Hey! Wow, ten reviews already? Man, and I thought this idea was going to be a flame magnet or something, since my work in this category in the past always turned bad. Oh, ah well. Thanks to all of you who have been kind enough to support me in this fic. Your support has made me type up this chapter! Alright, I'm going to be showing a lot of various and mixed parts from episodes 2 and 3, with many various scenes created by me and some shipping moments with Fem!Judai. The true pairing of her with her true love will be revealed later. Also, she and Manjoume will not be Dueling till the next chapter, since I want the chapter to be all about them and their rivalry. I mean, can you not imagine Manjoume getting all angered and pumped up by a Fem!Judai? Ha! As if! Alright, I've talked quite enough! Lets get this chapter rolling!
Beta-Reader: The ever-so great Colossal Fighter GX! Thanks a million, man!
Disclaimer: I own nothing of Yu-Gi-Oh GX. Hell would most likely freeze over if I did.
Dedication: This is dedicated to PrincessAnime08, the first reviewer. Here's to you, man!
Chapter Two: Episode Two~ The Royalty of Obelisk
(Osiris-Red Dorm)
"Come on, Shou! If ya don't hurry up, we won't have enough time to find some people to Duel!"
"B-B-B-But Nee-chan, we-we have to-!"
"Have to what?" Judai turned her head to her blue-haired friend as they walked down the stairs together in the morning, the sky shinning with the students and faculty of Duel Academia waking up from their slumber. The two only females of the dorm were woken up reluctantly by their alarm clock, which Judai promptly chucked out the window. "We gotta do this before we head to class. Haven't done it since yesterday, right?" she asked. Shou nodded with a faint blush on her cheeks.
"Y-Y-Yes, but-!"
"Hey, here it is," said Judai, nodding to herself at the small building that was a few feet away from the dorm. Without the slightest sign of hesitation, she pulled the door open and sneezed as cold mist blew in her face. She then smiled and walked in.
"Hey, guys! Having a good shower?" she asked as she slipped off her slippers and began un-tucking the towel around herself.
"SHIT, A GIRL!" All of the boys ran out of the shower room immediately, their faces scarlet with blood spilling out of their noses and their towels wrapped around their waists. Judai tilted her head in confusion with one hand on her hip while Shou was blushing madly. The brown-haired girl then shrugged and walked into the showers.
"Weird. Ah well, more water for us!"
Judai was now searching through Shou's yet to be packed bags while the girl herself was sitting on the desk chair, polishing her glasses.
"Nee-chan, why are you searching through my bags?" asked the shyer girl, surprised when her academy jacket and a selection of clothes were handed to her. In the pile was a white blouse, a white skort long enough to reach her knees, white knee-socks, and black, inch-high Mary Janes.
"Ya might as well let people know you're a chick. The only thing from stopping ya is your chest." pointed out the brunette. Nodding quickly with a perplexed look, Shou changed into the clothes and she yelped as she was placed on the desk chair and Judai came at her with a brush in hand. The younger girl was caught with a dizzy spell as the older girl brushed her hair into two pigtails with dark blue ribbons. She blinked as she was swiped by a chapstick's tip across her lips, the faint taste of kiwi at the tip of her tongue.
"My mom's a organic cosmetic. Says that whatever nature has to offer, it can bring out the beauty within a person, at least that's what she tells me." said Judai as she handed Shou her glasses and applied some strawberry-flavored chapstick on her own lips. She then swung her Duel Disk over her shoulder along with her Deck box strapped to her belt. She smiled at Shou with a knowing look in her deep brown eyes.
"Let's go Duel hunting!"
(South Glenn of Duel Academia)
Judai gave a hymn as she walked along a path with a spring in her step while Shou trailed close to her, looking at the happy-go-lucky girl with her grey eyes. Judai turned to her as she jogged in place.
"What's with the long face?" she asked. Shou tapped the tips of her fingers against each other.
"How come you're friends with me, Nee-chan? I mean, I know you said that the more friends, the merrier. But why with this kind of optimism? I've never met anyone like you before." she said. Judai crossed her arms and she looked to the clear skies, looking for an answer within the atmosphere.
