A/N: This is the end! I will definitely miss writing these two. Hope you enjoyed the story, please review!

Scorpius sits still on his broom, watching in awe as Rose nails shot after shot even though she's constantly moving back. They are in a large field, playing Quidditch with their personal supplies. Scorpius is supposed to be chasing his Snitch, but he can't help but hover in one spot, watching his girlfriend.

"I didn't think you could get any better," he remarks.

"I've been playing for Puddlemere for almost four years now," Rose points out. "Of course I've gotten better. Your game, on the other hand, has just deteriorated. How long have you been sitting there?"

"I'm listening for the Snitch!" Scorpius protests. "I'm just looking in your general direction at the same time."

"Sure you are," Rose laughs. "You know, if you're so amazed, you could come to more matches."

Scorpius rolls his eyes.

"I come to tons of them," he insists. "You're just too busy blowing kisses to your hoards of shirtless male fans to notice."

"If you came shirtless, I'd blow you kisses too," Rose shrugs, before zooming down to pick up another Quaffle.

Scorpius sighs and opens his mouth to respond, but suddenly he hears a faint buzzing sound. He looks around and sees a golden glint in the corner of his eye. Immediately, Scorpius flies off in that direction.

Rose pauses her practice to watch him chase after the Snitch. Scorpius isn't nearly as rusty as she accuses him of being, so he's bound to get it soon.

And he does.

When Scorpius catches the Snitch, he is shocked. The little golden ball opens immediately and reveals another small, golden item. Scorpius opens his mouth in shock—he's holding a wedding band.

Rose giggles as she watches him gawk but gasps when the Snitch falls from Scorpius' hands. He quickly dives down after it, and so does she. She doesn't want to risk that nice ring she bought him getting lost.

By the time Rose reaches Scorpius, he has caught it, just a few yards above the ground.

"I hope you didn't lose that," Rose laughs. "You're going to need evidence of my proposal, or I could take it back."

"I've got evidence of a proposal, don't worry," Scorpius replies, smiling.

He holds up a glistening ring, but not the one that Rose so lovingly picked out for him. This one is gold as well, but it's thinner and has a diamond set in the middle.

"F-For me?" Rose stutters in surprise. "I didn't realize that you were going to—"

"I couldn't let you propose alone," Scorpius chuckles, finally dismounting his broom.

"Well, put it on then," Rose urges, blushing and holding out her hand. "I can put yours on if you want…"

She trails off when Scorpius holds up his hand, showing that he's already done it.

"Well then," Rose shrugs, as Scorpius slides her new ring onto her finger. "Guess we're getting married."

Scorpius laughs and gently picks her up from her broom.

"That does seem to be the case," he agrees, as Rose's legs wrap around him. "I love you, future Mrs. Scorpius Malfoy."

"And I love you, future Mr. Rose Weasley," she giggles, leaning down to touch her lips to his.

Though Rose and Scorpius have shared many spectacular kisses over the years, they both find that all of them pale in comparison to this one.