I Warned You.
Summary: Naruto and team seven come back from wave to find Konoha Destroyed and everyone…frozen? With the only way to save them being to get help from snow country, Naruto and the gang depart. What happened at snow? Where is Naruto? And who is this mysterious new warrior at the head of snows team for the chunin exams? Team seven bashing, Konoha bashing, mostly team seven though.
Pairing undecided
'this is thought'
"this is speak"
Warning: the first chapter is a flashback and the others are around the chunin exam time. (Future lemons possible. rating may change)
Disclaimer: this is what would've happened if I owned Naruto, since it didn't, then I obviously don't own it
Chapter 3: Exams pt.1
To answer some questions: First, the summary says TEAM SEVEN BASHING! So sasuke will get his dues in the third portion and Kakashi will get it before then. Second, no, Kyuubi is not inside Naruto, Who do you think the mysterious team leader is? Third, not a question but, since no more people have voted, im closing the poll. Final: Sakura lives-1 dies-8. So, the pink bitch dies.
Start of the exams
"What do you see Yukin?" Haku asked "Most of the genin are crowding on the second floor. The spot they're at is laced with heavy genjutsu. I suggest we go up the walls to the third floor and avoid this mess altogether." Yukin replied.
-Koishii. How are you doing?- Haku mentally asked. –Great. This tower is lonely without you, but the place is almost as nice as our castle back in Snow.- The strange person replied. "Let's get going. We aren't becoming chunin by waiting around." Yuki said almost irritatedly. "Sorry, I was talking to Akane-sensei." Haku said. "I still don't agree with the fact that our sensei is a bijuu, her training methods, or the fact that our strongest member and leader of the paladins is mated to her, but I do think it is easier to keep track of her here than roaming the wild." Yukin said (rambled). "Okay, two things little brother, first I agree with what you said about our team leader, and second, you were rambling again." Yuki agreed.
"How can that be true if your sensei is a weak female, she'll never put you through the hell my sensei does?" sneered Sasuke. "Really, so you're saying that the training styles of Kami and the queen of the bijuu aren't suitable teachers?"Haku asked with obvious pride in his voice. This of course, only served to anger the already fuming Uchiha. "Yeah right, the nine-tails was killed in our village long ago." Sasuke retorted thinking that he had won. "We both know that the she was only sealed into the jinchuriki on your team, because I was that jinchuriki." Said Haku.
"Naruto is alive?" Yelled Sarutobi who had been watching from his crystal ball. Sasuke had a similar thought in learning that the leader of the paladins was that once weak idiot. "Yes, I am alive. I am also leaps and bounds ahead you if my reputation is anything to say." Haku replied. 'Damn, the dobe is stronger than me, an Uchiha, an elite. THAT SHOULD BE MY POWER!' thought Sasuke angrily. "Yuki, Yukin, let's go. I want to get there early so I can check in with the others to see if we're needed." Haku said.
"Hai." They replied. As they climbed up into the building (avoiding the idiots on the second floor), and into the class, Sasuke went behind following angrily. As Yuki and Yukin set up a privacy barrier, Haku opened a multi-way communication seal. Sasuke had snuck into the barrier before it was ready and was listening to the conversation. "Raven, Cat, how is the two-tails doing?" Haku asked. "Raven, reporting in. the two-tails is fine but I still wish you hadn't paired me with cat. Having one to deal with was enough, my code is raven for a reason." The other replied. 'I-It can't be. ITACHI! That accursed man works for the paladins?" Sasuke thought.
Inadvertantly, he had made a noise, and-"Yuki, Yukin, we have been interrupted, dispose of him now, but leave him alive. We can't be disqualified for killing another shinobi."
(Since im too lazy to write this part) Time Skip after start of test. (If you're reading this then you know the rules Ibiki gives)
20 minutes in to the test, Haku had finished, Yuki was using ice mirrors to cheat off of him, Yukin had finished and many other chunin-wannabees had fled realizing they would have to fight one of them later. "TIMES UP!" Ibiki yelled to the prospectives. (Blah-blah-blah of Ibiki. I think he likes the sound of his own voice). Now if you will all follow me int- "ALRIGHT, you maggots meet me at training ground 44 in an hour for part 2 of the exams." The next procter said/yelled *sigh* "Anko, you're early, AGAIN!" Ibiki yelled.
Training Ground 44 A.K.A. The Forest Of Death
Alright each of you will be given a scroll that says either heaven or earth on it. In the five days time, you will have to get the other from another team, so that means only half of you will pass.