Chapter 1: Disbelief
The cool crisp air made the leaves tumble across the ground, Elizabeth and Ryah sat at a table alone, but together, they each ogled the table of sexy guys, at one table sat Gilbert and his best friend Francis, his little brother Ludwig, and the sexy and cute twins Feliciano and Lovino. They were all eye candy, and it killed the girls to know that the boys were too damn far out of their league. The group was called The Fatal Five. And Fatal was right, they were the school bad boys and lady killers. Their flirtatious antics were known throughout the school.
I smiled dreamily at the three of the five males that caught my eyes. Looking over at Ryah I sighed before giving my attention back to my sketch book chibi Ludwig, Feli and Lovino littered across the page. "Ne Ryah, have you ever attempted to talk to any of them?" I asked, boredom lacing my voice as I stared back out to the five males who seemed to be laughing and joking about thing we only wished we could know about.
Ryah scoffed, "Me? Talk to them? Ha, why would I ever want to do that? They're probably a bunch of jerks...no, I don't have the courage...half the time. Dare me to?" Ryah asked with a mischievous grin?
"Yeah, I do." I smirked softly standing from my spot to gather my things. " I'll go with you."
Ryah took a deep breath and gathered up her courage and closed her writing notebook filled with poems and stories and placed them in her bag, grabbed her barely touched sack lunch, and sauntered over to the guys and for SOME stupid reason, she had the gumption to wolf whistle and stride up to their table and say, "Hiya boys!" Then the impact of what she did hit it her and she blushed bright red as she gathered the attention of the boys to her and Elizabeth's direction.
I was lost in an endless fit of giggles as I stood only feet from my flustered friend. My crimson curls bounced with my laugh as I clutched my stomach. "I-I can't believe you did that." I said in between giggles before calming down enough to pat the taller females back.
"Neither can I." Ryah mumbled, nearly incoherently. Her medium length dark auburn red hair, tumbled across her shoulders. "Ve~ hello bellas!" Feliciano said with a bright and happy wave as he smiled brightly. Lovino tossed the short red curly haired girl a sexy glance over, "Hola, come on over and sit with us why don't you?"
Ludwig smiled at the girls, "Guten tag." Gilbert and Francis both grinned. "Ah, so the lonely girls have finally decided to come and talk and not just ogle this time oui?" "Keseseses, I bet it vas my total awesomeness that brought them over. Like Lovino said, "Sit vith us by all means." Ryah nearly dropped her jaw in a very unladylike manner. She looked at Elizabeth unbelieving of their luck, "Pinch me, I think I'm dreaming." She said lightly, but the boys heard and grinned.
I blushed heavily, looking away from the males, trying with no luck to hide my face in my purple turtle neck sweater dress. I pinched Ryah, hoping I hadn't just fallen asleep in math again and that this was real.
"Ow!" Ryah then reddened, "Oh god, I DID just whistle at them. Uh...thanks guys." I said and took the seat next to Francis at the round table, where the spot next to me would be next to Feliciano.
I couldn't help letting my eyes wonder over the god given features of the well-built German as I sat in between him and Lovino. My emerald orbs took in all they could from the males that sat around us before I was pulled from my trance by my phone vibrating in the pocket of my black skinny jeans. - grabbed the phone, flipping it open and reading the small message before letting out a sigh of annoyance.
Ryah was pink with awkward embarrassment but finally managed to speak up, "I'm Ryah Brenton." Francis smiled, "Oui, I've heard of you, you're the girl who got kicked out of your last school for taking out your guidance counselor." Ryah turned white, "In my defense he wanted to talk about something I didn't want to talk about." Gilbert grinned, "Does that apply to the three guys you took out in a rage frenzy?" "They were bullying me, they deserved it." Ryah said wishing she could just disappear now. Ludwig grinned at Elizabeth, "So vhat's your story?"
I stared at Ludwig, not wanting to talk about such a sore subject. "I'm Elizabeth McRoy. I moved here this past summer with my big brother after... an accident that occurred in the town we lived in before. You might actually know my brother; he's a senior this year and is the captain of the rugby team." I smiled softly at the thought of my big brother, trying not to dwell too much in the past.
Ludwig nodded, "I understand, it's really tough to move to a new place." Then Francis asked, "So you two have known each other since school began oui?" Ryah nodded, "Yeah, we've known each other for the last couple of months since school started." "Well we're glad to have you here I guess." Lovino said with a light grin.
