Yes! I've gotten this chapter out! Now if I can get around to updating my other stories... orz I'm hopeless.
Artemis POV
"Ms. Martian and Kid Flash, go out into the hallways and check for any intruders." Kaldur said.
I ran over to check the man. Once again, there was no blood, swelling, or gun wounds.
I noticed the boy in the sailor's outfit looking nervous and fidgeting around. "Can you keep an eye on him?" I asked.
"Roger!" He said with undying euthaism. "What should I do?"
" Just lie him down on the ground." I instructed. If I kept the kid occupied he wouldn't be so scared.
I walked to Germany's representative."Who's the other guy?" I asked him.
"He's my brother. He is Prussia's representive." Ludwig gritted through his teeth.
"Isn't Prussia not a country anymore? Why is he here?" Robin asked.
"Sometimes I wonder that myself." Ludwig replied.
" Wait."Robin typed something into his glove computer. "Bradenburg Gate was built when Prussia was still a country."
"So they're attacking both the present and the past representives." Superboy said."Why?"
"Why is good question, but the better question is who is causing this and how can we stop them." Kaldur said being the voice of reason once again.
Kid Flash ran into the room, along with M'gann.
"I can't sense anyone, they probably evacuated after the bombings." M'gann said.
"I didn't see anyone, so M'gann is right. The bigger question is that why they didn't evacuate the representatives as well."
"Don't worry about us." Alfred said. " We can take care of ourselves."
"We need to figure out who will be hurt next, and by extension, which countries' landmarks will be bombed as well." Connor stated.
" These are important European countries,so who hasn't been bombed yet?" Robin asked.
"Well," Arthur started. " It would be England, Italy and Russia."
"Noooo! I don't want to be hurt!" Feliciano screamed and started waving a tiny white flag.
" The bastard who's doing this is going to get a major shit storm." Romano shouted angrily.
Spain's representative started holding on to Romano protectively. " Nobody going to hurt my Romano!"
"Let go of me, you bastard!"
Arthur seemed indifferent. Stiff upper lip I suppose.
The television started shouting again, but this time with a British accent. " I am here right next to the London Eye, where a bomb has just been discovered. Officials haven't told us anything about the bomb or about the situation in general, but this bomb was just found when the workers were doing their routine inspection. No terrorist organizations have claimed responsibility for these attacks."
Kirkland let out a sigh. "That means I'm safe for now."
So the attacks are not when the bomb explodes, but if the bomb explodes. I thought through the mental link.
But how do they know that? Robin thought. Something just doesn't add up with these people.
I think it's time for us to find out what.