Hey everyone,

I decided to write a sequel to Hangman. I couldn't ignore every asking for a sequel, I'm also so glad that most of you said yes to a sequel. This idea came to me but I am very nervous about writing this. I know how much people like 'Hangman' and I don't want to disappoint.

For those who have not read 'Hangman' , I highly recommend that you read it as it the first part for this.

I'm jumping right into the action so get ready.

Okay...so I hope you all enjoy.

Please review

All mistakes are my own

Reid smiled as he was told he had passed his gun qualification. He had been so nervous since he had been told he could take the test. He had failed the first time but he had been having a bad day that particular day. He had not failed by much but the experience had hurt him slightly. This experience had been different though, he had passed the gun qualification test and he had done it with the help of his friends and family.

Hotch had helped him practice, he was going to thank Hotch when he got back to the office. He couldn't wait to tell them all.

Reid couldn't help but smile as walked towards his car. Every step he had taken over the year had enabled him to find the old Reid in himself. Every step had helped him return to normality. He was happy. Gideon was still in contact with Reid and he had been for since he had left. He was happy with everything being normal, he was even happy with his memories not returning although he was still haunted by Jay Henson.

The eyes of the man that had almost killed him stared down at him in his dreams. He would wake up screaming as he had nightmares of being hanged or nightmares where the knife that caused his scares would rip into him. Other times he would dream about Dr Swann shoving the knife inside of him or being attacked at the hospital.

He knew he was also doing something very wrong by not telling the team about the worsening nightmares. He had successfully managed to avoid falling asleep on the jet or near the team. He knew he was stupid not telling them but he couldn't return to being stared at like a weak person. He was stronger now, he wanted to stay this strong.

Reid went to his car door and paused when he saw the lock on the door. It had been tampered with he could see it clearly, he looked through his window and saw something that was not his. He saw something that did not belong in his car.

Reid stumbled away from his car, he quickly turned around and looked in every direction. Reid felt himself hyperventilate as he kept staring at the car door.

'Not again. Never again' Reid thought as he shook his head side to side in denial that someone had put the unwanted item in his back. Reid kneeled down and put his bag on the floor. He ripped it open and took out his cellphone. He dialled Hotch's number and stood back up. He never stopped looking around as he waited for the ringing to be replaced with Hotch's voice. He was rewarded with Hotch's voice after three rings.

"Hello Reid, how did the test-" Hotch began to say before a panicked Reid interrupted.

"There's s-s-something in my car. I-I didn't put it there. H-Hotch, the l-lock is b-busted and I'm sc-scared," Reid admitted as he gripped the phone tighter in his hand.

"Reid, stay where you are. We are coming. Morgan is near, I'm going to send it him to you. Stay where you are. Stay on the phone," Hotch said. Reid could hear the worry in Hotch's voice. He waited as Hotch dialled Morgan on his office phone. Reid found himself unconsciously reaching for his gun. A gun that was inside his car. Reid stepped back again from the car as memories came forward of him being dragged into the back of his car by Jay. Reid fought against the memory and pushed it to the back of his mind using the logical thoughts running through his head.

It couldn't be Jay in the car. Jay was rotting away in prison for the crimes he had comitted against Reid and the other
victims who had been killed.

Reid found himself staring at the object on his dashboard. He could see it was small wooden box. Reid took a few calm deep breaths and remembered over and over that he was stronger. He had fought against his attackers and he had won each time. If he was going to be attacked again, something he didn't want to happen, he knew he would be okay. He could win again.

He felt a sense of calm run through him as he heard Hotch talk on the phone again.

"Morgan is only two minutes away. He'll be there. Reid, is anybody in the car or near you? Do you have anything you can use as a weapon," Hotch asked Reid quickly.

"M-My gun iss in the car. No-one is in the c-car" Reid said before he inwardly cursed at how his voice was coming out. He had to stop being scared or nervous. His speech wasn't right when he had any type of emotional panic.

"Reid, calm down. Help is coming," Hotch tried to say to Reid to calm him down.

"I-I amm calm," Reid tried but failed to say without his speech failing him. Reid jumped and dropped his phone as he heard a screech of tyres next to him. He was relieved when he saw Morgan jump of the SUV and run over to him. Reid could hear someone shouting and realised it was Hotch shouting down the phone. Reid picked up the phone and to reassure Hotch.

"I-I dropped my ph-phone. M-Morgan is here," Reid quickly said. Hotch let out a deep sigh on the other side of the phone.

"Reid, I've called forensics. Don't touch anything till they clear everything. I'm on my way," Hotch said before he
disconnected the call.

"Reid, are you okay?" Morgan asked he reached Reid's side. Morgan could tell that Reid was freaked to hell but he knew Reid was trying to hide it.

"I-I'm fine," Reid lied as he stared at his car. Some part of him felt that his world had been violated again. His safe and warm bubble that he had been in for the last year was practically being destroyed.

"Reid! I know you are lying, tell me the truth," Morgan said sternly as he looked Reid in the eye.

"Why is always me?" Reid asked with anger in his voice.

Reid felt a mix of anger and fear. He feared the object and the person behind the object.

But he also felt anger towards them. An anger at them for threatening him and his new life.

So what did you think? My friend the review button would love to know.

Please review and thank you for reading.