I smiled and looked at Ryah. "By the way Scotty is wondering if I can stay at your place this weekend because he has to do a few overnighters at work." I said, really meaning I didn't want to hang out with him this weekend if he was going to be drinking with his buddies to celebrate their win.
Ryah grinned, "Sure Elizabeth, I don't mind." "Aww, you girls are just too cute!" Feliciano said and hugged Elizabeth. Ludwig growled, "Feliciano! Don't get all touchy already! They just met you!" He turned to Elizabeth, "Sorry, he's a very huggy person. He doesn't quite understand personal space, though those two suffer from the same thing." Francis and Gilbert just grinned and did or said nothing to deny their guilty charge.
I blushed and giggled softly. "I don't mind it was harmless really." I took a bite from a strawberry I had picked up from my lunch box. "So Ludwig, you're the captain of the track team, right?"
Ludwig shrugged modestly, but with a grin, "Jah, I am, and you're right I do know your brother Scotty, but he's also a whole grade ahead of me. Gilbert though, oh he really knows Scotty." "Damn right I do, Scott's a nice drinking pal, I join him on occasion vhen my awesome ass vants too." Gilbert laughed and Ludwig rolled his eyes good humouredly. "So why haven't you come up to us before? Scared we will bite?" Francis asked raising his eyes brows and sending a light kissing motion and winking at the girls. Ryah blushed bright red, "Like we need to explain ourselves too you." Lovino laughed, "The kid has spunk, cool." Then he turned to Elizabeth, "So what about you? Are you going to tell us why you haven't come over before? We've noticed you two have been watching us since like the beginning of the school year."
"I'm just not used to people that's all. Ryah and Scotty are usual the only people I talk with." I smiled slightly, twirling my hair to distract myself.
Lovino nodded, "Ah, in other words your shy." Ryah then said, "No we're not! We got up the courage to come over here right?
"Francis chuckled, "Is your friend always so defensive?" He asked Elizabeth.
I nodded softly, giggling. "It's a natural reaction please just ignore it." I finished my container of strawberries and put it away.
Lovino and the others chuckled at her fire, "Vell little miss 'I'm gonna kick your ass' vhy don't you eat before lunch ends?" Gilbert grinned darkly. Ryah huffed and brought out her multiple meats and cheese layered sandwich and the boys eyed her rather large sandwich. "Think you skimped a bit on the meat huh?" Gilbert teased. Ryah turned bright red and swallowed and stuck her tongue out, "I like my meat. Besides, I'm a growing girl." Ludwig laughed at her jab at his brother, "So what do you like to do in your free time Elizabeth?"
"Oh, um, I bake mostly in my free time. Sometimes I like to run the track here after school. I don't do much but draw and hang out with Ryah." I blinked at how boring my life was.
"And judging for Ryah I vould guess you like to pick fights, hang out with Elizabeth and eat as much meat as you can fit into your mouth, right?" Gilbert teased.
"No! I don't like picking fights! But I will if it calls for it. I like hanging out with Elizabeth true, and I also like to write." Ryah insisted, and then finally admitted, "Okay, maybe I like to box a little." "HA! The awesome me knew there was a fighter in you." "Out of self defense!" Ryah insisted. Feliciano smiled at Elizabeth, "They seem to get along well! Hey you wanna come to the mall with us after school? We're hitting the arcade!" He said with a bright grin.
I blushed and almost nodded before looking at Ryah. "I'll go if Ryah does... It sounds like a lot of fun." I admitted with a soft smile as I looked at Ryah with a pleading look.
"Hell yeah!" Then Ryah blushed again then said, "I mean sure, as long as Albino boy keeps his mouth shut." The others laughed. "Great! We've never got to hang out with cute girls before!" Feliciano exclaimed happily.
I smiled gleefully, my true colors showing through. "I can't wait!"
After school let out, instead of going to their dorms or just hanging around the school, Ludwig had the seven of them jump into his massive five-seater and large bed trunk. "Hop in." He said and revved the engine and then took off at a little faster than leisurely place. Gilbert had gone to the back in the bed of the truck with Ryah just to annoy her. The window that linked the inside of the car and the trunk was open so conversation could be allowed. "So why don't YOU have a car?" I smirked at Gilbert. Gilbert laughed, "Vhy bother vhen I can make my brother do it for me?" Not having the effect she had hoped she sighed, "You're no fun." Gilbert slapped her ass, making Ryah yelp and blush bright red, "YOU ASS!" Gilbert laughed, "Damn right I am! Besides it's really fun to mess with you!"
