So, this is our first trip down the rabbit hole. Don't know where this is all going, I'm just hoping it all turns out.

Alistair and Anders sit down in Vigil's Keep during some down-time after Awakening. I can't say for sure if this is AU or cannon. Mostly because I don't know yet...

As always, BioWare designed, built and sold the pond. I am only a fish living in said pond. Breaking the rules.

Share and enjoy and review!

All Told

"Did you guys…?"

"we are friends, nothing more."

Alistair relaxed.

"Wait a moment, did you?" Anders was suddenly serious.

Alistair tensed again. He turned a deep scarlet. "I - no - I don't have to answer you!"

Anders threw his head back and laughed deeply. After an awkward minute, he leveled his gaze at the other Warden. He drew his hand though his blond hair, collecting loose strands and fixing his messy ponytail.

"I don't know why that's so funny," Alistair said pointedly.

"Well, Chantryboy…" Anders trailed off.

"This isn't really about that is it?" demanded Alistair.

"Funnily enough, no," replied Anders. "I just wanted to let you know a few things. First, Aira might as well be my sister, if you treat her any worse than lovingly, it'll be me you answer to. Next, I'm a mage, but I'm also a Warden, no templar crap on me and I won't roast you. Finally, don't mess with my cat."

Alistair spluttered. "What's all this got to do with anything? I'm a Warden too. Actually I never became a templar. I was recruited before I took my vows. And I'll have you know, cats love me."

Anders squinted at the other man disbelievingly.

"Aira trusts me, you should too… Brother." Alistair watched the mage carefully.

"What did you just call -?"

Alistair tugged off a glove and showed Anders his hand. The mage Warden's eyes widened when he saw a scar that matched his own.

"You – what happened when…?" This time it was Anders who spluttered.

"Nothing more than my usual punishment. Certainly less than you got."

Anders nodded, at a loss for words. "Amell was good when I got back. I told her what I wanted to and she left it at that. The others always pushed for more, but I couldn't give it to them."

"She was the same with me," agreed Alistair. "She said her bit and then I did. Then she waited until I was ready to add. Never begging or even asking for more than I wanted to say."

"I remember when I first met her after she came to the Tower. I didn't want someone getting in the way of my escaping. She never asked for me to stay or to put either of us in any danger. I wonder what was going through her head when she recruited me." Anders looked like he was lost in that moment.

The two men sat in silence for a while.

"What did she say when Jowan appeared in Redcliffe?" asked the mage.

The templar's eyes unfocused. "She was angry at first, then let him out of his cell -" Anders flinched "- even though I didn't trust him."

"Because he was a mage."

"Because he was locked up. Arl Eamon doesn't throw innocents into the dungeons," Alistair corrected, voice hard. "Aira was quick to give him a free rein. Provided he didn't use blood magic. Then Isolde…"

Anders put a hand on the other Warden's shoulder awkwardly.

"Then Aira and I blamed each other. That was a terrible argument."

"But you obviously forgave one another."

"We did. I was stupid to even yell at her. You see, a few days before that we were in Lothering and I had my back laid open. I thought I was dead for sure, but then Aira did this magic and healed me."

"Wynne and I taught her that," said Anders.

"Well then, I guess you saved me that day too. Thank you," Alistair said sincerely.

"I was in solitary for a year then," answered Anders. "Oh, and – er – you might be on a wall back at the Tower. In my cell."

The templar threw the mage a quizzical look.

"I painted a bit that year," Anders admitted.

"All told," sighed Alistair, "I'm glad I know you, Anders."

"I'm glad I know you too."

~ Alistair and Anders