"Mh, well that's pretty obvious, really. We're pals because I like ya. Something told me that from the minute we talked, we would be best buds," she scratched the back of her head, "I dunno, I get that feeling sometimes, you know?" she asked, now tipping on her toes with a little sway. Shou watched as she did so, before the chocolate-eyed girl gave pivot turn and sprinted to the academy.
"Come on! The Duelists of this place are waiting for us!" she called over her shoulder. Shou bolted after her.
"Wait up, Nee-chan!" she called, only to be given a heartfelt-laugh from the distance. She saw Judai's brown eyes dance and shine as she ran.
"Come on, Shou! When opportunity comes knocking, ya just gotta grab it and not let go till ya reached the end of it!"
The two ran and ran until they made it inside, the halls surprisingly empty since it was only the second day of the first semester. Judai looked at the pale blue walls with glass ceilings and she made a quiet huff with an annoyed look.
"Man, where is everyone? Where's the scent of the Duel? Damnit." she muttered to herself, sniffing the air and narrowing her eyes.
"'Scent of the Duel'?" asked Shou curiously, quicken her pace as she followed Judai into a large Duel Arena, the both of them widening their eyes in amazement as they looked at the high-tech field, much more advanced then those made in Domino City. The stands around the arena stretched on and on like those of the Roman Coliseum, rising up in order for everyone to get a look.
"This place is bad-assed! Just imagine what kind of Duel you can get here?" asked Judai, her eyes filled excitement as she scanned the area while her grey-eyed companion looked down-right nervous.
"Is it even OK for us to be in here? We're only first-years and we're in Osiris-Red. You remember what Hayato-kun said, right?" she asked. Judai grinned and she gave a shrug.
"So? What does it matter? We're students here so we have a chance to Duel he-"
"Sorry, but you're completely wrong, Osiris-rat."
The two young girls turned to see Torimaki and Mototani, the two students that hung out with Manjoume on the day of the Academia exams. They walked over to them, Shou stepping close and clutching to Judai's shoulder while the latter cocked her head confusingly.
"What do you mean I can't? It's not like you guys own this field." she said. Mototani pointed above the doorway they entered.
"It actually is. Look at the Obelisk crest." he said, directing the girls' attention to the skull battle warrior head above them, carved and set in stone. Shou bit her lip and she bowed her head to the older students.
"W-We're sorry, we had no idea. We're new here and all. Nee-chan, lets go back to the dorm." she said, tugging lightly on Judai's white cuff. Judai scratched the bottom of her nose, eyes looking unsure and restless.
"Erhm. . . Not gonna happen. That just doesn't sit with me well," she said, before turning to the Obelisk students and giving a grin. "So we might as well Duel and see if Shou and I can Duel here? Come on, I'll take you on. The both of you at the same time, if you want to make it more challenging." she chirped. Torimaki blinked realization.
"Now I know why you see so familiar." she said to herself. Mototani nodded in agreement before he looked off to the stands.
"Hey, Manjoume-san! It's that girl, number hundred and ten! That girl that beat Cronos-sensei!" he called. Standing up with perfect posture, Manjoume looked at the girl, scowling at her as he saw she was dressed in the crimson-colors of Osiris. Judai didn't seem to notice his look and she threw a wave.
"Hi ya! My name's Judai Yuki. Nice to meet you, uh- what did you call him again? Sorry, it was too weird to remember." she said with a weak chuckle. The three near her sweated while the black-haired Obelisk ground his teeth angrily, his eyes turning dark with rage. He knew this girl would be trouble, the minute she walked onto the field the first time he saw her.
"Hey, show some respect! You're talking to the Jun Manjoume Thunder! He's one of the most elite students here!" chide the dark-teal-colored hair girl.
"He aims to be the next King of Games. Once he beats the Queen of Games, then he'll be the most well-know Duelist out there." said Mototani, nodding enthusiastically. Judai placed her arms behind her head in a lazy manner, a bored look on her face.