"Ludwig!" Ryah exclaimed. "Just get him back." The younger blonde said. Ryah turned to Gilbert with a malicious look in her eye and they began to wrestle in the back. "Is she going to be okay?" Feliciano asked Elizabeth, holding onto her arm.
I smirked and nodded to Feli. "Yeah you should see how her and Scotty fights, it's amazing really." I sighed softly as the wind blew through my hair. "I love trucks." I mumbled remembering my father had a truck.
Francis watched them, "I'm beginning to wonder if Gilbert's the one we should be worrying about, but alas, he DID start it." Ludwig pulled his truck to a stop and then let the others out, but gentlemanly helping Elizabeth down. "I'm glad you like trucks, there my favorite too." Lovino wrapped his arm around her, with his right hand hanging over her shoulder in a very pimping style. "You're alright kid. But still sports cars, now THAT'S the way to go, a nice Ferrari or something, fast and furious like." Ludwig shook his head, "Trucks are for real men, tough people. Like Elizabeth."
"Nah, nah, nah, you damn potato eater, sports cars!" Lovino insisted. "Trucks!" Ludwig insisted. "I think they're both amazing!" Feliciano said trying to ease the tension between his brother and his best friend. Feliciano sighed and looked to Elizabeth, "Don't worry this happens all the time."
Francis and Gilbert both clambered out and Gilbert didn't even bother help her down, but Francis did, as he gently let Ryah reach the ground with her feet.
I giggled and stood between the two arguing males. "Boys, boys, both types of cars are amazing. I just happen to like trucks because you can actual get on the dirt road without worrying about a few scratches or if the paint chips off. I'm more interested in the engine than anything." I spoke with knowledge lacing my voice.
The blonde and older Italian looked at her with a deepened respect, Feliciano grinned, and began singing, "Ooooh, I got a crush on you-," It was the song Crush by Mandy Moore and Ludwig and Lovino both snapped, :"We do not!" Their cheeks were now tinged with a bare blush. Ryah grinned, "Thanks for the help Francis, and then turned to Gilbert, "You're a jerk." Gilbert grinned and put his hands in his pockets and shrugged, "Eh, vhatever." They all headed into the mall and hit the arcade.
I giggled softly at Feli, being the clueless girl I am I brushed it off and headed to the arcade.
Ryah grabbed out a roll of quarters, "Need some Elizabeth?" She asked.
"No, I don't really want to play any games, go ahead." I said with a smile eyeing a few stuffed animal prizes one being a large lion.
Ryah grinned and realized this, and then when Elizabeth wasn't looking she looked at Ludwig. He looked at her, "Vhat?" "Oh nothing, but maybe you should win at that game over there." She said and then discreetly nodded at Elizabeth, then mouthed out 'lion'. Ludwig grinned and caught on. He went to one of those throw the foot ball games. He threw a few balls and effortlessly won, and was handed the lion plush. "Um hey, Elizabeth, do you vant this?" He asked holding out the lion plush to the short red haired girl.
I blushed almost as dark as my hair when he handed it to m, "Thank you so much, but you didn't have to Ludwig." I smiled and hugged him in thanks, kissing his cheek before I skipped off to fine Ryah. "Look what Ludwig won for me!" I squealed in delight.
Ryah smiled, she loved seeing her best friend happy. "That's so sweet." Ryah said and grinned then winked discreetly at Ludwig at grinned at thanks.
-An hour later-
I yawned softly, tears collecting in the corners of my eyes. "So what now? I'm kinda hungry." I said while placing a hand over my tummy.
Feli jumped, "I'll buy you lunch!" Lovino and Ludwig scowled at him, like how dare he say that first? "How about ve split the bill for her?" Ludwig said. The Italian twins nodded seeming this would be fair. Ryah laughed as she hugged her wolf plush close letting the head pop out of her wolf print long handled satchel, "Now that's interesting."
Ryah smiled and then grinned teasingly at Gilbert, "You buying me lunch?" Gilbert laughed, "Keseses! You came here vith us, you should be grateful and be buying us lunch bitch!" Ryah grabbed his collar, even though he towered over her, with a smirk. "Say that again you red eyed demon!" Ryah snarled. "Don't worry cherie, I'll buy you lunch." Ryah let Gilbert go, "Ah, thanks, I mean I was kind of kidding I can get my own lunch" "No, we invited you with us, so I'll treat you." "H-Hey! Don't ignore me! I didn't say I vouldn't pay for a quarter of her lunch!" Gilbert said feeling a little guilty. Francis winked and Ryah blushed lightly, Francis had planned to do that!
