing around the idea of a sequel to my book and I decided that I might start writing it today." I said, waiting for him to pick up on my subtext. He smiled widely and crossed his arms.

"A sequel sounds really good- something I'd definitely be interested in reading."

"Would it be something you'd be interested in helping write? I don't think I could write it without you help."

"Yeah, that sounds unbelievable." Eddie said, nodding coolly. He continued our innuendo by adding, "Maybe we could start the sequel by going out to dinner sometime."

"It's a date." I said with a smile. Eddie grinned before turning around and ordering his coffee. They handed him a to-go mug and he handed her the money.

"Later, Yacker." He said and walked out of the cafe with a smile on his face.

Who knows- maybe this sequel could turn out to be a best seller.

By the way, the last sentence is totally part of the innuendo-subtext stuff. Well, this is the first chapter of the sequel! Let me know how the start was! Leave ideas and comments in the reviews, please! I'll update when I get a sufficient amount of reviews! x.