A/N: Okay, so this is my second story. Sort of. I'm working on two stories at the moment. Now, I have a few chapters written already, but please let me know if there is anything I need to change or whatever. I would like to have one of those beta-readers to this story too, any voulenteers? Anyway, this story takes place nearly seven years after the war, Ginny has told Hermione to bug off, and things are a little difficult.

Each chapter will be viewed from different angles, mostly Ginny and Hermione, but every once a while, someone else will be telling the story. But don't worry, I'll make sure to tell you who is telling. For the first chapter, it's Hermione.

Now, please read this, and let me know what you think :) This will be a long story, that's the only thing I can tell for sure right now.

Oh, and this is very important; the title is just a temporary one, please come with suggestions :)

I was walking trough the streets of London. The weather was terrible with the cold wind and rain. I pulled my jacket closer around myself, seriously considering to throw a weather spell. I quickly shook my head and threw that idea away. First of all, the muggles would definitely notice, it was late September, of course they would notice if the sun suddenly came and started to shine bright. Second of all, for the past 6 and a half years, I haven't done magic, not since the war.

It's been almost 7 years since the last war ended. And everyone was happy when it was all over, for good. I was very happy about it too, I just didn't deal with it very well.

- flashback-

"Voldemort is dead! The war is finally over", McGonagall screamed. She looked like she was moments away from breaking in to some kind of a crazy dance of victory.
It was like time stood still. Nobody could quite believe what they had just been trough or what McGonagall was saying. Everyone shared the same thought, "could it really be over? Just like that? Could it be that easy?" The cheering broke loose for real when they saw Harry return. Once again Harry Potter was the hero who saved the world.

All of us who had minor injuries was lined up outside madam Pomfrey's office for a check, just to make sure we all were in one piece. The ones with more severe injuries was sent to St. Mungo right away to be taken care of properly. In the chaos nobody had noticed that a red headed student had ran the opposite direction, away from everyone and everything. Nobody but Hermione Granger. Surly people would notice if one the "heroes" of the day were gone, but right now, all she could think of was to find that red headed girl.
Hermione ran towards the great hall, she was sure that the girl would be there, mourning over her older brother. Hermione was right. The moment she walked in to the great hall, she could hear silent sobbing, the sound was echoing trough the entire hall, making it difficult to hear where the sound came from in the first place, so she just turned towards left where she knew the body of Fred Weasly was. There she was, hanging over his body, sobbing. Hernione walked slowly over to them, not quite sure if she should be there or not. She decided to walk over there and be a good friend and support her best friend. She was suprised that none of the other Weasly's was there. But of course, Ron and Bill had been sent off to St. Mungo. Why Ron had been sent off, she wasn't sure, but Harry was on his way there too, so maybe all three of them was supposed to go, and she could understand that, after all they had been trough quite a lot the past year.

Hermione sat down next to the red headed girl and put one arm around her. She wanted to pull her closer and just hold her there until everything was better.
Ginny Weasly, the sobbing red head, leaned closer to Hermione and sobbed louder. They sat like this for a while, not saying a word. Hermione continued to rub her hand up and down Ginny's back, soothing her. After a while Hermione spoke. "Don't worry Gin, everything is gonna be just fine.. well, better, at least. I'm always here for you, I swear." All of a sudden, Ginny's sobbing stopped completely. She turned slowly towards Hermione. When she was looking in to Hermiones face, she wasn't sure what would happen next. Hermione looked down in to Ginny's eyes. Hermione became scared, really scared. The anger in her eyes were something Hermione never had seen in her eyes. Hermione could easly imagine her head catch fire. But she couldn't understand why Ginny was so angry towards her.




"Ginerva Molly Weasly! What the hell have I done wrong? I was just trying to be your friend since all of your family seems to have dissapeared. Tell what wrong I have done to you!"

Hermione held Ginny's wrists in an attempt to stop her from reaching for her wand and hex her with some scary curse. Ginny just glared at Hermione, breathing heavily from her anger. She looked like she was about to attack Hermione, not even bothering to get her wand. Hermione just looked at Ginny with confusion written all over her face. Ginny just smiled, but it wasn't her usual smile. This smile was terrifying, almost crazy. It looked like she had reached the edge and fallen over really bad, like she had gone completely crazy. The didn't fight against Hermiones grip around her wrists, just took a small step towards her and spoke calmly and with a voice ice cold;

"All of this is your fault, all three of you. And if you have to ask what I'm talking about, you should be ashamed of your self. Now let go of me, and never speak to me ever again, just get the hell out of my life".

Hermione just stared at the younger witch with a blank expression, not quite sure to believe her own ears.