"Thanks, to both of you then." Ryah said as they all headed to the food court. Ludwig looked around, "So vhat do you like Quizznos, Subway, Taco Time, Dairy Queen?" He asked Elizabeth.
I giggled and looked at all the choices. "Dairy Queen! I'm craving a chocolate covered vanilla cone right about now!"
"Ooh! Yeah and a chocolate chip mint blizzard!" Ryah exclaimed, and then looked at Arby's, "Ooh or maybe I'll have a beefy melt and curly fries..." "Ve'll get you both." Gilbert said, with an indifferent face though his eyes were closed. For some reason Ryah wanted to believe that he was trying to be nice for once in the short time I've known him. "Um, thanks, that's really nice of you." "So what about meal lunch stuff, whatcha want?" Lovino asked Elizabeth. "Yeah! Ve~ don't you wanna drink too?" Feliciano asked said girl.
"I'll just have the chicken strips and a large root beer." I said smiling, getting one of the cheapest meals I could find.
Lovino rolled his eyes, "That's it? Fine." He said as Ludwig, he and his brother payed for her meal, as did Francis and Gilbert for Ryah at the respective restaurants. Then Lovino grinned, "But since you are only going to buy something small, you have to allow us to take you to store or something." "Ve~ like Victoria Secret!" "Or Hot Topic or Spencers." Lovino countered. Ryah laughed, "I've never seen guys get so worked up over shopping for a girl before." Francis chuckled, "We don't have many girl friends, to do that with. Ludwig's intimidating, Lovino can be a little rude when you first get to know him and he's very protective of his brother, same goes for Ludwig and Feli, so girls can't ask Feli out or Lovino, girls get annoyed easily with Gilbert's conceitedness, as for me-," Francis flashed Ryah a sexy yet charming grin, "I don't settle for a single girl. I prefer to keep my options open at all times." Though there was something in what he said that made him seem like he was holding something back.
"Well there was a dress I wanted to look at over at Macys." I said, thinking about everything being said. I smiled and decided to keep to my clueless demeanor. "so should would go shopping now?" I asked after I finished eating.
The others nodded and Ryah couldn't help the smile, they all headed to Macy's, and as they entered Ryah saw an escalator an flinched involuntarily recovering fast, but not fast enough for Gilbert and Francis not to see. "What's the matter mon ami?" Francis asked. "N-Nothing, I just hate escalators." She grumbled lightly. Gilbert shrugged and they followed Elizabeth and the younger boys to the place where her dress was.
I flipped through the rack before finding the dress I desired. it was a sheer deep purple off the shoulders knee length dress. It had a black slash at the waist where the tight fabric on top went out into a very flowery skirt. "Isn't it pretty?" I giggled softly and smiled, twirling around as I held it to me body.
Lovino pushed her lightly into the dressing room, "Strip and dress!" He said and closed the door looking genuinely proud of him. Ryah beamed, and them smiled and had a vacant and distant look in her eyes, it had only been about four hours or something and they were already talking and getting along with the sex gods of their high school. It was different, weird, but nice.
I giggled and did as I was told stripping to nothing by my black boy shorts and strapless nude bra. I threw on the dress, pulling the shoulders down to the mid part of my upper arms. I took my hair out of its bun and made the curls fall into my face, giving me a sexy yet adorable look. I walked out of the dressing room doing a small twirl before stopping, my left ankle crossed over my right as I twirled my hair around my pointer. "S-so, what do you think?"
Lovino gulped and stared, Feliciano smiled with wide eyes, and Ludwig looked he was a little hot under the collar. "Damn voman you vrock that thang." Gilbert said with a big sexy grin. Ryah glared at him, but yeah didn't say anything because he was right, her friend did outshine the sun in that dress. "Mon ami, you look like a supermodel." Francis said and kissed her hand. Ryah nodded, "You look amazing."
"Thanks, I love it so much." I giggled and went back to change out of it so I could buy it.
Ryah grinned, and then when Elizabeth came out, Lovino pulled the dress away and went to go purchase it but then Feli and Ludwig went and picked out gorgeous jewelry for her to make up for not buying the dress.
Smiling I put my arm in Ryah's "I feel like a princess." I giggled, smiling.
