A/n This is the last chapter of this short story and I hope that you like it. Reviews, as always, are much appreciated.

Chapter 6

Yoda walked through what was left of the Jedi Temple with Shaak Ti at his side. The Togruta Jedi Master barely managed to survive the clones turning on her while she was on Utapau and had immediately returned to Coruscant onboard Grievous's personal ship. Yoda had met her outside of the Jedi Temple when they were confronted by the clones they used to fight alongside. The clones had immediately begun firing on them. After narrowly escaping the onslaught, they sought refuge within the ruins of the Jedi Temple but Yoda couldn't help but feel saddened at the many bodies that were lying scattered across the floor.

"Who could've done this?" Shaak Ti said gazing around with shock in her eyes.

"Did this the clones did," Yoda said. "Died from blaster wounds they did."

Shaak Ti walked around eyes narrowed. "There aren't as many younglings, Padawans and knights as I would have thought had the clones really decided to kill every Jedi in the temple."

"Warned they were ahead of time," said Yoda. "The only explanation that is. See what occurred we will on the security holorecording."

"I'm not so sure I want to see," Shaak Ti murmured but nevertheless followed Yoda as he led the way to one of the communications terminals that lay within the training room they had just entered, which only had three bodies lying outside it. He imputed the codes before watching as a holorecording of what occurred within the Jedi Temple began to play.

The hologram recording outlined what occurred before the 501st attacked, which covered Skywalker and Kenobi teaming up to get as many of the younglings out of the room as possible. Yoda tapped into the security cameras that looked over the hallway and watched as Masters Drallig, Nu and Che ordered Skywalker and Kenobi to leave with the younglings, which numbered around two-hundred if Yoda had counted correctly. He and Shaak Ti watched as Masters Drallig, Nu and Che were shot down by the clones before they made their way deeper into the temple, not bothering on looking for an alternate route out.

"Find the tunnel Skywalker and Kenobi used to get the younglings out the clones did not," Yoda said softly stopping the recording. "Alive are at least two-hundred younglings. Saved them Skywalker and Kenobi did."

"But where are they?"

"Escaped Coruscant they likely did." Yoda heaved a sigh. "Contact them you will, Master Ti, and join them."

Shaak Ti was silent, lekku twitching with concern. "What of you, Master Yoda?"

"Confront Palpatine I will," Yoda said. "Behind this he is. Told me so through the Force Master Windu did."

"Speaking of Master Windu, is he…?"

"Alive he is and with Skywalker and Kenobi. Where they are at I do not know."

"I'll find them, Master Yoda. May the Force be with you."

"And you as well, Master Ti," Yoda said before he walked off. He immediately made his way toward the Senate Building almost as soon as he left the Jedi Temple behind. He knew Shaak Ti would leave Coruscant on the next available flight if she didn't take the shuttle she 'borrowed' from General Grievous. While Yoda made his way to the Senate Building, he contacted Senator Organa. Perhaps the Senator will know where Skywalker and Kenobi went when they left Coruscant.

"Master Yoda, this is a pleasant surprise. I am glad to hear that you are all right," Organa's voice sounded over the comlink.

Yoda heaved another sigh. "All right the Jedi Order is not however," he admitted. "Going to the Senate Building to confront the Emperor I am." Yoda had heard Palpatine's announcement over the holonet when he returned to Coruscant. "Wish to know where Skywalker and Kenobi are I do."

"I would tell you if this was a secure channel, Master Yoda," Organa said apologetically, "but Masters Windu, Skywalker and Kenobi made me promise to tell no one unless the channel was secure. We don't want word of their whereabouts reaching Palpatine's ears."

"A smart move that is," Yoda decided. "Figure out their location later I will. Right now, focus on defeating Palpatine I must."

"If you need any help, Master Yoda, contact me and I'll help you to the best of my ability," Organa said. "I do not agree with what Palpatine did to the Jedi Order so I will help you in any way that I can."

"Thank you I do, Senator Organa. A lift to the Senate building I could use if it is possible."

"I'll be there in a moment, Master Yoda."

A moment turned out to be five minutes but Organa kept his word and was soon landing a speeder in front of Yoda. Yoda hopped into it and Organa immediately flew off toward the Senate Building. "Just call me if you need help, Master Yoda," Organa said.

