Devil Wears Prada - Meet me at a crossroad…
Summary: The closet was her sanctuary, the place where reality slipped away. Little does she realise the closet welcomes another, an assistant that that can't seem to escape her thoughts.
She had stayed. She had come back. Her assistant. Her Andréa. She breathed out slowly as she let her head fall back against the top of her chair. Paris had been perfect,well, almost, right up until the point Andréa, in what she assumed was a moment if idiocy, had left her. But just as she suspected, and secretly hoped, she had returned. Despite this however, and to her surprise she had not apologised. She had simply returned to her side the next day as if nothing had ever happened, and if she was truthful, she was thankful. She was relieved that they had not spoken, because in reality she knew she had been wrong.
In some ways she had been right but she had also been cruel. Cruel in the respect that she had lied, because, though Andréa was in many respects like her, what she had failed to mention was that despite this Andréa remained loyal. She saw past what people wanted and gave them what they needed, yes, of course she did, but If her friends, whom she knew had been having difficulties with, begged for her desperately in a crisis, even if she was half way across the country, she knew she would try her best to be there.
In that respect, just like she had been with her children's recital, they were similar. But instead of mentioning this and admiring it, admiring her, she had portrayed her as heartless and career obsessed just as she had been stamped.
And it was that she regretted most. Because though she remained by her side she had lost Andréa's respect. Fiddling with her necklace and biting her lips she revelled in the silence of the office that in the day was constantly full of people, running around headless or on the verge of insanity.
Lord, even she felt like she was on the verge of insanity and they had been back barely two days. But of course Andréa had been as faithful and as practical as always. And yet she knew something had shifted, no longer did the young woman greet her with a smile that could light up a room, instead it was quick, short and false. And when she was greeted in the morning, her usual "Good morning Miranda" lacked its warmth and vivacity.
Looking outside she stared at the empty space, where Andréa usually sat, in reverie. On an insane note of unexpectedness she had told both girls to go home at 7 and that she would wait around for the book herself as she was sick of their incompetence and would get more work done alone. In truth, she was distracted by the silly annoying doe eyed beauty that had walked into her office less than 8 months ago with not even the slightest clue. And now she was rarely from her thoughts. It was unnerving.
Getting up, she smoothed out her skirt and walked leisurely towards the place where she found comfort most, the closet. It was full and cluttered and yet neatly organised. Every design, skirt, dress, top or shoe could be found within those precious walls, and still, even after god knows how many years, it overwhelmed her.
Walking in, she indulged herself and let her lips curl up wards as she breathed in and shut the door behind her. Just her, and the clothes, and the shoes, and the accessories, and oh… it made her light up. Because this, all of this, she had worked so hard for, helped to approve of, design, had influenced thousands of other shops and designers, and all of this was her doing… and she was proud.
People called her the ice queen of fashion, the dragon lady, but she knew better. They didn't know her and how she adored her two girls, and everyone else could go to hell, because she was proud of her work, proud of what she had done and what she had achieved.
Walking through, she let her hands caress different fabrics, some dresses almost hideous and yet oh so fashionable it made her chuckle, and then others so beautiful in design it made her insides flutter with delight.
Shrugging off her jacket and laying it on a nearby stool, she continued scouring the clothes and the shoes and dresses. She had barely covered even one row when she heard something shift. Frowning, as she knew almost everyone had gone home apart from herself, and a few people who were touching up the book last minute, no doubt fretting over some layouts, and changing them last second before then changing them back for the millionth time, she cast it off as a figment of her imagination.
But walking forwards she heard it again, followed by a sigh and she stopped in her tracks. Who on earth was in here? At this hour, it was almost ten.
Rounding the corner her eyebrows went up in shock at the sight she found before her. Because in all her glory lay Andréa, clad in a soft rose coloured Vivienne Westwood evening gown and with other clothes lying on top of her, neatly she had to admit, and a content smile on her face.
Crossing her arms and tilting her hip so her weight was supported mostly on her one leg, she cleared her throat.
