Welcome back folks! I'd like to apologize for taking so long to update "The Cure," and for setting deadlines that I clearly didn't meet. I had originally planned on continuing the story from where I left off, but after spending so much time away from the story and having played through the extended cut in Mass Effect 3 (which I would recommend to all of you), I decided to do a bit of a reboot. Though I liked the chapters that I already wrote, and judging by the reviews a lot of you did too, I just didn't feel comfortable continuing in the direction I was headed. Thus, I've removed those chapters and have posted a brand new one, which will serve as the basis for my new vision.
That being said, some of the content from the previous chapters will reappear in future ones and I am still very much committed to continuing and completing this story. It is my goal to frequently update "The Cure" from now until its final chapter, and I hope that you will continue to give me plenty of feedback. Thanks!