"I will," replied Yoda before he leapt out of the speeder and immediately made his way toward the rotunda that was the main building within the Senate. He walked into the office where Sidious was standing in front of his desk with his back to the Jedi.

"Master Yoda…you survived," Sidious sneered turning hate-filled yellow eyes to the little green Jedi Grand Master.

Yoda placed his three-fingered hands one on top of the other on his gimer stick. "Surprised?" he declared.

"Your arrogance blinds you, Master Yoda. Now you will experience the full power of the dark side," Sidious hissed lashing out with Force lightning and Yoda immediately stretched out his hands to catch the lightning. The hate and fury behind the lightning was enough to send Yoda skidding a few meters backwards but he managed to hold his own against the onslaught.

Sidious curled his lip into a hate-filled sneer as he broke off the lightning. "I have waited a long time for this moment, my little green friend. At last, the Jedi are no more," he snarled.

"Not if anything to say about it I have!" Yoda replied using the Force to fling Sidious across the room and across his desk.

"At an end your rule is, and not short enough was it."

Sidious snarled in fury but his eyes held a panic as if he had just realized that he was faced with the Grand Master of the Jedi Order, the Jedi with more than 900 years of experience. He fled toward the door but Yoda leapt in front of him and prevented him from leaving before he ignited his lightsaber.

"If so powerful you are…why leave?" he asked calmly.

Sidious snarled igniting his lightsaber. "You will not stop me!" he hissed.

"Faith in the dark side of the Force, misplaced it may be," was all Yoda said in reply before he blocked the blow as Sidious slammed his crimson blade down on Yoda. The two of them sparred back and forth across the office but it wasn't long before their duel took them outside of the office and into the Senate chamber.

Yoda did his best to fend off the Sith Lord's furious attacks but Sidious was determined to kill him and so kept coming at him. In spite of his age, Yoda quickly realized that Sidious was a force to be reckoned with. He would not underestimate the Sith Lord however, nine-hundred years of experience taught him to never underestimate an opponent.

Sidious was, by nature, a coward and so sought other ways to kill Yoda. He tossed Senate pods at Yoda, which Yoda deflected back with the Force, and used Force lightning before attacking with his lightsaber whenever he thought Yoda was distracted. However, Yoda was very attuned with the light side of the Force and so sensed the Emperor's attack before it came and he blocked the blow easily.

"Everything went as I planned it," Sidious cackled. "The Sith are once again in control of the galaxy."

"Not for much longer," Yoda said catching another blow before landing lightly on his feet on another pod when Sidious landed a Force push against him.

Sidious's lips curled into a sneer. "You Jedi fool," he sneered before he tossed another Senate pod at Yoda who leapt up to dodge it. However, another pod came sailing at him and Yoda didn't have enough time to dodge it. The pod crashed into him and he was sent flying to the ground before landing with a thud that stunned him.

Yoda was out of breath and winded; he knew he wouldn't be able to defeat Palpatine after a fall like that. No choice I have. Retreat I must, he thought crawling away before climbing into a ventilation shaft. He quickly made his way down the ventilation shaft, head down and breath coming out in short gasps.

"Into exile, I must go," he murmured to himself as he sent a distress signal to Organa's comlink. "Failed, I have."

0 o 0 o 0 o 0

Ahsoka stepped out of the Naberrie household to get some fresh air. The home was a bit more crowded than usual with the twins, Master Obi-Wan and Master Windu staying there for the time being and Ahsoka felt that it was too stuffy for her tastes. As she sat cross-legged on the beach, she was surprised when her comlink beeped and she glanced at it before pulling it out and activating it.

"Tano," she said into it.

"Ahsoka? I am glad you picked up. I have been trying to get a hold of Master Kenobi and Skywalker but was unable to," a familiar female voice sounded at the other end of the comlink. Ahsoka recognized it immediately.

"Master Ti?" she asked.

"Yes. Master Yoda told me to rendezvous with you. Where are you?"

Ahsoka hesitated. "Let me get my master," she said before she put Shaak Ti on hold and dashed back into the Naberrie household.

"Master Skywalker," she called stepping into the living room.

Anakin glanced up from where he was helping Padmé finish changing the twins. "What is it, Ahsoka?" he asked. "I thought you were getting some fresh air."

"I was but Master Ti contacted me," Ahsoka said. "She said she was trying to contact you and Master Kenobi but was unable to reach you."