"How weird," she said, doing a few rotates on her heels before giving a smile, "There's no way there's going to be a King of Games. Like you said, he needs to beat the Queen of Games in order to get that title, which means he has to beat me first." she said with a nod of the head. Torimaki and Mototani stared at her dumbly before doubling over and laughing for a few seconds.
"Ah, ha-ha-ha-ha- You're in idiot for thinking that!" deadpanned Torimaki, flipping her hair back, "There no way that you can-"
"Be quiet, Torimaki. This dropout is stronger than both you and Mototani."
Torimaki blinked in bewilderment, her mouth gaping like a fish's as she stared at the dark-eyed elite.
"M-Manjoume-san. . ." she mumbled quietly, before looking at her feet. Judai could see the hurt and embarrassment in her eyes.
'That wasn't nice. She was only defending him.' she thought, feeling bad for the dark-haired girl. Manjoume crossed his arms and gave a cool look.
"This is the dropout girl that beat Cronos, albeit she did it sloppily and like an armature." snide Manjoume. He could remember it all clearly. Cronos meeting the end of the whole thing, crushed under his monster, the brown-haired girl before him cheering and dancing like a moron with a cocky-ass smirk. Said smirk was now on the girl's lips as she looked it him.
"What you call 'sloppily and armature-like,' I call skill." she said with great confidence. Manjoume smirked back, fire within the both of their eyes.
"Hmph, I'd like to see this skill." he said. Judai gave a hum of approval.
"Is that a challenge?"
"And just what is going on here?"
All four now turned to see the blonde-haired girl from yesterday, Asuka. Manjoume threw a smirk her way.
"Ah, good to see you, Tenjouin-kun. I was just going to show these two new, dropout Osiris-Reds that Duel Academia is no place for weak damsels or wannabe princesses. Care to watch?" he asked.
"The Welcoming parties are going to begin soon. Instead of trying to scare off new students, you should probably get going." said Asuka with some bite in her voice. With a dent in his pride, Manjoume gave a dry huff and he and his cronies walked out briskly. Asuka sighed as she walked over to the two other girls.
"You're going have to excuse him. Manjoume-kun is very competitive. And with his pride, I suppose he wouldn't want a girl as his rival for the title of King." she said. Judai gave a huff and she still kept on her lazy-looking manner.
"Aw, just when things were getting interesting. Oh well, maybe next time." she said, looking up. Shou shook her head while Asuka gave a giggle.
"You're funny. Oh yes, welcome to Duel Academia, by the way. I'm Asuka Tenjouin." she introduced. Judai gave a tilt of her head with a small smile.
"Judai Yuki. And this is my best friend, Shou Marufuji-" Shou gave a small wave as this was said, "-So, are you an Obelisk student here?" asked Judai.
"Uh-huh, I heard about her, Nee-chan. Asuka-chan here is called the Queen of Obelisk-Blue." chimed Shou with sparkling eyes. Asuka gave a smile blush and she was surprised when Judai gave a fist-pump.
"Sweet! Ya know what that means, right? Since she's a Queen, and I'm gonna be the Queen, then that means we gotta face right here, right now!" Judai took a spring back and she raised her hands, curling her fingers to motion 'Come and get me. "So, come at me, bro!" she called, her eyes narrowed with a grin. Asuka took a moment to stare at the younger girl before giggling behind her hand.
"You definitely a funny person, Judai-chan. I would love to Duel you but the Welcoming Parties are going to be starting soon. You wouldn't want to miss a chance at getting dinner, would you?" she asked. Judai snapped out of her determined pose and she slapped her forehead.
"Crap, you're right! Hurry, Shou! Nice meeting ya, Asuka-nee!" She called as she ran out of the room with Shou trying her best to keep up. The blonde gave a smile.
"No matter what you say, Manjoume-kun, Judai-chan here is no mere 'damsel in distress'."
(Obelisk-Blue Dorm, Obelisk Welcoming Party)
"God-damned bitch!" Manjoume roughly kicked at a wall that was close by him, leaving a scruff mark that came from his shoe while he took a drink of his sparkling cider. A few of his fellow dorm students around him gave him odd looks but the glare set on his face told them that they'd better look somewhere else unless they wanted a foot to the ass. Mototani gave a considerate sigh.
