Chapter 8

This will be the end of Callen's little experiment. I have plans to do the rest of the team; I just have to write them first.

Callen had changed shirts; letting Hetty take the aqua blue one that had started the whole thing with her. Now he was wearing a soft comfortable blue t shirt with the tight jeans she had given him earlier. Of course the little ninja had made him promise to bring them back to wardrobe tomorrow.

Getting into his car he sat for a few minutes going over the nights events; it hadn't turned out as badly as he had thought it would. He had actually had fun dancing and talking with all the ladies, enjoying the reactions of his team to his success's of the night.

Starting the car he pulled out of the parking lot and headed home turning the radio up and rolling the windows down; his favorite mode of travel. Just before the turn off to his street Callen pulled into the all night supermarket. He moved quickly thru the store picking a few items he would need over the next few days; coffee, milk, bread and beer. One could never have too much beer on hand.

After paying for his groceries he continued on his way home pulling into the driveway of his house. As he got out of the car he did his usual visual sweep of the neighborhood not seeing anything out of place before making his way to the front door.

Closing and locking the door Callen didn't bother turning on the lights; using the moonlight to make his way into the kitchen and put away the groceries. After making sure everything was in order he headed down the hallway towards the bedroom looking forward to relaxing on the bed he had just purchased.

As he walked down the hall he pulled the t shirt over his head and dropping it on the back of a chair. Walking into the bedroom he unbuckled his belt and opened the button on his jeans pausing at what he saw.

"Come on in G, I've been waiting for you. What took you so long to get here?" The woman's soft voice was crystal clear in the quiet house. "I must say I enjoyed your little display this evening."

"Really? I was afraid you would be angry at me for flirting with all those other women tonight." His eyes were locked on hers dropping occasionally to take a look at her body shinning in the moonlight. "It was quite difficult to concentrate on what I was supposed to be doing with you watching my every move."

"Oh I was not happy at first; but then I could see your heart really wasn't in your task. Having been on the receiving end of your serious intentions, I was able to relax and enjoy the show." She ran her hand down his bare chest before hooking her hand in the loop of his jeans and pulling him closer. "Besides I knew who you would be coming home to tonight, right big boy?"

Giving a throaty low laugh Callen ran his hands up her arms to pull her closer "True, there was never any doubt about that. But I was sure I caught a couple of glares directed my way from you."

"Silly boy come over here and let me remind you why you don't need any of those other women."

Callen just smiled as he sank down on the bed, happy to be home with the only woman he really wanted.

I resisted adding something about a girlfriend for Callen throughout the entire story but here at the end I thought maybe I could sneak it in. I know who I have in my mind as the woman in the bed, but I will let you decide who you want it to be.