Anakin frowned. "I think I might have turned my comlink off," he admitted before glancing at Obi-Wan who was checking his comlink.

"I did not hear it go off," Obi-Wan admitted.

Windu grunted lifting himself into a sitting position. Dr. Ryna had healed the most of his wound before assuring everyone else that Windu would heal just fine on his own so long as he rested. "It is nice to hear that Master Ti survived," he said.

"She's told me that Master Yoda told her to rendezvous with us but I don't think we should meet here."

"It wouldn't be a good idea no," agreed Obi-Wan. "The best thing I can think of is to leave Naboo before the Emperor figures out that we have come here."

"Where will we go?" Padmé asked.


"I am not leaving my children," Padmé declared.

"That is something we will have to discuss when we get to wherever we will rendezvous," Windu said. "It is too dangerous to keep the twins together; their Force presence together is so powerful that I am surprised the Emperor doesn't already feel it."

Ahsoka noticed that Windu's words caused Anakin and Padmé to pale and fear to crawl across their eyes. "Shouldn't we worry about that later?" she asked before either parent could reply.

"Yes, we will discuss this when we get to another rendezvous point," said Obi-Wan standing up.

"But where shall we go?"

"An Outer Rim planet," Obi-Wan said eyes narrowed in thought. "Somewhere the Emperor won't think to look for us."

"What about Polis Massa?" Windu suggested. "It's remote, far away from any major trade routes, and it's friendly toward Jedi. I think it might be our best bet."

Since no one had another planet they could think of, they agreed to go to Polis Massa. Ahsoka brought Shaak Ti off hold before informing her that they would be rendezvousing on Polis Massa in the Outer Rim. Shaak Ti acknowledged her words and Ahsoka disconnected the transmission before putting her comlink away.

0 o 0 o 0 o 0

Polis Massa was a small world and Master Windu was correct; the people who lived on the planet were friendly to the Jedi. They accepted the Jedi's arrival and promised to keep their arrival on Polis Massa a secret from the newly formed Empire. Anakin couldn't help but feel relieved at that; it meant that there was less of a chance that Palpatine would find them.

Yoda and Shaak Ti had joined them a day after they arrived. Yoda sighed as he sat at the head of the conference table. "Unable to defeat Palpatine was I," he said softly. "Got the better of me he did. Underestimated him I believe I did."

"We all underestimated him, Master Yoda," Anakin said. "We all didn't see him for what he truly was." He was holding Luke in his arms; he found he couldn't bear to part with the child whose future self had been what prevented him from going to Palpatine's aide and, likely, securing his future as Darth Vader in stone. His beloved son was correct when he told Anakin that he was confident he would be able to save Anakin before he even fell.

Thank you, my son. I promise you that the future you lived in will turn out differently. We will not be separated as we were in your future and I pray I will not become Darth Vader as I did in your future, Anakin thought gazing at the little baby he held in his arms. He lowered his head before gently pressing his lips to the baby's forehead, not caring anymore if the other Jedi saw him.

"Go into exile I will, to Dagobah," Yoda said although Anakin noticed his beady eyes were trained on him. "However, the twins another story they are. Too powerful together they are. Separate them we must."

"They're our children," Padmé, who was holding Leia in her arms, exclaimed. "We won't let you decide their fate without our consent!"

"Padmé," Obi-Wan said with a sigh, "Master Yoda's correct. If we keep the twins together then they'll be in even more danger than if we separate them. Palpatine will sense them almost immediately the longer they are together."

Anakin let out a long sigh. "I hate to say it, Padmé," he said, "but Obi-Wan and Master Yoda are correct. If Palpatine senses Luke and Leia then he will either kill them or try to turn them to the dark side."

Padmé's lips pressed together and tears appeared in her eyes. "I don't want them to be raised separately," she whispered.

"Neither do I, love, but it's their safety that we need to think about."

"Fatherhood has definitely changed you, master," Ahsoka admitted with a faint smile.

Anakin smiled faintly back at his apprentice before looking down at his son who chose that moment to wake up and gaze around with big blue eyes.

"Separate them we will," Yoda said finally. "Hide the rest of us will as well."

Luke whimpered and Anakin glanced down at his son who was gazing up at him with tear-filled blue eyes. "Shhh, it's okay, son, it's okay," he whispered gently before he pressed his lips to Luke's forehead and added, "I will not let you be raised without me, my son, not again."