Immediately Andréa opened her eyes but instead of jolting up and looking at her she stayed still, staring at the celling as she bit her lip, guilt lacing her face as she gripped the clothes tighter "Miranda?" she ask hesitantly.
Miranda walked forwards until she was hovering over her "What do you think you are doing?" she asked blankly, trying not to smile in amusement at her lovely assistants antics.
Andy's eyes darted to hers as her mouth opened "I, ah… well… I was, you see…"
"Is it beyond reason to speak in sentences?" she huffed as the girl stuttered, loving every moment of this. Lord she was cute.
"I'm sorry oh I'm so sorry Miranda!" she rushed out as she sat up quickly, trying to grab all the clothes and somehow hold them or pile them neatly?
"I'll just, uh change and th,then… I'll go and I'll hang it up, or do want me iron it all? I can do that I, I mean I didn't, oh god I'm sorry I …."
"Stop with the babbling, you know how it gives me a headache, or have you learned nothing?" Miranda said suddenly, almost unable to breath with how fast the girl had been talking "I asked you to speak in sentences"
"N,no no, I've learned. I've learnt a great deal, a, about fashion and uh, um, things and i, i…." Andy stopped and watched nervously as Miranda's eyes seemed to devour her, the critical eyes that often observed not only the models, but her as well, assessing the dress she just had to stupidly try on.
"Uh… Miranda?"
Ignoring her she motioned with her hand "Turn"
Andréa looking at her, her mouth agape and her feet glued to the floor, Miranda was barely able to supress a smile.
"Are you deaf as well as incompetent?"
Andy wasn't sure what to say or where to look. What was happening was quite surreal. Here she stood, piles of clothes bunched in her arms and dressed in over a thousand dollar dress and Miranda wasn't tearing her head off. True her tongue was a little sharp but it was Miranda Priestly for Christ sake, a full blown argument was sometimes known as a compliment. That and the fact that no less than four days ago she had momentarily left her. Dear lord she should have been hung drawn and quartered but now. And yet she was still standing and very much alive.
"I, I ah…"
"Turn, now"
Helpless Andy did as she was told and turned hesitantly.
"Drop the clothes on the chair."
Again she did as she was told and before she could comprehend even the motion of turning Miranda had taken her hand and had lead her back into the middle of the aisle. But before she could relish in feel of Miranda's soft skin, her hand slid away with quick elegance.
Miranda tapped her forefingers against her lips as her eyes continued to scrutinize the beauty before her. And if Andy was honest with herself she could feel the tingle of temptation and lust wash over her with sly precision.
Andy looked side to side before she looked back at her boss. She knew no one ever asked Miranda questions but this was killing her "'Mmm' what?"
Miranda raised an eyebrow "The dress, perfect fit, raises your breasts and yet tones them down so they're not in your face and the cut is slender showing of those lovely curves those stick models seem to lack. But the colour, no no no, it just doesn't suit your complexion, your washed out" she concluded leaving Andréa there a little speechless before she looked down and examined herself.
"Well I suppose…"
"No no, that wasn't a question" she said smugly.
Her face was a picture, a perfect 'o' "Now, follow me" she commanded walking away from the slightly shorter woman.
Andy sighed knowing she couldn't question or contradict, she just simply had to follow. So picking up the material of her dress slightly, she followed and padded barefoot after her stupidly sexy boss.
But suddenly her feet paused as she registered the woman's words, wait.
Miranda, sensing the girl was not following her anymore, turned "Andréa?"
"You said I had lovely curves" she stated simply and yet laced with bewilderment.
Miranda opened her mouth to protest but felt a surge of need, need of what she didn't know but instead of reprimands she looked at her in contemplation and made a decision. And then just like that she smirked "Yes" she stated as she turned back around and continued her find.
Andy, still standing still with shock, didn't know what to do. Was this real? Had she really just… complimented her? No, no. But yes, yes she had, and it made her insides turn and shiver and yet jump and twist with joy and delight. And yet she couldn't show her emotions. So she did the only thing she could, she shook it off like she had done so many times whilst in Miranda's employ and followed her again.
