Description: We all know Vegeta doesn't like Goku but the reason why he never liked that man isn't as simple as everyone seems to think it is. What Vegeta's live was like be he ever met the Z-team or learned about the Dragon balls. How does he react when something from his past walks back into his life? How will the rest of the z-warriors react to the secret that Vegeta kept to himself?

Disclaimer: I don't own Dragonball Z or any of its characters.

Chapter One: First Night on Assignment (Five Years before DBZ Start)

Vegeta sighed as he stepped out of his pod, the scouter beeping at him, letting him know that there was a large power level only about 6 miles from him. Radditz, Nappa and himself had been sent by Frieza to Plant Ha'shade; a backwater planet deep within the southern part of the universe. The planet that was known for its vast untapped natural resources and inhabitants that where so good at gorilla war-fair that one couldn't see their attacks coming till it was already over. Overhead darkening orange clouds gathered. A storm was rolling in. One that they had passed through that interfered with pod's systems sending the three saiyan's in different directions.

"Stupid Frieza; sending us to this pathetic planet; he probably did it to get his jollies off watching how the three of us deal with me going into heat during an assignment." Vegeta grumbled to himself. He was at the age where his body was going to take the final step from being a child, to being an adult. He watched Raditz and Nappa go through heats before. Raditz's went through his first one two years ago and Nappa had his first heat back when Vegeta was only 4 years old. He watched seeing how the two would become so irritable and edgy, needing to find their release. Both where dominate males, their heats where nowhere near as intense as heats got for transfer males or for females.

Around him, the thick dense forest was alive with sounds of the creature who called this planet home, went unseen by the prince's keen dark eyes. After a moment of looking over the data his scouter was giving him, Vegeta walked away from his now closed pod, heading towards the direction of where he'd last seen Raditz ship was heading. The winds howled as they whipped through forest and underbrush. It wasn't a warm day on the planet yet Vegeta was starting to sweat, over heating in his blue suit and armour. Between having his choice of sleeping with Nappa who was far from a gentle lover when not in heat or sleeping with Raditz; Raditz would always be his choice.

After close to an hour of walking through forest and through the developing storm, the prince was shivering from the bitter wind and the icy rain that had been falling for close to a half hour now. He would have screamed when something grabbed him, if a hand didn't clamp over his mouth. He was being dragged off to the side towards a cave. "Relax Vegeta, I'm not going to hurt you." Vegeta's eyes widen hearing the voice of the man he was seeking ring out from behind him. He stopped struggling against the larger male, letting himself be dragged towards the cave where a small fire was waiting for them along with something cooking over the open flame.

"I figured Shelter and Food was a good place to start to ride out the storm, strip 'Geta" Raditz said letting Vegeta go once in the safety of the cave to cheek on the cooking meat and add more wood onto the fire. He was smart to bring in the wood before the rain started and enough to last for a few nights.

"Not happening" Vegeta growled out crossing his arms over his chest.

"We don't need you getting sick on top of going through your first heat 'Geta. Out of the wet cloths so they can dry." Raditz pointed out sitting crossed legged in front of the flame. He noticed Vegeta still hadn't moved from his spot giving him a funny look. "If I wanted to Vegeta, I'd have you pinned against the cave floor making good use of you being in heat. However I'm not an asshole like Nappa is and take who ever I want, went I want. I'm just saying get out of your wet cloths and come warm up. I swear I won't make a move" Raditz said looking back to the fire. After a moment the sound of armour hitting the stone floor of the cave was heard fallowed by a blue spandex outfit that was being laid next to the fire. Raditz held his hand out to Vegeta. When the prince shyly took it, Raditz pulled the prince down onto his lap holding the smaller man in his arms. True to his word Raditz kept his hand resting on Vegeta's stomach.

"So much for this being a quick assignment" Vegeta muttered, a blush on his cheeks being naked in the larger man's arms. He shivered enjoying the feel of warm skin pressed against his icy flesh. He jumped and curled into Raditz more, when black lightning assaulted the ground just outside the cave entrance. The blistering cold that came from the strike made Vegeta groan out as he pressed himself fully against the saiyan holding him. Raditz held Vegeta close to him with one arm while the other cheek the meat making sure it was done before pulling it away from the fire offering it to the shivering prince in his arms.

"Whoever said that killing the Philrin would be quick assignment, when we have to do as little damage to the planet as possible?" Raditz asked softly as Vegeta lend in towards the cooked meat that was being offered and took a tentative nibble from it. Raditz's smirked; normally Vegeta was cold and detached from everyone including to him and Nappa. It was how the prince coped with Frieza destroying Planet Vegeta and their race. So the tyrant couldn't take anything else away from the prince, the Prince didn't care about anyone besides himself though the prince did trust the last two members of the fallen race. Yet being in the grips of heat, the small feminine looking man was showing affection by trusting Raditz enough to feed from the larger man's hands.


"Who is probably killing the Philrin as we speak and blasting part of the planet away with them or he found a woman by now and is raping her to find release from his mounting heat." Raditz said rolling his eyes. His heat hadn't started yet, which he was thankful for since he doubted that he could stop himself from going after the man in his arms to sedate the need of his body. Vegeta made a soft purring like sound as his hands wrapped around Raditz's hand that was holding the meat bringing it closer to the prince's mouth.