He thought he had spoken softly but, apparently, he was wrong for Shaak Ti asked, "Again?"

Anakin glanced up in confusion before he realized everyone had heard the words he thought he had whispered. Sighing and shifting his grip on his son, Anakin began to explain what occurred after the Battle of Coruscant.

"That was the main reason why I didn't go to Palpatine's aid even though he promised me he could help save Padmé, who was never in any danger since she gave birth early. I believe Luke coming to the past to speak with me changed the future to where Padmé gave birth early, thus stopping my visions of her dying in childbirth. He was the one that told me of what I would become should I help Palpatine and how I would never really know him in his future. I saved his life in the end, Masters, but I knew nothing about him when I died. Now that I have the chance to raise my son into the fine man I know he will become, I'm going to take it."

"If we have to separate the twins," Padmé said before the Jedi Masters could reply, "then I would suggest that one parent go with each. Anakin can go with Luke and raise him, teach him and make sure he knows about me and his twin sister while I take Leia and do the same thing."

"That is a good plan," said Obi-Wan. "I can go with Anakin. Our Force presences should be able to hide Luke from anyone who would wish to find them. Palpatine already knows we're still alive but I don't think he'll be able to pinpoint our location, not without how vast the galaxy is."

"I can go with Padmé," Ahsoka put in. "We can find someplace to hide out and I can protect them as best as I can. Plus, I can hide my Force presence so Palpatine won't sense me."

"Return to Naboo you will not be able to, Senator Amidala," Yoda said glancing at Padmé. "Hide anywhere but your homeplanet you must. Disguise your appearance you will have to as well."

"What about Alderaan?" Bail said suddenly. "Padmé can come with us and she and Breha could team up to raise Leia. We can make it seem as though Leia's our daughter, to prevent suspicions from arising, and Padmé will still be there to be a mother to Leia."

"A good plan that is," Yoda agreed. "Act as a nanny or nurse Ahsoka can. Disguise your appearance slightly you must, Padawan, however."

"I understand," Ahsoka said.

"What about Luke?" Windu asked. "Where will he, Skywalker and Kenobi go?"

"To family they will go," Yoda said.

Anakin groaned the instant he realized what Yoda was going to say right before he said it.

"Return to Tatooine you must, Skywalker," Yoda said. "Think you will return there Palpatine will not. Stay with your family you will."

"Owen's going to be so thrilled by this," Anakin said sarcastically before he added more seriously, "but, seriously, Master Yoda. My stepbrother doesn't exactly like me."

"His brother you are, Skywalker," Yoda said. "Accept you he will."

"You hope."

Yoda sighed. "The only safe place for your son it is, Skywalker. If wish to stay with your son you do then return to Tatooine you must."

Anakin resisted the urge to sneer angrily. Blackmail, Master Yoda? I never thought you had it in you, he thought but bit his lip to prevent himself from speaking his thought out loud. "Very well, Master Yoda," he said out loud.

"Now, find someplace for you two to hide we must, Master Windu, Master Ti," Yoda said glancing at the dark-skinned Jedi Master and the Togruta Jedi Master.

"I can hide out on Felucia," said Shaak Ti, "and I can hide my Force presence."

Yoda nodded to acknowledge Shaak Ti's words.

"I believe I may be able to return to my homeworld," Windu said. "After all, Palpatine still thinks I'm dead. If I lie low then I should be able to avoid detection for a while on Haruun Kal."

Yoda nodded. "Decided it is then," he said.

"If I may say," Bail said suddenly, "I think it might be a good idea to wipe Threepio's memory."

"What? Why?" Anakin asked.

"He's a blabber mouth, master," Ahsoka said. "I don't think we want the Emperor discovering all of us and where we are and that some of us whom he thought dead actually survived."

Anakin grimaced though he knew his Padawan was correct. "All right," he said. "I'll wipe his memory before we leave Polis Massa. However, I don't think we need to worry about Artoo, Artoo can keep a secret."

Bail nodded. "I suggest that both of them be placed in our care," he said.

"A good idea this is," Yoda agreed. "Decided it is. Go with you, Senator Amidala, Padawan Tano and the little one to Alderaan the droids will."

"Yes Master Yoda."

"Then concluded this meeting is," Yoda said before adding, "However, speak with you alone, Master Kenobi, I wish to."

