Chapter 1

I stared at my father in horror. He tried to kill Sorrelkit? But why? Oh, I'm glad she's alright. I wish my mother, Brindleface, was here. Darkstripe, my father, glanced around him. My Clan mates glared at him, their fur bristling. Some bared their teeth; some dug their claws into the Earth. Willowpelt, unsheathed her claws and bared her fangs, her tail wrapped protectively around her kits. Sootkit and Rainkit pressed themselves against Sorrelkit, trying to protect their sister.

Fear and alarm flashed in Darkstripe's eyes, and then he hissed, "Fine! I'm not going to take orders from a kittypet anyway! But, I won't be leaving alone." Cat's eyes flashed with uncertainty and alarm. Before any cat could do anything, Darkstripe leaped up, ran toward me, and snatched my scruff. I closed my eyes in fear and wailed in terror as my father streaked out of the gorse tunnel. I heard Firestar yowling, "Go get him! Save Treekit!" I heard many paws behind us and I wailed out again. "Traitor!" "Save Treekit!" "Darkstripe, you'll wish Firestar had ordered you to be crow-food!" "Cloudtail, no. But Darkstripe might become crow-food!" I cried out in fear and pain as my father dug his teeth in, too deep, my scruff.
I opened my eyes and saw we were going to cross over to RiverClan territory! Darkstripe took the stepping stones two at a time and scrabbled onto the river bank. My Clan could do nothing now! I heard threats, wails, and yowls on the other side of the stream. I squeezed my eyes shut again. Great StarClan! Please help me! Even if I escape, will ThunderClan ever accept me again?