A\N: I'm back. I needed to write more Sebtana, so... This is going to have circa 15-16 chapters, maybe less, maybe more. I'm going to update once a week.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Glee, and I don't own the lyrics to One More Night (Your Ex-Lover Remains Dead) by Stars.

You'll never touch him again, so get what you can
Leaving him empty, just because he's a man
So good when it ends, they'll never be friends
One more night, that's all they can spend in
Stars, One More Night (Your Ex-Lover Remains Dead)

She sees him checking her out and arching his eyebrows impressed, as if saying "She's hot".
It's not a problem for her, as long as he doesn't touch her. And besides, he's kinda hot, too.
But then they sing, and totally lose control.
He does touch her, and he's everything Brittany isn't: rough, violent, teasing, afire with need and want.
He rocks her world (almost).
Almost, because he's a guy, and only girls can rock her world.
She tries to imagine Sebastian as a girl, and pushes the thought out of her head furiously.
Because if he was indeed a girl, they could have a relationship.
She's not going to see him again, anyway.

One thing I have to say, and that is, please review.