"By all means move at a glacial pace, you know how that thrills me" Miranda drawled her usual and Andy quickly picked up pace until they were practically side by side.
Skimming across the dresses Miranda pulled out, Andy watched carefully as emotions, most people barely detected, were written across her face. The hard, cruel, undeterred face of the supposed ice queen, the dragon lady, scouring the racks for a piece of clothing, it was the façade everyone saw. But Andy knew better she thought with a smile, as she watched a flicker of a smile curl at her lips as she pulled out a dark purple dress.
It made her whole being light up with passion and Andy felt such privilege at seeing such a sight.
Miranda, relishing in the material of the dress, caught Andréa smiling at her out of the corner of her eye and became curious. Of course she tried to hide it in her form of cruel wit "You're smiling at me" but her statement was simple, not cruel in the slightest.
Andy looked down for a minute shyly. No, wait, no. Miranda had done the same to her, had she not? So with a cheeky and seductive smile she eyed her up and replied back simply "Yes"
Seeing her cheek, Miranda tilted her head with a smirk before snorting and moving on.
Andy followed.
And so they continued Miranda picking out dresses and Andy following. She would always follow, not because she had to, not because it was her job to, and not even because she was scared that if she didn't she would get fired, she followed because she loved her and would follow Miranda to the end of the world and back whether the woman liked it or not.
Once her arms were filled with at least five dresses she walked down another aisle towards where a space was covered with mirrors so you could practically see the full 360 degrees of yourself.
She placed them on a poof and turned to her assistant "Strip"
Andy's eyes bugged out "You, What?"
"I said strip"
"You, wha, no, no! I'm not going to change with you standing right in front of me while I get naked! NO!"
With a sigh Miranda rolled her eyes "Honestly there's no need to be so dramatic Andréa. Ive seen it all before now change" she commanded.
"N,no, no"
Narrowing her eyes she raised an eyebrow "Do you really want to defy me?"
Andy knew she was treading lightly here but she wouldn't strip, would she? God this was like a fantasy and a nightmare combined "I, I of course not"
"Then change"
"One more word and you can clear your desk" she threatened.
Shocked Andy took the formidable woman in "You, you…"
Miranda gave her a stare and Andy knew when to stop. Of course she wouldn't fire Andréa but she wouldn't let her know that, she wouldn't let her know how valuable she was to her, not just professionally but also personally.
But still seeing the girl's hesitation Miranda relented somewhat "Fine… I'll turn around" she spat.
But Andréa couldn't help but smile because Miranda was teasing her. It wouldn't matter even if she turned around because there were mirrors surrounding them, and she would see her no matter what.
"You're teasing me" she murmured with a smile.
Miranda let her own smile show for just a brief second before turning "Don't be ridiculous. Now please change"
"You said please" Andy whispered smugly before she started to strip while Miranda chose one of the gowns she had picked out.
Once out of the dress, clad in her lacy briefs and bra she turned to Miranda who handed her the dark purple dress "Why are we doing this?" she asked curiously.
"Miranda priestly never explains anything" she stated as she helped her assistant into the tight fitting gown.
As Andy stepped into it, Miranda lifting it up, she looked into the mirror at their almost intimate reflection "Okay, well what about Miranda Priestly mother of Caroline and Cassidy? Will she explain this to me?"
Miranda paused in her actions and her eyes caught deep doe eyes in the mirror.
"You can trust me" Andy said honestly and assuring.
Licking her lips Miranda nodded but said nothing before she resumed her actions. Andy thought that was it and she was happy to accept it but less than a second later she was proved delightfully wrong.
"I'm tired. Not tired of my job of course, I love runway it's a big part of my life, my second love and second home" she paused as she took in their reflection "But sometimes… I like to come in here and 'play dress up' I suppose and just relish in all that I've achieved to create" she confessed.
Andy was surprised but smiled fully "That's dear"
Miranda looked at her wickedly "You say that now" she replied mysteriously.
Andy looked at her cautiously "Why do I feel like I've been thrown into the lion's cage?"
And to her surprise Miranda actually chuckled as she finished pulling up the strap on her dress "Maybe you have, do you like to be chased?"