"Manjoume-san, that girl wasn't worth you're time, anyway. She's only some dropout girl." he said. The black-haired student let a noise out of the back of his throat as he looked onto the party, seeing many of the male Obelisk laughing, talking about stocks and cute girls they saw at the Welcoming Ceremony, and having a good time living in the highest peaks of society. Why couldn't he feel like them now? Why was that air-headed brunette with the big mouth still on his mind? Why did she infuriate him so much?
"A dropout girl who's going to be a pain in the ass for the next four years." he muttered, finishing his drink and walking over to get another, his hanger-on following him. As the dark-eyed teen got one, he noticed Cronos having a discussion with a few of the other students and the young man promptly walked over with a scowl set on his lips.
"Cronos-Sensei, I'd like to talk with you for a moment." he said.
"Ah, Signore Manjoume. It's good to see you, dear boy. Yes, what is you wish to talk about?' asked Cronos, shooing away the other students with a glass of red wine in one hand.
"It's about that dropout girl, Judai Yuki," gritted the prodigy, Cronos feeling a scowl on himself, "Just why was she accepted into the Academia? Her performance was sloppy, she had arrived late, she was ranked a hundred and ten, and with what her childish attitude is, she'll fail by the next semester." he made sure to put out every flaw Judai had, to prove that she should be kicked out as soon as possible. Cronos took a sip of his wine with a nod.
"I am well aware of that. In fact, if I could, she would be on the next boat out of here by tomorrow," he said. Manjoume gave a smirk at this but it dropped when the head of his dorm gave a defeated sigh, "The thing is, Principal Samejima has seem to find her and Signora Marufuji the perfect candidates for future female Osiris-Reds to come. Honestly, it sickens me." muttered the blonde man, sipping his wine. Manjoume suddenly had an idea that sparked his mind, a wicked grin coming to his lips.
"Sensei, I believe I've thought of a way that could have Judai Yuki out of here very soon."
Cronos arched his brow with interest.
"And what would that idea be?"
Manjoume's grin turned into a smirk as he swished his drink in his glass.
"All we need is a little time."
(Osiris-Red Dorm, Mess Hall)
"Mmmm-mm! This is the best home-cooking I ever tasted~!"
"But Nee-chan, that rice is so bland, and the shrimp have been fried so much."
Judai looked at the younger girl across her oddly, a piece of fried shrimp poking out of her mouth. It was close to eight 'o clock and the two of them, along with the rest of the dorm, were eating on the small dinner of sardines, white rice, green beans, a small dish of soy sauce, and a cup of water on their trays. It looked like Osiris-Red students were not treated the best.
Judai stuffed the rest of her shrimp in her mouth and she flinched when something huge and furry jumped on her lap. She looked down and gave a light laugh as a fat cat with light brown fur striped with dark brown fur tried to make a swipe of her sardines.
"Hey, buddy? Where'd ya came from?" she asked, handing the cat the fish and petting his head. The feline purred in content as he ate the fish.
"I see that Pharaoh has taken a liking to you, Judai-chan~nya." Judai looked up at the young pale man with kind eyes behind thin glasses and long black hair tied in a ponytail. The man then smiled to everyone else. "Welcome, old and new Osiris-Red students~nya. I am the head of this Dorm, Daitokuji-Sensei~nya. I hope you will all enjoy your time here~nya." he said. Everyone gave thanks and they began eating what they could.
"Hey, are ya gonna eat your's, Shou?" asked Judai, pointing at the younger girl's plate. Shou made a face and she handed the food. Her face changed with a little humor as Judai ate the food down in a few seconds flat.
(Osiris-Red Dorm, Judai, Shou, and Hayato's Room)
Judai gave a laugh as she read her latest manga volume she had bought from home. After dinner, she, Shou, and Hayato were already back in their dorm, staying up a little before going to bed. Shou was at work at the small stove they had in the room, pouring different types of tea in the various cups they had. She was already changed into some white and grey pajamas. Hayato was already curled up on his bunk. Judai gave another laugh as she turned a page.
