Annie didn't like it in 13. She missed the smell of the sea. The salt, the sun,( yes, she decided, the sun had a smell, it was a warm smell she couldn't describe), and even the fishy scent. It all smelled like home. It was a sense of familiarity she longed for.

At least she one thing that was normal. One thing she loved. That one thing made the gray walls seem much brighter. Finnick.

As long as Finnick was in 13, Annie decided she would like it. Lots of Finnick's friends were in 13 too. There was the girl with dark hair and eyes, Annie was pretty sure her name was Katniss. There was the boy that Finnick saved, the one with blond curls and blue eyes, who had come back with Annie. The girl who once had short spiky hair, it was all gone now, had also come back with her. Finnick seemed to trust them, so Annie did too.

Annie liked that Finnick never left her side. It made her feel safe. He whispered things into her ears whenever she started to remember the bad times. He reminded her of the ocean. He told her to remember their happy times- the time he taught her to swim, the times they used to tie knots together making nets, the time he first kissed her. He told her to remember the sound of the waves crashing on the beach.

Finnick was staring at Annie. Annie smiled up at him. They were standing in their compartment in the district Annie never knew existed until a few days ago. The two are holding hands- they always are unless they have to break. It's always scary when they have to let go. They've had to too many times before.

"I'm so sorry, Annie," Finnick said.

"Why are you sorry?" she asked.

"Because I wasn't there to protect you."

"You're here now."

"I'll have to leave eventually. To go to the Capitol."

"You'll come back. You always do."



"I love you."

"I love you too, Finn."

They had many moments like this, ones where they told each other they loved each other. They both liked hearing it. It made them feel safe for a moment.

"Annie, I never want to let you go."

"You don't have to, Finn."

"I won't. I'll never let you go. I'll do everything I can to make sure you're safe. I wish I didn't have to go, but if I do, then you can be safe forever more afterwards."

Annie didn't like to hear Finnick talk about when he would have to go, but she knew he had to. She wished that the others could do it all, but she understood he was important in the fight.

"Can I ask you something?" Finnick whispered to her one night.

"Of course."

"When did you realize you loved me?"

"I loved you when we were kids. When you taught me to swim. I loved you then. When did you realize you love me?"

"I don't know exactly. You crept up on me," he said with a smile. Annie loved his smile. It reminded her of all the good things in life.

He was silent for a moment. Then he took Annie's other hand, the one he wasn't already holding.

"I want to spend forever with you. I love you. You make everything worthwhile. Annie Cresta…would you marry me?" He asked her. She hadn't even noticed him go down on one knee and pull out a ring. She had noticed the tears forming in his eyes. She didn't look at the ring. She looked at his eyes, the color of the sea, and told him that she would, of course, marry him.