Andy paused, her heart beat pounding against it bone confines "Maybe…Do you like to catch?"
Miranda said nothing and merely smiled softly.
Once done they looked her over with a critical eye. It was beautiful. The dress was made out of a soft and stretchy like material that hugged her in all the right places, and graced her long lean legs with a sexy and yet demure slit up the side. The one shoulder strap she had was encrusted with gems, which were then equalled out on the other side but slightly lower in position down the bodice. She looked stunning.
"It's beautiful" she murmured as she ran her hand across it carefully.
Miranda nodded as she took them in "It doesn't look completely awful" she teased.
Andy smiled and looked at her shyly.
Trying to break the eye contact Miranda looked around before taking her hand again and leading her into the beauty department just down the corridor.
"Where are we going?" Andy asked confused.
"You're going to do my makeup?"
"And your hair"
Andy sighed "But why?"
Miranda almost laughed "Why must you always ask so many questions" she drawled.
Andy smiled shyly "It's who I am"
Miranda looked back with a look that said 'Oh I know'
Rolling her eyes at her boss and Miranda choosing to ignore it they finally arrived at the beauty department and with a wave of her fingers Miranda motioned for her to sit down.
Andy complied, careful not to crease the dress and watched as Miranda seemed to drift into a world of her own. Her movements were almost lethargic, graceful and smooth, as if she had done it a thousand times before, as she gathered brushes and make up, before laying them out before her in neat order.
It seemed as natural as the sea upon shore and yet she had never seen her take a brush through a models hair, or apply an inch of makeup to their beautiful faces. Yes she had adjusted things, told the stylists to tone down this, or the hairdressers to back comb that more, but never had she seen those delicate hands do it themselves.
Miranda could feel Andréa's eyes on her and though the tingle throughout her felt right she pushed it away and concentrated. So picking up a paddle brush she went to the back of her and gathered the girl's hair, slowly taking her brush through the first light feathering of knots but being careful not to hurt her as she felt the younger woman automatically relax into her. What girl didn't love her hair to be brushed or played with?
"Why does having your hair brushed or having it played with feel so nice?" the words flowed easily out of Andy's mouth before she could even think them through.
Miranda's lip twitched and she felt warmth grow inside of her but she said nothing and continued.
Andy didn't mind her silence she was used to it even, the long car rides to events usually sat in complete quiet. But she had no qualms about it, it gave her time to think and reflect, and if she were truly honest, it gave her more time to study the beautiful woman she so wished would see her as more than just an assistant, more than a friend, and wished she could one day see her as an equal, and lover.
Of course it was crazy thinking, but she could dream and if this is what it took to stay by the woman's side a little longer, then she would grab it with both hands until her hands bled down to the bone and the pain became too much, because she wouldn't give up, she would see this through.
Once Miranda had brushed it all through she proceeded to part it in layer and clip them away before picking up a back comb brush and back comb her hair. Little by little she did so before making sure it looked smooth and tidy on the top as Andy watched in fascination.
"How do you know how to do this? I've never seen you do anyone's hair or makeup. Touch up yes, and tell people to do something but never really from scratch" Andy said in bewilderment.
"You never cease to amaze me with your persistent questioning" Miranda said in disbelief.
Miranda huffed "And what?"
"And how did you learn?"
Rolling her eyes Miranda finally relented knowing that if she did not she would most likely persist, it was like there wasn't an off button. Any other person would have died of shock at seeing Andrea's upfront nature with her. It just wasn't done with the ice queen. And yet here she sat still questioning with no fear.
"Before runway I was just a girl with an aspiration to go into beauty and fashion. I liked the idea of doing peoples makeup and hair for fashion magazines and so I studied hairdressing and make-up. I liked it and then climbed my way up little by little, entering different competitions until I was picked up by a small fashion magazine. I continued with styling the models but quickly became interested in the more clothing side of it; I suppose I fell in love with it all. So I hopped from department to department and found I excelled in them all…"
"No surprise there" Andy said with a smile.