Obi-Wan looked confused but nodded before following Yoda as the Jedi got to his feet and, leaping off the table, led the way out of the room.

0 o 0 o 0 o 0

"I have the high ground."

"You underestimate my power!"

"Don't try it."

0 o 0 o

"You were the chosen one! It was said you would destroy the Sith, not join them. Bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness."

'I hate you!"

"You were my brother, Anakin, I loved you."

0 o 0 o

"If you only knew the power of the dark side. Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father."

"He told me enough! He told me you killed him!"

"No, I am your father."

0 o 0 o

"You've failed, your Highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me."

0 o 0 o

"Now, you will die!"

0 o 0 o

"Father, please!"

0 o 0 o

Anakin sat up sharply in his bed on the star cruiser he, Luke and Obi-Wan were currently taking to Tatooine, the cry of agony that echoed in his mind brought Luke's words roaring into his mind. He knew, beyond a doubt, that he had seen the future Luke told him about, including some events that Luke didn't tell him about due to the fact that he probably didn't know them. However, Anakin did understand one thing; he understood why he was in that black suit in Luke's future, the first two parts of his dream had showed him what occurred to cause him to end up in that black suit Luke had mentioned.

However, it was the last image of his dream that would forever haunt his mind. Luke had painted the picture in his mind when he first spoke of when Palpatine was electrocuting him but seeing the vivid image himself was even worse than hearing about it.

To make matters worse, Anakin had no idea as to why he was now seeing the future Luke had told him about. He thought he had prevented that future by not turning to Palpatine; so why did this dream come into his mind now? What was it trying to tell him?

These memories, Ani, are only to make sure you remember what you did in the future your son lived through, a soft familiar voice whispered and Anakin looked around before his eyes went wide with he spotted a shimmering Force ghost of someone he did recognize.

Qui-Gon Jinn.

"Master Qui-Gon, what are you doing here?" Anakin asked.

Qui-Gon smiled gently. Just after your son's Force ghost left you after the Battle of Coruscant, he came to me. He asked me to speak to you after you made your decision. He wanted me to tell you that you will never truly forget what happened in that alternate future for it'll help prevent you from ever becoming Darth Vader, he replied silently. Besides, I have been speaking with Master Yoda and Obi-Wan, teaching them of what I accomplished when I became one with the Force. I am willing to teach you this should you be willing to learn.

"What is it?" Anakin asked curiously now fully awake although the dream, like Luke's words, would forever be imprinted in his mind.

How to maintain your conscious self when you become one with the Force, replied Qui-Gon.

"That's possible?"

Your son and I would not have been able to talk to you if it wasn't, was all Qui-Gon said in response.

Anakin blinked; he hadn't really thought about how it was that Luke was able to speak with him when it was obvious he had become one with the Force while on Dathomir. "I'd like to learn," he said quietly.

Qui-Gon nodded. I will teach you as I will teach Obi-Wan and Yoda. But, for now, you should focus on your son. Then, he was gone and Anakin heard crying coming from the crib the people of Polis Massa were kind enough to place within the ship they had borrowed to go to Tatooine. He got to his feet before making his way over to the crib where his baby boy was wide awake and crying with tears streaming down his face.

Anakin bent down before gently lifting the baby into his arms. "Shh, it's okay, little one, it's okay," he whispered gently rocking his baby back and forth. Luke continued to cry and Anakin briefly wondered if the baby was hungry. He didn't think the baby needed his diaper changed, it certainly didn't smell like it.

Anakin carried his son out of the small quarters he had claimed as his own when he and Obi-Wan borrowed the ship from Polis Massa. Since there was only enough room for one quarter, Obi-Wan decided to sleep in the main hold of the ship and Anakin could see his former master fast asleep as he entered the hold.

He, being careful to avoid waking his master up, made his way to the area where the pack of supplies Padmé had given him lay. He remembered the conversation he had with his wife just before they left Polis Massa.

"All you have to do is feed him, change him when he needs it, bathe him when you can, make sure he gets enough sleep and give him medicine if he starts coughing. The doctor said that he's healthy so he shouldn't be sick but you'll have to give him constant attention," said Padmé. "I remember Ryoo and Pooja when they were that young. They had Sola up as early as three in the morning taking care of them. You must always put their needs before your own, Anakin."