A pink tongue slid out from the soft peach color lips to lick the juice running down the meat before taking a bigger bite, all the while purring. Raditz tried to swallow the ever growing lump in his throat. Just because he wasn't in heat didn't mean that he wasn't affected by Vegeta's heat. The sweeten scent of the prince along with the sound he was making, made Raditz dizzy from lust that wrapped its way around the taller warrior. Vegeta gasps as squirmed in Raditz lap feeling something hard and hot press into the back of his thigh. Raditz's close his eyes trying to find away to calm himself down without having to try to seduce Vegeta into sleeping with him.

"Rad'..." Vegeta purred out leaning heavier against the man he was sitting on; forgetting that he was naked, giving the larger one a full view of his body. It had been years since Vegeta last used the shortened part of his name.

"Yeah 'Geta?" Raditz's asked, opening his eyes looking into Vegeta's, smiling down at the smaller man.

"I want to be with you...I want you to help me get through the heat...please?" he asked almost childlike. Raditz leaned down and pressed his lips against Vegeta's. It wasn't a burning kiss but a simple one that promised heat and fire like nothing the smaller man couldn't imagine.

"It would be my honour to be your partner through this my prince. First off though, finish eating, you'll need the strength."Raditz breathed out next to Vegeta's ear causing the other to moan out softly, his dark eyes slipping shut. Raditz smirked as he watched Vegeta slowly bring himself around to eat the cooked meat. The whole time the pair sat listening to the fire's cracking and the rage of the storm only a few feet away from them.

"wait Rad'...I'm in heat...I'll get pregnant if I sleep with a male or get some female pregnant if I sleep wit-" the words where forgotten by a soul searing kiss that would burse the skin of anyone who wasn't saiyan. Moans came from both sides as they shared a kiss. Gasps of disappointments came from the prince as the kiss was broken.

"I swear to you 'Geta that I'll never abandon you. I love you, always have. I get that you don't open your heart to anyone after what Frieza did. Know that I'm never going to leave you in your time of need. I always wanted kids in my life, even if you're not ready to raise a child, I'll raise them on my own till you're ready, when that day comes." Raditz whispered trying to calm the panicking man down. Vegeta held tears in his eyes as he listened to what the large man had said. Vegeta closed the distance between them starting a kiss as a tear ran down his face. Raditz's tail wrapped itself around Vegeta's tail as his hands moved. One resting on the small of Vegeta's back while the other one entangled itself in Vegeta's silky hair.

The kiss broke apart as both worked feverishly to remove the armour and shorts from the larger build man, before finding each other's lips, sparking yet another kiss. Quickly Vegeta found himself on his back, still locked in a kiss with something hard, hot and wet brushing against his entrance. His body tensed up for a second before a hand wrapped around his erection. Vegeta hissed and pumped into the hand, never having touched himself like that before or have anyone touch his like that till now. Raditz licked his lips as his lightly nipped his way down Vegeta's body.

Within mere moments Raditz had Vegeta reduced to a withering pool of goo under him as he kissed his way back up to Vegeta's lips. Once locked in a burning, soul searing kiss, Raditz slowly pushed into Vegeta, his hand never stopping it's rhythm that Vegeta had set. The prince screamed into the kiss, his nails digging into the back of the man above him. Once fully inside Raditz stopped moving letting Vegeta get use to the feel of having another inside his body.

"P-ple-ase..." Vegeta breathed out his eyes tightly closed, yet tears ran down his face. Raditz kissed each tear away as he slowly started to move, the whole time silently cursing himself to keep hold of his rapidly disappearing resolve to be slow and gentle with the prince. The heat and tightness of Vegeta's body was becoming too much for him to keep sane with holding back from the feverish pace his body wanted to go.

Slowly the tempo increased along with the deepness and intensity of each thrust. Vegeta was screaming, moaning Raditz's name turning it into a chant, pleas for more and yet in away to keep sane. Raditz purred deeply, pleased hearing his name fall from the prince's lips so easily. He didn't care that Vegeta's nails had shredded his back causing it to bleed or that he felt like his teeth where going fall out with how heavy they were from the need to bite into the neck of the smaller man under him. All he cared about was giving Vegeta the release he was craving for the moment.

It didn't take much longer for Vegeta to scream out Raditz's name at the top of his lungs as he came hard; his seed splashing onto their stomachs and chests. Raditz groaned out Vegeta's name coming at the same time as the prince. With the last of Raditz's strength he pulled out of Vegeta, pulling the smaller man against him, worried from Vegeta's shaking.

"You okay 'Geta?" He asked softly tenderly rubbing Vegeta's back.

"Th-that was... wow..." he breathed out. Raditz's smirked prideful.

"Glad to know I stratified my prince at the moment." Vegeta cuddled closer into Raditz letting sleep claim his tried, sore body. Raditz smiled watching Vegeta sleep. He was tired but his body wouldn't let him sleep, making him keep watch. After a few hours he got up and added more wood to the dying fire before laying a small throw he had brought from his pod over the sleeping prince. He sat beside Vegeta, closing his eyes falling into a light meditative like sleep. It would allow him to be awoken by the slightest of sound that wasn't expected.