Miranda paused and just looked at her with a little warmth "Mhhmm. I did this and that, but of course I had my stumbles, I was new and young, but with small suggestions editors and designers liked I gained their respect. But not before I hit my biggest challenge of all…" the editor paused in her actions of pulling Andy's hair to the side
The tension that seized the woman was almost palpable but Andy didn't say anything instead she waited and offered the woman an assuring look.
"But that is a story for another time…" she diverted "To put it briefly I came out on top and so was born the dragon lady, a heart of ice, demanding and yet magnificent in her work. And well the rest is history; I just climbed my way up. I broke my back every day, but not because I had to, not because I had bills to pay, but simply because I wanted to, I loved it and I still do"
Andy took in the woman in all her glory. She was beautiful and strong and yet breaking through the facade she could see the woman and not just the fashion idol "So originally you were a hair dresser?" she asked softly.
Miranda nodded "Indeed" she murmured as she twisted Andy's long hair in a soft side bun. Pining it with hair grips she sprayed it lightly with hair spray before coming in front of her "Hold your breath" she instructed softly.
Andy did so and closed her eyes but even as she did, she could feel the heat of the older woman's hand covering her face in protection and her body tingled with delight.
After she was done Miranda wafted away the toxic substance and spayed lightly here and there "Alright you can open your eyes and breathe, heaven knows I don't need you fainting every two seconds like Emily"
Andy opened her eyes and tilted her head "You know she's only trying to please you"
Miranda looked away from the young woman's imploring eyes and put down the hairspray before reaching for some face wipes. Taking off Andrea's makeup thoroughly Andy couldn't help but chuckle at her red face in the mirror before Miranda came back with a wet and dry cloth.
"I'm serious Miranda that girl would die for you and you know it" With care she patted her face and then dried it off before finding some moisturiser, applying that, again with care, before then reaching for a brush and powder "And I suppose you're on expert are you?" she snapped lightly.
"I… Of course not, I just… I see the way she looks at you, you're her idol, she seeks your affection and praise like a daughter would her mother's"
Miranda said nothing merely motioned for the girl to close her eyes again before appling a little foundation and then delicately brushing over the foundation with powder "She's a big girl she can handle herself"
"You make grown men cry" Andy slipped out.
Miranda paused, trying to keep down her fury.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have…"
"No, no…" Miranda continued apply the powder "You meant what you said, I may not have liked it but one thing I do appreciate is honesty"
Andy nodded knowing she had gotten the message and whether she wanted to act on it was her choice.
Once Miranda was done with the powder she put the lid back on and placed it back. Andy still watched with fascination as the older woman went through it with such methodical care. It was so different to a run through, models designers and stylist's all rushing round throwing makeup here, there and everywhere to get it all done on time. And yet watching the fashionista, she knew without a doubt in her mind, if in the same situation she would still be calm and methodical as always.
Getting an eye liner she motioned for the girl to close her eyes and did so with trust. Feeling gentle fingers touching her skin she kept down her smile of pure delight and let the woman work her magic. She couldnt describe the magical surge of delight that seemed to power through her body. Her fingers were soft and she knew, somehow, within those arms that belonged to the delicate fingertips touching her skin, she would be safe.
But feeling the touch dissipate after a moment, she opened her eyes to see she had applied just the tiniest of eye liner, not like the usual thick amount she applied for work before she did the same to her other eye.
"Do you do your own makeup?" Andy asked gently as the woman went to find some eye shadow, returning with black and silver.
Looking at her with a raised eyebrow she opened both lids and found the smaller brush "For work? Of course"
Andy nodded "But events no?"
"Don't be ridiculous, one never does their own makeup when attending an event"
Andy watched as she twitched slightly "Sorry. But have you in the past?"
Miranda rolled her eyes at all the questions the girl seemed to ask "In extreme circumstances yes. Now close your eyes"
Andy smiled at having cracked the woman's façade a little and complied with the woman's request. Hearing her breathing become more ragged as she felt the warmth of Miranda near she concentrated on the soft feel of the brush gently caressing her skin.
Again after a few moments she opened her eyes and found them seductively smoky with tints of silver on the lid and just a spec in the corners to highlight her big doe eyes "Nice" she whispered.
