Sold? Duty? Love? Why?

Many years ago, there was a beautiful nation. Ruled by women, the Magyar Farrett's had the most beautiful kingdom of all.

The beauty and delicacy of their palaces, the richness of their clothing were always superior to all others. Nor Arryns, nor Lannisters, nor Targaryens, had such items, such perfection.

They called themselves daughters of the Moon and the Sea. They claimed that, although the sea was strong and impressive, the moon would always overpower him, and as her daughters, they would overpower men.

However they did mated with men. These were always the fairiest they could find. But always after spending a night or two they left and returned to their country.

Men did not live in Magyar Gallathris, they could host a lord or the King of the Westeros, for a few days, in which a council held, but as soon as it was over, men had to leave.

Another fact of the Magyar Farretts was that they always gave birth to girls, as long as the father was not a king, or lord. It was said, that when they did, the amount of power the man would irradiate would produce a boy in them.

The only time it happened was the destruction of the Magyar Farretts.