"Don't say that. You don't mean it. I love you, you can't leave me"she begged, barely whispering. Hermiones eyes filled with tears as she looked in to Ginny's eyes. She could tell that Ginny meant every word she said.

Hermione found this look scary and couldn't do anything else, the just froze, letting her tears fall before she whispered again, "I love you".

Ginny just glared at her while she jerked her hands away from Hermiones now weak grip before she said; "I don't bloody care what you say or feel. You don't deserve to feel. Now get the fuck away from me and never speak to me again!"

- end flashback-

Almost seven years had passed since that day, and I could still remember every word she had said me. It was the last words she spoke to me. That day, I swore to stay away from the magic world. With only a few exceptions, that is. The first few months I had managed to live completely as an muggle in London. I have no idea how I made it, but I did. But after a few months I noticed how the war had affected me, no muggle alcoholic beverage had been strong enough to let me forget the things I had been trough, and no muggle medication either. I couldn't see a muggle shrink either, that would only get me locked up for the rest of my life for sure. So I decided to see an healer and get some kind of help dealing with my trauma that way. I also realized that I probably could use firewhiskey as a temporary solution until the healer could help me somehow. It didn't take long after that when I realized that I didn't have an adress to Ginny, and I needed to talk to her. So I got an owl as well. And then, after a couple of years I received an owl from an anonymous person who sent me a quiddich magazine. It confused me until I had looked trough a couple of pages. There was a picture of Ginny on a broom with the headline "is this the next quiddich star?"
But I will get back to this article soon enough.
It had only been about 6 months after the war was finished, I had just bought an owl because I wanted to send Ginny a letter. Besides I could use the owl to order firewhiskey from the diagon alley so I wouldn't have to go there myself.
The very same day as I bought the owl (who I gracefully enough had named "Ginerva") I sat down by my kitchen table and started to write a letter to Ginny;

Dear Ginny

No, I scratched that.

Hello, Ginerva

No, scratched that too.

Dearest Ginerva

Nope, once again I scratched what I had written.

fuck it.. look Ginny, I understand that you don't want to hear from me, hell, you probably don't want to read this letter either, but I'm writing it anyway. You see, I have a hope that some day you will talk to me again. I want you to know that what I, Ron and Harry did last year, was necessary. If we hadn't done it, you may not have been alive, probably your entire family would have been killed by now. Instead you lost one brother, one fought and died for your freedom, your familys freedom. Please Ginny, I beg you to talk to me again. It's been 6 months since you last spoke to me, and it's killing me. I love you. You are my very best friend, and I can't live without you much longer. Please speak to me.
- Love Hermione

When I read trough the letter after I was finished, I figured it was quite pathetic, but I didn't really care about it, the point was to get Ginny to speak with me again, and I was prepared to do anything to get it my way.
A couple of days later, my owl came back without my letter, that could only near that she had received it. Ad the owl came closer in to view, I could see that it was bringing a letter back. Fuck, didn't she get the letter after all? When the owl landed in my window, I could see that it wasn't my letter it returned with. There was nothing written on the outside of it to show any evidence of who had sent it, but I was fairly sure Ginny actually had replied. My hands was shaking when I released the letter from the owl and carefully opened the envelope and pull out the letter.

Do you remember me saying that I never wanted to speak with you ever again? Well, maybe I wasn't specific enough, but that goes for letters as well. I never want to ever have anything to do with you ever again? Understand? Now leave me alone!

This was breaking my heart. How could she do this to me? We were always there for each other, would she really just throw it away like that? I felt a tear run down my cheek, this was just too painful. I decided to hide the letter in a box in some corner of my closet, I just wasn't ready to throw it away yet.
A couple of months later I decided it was time to try to get Ginny to speak with me again.

Dear Ginny,
You probably don't want this letter either, and I'm fully aware of what you said about you never want to have anything to do with me ever again. But still I live on the hope of you regretting those words. I know I can never make things the way they used to be again, but please, just speak with me again, you are too important to me to loose, I won't let you walk away just like that, I care too much about you to do something like that. Please talk to me again.
Love Hermione

Also this time, the owl returned with a letter from Ginny;

Look Hermione, I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you, but you better stay away or I'll come over there and hex your brains out, I'm not joking. I don't want you to be a part of my life anymore, so stay away!

Ginny had clearly been angry when she wrote that last letter, her handwriting was showing how much she had been shaking, making the letter almost unreadable.
I couldn't help it, I just had to answer her, even though the more rational part of my mind told me not to. "Oh, shut up", I muttered to myself under ny breath.