With Padmé's words in mind, Anakin shifted his grip on Luke as the baby continued to cry. It was while he was feeding his baby boy, which instantly caused him to quiet down, that Obi-Wan woke up.

"Did I wake you, master?" Anakin asked as Obi-Wan rolled onto his side and sat up before checking the time.

Obi-Wan yawned. "It was about time I got up anyway," he said. "How's Luke?"

"Hungry," Anakin said with a faint smile. "He woke up crying about fifteen minutes ago but the instant I gave him the bottle Padmé gave me he stopped crying."

Obi-Wan stood up before stretching and making his way into the cockpit.

"Master…" Anakin began following Obi-Wan into the cockpit.

"Anakin, you may as well call me Obi-Wan, or Ben as I'm going to go by while we're on Tatooine. It'll actually be better if you do."

Anakin flushed but nodded. "All right, Obi-Wan." The name felt weird on Anakin's tongue as he was so used to calling the man who was like a brother to him 'master'. "I spoke with Master Qui-Gon just before Luke woke up."

"Yes, Qui-Gon told me he wanted to speak to you," Obi-Wan said sitting in the pilot's seat and Anakin, still holding his baby boy in his arms, sat down in the co-pilot's seat before turning it to face his former master.

"He told me that it was possible to maintain my conscious self whenever I become one with the Force," Anakin said. "And then he said that that was why he and Luke were able to speak to me. I guess it never occurred to me before today that Luke, technically speaking, had become one with the Force before he came to speak to me."

Obi-Wan nodded. "Yes, Qui-Gon told me that as well when he spoke wiht me." He turned his attention back to the ship's navigational console, "We should be dropping out of hyperspace in one standard hour," he said.

Anakin grimaced. "Great, I really thought I'd never see the dustball again. And I don't even know if Owen will let Luke and I stay with him," he said.

"I'm sure he will. You are his stepbrother, Anakin."

"I suppose so."

0 o 0 o 0 o 0

Emperor Palpatine stood the bridge of the Star Destroyer eyes half-closed, hood obscuring his facial expressions, as he examined the preparation being made to his ultimate weapon, the weapon that will forever secure his reign over the Galactic Republic, the weapon that will prevent a rebellion from ever forming; the Death Star.

A sinister sneer crossed Palpatine's face as he opened his eyes fully and examined the metal frame of the Death Star that floated above him. All he needed to do now in order to secure his reign would be to find an apprentice whom he will train until the time came when he would take the one man he wanted all along as his apprentice.

Anakin Skywalker.

Palpatine's lips curled into a sneer. Skywalker was supposed to become my apprentice, he thought angrily, but something happened, something that the Force refuses to show me, to change that. Now I will have to find someone to replace him. However, if I do get the chance to have Skywalker as my apprentice then I will take it. All I would have to do is have Skywalker take out the apprentice I will take now and that will be the end of it. For now, however, I must find a new apprentice.

However, Palpatine did not know where to look to find an apprentice.

0 o 0 o 0 o 0

Padmé followed Bail while holding Leia gently in her arms. The two of them had arrived on Aldera an hour earlier and now they were heading toward where Breha was located. One of the aides within the palace had told Bail that his wife was last seen on the balcony and that was where they were heading. Padmé had altered her appearance en route to Alderaan; her hair had been cut short and died black and she was dressed in Alderaanian clothes that would help her blend in with the people of Alderaan.

Bail had said that he doubted he would be able to recognize Padmé if he didn't already knew who she was. Padmé hoped that that would help; she had also changed her name to Kali Organa, descent cousin to Bail Organa. Leia's name remained the same since no one knew that Leia was hers and Anakin's daughter but she took Bail's last name. Ahsoka had also changed her name to Ayana Nix and took off her Padawan braid before getting rid of anything that would distinguish her as a Jedi although she did keep her lightsabers close at hand just in case.

Bail, Padmé and Ahoska, who was bringing up the rear of the group, stepped onto the balcony and Breha glanced up before smiling. "Bail, welcome back," she said warmly to her husband as she stood up.

"It's good to be back," Bail admitted drawing his wife into his arms and gently holding him. "Come inside, there is much we have to tell you."

Breha nodded before following Bail as he led the way into the house.

