Hi this is my first Fan Fiction of all time. I absolutely love Young Justice. I hope that you like this. PLEASE review I need to know if I'm cut out for writing amazing stories about THE best teenage superheroes of all time.

I got this idea and I fell in love with it. Again if you have any ideas for me please put it in a review so I know how to make this the best story ever.

Disclaimer: I Own Nothing… Nothing at all, sadly.

She Shouldn't Have Died Prologue

October 30, 2012 2:22 PM

It was horrible. Absolutely horrible with no end in sight. It wasn't supposed to be like this. This isn't right. She shouldn't have died.

Her funeral was depressing. The whole league, the team, and Roy were there. The worst part was not being able to find her body. They made a small place in the Queen section of the cemetery in Star City to remember her by. They were all reacting in different ways.

Kaldur felt like he had let down the team. It should have been him not her. She was part of the team. She was like a sister to him. She shouldn't have died.

M'gann was bawling. She held on to Conner, crying into his shirt. It was so saddening. She had lost her first female friend on Earth. Not only that, she was her first Earth sister. She shouldn't have died.

Conner couldn't believe it. He was holding on to his crying girlfriend. He was burning with anger, not only at whoever planted the bomb but also at himself for not being able to save her. Whoever caused this was going to pay greatly. She shouldn't have died.

Zatanna cried. She was a best friend to her. She was depressed. First she lost her dad to heroism now her friend was also lost. Life is horrible. She shouldn't have died.

Robin stood there, staring at the tombstone. He lost another person in his life. First both his parents now his teammate, his friend. The two had also befriended at school. Now she is dead. It was all his fault. He shouldn't have told her to go. He knew the majority of the people here didn't blame him, but he blamed himself and most of all it seemed Wally blamed him. Robin couldn't live if his best friend hated his guts AND he sent one of his own teammates to her death. This is why he didn't want to be leader anymore. This is why. He cried. It was all his fault. He just couldn't believe it. She shouldn't have died.

Roy stared. He didn't cry. His barriers didn't break. He had actually become somewhat close to her. When Ollie was busy he had helped her train with a little pushing to both of them from Dinah. They actually had become like brother and sister with all the similarities that they shared. She shouldn't have died.

Wally couldn't believe it. He had huge mood swings, going from crying out of sorrow to being over the top with anger at whomever had planted the bomb, himself for not being able to save her, and Robin. It was his fault. He had sent her to her death. There was so much he wanted to tell her, so much he wanted, but he will never be able to say them. This was worse than in the training exercise. He knew she wasn't waking up. He knew he would never hear any of her smart comments, never hear her beautiful laugh ever again. He would never see her silky hair, never see her beautiful, understanding eyes ever again. Life was over for him. And the worst part was remembering the last time he had spoken to her directly. How harsh he was. He was so sorry now. He would avenge her death. She shouldn't have died.

It was so sad. The entire league was either in tears, close to it, or supporting the ones crying. There were only two problems with the whole scene. Robin was the only one who noticed one of these things. Batman, Green Arrow, and Black Canary were all deep in thought. They didn't show any emotion at all. For Batman that was completely normal most of the time. This time, though, Batman should be a little emotional at least enough for Robin to detect.

What really surprised Robin was how Dinah and Ollie reacted. They didn't look sad, angry, or non-believing; with how close the two had grown close to her you would think they would have reacted in some way. Robin decided to investigate later. He wanted to find out a way to make all this right.

The other problem was only noticed by Batman, Black Canary, and Green Arrow. They noticed how none of her family was there. The only other ones who knew about her family were Robin and Roy, but they didn't seem to notice that none of them were there.

Batman tried to reach her mom, but Paula didn't answer any of the phone calls. Then one time the three of them went to the apartment. They knocked but no one answered and no one was in the apartment when the three superheroes broke in. The three had talked and each had their own theory on what had happened. They were all planning on investigating farther to find out the truth on what had happened to the girl.

What none of them, not alien nor bat, noticed was the set of eyes watching their every move.

Well how was it. For those of you who couldn't guess Artemis died. I'll explain how in the next chapter. Please don't turn me away if you don't like character death. I don't either I just thought this totally worked. This isn't the normal Character Death story, there's an odd twist to it. Well I need all your reviews good and bad. I really need help with some of my wording. Please help me.