"Using a toothpick as a walkie-talkie. Classic." she hummed to herself, book-marking the page with a bookmark designed with the Kuriboh Brothers. Shou walked over to her and handed a mud.
"Thank you." said Judai with accented English as she took a sip of the tea and yawned after. Shou looked at the manga volume curiously.
"Nee-chan, can I read that?" she asked. Judai nodded sleepily and she placed the book down, getting up and stretching.
"Haaahhhaa. I need to go wash my face, brush my teeth, and change into my night clothes," she picked up her light blue pajamas, tooth brush, and bar of soap on the desk. "Be back in a while." she said as she walked out the door soon after that. Shou smiled and she picked up Judai's manga, putting it on her own bed to read later and noticing a yellow towel on the desk.
"Oh, Nee-chan forgot her towel. I should get it to her." said the grey-eyed girl to herself, grabbing the towel, slipping on some sandals and walking off to find the brown-haired Duelist. Hayato was so fast asleep, he didn't even stir as a figure dressed in black snuck into the room with a white envelope. The figure looked around, spotting the manga on one of the bunks. The figure picked up the book and looked at the bookmark, reading the small print near the bottom.
Property Of Judai Yuki, (AKA Future Queen Of Games) If Stolen, Please Return And Prepare To Get Your Ass Handed You In A Duel For Being A Thief
Nodding to itself, the figure placed the bookmark on it's page with the letter under the book. It quickly left in an a instant. A minute later, Shou walked back into the room, removing her sandals and pushing them under the bed. She climbed onto her bunk and she picked up and opened Judai's manga.
"OK, I just have to figure out how you use a toothpick as a walkie-" she stopped when she spotted the letter on her bed. She blinked and picked it up, reading the front aloud.
"T-To the most beautiful girl in Osiris-Red?" her face flushed as she timidly opened the sealed letter and pulled out the folded message, reading it to herself.
"Since you've stepped on this very island, my heart has been p-pounding non-stop and you-you've been on my mind all the while. I love every-everything about you and I-I want to confront you-you and tell you my d-d-desire for you. Meet me by the Obelisk D-Duel Arena tonight and I will pour out m-my undying affections to you? Signed. . . Your-Your secret admirer!" she squeaked and dropped the letter, flailing a bit before taking the letter and re-reading the letter and blushing ten-fold. She leaned back on her bed, holding the letter to her chest.
'A-A guy here. . . Likes me! He actually likes me! Wh-Whoa, my head feels all dizzy and my heart's beating so fast. At the Obelisk Duel Arena, right? Hmmm. . . Should I go? Oh, I'm not so sure if I should-'
"Come on, Shou! When opportunity comes knocking, ya just gotta grab it and not let go till ya reached the end of it!"
'N-Nee-chan's right! I can't just let such an opportunity slip away like that! Besides, maybe this boy is really sweet and his feelings are true.' thought the sky-haired girl as she fantasized herself running along a path of Forget-Me-Nots, laughing as a tall and dashing figure raced after her, laughing and telling her to wait for him with proclamations of love. Shou laughed and giggled and she squealed as the dashing figure picked her up from behind and hugged her. He then turned her around, his face shadowed but his chin set, angular, and handsome. Shou blushed and closed her eyes as the mysterious man kissed the corner of her mouth.
'Please. . . Wait for me, Shou-hime. . .'
Shou then snapped out of fantasy and she nodded with a love-sick look in her eyes, her body floating.
"I will. I'll be there."
Making up her mind, Shou quickly changed into her academia uniform and she walked out of the door with not a thought of worry in her mind. She quickly ran with the most silent of movements and she snuck into the building. She tucked one strand of her hair behind her ear before she walked into the darken arena and she only managed to let out a scream as something attacked her.
(Osiris-Red Dorm, Judai, Shou, and Hayato's Room)
"Come on. . . Come on, Shin-san! I wanna slay that bastard Aisko soon!" Judai furred her eyebrows as her thumbs pressed down quickly, trying to make her red-haired swordsman beat the crap out of a few possessed samurais on her PDA gaming feature. She blinked when the screen went black and a voice message played, the voice as high and squeaky as a cartoon character's.