A while later, Breha was gazing at Padmé in shock while Bail finished explaining what happened after he was positive the room in which they were speaking was secure. "And Master Yoda thought it would be best for the twins to be separated so Leia came with Padmé here to Alderaan while Luke went to Tatooine with his father," Bail finished. "Ahsoka," he nodded at Ahsoka, "will stay here as well. Also, to make sure word of Ahsoka and Padmé being on Alderaan doesn't reach the Emperor, we've decided to alter Padmé's appearance and give them both new names."

"That might be best," Breha agreed before she looked at Padmé. "May I see Leia?"

Padmé nodded before gently handing Leia to Breha who smiled gently at the baby girl. "I've always wanted a baby girl," she whispered sadly.

"I know she's not yours," Padmé said gently, "but I would greatly appreciate it if you helped me raise her."

"Thank you," Breha said softly handing the baby back to Padmé.

The sun rose above the Alderaanian mountains and Padmé lifted her gaze to the sky as dawn began to crawl across the landscape.

0 o 0 o 0 o 0

Anakin held Luke close to his heart as he followed Obi-Wan across the sandy landscape toward the Lars homestead. It had been three long years since Anakin had set foot on the home where his mother lived for a short while until she was kidnapped and killed by the Tusken Raiders. Anakin closed his eyes before rocking his son, the motion soothed him, when the Tusken Raider's guttural yowls echoed in his mind. Obi-Wan glanced at him with concern in his gray blue eyes but said nothing as he continued to walk across the sandy land. The suns were still beyond the horizon but Anakin knew it was only a matter of time before the suns would appear.

Beru was outside when Anakin and Obi-Wan approached and she glanced up as the two of them came to a stop in front of her. "I'll go get Owen," she said softly before she walked over to join Owen who was working on a vaporator nearby. Owen glanced up before his eyes narrowed as he walked over to join them.

"Anakin," he greeted Anakin. "And who might this be?"

"This is Ben," Anakin introduced Obi-Wan by the nickname Obi-Wan had decided to go by. "And this is my son, Luke."

Luke woke up at the sound of his name before gazing around, taking in the new surroundings with wide curious eyes.

Owen glanced at the baby with a gentle expression on his face. "What are you doing here?" he asked finally lifting his head.

Anakin sighed before he explained what happened in the Republic. "Luke was in danger," he admitted softly, "so we agreed to come to Tatooine, as it was far enough away from the Republic that no one would think to look here for him, if they even knew about him. Ben's here to help protect Luke and I'm here because I am his father. However, I don't have a place to stay and I was hoping, since we are stepbrothers, if you would be willing to let my son and I stay here."

Nicely spoken Anakin, Obi-Wan said silently through their bond.

Owen was silent for a long moment as he examined Anakin and Luke with narrowed eyes. "What do you say, Beru?" he asked glancing at his wife.

"I think we should, dear. No child should have to live without a home and we are family," said Beru softly.

Owen sighed. "All right," he said finally, "but I don't want any Jedi business in my home."

Anakin bristled but Obi-Wan placed a hand on his shoulder soothingly. "I am sure Anakin will abide by your terms, Mr. Lars," he said politely before he looked at Anakin. "I will stay close enough to help you if you need it but also far enough to where I won't interfere."

Anakin turned to gaze at his former master. "All right, Ben," he said quietly. He watched as Obi-Wan nodded a goodbye before turning around and walking away. He turned his gaze to Beru and Owen who were talking quietly with each other and glanced at the beautiful baby boy he held in his arms.

The suns rose up, casting light that immediately chased the darkness away, as dawn broke over Tatooine signaling the start of a new day.

To Be Continued

A/n what do you think?

Blaze: and that was the last chapter

Darth: I thought you were going to do an epilogue

Blaze: I was going to do an epilogue but I decided that I will start the novel and if anyone wants to know about a specific character in the AU version of ANH then they just have to ask and I may do a short story describing who the character is and how he or she came to be

Darth: he or she?

Blaze: I haven't decided yet though I have a good idea of who it will be

Darth: So what's the next story called?

Blaze: Shadowed Starlight

Darth: ah and it'll cover and AU version of ANH?

Blaze: of course, I just said that. Here's the summary of Shadowed Starlight and please review the last chapter of this story and I will post the sequel as soon as I possibly can but I doubt it'll be anytime soon

Shadowed Starlight

Anakin's peaceful life with his son is about to end when Luke intercepts the stolen plans to the Emperor's greatest superweapon and they find themselves in a race against time to reach the rebellion whereas time may not be on their side...