Chapter 5

Jane was roaming around his memory palace that night. Focusing his mind on things he couldn't care less about just seemed a good trick to avoid thinking of her.

He still hadn't ascertained whether what he had done earlier that day had been wise or merely foolish. He had thought it'd be fair to drop her a hint about his true feelings, and the way he had managed things had given her the luxury of deniability.

She might come in the next morning and just pretend that it had never happened. That would be for sure the best thing he could expect.

They'd continue their friendship as if he had never told her anything.

He didn't tell her anything, as a matter of fact. A missed call on her cellphone wasn't much evidence, after all. Not even for a cop.

Maybe he should have known better than that. Upsetting Lisbon was the last thing he was looking for right now. Maybe…

What the heck. He was falling for it again. He didn't want to think about her, and yet… here he was.

A sigh escaped from his lips as he glanced at his pocket watch. A quarter to three. The morning was still so far away – and he surely didn't relish the prospect of tossing and turning on his makeshift bed for at least another three hours.

The unexpected sound of the door sliding open startled him. Who could it be at such an unearthly hour of the night? Of course there was the night watchman wandering around the building, but as a rule he never went upstairs to the attic.

He stood absolutely still, waiting for the intruder to make the first move.

The familiar clicking of her boots on the floor had him immediately figure out the identity of his nocturnal visitor.

Crap. If Lisbon was there at three in the morning – well, that was not a good sign at all.

He had actually hoped that she wasn't going to be angry at him. That she could handle it without talking to him.

Now she was just beside his bed – he could tell this even with his eyes closed. However, he refused to move. Maybe she'd believe he was asleep, and decide to leave.

"Jane. I know you're awake".

Reluctantly he opened his eyelids. "I had no idea that you suffered from insomnia too".

She bit her lip. "Usually I don't. Just tonight".

"I'm sorry. I hope it's not my fault".

"Well, maybe".

The prolonged silence that followed only made him feel worse.

"All right, Lisbon. Just say it".

"Say what?", she double-checked warily.

"That you hate me for what I did this afternoon".

In the dim light he could see her frowning. "Is that what you think?"

Jane simply shrugged. "Otherwise, why would you be here in the middle of the night?"

It was the uncertainty in his voice – the faint note of fear behind his usual light tone – that had Lisbon finally understand her own feelings.

She sat down next to him and gently caressed his cheek. Her heart picked up speed when she felt him leaning into her touch.

"Is it really me?", he heard her ask in a whisper.

Hope suddenly sprang into his chest. He took her hand and brought it to his lips.

"Yeah", he admitted softly, placing featherlike kisses on her fingertips.

That caused her to moan under her breath. "Jane…"

"Yes?", he asked before directing his attention to her palm.

She didn't answer, lost in a feeling she had never experienced before. How could it be that this man was able to convey so much love and affection through a simple thing like that?

When she felt his lips caressing her wrist, she decided it was high time to stop him. So she drew back her hand and joined his mouth with hers.

Neither of them said anything for a remarkably long time. At last he pulled back and searched her eyes. What he found there seemed to please him, and he smiled.

"I have to warn you, Lisbon. My wardrobe isn't the only old-fashioned thing about me. I want to follow the traditional route".

She chuckled. "Namely an engagement ring, marriage and a number of children following us at the park every Sunday?"

Jane's eyes sparkled merrily. "Well, maybe one or two kids would be enough".

"Great. Then we have a deal".

"Woman, it's about half past three in the morning, I have just declared my intention of marrying you… and all you have to say is this?"

She kissed him lightly. "Well, what would you expect? After all, it is half past three in the morning. We should try and get some sleep before dawn".

"Maybe you're right. You can sleep here if you want".

"Jane", she warned him.

"I'm not going to take advantage of you, I promise. Scout's honor".

"All right", she said as she curled up against him and finally drifted towards sleep.