"We have your friend, Shou Marufuji, in our possession. If you want to see her in class next time, come to the Obelisk Duel Arena right now with your Duel Disk and Deck. Don't, and we'll report your little friend to the dean and have her expelled by tomorrow."
"Shou. . ." Judai pocketed her PDA and she quickly threw her red overcoat over her pajama-clad body, grabbing her Deck and Duel Disk and slipping on some black slip-ons and running out the dorm. After a quick walk to the arena, she stopped when she spotted Asuka by the entrance.
"Asuka-nee? What are you doing here?" asked Judai as she walked over to the blonde.
"I would ask you the same thing. I was getting a few things for our head mistress when I heard some noise. Why are you here, Judai-chan?" asked Asuka. Judai quickly explained the situation and Asuka understood.
"Ah, I see. Well, I'm sorry to say but, I can't let you in the arena just yet." said the blonde.
"And why won't you?" asked Judai.
"I want to see if you really are a good Duelist. So lets Duel here. I'll let you in if you beat me." said the blonde. Judai gave a small frown.
"And if I loose?"
"Then you have to return to your dorm while I'll get Shou. But with that, I'll still report her for sneaking out late. It's against the Academia's rules. Do we have a deal?" asked Asuka, turning on her Duel Disk. The young brunette gave a nod.
"Fine. Lets Duel!"
Judai: 4000
Asuka: 4000
"I'll take the first move! And I summon my Etoile Cyber(LV:4/ATK:1200/DEF:1600) in Attack Mode! I set one card face-down and end my turn." said Asuka, her heroine with iron-red hair and clothed in red pirouetting onto the filed with a face-down next to her.
"Now it's my move! Draw!" Judai whipped out a card and grinned, "I summon my Elemental HERO Sparkman( LV:4/ATK:1600/DEF:1400) and he attacks Etoile Cyber!" she yelled as her monster in blue and gold armor powered-up a spark ball in it's palm and launch it at the spinning monster.
"I place the reverse card, Doble Passé!" yelled Asuka as the spark attack was sent at herself instead of her monster. She coughed as she gathered herself, squinting one eye. "Because of that card, the attack was sent to me instead of my monster. Another effect is that the monster that was the target can attack the opponent directly. And when Etoile Cyber attacks directly, she gains six-hundred attack points!"
Etoile Cyber(ATK:1600/DEF:1600)
"She didn't care if she was hurt from that attack, as long as her monster got the spare points." Judai said this to herself before Asuka's monster of the ballet kicked her in the jaw in a graceful way. Judai could feel the powerful kick as her Life Points dropped.
Judai: 2200
Asuka: 2400
Judai shook her head and she fixed herself, "I'll end my turn." she said, her Sparkman standing by her side. Asuka smiled and she drew her card.
"Then I won't hold back on this Duel! From my hand, I summon my Blade Skater(LV:4/ATK:1400/DEF:1500)!" she called forth her blue and purple monster on blades, skating elegantly onto the field with tremendous speed. Her owner then whipped out a Fusion card with a quirk smile. "I now use my Fusion card in order to summon my Cyber Blader(LV:7/ATK:2100/DEF:800) and she attacks Sparkman!" yelled the blonde as her monster that looked like Etoile Cyber, only with blue hair, danced forward and destroyed Sparkman, Judai taking a small jump back as sand whipped into her eyes. She gave a slight cough before giving a small smile.
Judai: 1700
Asuka: 2400
"That was pretty tough! But just you wait, Asuka-nee, I'm gonna get Shou soon enough!" she yelled as she drew a card and played it. "And now, I place the field spell card, Fusion Gate!" she yelled this as she pulled two cards from her hand, "And without the use of Fusion, I can summon my Elemental HERO Flame Wingman(LV:6/ATK:2100/DEF:1200)!" she yelled as special monster graced the field with a few punches and green feathers. Asuka gave a small smile.
"But our monsters have the same attack points. They'll just end up destroying each other." she pointed out. Judai smiled back.
