Anyway, how are all you guys? XD Good? Good I hope?

Sorry, let's get back to the story... I've been stalling long enough. ^^

Random Person; You sure have...

It's not like you care about the story...

Random Person; I... might...


Random Person; Just... tell... the freaking, STORY.

Fine. Here we go.

"Yo ho, yo ho... a pirates life for me..." Jimmy Z sang out slowly, as they floated along.

The team had been sailing a day and a half now, and there hadn't been a sight of land ever since they left the island. Night was going to fall soon, and a fog covered the air very thickly.

Not to mention a chill ran through the breeze, and the air smelled like salt, fish, and ice...

"JZ... not, helping..." Aviva mumbled, rubbing her cold arms a little.


"Hey Chris, can you tell which direction we're heading in?" Martin asked, from behind the helm. It had been his turn to steer. His breath gave off a puff of air.

"No..." Chris said with a sigh, "The fog is to thick, and can't see any stars or anything..."

"I barely can even see any of you guys..." Koki pointed out, coughing a little.

"Let's hope we get somewhere soon," Kitty started, "Because we're running low on food supplies..."

"I wonder why..." Aviva said groaning, looking to all the men in the group.

Chris, Martin and Jimmy exchanged glances, and in unison said, "What?"

"You guys eat like crazy! You need to take it down a notch..." Aviva concluded, "Especially you, Jimmy..."

Survivor cleared his throat as he finished off the thing that he had been eating, out of one of the boxes, without anyone noticing. And he quickly walked over to lay down behind Martin, and lick the remaining crumbs from his furry face.

Obviously the lion had been eating the supplies, not the men... and no one knew he had been. (Me; But he's a lion. An 'animal'. That's understandable, right? XD)

"Um, anyway..." Chris started to change the subject, "I think it's starting to snow..."

"How is that possible?" Koki asked.

"I dunno... like, didn't the island have tropical weathers?" Jimmy asked. Snow flakes started slowly raining down on them all.

Kitty shrugged, as she pulled a blanket over her and Aviva's shoulders, "It did... but it was a strange island... I mean, it could be warm all the time there or-"

"Or it could have been on the brink of winter..." Martin finished.

"Great..." Aviva grumbled, "Nothing like sailing, when the water starts to freeze..."

"Just no one fall into the ocean... otherwise you might die of hypothermia or something..." Chris said, shaking the ice off the sail.

The snow started to come down a little harder now, and that mixed with the fog, really made things difficult to see. So, they all were surprised when a wave came hurling over, and almost knocked them all into the water.

"That was close!" Koki said, holding onto the mast, "We really need to watch those waves!"

"But how?" Martin asked, looking around into the pure, cold whiteness that surrounded them.

Another wave, smaller this time, rocked the boat (Me; XD *singing* Rock the boat! Rock the boat baby! lol). Everyone held onto the sides and one another.

"It's not going to start storming is it?" Jimmy Z asked.

"I think it already is!" Martin said frantically as he tried to steer them across yet another wave.

"Here! Let me steer!" Jimmy insisted as he went over to Martin. Honest truth, Jimmy was better at it...

"Right!" Martin said, stepping out of the way, as another wave hit, and actually blew icy cold water on deck. Survivor was shivering, being cold and wet, and could only snuggle up beside Chris.

Survy was a lion, he didn't belong in these weathers.

It wasn't raining as the waves battered them all about, but, it might as well been; The snow was now thick as it fell, and produced the feeling of cold little needles that struck your face, and made you wet anyway.

There weren't many blankets, but they all did their best, as they kept the sail ice-free, and the ropes from freezing.

Finally, as a last resort, they had to huddle together.

"I feel just like a penguin in the middle of a blizzard..." Martin mumbled out between his chattering teeth.

"Speaking of that," Martin continued, "Did you guys know that penguins huddle-"

Chris interrupted, "Bro, as much as I love animals, I'm mainly focusing on keeping warm and dry here..."

"Oh, right, sorry..."

"It's okay."