Ryah beamed, nothing made her happier than to see her best friend feel special. She would later secretly thank the others. They were about to head to Game Stop for a game for Gilbert when he stopped and looked at Francis, Francis nodded and grinned back and they both dragged Ryah in, the others following behind. Ryah blushed, "What's going on?" She asked. "No girl should feel left out, oui?" Francis grinned. "Oh no, it's fine, really." Ryah insisted blushing bashfully with her submissiveness taking in. Gilbert grinned, "You almost look cute when you're meek looking like that." Ryah rounded on him, "Almost cute?" "And there's the ugliness again." Gilbert shrugged with a wicked grin. "Why I oughta-," Ryah began and Francis spun her into his arms, "Mon ami, don't worry about him."
Gilbert went and picked out a red and black lace corset with nice sily black lace and a black too-too skirt with red ribbons it came to little above mid thigh, practically crotch length, and black fish net tights and thick knee high boots, fingerless short black gloves with chains and a lacy choker necklace with a skull pendant. Ryah eyed the outfit, "You've got to be kidding me." She said sarcastically even though she very much wanted to try the outfit on. "Go. Now." Gilbert said tossing the outfit at her and pointing to the stall for dressing. Ryah obeyed him with a pleased smile, and then bashfully she came out, looking insanely nervous and self concious about her too skinny body, she barely had a chest and the only thing with meat on her body was in her cheeks, thighs and butt.
Ryah turned slowly, "How do I look?" She asked not very confidently.
I hooked my arms with ludwig and lovino as I rushed in after gilbert amd francis. "come on Ryah, be happy you can feel like a princess too!" I giggled, hugging the two boys arms as we walked. "wow Ryah, you look awesome... but its a little revealing don't you think?" I asked gilbert and francis.
Ryah gave a light smile. "You look magnifique!" Francis said kissing his fingers and flinging his fingers out like fireworks. Feli feeling a little left out wrapped his arms around Elizabeth's stomach, squeezing her body to his nicely sculpted one, "You look cute Ryah!" Feli assured her. "That's a good look for you." Lovino said with a light smile. Ludwig nodded approvingly. Gilbert didn't know what to say, he couldn't believe what he saw, and he just shrugged and turned away, "Eh it's fine I guess." Gilbert said, but the reason he had turned away was so that he could breathe easier, now he knew what Ludwig felt. Not that he would admit it though, Ryah was just a pain. Ryah went in and changed feeling like she really was some kind of gothic-punk princess. She had always liked this style and since GIlbert picked it out it was all the more amazing, not that she would admit it either since she though he was just an immature jerk. When she was back in her regular clothes, Francis and Gil bought the outfit. Feeling as if they had been upped, Lovino, Feliciano and Ludwig dragged the girls to Victoria secret where they were planning to buy a purse and shoes for Elizabeth, and they did NOT give her a choice on whether she wanted shoes and a purse or not. "Pick a purse and a pair of shoes to go vith your outfit." Ludvig said.
I nodded, obeying his order. I grabbed a small black hand bag and a pair of one inch ankle high black boots that went perfect with the dress. " thanks so much guys!"
Ludwig and the Italian brothers grinned triumphantly at having evened the score. Then Francis and Gilbert huffed, clearly not pleased, and then they traveled the mall more and when Ryah glanced at Black Market Minerals, Francis and Gilbert dragged her in, and forced her to pick something out, and of course even though it wasn't that much, it was something she loved: incense sticks sticks. Ryah smiled, "These are amazing." Francis also bought a small marble incense burner which was not too expensive but not cheap either. Ryah looked at Elizabeth and mouthed 'these people are crazy!' but her smile was now one fit for a princess. Clothes were great but things like what she was just given, the incense sticks and burner, that's what made her feel special. Then Lovino, Feli and Ludwig grumbled the game was underfoot again. Ryah walked arm in arm with her bestie, "I can't believe this, this is like every girl's dream!" She whispered gleefully into Elizabeth's ear.
"Yeah but I can't help but wonder why they are doing this stuff for us, its not as if we're special." I mumbled a little unsettled by it. I chance a look at the males and blushed heavily when I caught ludwigs eyes with mine.
Ryah didn't bother telling her friend that she had her suspicions about the italian boys and Ludwig, thinking they had crushes on Elizabeth. But instead Ryah did mention, "Francis said something about them not getting buy a lot of stuff for girls because they didn't get much girl friend company. So maybe they're just happy to buy stuff for people other than themselves, especially two girls." Ryah said giving Elizabeth a reassuring smile.
"oh, that makes sense." I said smiling.
The boys buying stuff for Ryah and the ones for Elizabeth kept buying stuff, until the girls pretty much had to force them to stop.
"thank you all very much. we had a great time. I hope we can hang out more." I said with a grin.
Ryah nodded, "I feel the same, thanks. Night guys!"