Random little two shot! Idea came to me while working on another fic! Will update soon!

This feeling had been creeping on her all day. No smile could push the sluggishness back, no laughter replace the heaviness. She felt woozy, and the need to sit down was constant. Yet, she powered on and continued her day, mask intact, hiding her inner turmoil.

Santana walked down the hall, with a strange feeling. Like something bad was happening. It was the same feeling she got the day her granddad died, and when Brittany twisted her ankle. She shook it off and continued down the hall towards glee practice. A small smile covered her face as she joined the kids she regarded as family. Her big annoying family. She knew even though they were annoying, she loved them all. Even Rachel.

Brittany didn't feel like smiling today. The sun was shining but didn't heat her bones right. There was even a rainbow but it didn't make her smile. She went straight to glee and say beside her girlfriend Santana, hoping a kiss would improve her mood. But it was clear her girlfriend was feeling as off as she was. Maybe her period was coming? No that was next week... maybe Santana's was? Nope... whatever it was that was off, it scared Brittany. The ominous feeling in the pit of her stomach wouldn't go away.

Quinn was worried. She hadn't seen her all day. They shared four classes together but she hadn't shown up for a single one. This didn't sit right with the blonde. Quinn knew the girl hadn't been slushied today as the shop the jocks usually went to was closed for refurbishment all week. She walked into glee praying she'd be there. Maybe then her mind would be cleared of all things Berry. Not likely a voice said in her mind.

Rachel walked into glee with that same heavy feeling dragging her down. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't shake it. It was like a huge weight on her chest, making her feel so heavy, tired and lightheaded. She couldn't get enough air into her lungs with each breath. Mr. Shue followed in right on her tail, not even noticing her demeanour. Why would he? He didn't even like the girl, let alone cared about her wellbeing.

"Alright kids, we're having a competition this week for a great prize! I want you to separate into four groups. Two girl groups and two boy groups!" the teacher announced. There was a loud groan from the club but they all rose to their feet fast. The boys separated down the middle with ease, not caring who was with whom. Mr Shue took them to the auditorium first to run through ideas. He said he'd be back for the girls in a bit.

Mercedes, Sugar and Tina grouped together while the unholy trinity stuck close together. Rachel looked up, not focusing on either group. She couldn't give a care who she was with; the pressure on her chest was too distracting. She had to remind herself to breathe.

"Come on Rach, be in our group!" Mercedes called to the brunette. Normally she hated being with the girl, but her voice would win them the competition. She knew she wouldn't have to be nice to her, and the other girls would back all her decisions, not Rachel's. She'd be leader for once and she would make the girl sway in back in the most degrading way possible.

"Don't listen to wheezy, Berry, be in our group." Santana said. While she wanted to win, she actually just wanted to see what the four girls voices would be like together. She could tell Mercedes was going to overpower Rachel and take centre stage. Santana's plan was to have them all sing together, equally.

"No way, she'll just insult you and be cruel to you, Rach, she's a bitch." Mercedes stated, trying to manipulate the singer.

"As oppose to you, who's only nice to her when it works in your favour. At least I'm consistent." Santana spat back.

"We're always nice to Rachel!" Tina argued.

"Bullshit! You are only nice to her when you have something to gain! We've let up on our bullying, but you lot haven't at all! You're worse than us!" Quinn spat.

Brittany was focused on Rachel's face as the others argued. The brunette was getting paler and paler as she swayed on her feet. Her breathing was a mere pant, and her eyes unfocused.

Brittany tugged on both Quinn's and Santana's skirts. When they turned to look at her she pointed to Rachel.

The arguing had made her head fussy. She just wanted to sit down, why couldn't they just leave her be? The heaviness was increasing, she couldn't breathe and suddenly the corners on her vision became dark. The darkness spread until it consumed everything.

Quinn jumped Rachel's side as she collapsed. She caught her in time as stumbled back. Santana jumped up and helped her lay the brunette down gently. They could feel the fever running off the girl. Quinn took Rachel's head in her lap and stroked her hair as Santana turned to the others, frozen behind them.

"If you all are such great friends with her they why didn't you know she was sick?" Santana demanded but the girls stayed silent. "You guys are pathetic." Santana growled. "When you need her you just take and take! But when she needs you, she's left until she's so sick her body gives way!" The other girls had the decency to look guilty.

Brittany pulled Santana away from the others. They both dropped to their knees as Rachel began to wake up. She looked up to see a tearful Quinn looking at her. Santana and Brittany were there too, looking concerned.

"You scared me, Rachel." Quinn whispered. Rachel just felt more confused. Quinn was never this gentle with her. She looked scared as she had said, but Rachel couldn't understand why. Quinn hated her. "Do you know what happened?"

"I couldn't breathe and I fainted." Rachel mustered out. Her voice was hoarse but the pressure on her chest had reduced significantly.

"Don't do that again, Berry. I nearly peed my pants in fear." Brittany stated honestly. Had Rachel hit her head? Was this a dream? Were the cheerios honestly being nice to her?

"I know you don't understand why we're being nice. But we don't actually hate you, we actually kinda like you. Some of us more than others..." Santana smirked at Quinn. Rachel's eyes bulged out.

"Quinn likes me? Like likes me?" Rachel gasped at the blushing blonde. She nodded as captured Rachel's lips in a chaste kiss. The singer gasped and scrambled away.

"What? No! No way!" Rachel babbled.

"Rachel, please! Don't freak out! I've felt this way for a long time, i really l-"Quinn was interrupted by Rachel slapping her firmly across the face. The other cheerios gasped, as did Tina, Mercedes and Sugar.

"Don't lie to me! This is just another prank! Mess with my head while I'm vulnerable! But I won't fall for it!" Rachel yelled, scrambling to her feet. Santana stood up too and tried to grab onto the retreating girl.

"Just hear her out, Berry. She really likes you!" Santana stated, glancing down at her now sobbing friend. Brittany was holding her close. They both knew how hard it was for Quinn to realise her feelings, and Rachel wasn't making her confession any easier.

"It's not a prank." Quinn sobbed. "I'm in love with you, Rachel Berry. I've been in love with you since Prom." Rachel softened at the pure honesty. She knew it wasn't a prank, but she couldn't do this. Quinn had hurt her so much over the years, she couldn't forgive her.

"I'm sorry, Quinn." Rachel whispered before dashing out of the choir room. All calls of her name were made in vain.