Dear Ginny,
The reason why I keep ignoring your request to stay away from you, is because I want to fight for you. I won't let you walk out on me like that, not until you have heard what I have to say! Please talk to me, listen to what I have to say, and I'll stay away for as long as you wish. Please Ginny, I'm begging you
Love Hermione

I didn't hear from Ginny again. I kept sending her letters about twice a month, I still do, more than 6 years later, begging her to listen to me. I'm sure I could have written what I wish to tell her in a letter, but I'm not even sure if she reads my letters anymore, or if she just throws them away unopened.

I had been sending her letters for about a year and a half when I received an anonymous owl. I didn't know who's it was, I had never seen it before, but it was an private one. Someone sent me a quiddich magazine. There was a short note there too;

You should take a look at this, you might find someone you know

There was no signature, just those words. I looked at the magazine with disgust and looked at the letter again. There was something familiar with the writing, I just couldn't remember who it was, and the owl had already left, so I couldn't write back and ask. I sighed and opened the magazine on the first page and scanned quickly trough it. There was nothing. It was the same for the next couple of pages. I sighed loudly when I turned the next page, thinking this was a waste of time. Then, when I turned the next page, I almost fainted. With large letters on the top of the page it said;

Is this the next quiddich star?,

underneath it was a large picture of Ginny Weasly. She smiled and waved to the camera. Under the picture was an article about her.

Ginerva Molly Weasly (20), our next big quiddich star? Ginerva (mostly known as Ginny) graduated from Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardly last year. When she entered her final school year, she was assigned the position of captain of the school quiddich team Gryffindor. She lead her team to victory in every single match and had what is believed to be the best quiddich team in the history of the school. At her last match, a scout for almost every team in Britain was present as they had heard of her skills, both as a chaser and as a leader, they all wanted her for their team. At last she decided she wanted to sign for the Holyhead harpies, worlds only team with women only. She signed with them before she even was finished school and had her first training session with them two days after she graduated. And today she has been very important in her teams victory against the Chudley canons.

Ginerva, what made you decide to sign with the Holyhead harpies last year?

Please, Gilbert, call me Ginny. Bit to answer your question, I decided to sign with the Holyhead harpies because they have always been my favorite team. When I was a little girl and stole my brothers brooms to practice flying, I always used to pretend that I was playing on their team, dreaming about doing it some day. So when I was offered a place on their team as a third reserve, it was an easy decision to make. I never expected to get this much play time, so when they decided to put me on the startteam, I was really excited about it. I'm just happy I could be on the team today and play at all.

Ginny, do you think that your role in the victory today will give you a permanent place at the start team next season?

Well, Gilbert, that is hard to tell. This was just one game, and that is not nearly enough to get a place like that. Besides, we have 3 great players occupying the positions already, so we all will just have to wait and see what happens

I just stared at the article, I really didn't know what to believe. Ginny playing professional quiddich? I mean, I always believed she would play professional quiddich, I just couldn't believe she did it already, not so quickly after school. It was a shock, but at the same time it wasn't. Maybe it wad because she apparently had got big quite fast.
All thought I never had much interest in quiddich, I got a hold of a gameplan and an magic radio, that way I could follow every game her team played. I always wrote her a letter after the games, telling her what I thought of it. She still didn't answer my letters, it was more out of habit and a desperate wish to get her to speak to me again. But I never heard a word from her.

Today, as I was walking back home, I couldn't stop thinking of her. I missed her so badly. Over the years I had told her how I used to be and still was in love with her. I was on my way home from St. Mungo. I had been there fir my weekly appointment with the healer who helped me though the trauma I suffered from after the war. Today's theme was Ginny, what she had said to me in the great hall, and what she had written in the two letters she had written me all those years ago. I found it quite embarrassing that I stick needed help so many years later. It had been almost seven years, it was about time to get over it. I just wish it was that easy.
When I got home I threw my jacket in a chair and went over to my refrigerator to find a large bottle of firewhiskey, I decided to skip the glass, I just needed to get drunk fast. This last session had been one of the worst so far. Didn't realise how much Ginny had hurt ne until today. I decided to write her a letter, letting her know that I was giving up.

This is my last letter to you, maybe to anyone. I had an appointment with that healer again today, I got back from there just now. In today's session we spoke about you. I realised then that what I do is holding me back. Therefore I have decided to give up. I have been fighting for you for more than six years now, and it has gotten me nowhere. I don't really wish to do this, but I can't keep this going. I am really sorry for all the pain I might have given you the past six and a half years. I'm really, truly sorry for everything. Just remember this, I love you. I always have, and I always will. My heart never belonged to anyone else. I love you.
I guess this is my last goodbye, then.
Always yours,

I sent the letter, emptied the last remains of the firewhiskey, locked the door and went to bed, drunk and crying.