"Katniss" Peeta said pleadingly, "I want children. Give me one good reason why you won't now." He walked past her, leaning on the table. This had been a struggle he's been keeping alive for years. They loved each other, so why not?

Katniss crossed her arms over her chest. One good reason? That should be easy enough. The more she wracked her brain, though the more good she saw in it. She never wanted kids years ago. Her and Gale had made that promise. Oh, her and Gale. They were the so much trouble. Don't get this wrong. Katniss still had reasons not to, but she could see reasons why Peeta would want them. She couldn't disagree either.

"They would have Haymitch around them all the time. That can't possibly be a good way to grow up. On top of that, what happens when they sneak into our beds after a nightmare and find us in our own?" Katniss said. It wasn't fair to them.

"They will get the hint and know not to listen to everything Haymitch says, besides he would never hurt them. As far as the nightmares, we hardly ever get out of hand with them. We could handle being woken for them." Peeta was not going to let up. "Other than that, you see how we've looked out for each other in the past. We have good instincts. We could be really good parents." Katniss scowled and looked at him. Peeta just smiled, though. Walking over he put his arms around her waist. "Listen, I guess overall it's up to you. I want you to be happy."

Leaning in Peeta gently placed a kiss on Katniss's lips and knew he had her. She did want him to be happy. And who knew, maybe this would make her happy too.

"OK- fine!" Katniss said in between kisses.