And for a brief moment she swore she saw the corner of Miranda's mouth curl up. Her heart sped up and she licked her lips but before she could even be certain it was there it was gone. Had her eyes deceived her? But the sparkle within those stunning blues told her the truth, no, it had been real.
"Your lack of ability to string together coherent sentences still amazes me" the sharp lady quipped but Andy couldn't help but smile.
"What can I say? Some say I have a unique way with words"
Miranda scoffed quietly "Oh indeed" she replied seductively before returning with some mascara. And slowly her eyes became big and even more beautiful, her eyelashes becoming longer, darker and thicker and Miranda carefully applied it. And then applying it to the bottom, it equalled in thickness and her eyes suddenly set her dress off.
Once done with the mascara she finally went to the blush and applied a little to her cheeks and just like that she was done. And she looked stunning.
Andy did so and followed her over the to the long tall mirrors "Turn"
Andy did and both scrutinized her appearance. If Andy were honest she was truly impressed, she looked the most beautiful she had ever been. It wasn't big or over done just simple and yet sexy.
"Mhmmm. As I thought" Miranda paused with a twinkle "Not too shabby"
Andy smirked and watched as the woman widely known as the ice queen admired her with something she could only describe as warmth "Admit it"
Miranda rose an eyebrow in question "Admit what exactly?"
Rolling her eyes she looked over herself once more and then back to Miranda in the mirror "I look hot" she said with suggestive eyebrows.
Miranda didn't say a word but Andy felt her body flush as her eyes darkened and the seductress she knew was inside seemed to surface for just a brief moment "Mmm"
Unsure what to do an idea sprung to her and she turned "I'll be back in a second" and with that she dashed away to return no less than thirty second later with a polaroid camera and a confused look lacing Miranda's stunning features.
"Where on earth did you get that?"
Andy smiled and handed it to her "Nigel"
And that was all the explanation the dragon lady needed as Nigel was well known for finding lost treasures such as Polaroid cameras etc. It was like he lived in a vogue charity shop, finding exquisite treasures it was untrue.
"And what exactly do you want me to do with it?"
"Take a picture" Andy said enthusiastically.
"And why on earth would I do that?" she asked ridiculously.
Andy sighed "Please? Think of me as your imperfect model" she suggested.
Miranda bit her lip and took in her suggestion, there was only one flaw though, Andy wasn't imperfect… she was perfect, she was amazing. So lifting the camera, Andy posed with a wink, making Miranda's fingers pause and her heart set aflame, something new and exciting igniting inside her before she pressed down and then with a flash it was taken.
The picture came out grey but quickly the colours changed and her heart stopped as the beauty before her came into focus.
Miranda didn't say anything, simply speechless as Andy nodded in appreciation "I, I look pretty good"
Miranda's heart beat sped up as the younger woman stood behind her. Lord. What had she done? Let her barriers down; let her in for even just a moment? Mercy what had she been thinking? But even as these thoughts flowed she felt, happy? "Indeed" she whispered.
Turning she looked at her assistant and went to hand the picture and camera back. Andy took the camera but did not accept the photo "No"
Miranda looked at her strangely.
"You keep it" and with that she turned to go and change.
Hearing her name she paused and turned to look at Miranda.
Panicking she looked away and fidgeted in a very un-Miranda like fashion before she brought her gaze back to Andréa's "Thank you"
Andy smiled and nodded "My pleasure"
Something had changed. Since Andy had left the actions towards each other had been stiff and almost unwelcome but yet with one action from her boss by playing dress up and then Andy giving her the picture things had been altered. Andy smiled to herself as she stripped out of her dress and back into her clothes. Yes she was still her snappy sexy boss but now there was acknowledgement and a plane of mutual respect between them and that made her heat sore. It gave her hope.
Authors note: Okay so this is my first Andy&Miranda fanfic so I hope you all enjoyed it and hope it wasn't too boring. I'm not sure to have it as just a one shot or continue it a little further so please review and tell us what you think. Thankyouuuu :D X