"Hey... guys..." Koki mumbled as she looked up and across the ocean, "Do you... see that?"

Everyone froze, then turned their heads to get a good look. There was a pale fading light in the distance, and it appeared to be high up. But it was hard to tell through the pouring snow.

Then again... there seemed to be many lights now; so many it couldn't be counted! Also, there was not as many waves as before; actually, there was hardly any.

"Ah! We're dying! All the lights are here to take us away!" Jimmy started to scream and sob.

"No! Listen!" Aviva said. Among the thick snow/fog, and the lights, there was the sound of... honking? Moving and clanking of... metal?

Finally, the snow let up just a little bit, for them all to notice they were going in a harbor! A glorious harbor! Or... perhaps it was more of a river? It was hard to tell.

But anyway, as they all smiled and grinned with relief, they watched the cars zoom by on either sides. Along with the skyscrapers with a few blinking lights in the distance.

Then, they all looked forward to the first light they had seen again. It was indeed very high up, and, it was a torch... a very large torch... held by a giant... green... woman...

"Lady Liberty!" Kitty called out, joyfully, "We're in New York!"

"We must have floated in from the Atlantic ocean, right into Upper New York Bay!" Aviva said, in awe, as they slowly floated right past the statue.

It was now night, and mixed with the snow, and the lights, The Statue of Liberty was a sight to behold.

"I'm still cold..." Jimmy mumbled, slightly ruining the moment.

"We need to get ashore." Chris said calmly.

"How? There's barely any wind?" Martin asked, looking at the sail. But they all went silent at the sound of more voices, and a motor.

"I'm telling you Mimi, I swear I heard voices..."

"Reef, you're probably just hearing things. Anyway, what's your brother going to think when he finds out that we took his boat for drive, when he was flirting with my cousin?"

"He'll have to deal. I wanna see what that noise was..."

But the voices suddenly started fading away, and the Kratt team knew they'd have to get their attention.

"H-hey! O-over here!" Martin stuttered out, trying to find words, "HEY!"

"COME BACK!" Aviva called out.

"HELP!" JZ shouted.

"SOS! SOS!" Chris started calling, then thinking for a second, then changing his words, "SOK! SOK!"

Kitty blinked, "I know SOS means Save Our Souls, or Save Our Ship or whatever. But... what does SOK mean?"

"Save Our Kratts." Chris answered simply.

The voices suddenly drifted back, "Told you I heard something."

"Oh, just shut it Re..."

The faces of two girls suddenly appeared, both dressed in winter attire. The one wearing the Aqua marine coat pointed a flashlight at the group, "Whoa..."

They were both in a some sort of expensive, large speed boat.

"Reef?" Kitty squinted against the glare of the flashlight, "Oh my gosh, it's Reef! And Mimi!"

"Kit?" The girl in the pink coat, which was apparently Mimi, asked blinking, "Kratts?" her eyes went over to Chris and Martin.

"Oh dear! Guys! What happened? Hurry! Hop in!" Reef beckoned, and reached out a hand, eying their torn up clothes and battered ship/raft.

"Saved..." Jimmy sighed out loud, "Finally saved!" and he hopped over, with Survivor jumping over after him.

The rest followed on board, and they all felt they had never been happier. Kitty sat down, patting Survivor's head, "Boy, now I feel like we're all survivor's..."

A few of them chuckled, but as soon as they started sailing towards the shore, Reef and Mimi immediately started on asking questions.

Honestly, even though the Kratts, Kit and the Tech Crew all explained what had happened, with the volcano, and the colony underneath it, neither of the girls could really believe it.

I mean, would you?


Random Person; You're just ending it like that? Really?

Um... yes?

Random Person; WHY?

I have my reasons... XD I was thinking, if people wanted to know what happened in New York or Jamaica or something I'd put a new chapter-

Random Person; O_O Wait, they still go to Jamaica?

They... might...

Random Person; *jumps at the screen* OMG, PEOPLE REVIEW!

Hm... RP must like Jamaica or something... THANKS FOR READING!