"True. But Flame Wingman still has the upper hand! Even though he will be destroyed, you'll still receive damage equal to the number of attack points your monster has, Asuka-nee!" she called as Flame Wingman already charged, throwing a powerful fist of flames at the dancing monster. Cyber Blader reeled back and was hit, but was not destroyed. Judai's eyes widen.
"H-Huh? Why didn't it-"
"Pas de Deux."
"Uh. . . Gesundheit?"
"No! It's French for 'Dance for Two' and it's Cyber Blader's special ability. When there is only one monster on your side of the field, she cannot be destroyed." said Asuka. Judai clenched her teeth and fists, briefly clutching her bangs before nodding.
"I end my turn." she said. Asuka drew her next card and she gave a smirk.
"Play time's over, Judai-chan! I use the spell card, Fusion Equip! Cyber Blader is now given a power boost and she now attacks Flame Wingman!" she commanded as her monster was given a boost and she attacked Judai's favorite card, sending blasts of smoke everywhere and Judai hacking as she felt weak in the knees.
Cyber Blader(ATK:3600/DEF:800)
Judai: 200
Asuka: 2400
"I think that this is the end, Judai-chan. You only have two-hundred Life Points left and you have no monsters. I suggest that you should have read the rules and saw that no Osiris-Red can beat an Obelisk." said Asuka, smiling with triumphant. Judai held her ground and drew a card.
'I can't give up on this. . . No way will I!' she thought as she took a look at the card, smiling and giving a laugh of glee.
"Guts! This game is in the bag!"
"Huh?" Asuka was confused by this.
"I'm gonna turn this whole Duel upside-down, Asuka-nee! From my hand, I summon my Elemental HERO Clayman(LV:4/ATK:800/DEF:2000)! And with the card in my hand, Resurrection of the Dead, I Special Summon Sparkman!" yelled Judai as said monster returned along with a huge and powerful monster caked with sands.
"Even with those two, you won't win, Judai-chan." pointed out her blonde opponent.
"True, but I still have the effect of the Fusion Gate field spell! And with that, I use both Clayman and Sparkman in order to summon another one of my favorites!" as she called this, a swarm of thunder clouds filled the skies and a thunder bolt pierced the ground, causing cracks along the virtual ground. "Lets welcome my Elemental HERO Thunder Giant(LV:6/ATK:2400/DEF:1500)!" From the ground came a giant of sorts with gold and light purple armor and a orb containing thunder in his chest, his figure towering and bold. "And here's his effect! Thunder Giant can attack any monster on the field with it's original attack points lower than his! So now he destroys Cyber Blader," Her giant charged and threw a crashing fist, knocking away the skater monster. "And he attacks you directly! Go, Thunder Giant! Use Thunder Impact!" she yelled as her monster threw a dynamic punch, Asuka screaming as all her Life Points were knocked away.
"Got'cha! That was awesome! Lets Duel again some other time, Asuka-nee."
Judai: 200
Asuka: 0
The blonde sighed and gave a smile, walking over to Judai.
"You really are a good Duelist, Judai-chan. Which is why you and Shou-chan are allowed to stay, on my behalf as your examiner." she said.
"Examiner?" asked Judai, without a doubt confused.
"Shou-chan, you can come out, now." said Asuka, Judai surprised as Shou came running out of a bush with a smile on her face.
"Nice work, Nee-chan! You were so cool and you beat the Queen of Obelisk! So cool!" cheered the blue-haired shorty, jumping up and down. Judai cocked her head, now beyond confused.
"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. . . Wait. . . Wait-what! Just what the Hell is going on here?" she asked.
"It was asked by Cronos-Sensei. He said he wanted to give you a test to see if you really were good enough to be in the Academia. He sent one of the guards a fake love note to you and make you come here to Duel me. The letter somehow got to Shou, and she came here instead. I let her in on the plan, and she helped me send you the PDA message with your PDA contact number. I hope you're not too upset for the deception." explained Asuka. Shou bowed her head.
"Yes, I'm sorry for worrying you, Nee-chan. I-ha-ha, also felt pretty stupid for falling for that fake love letter. It sounded more for you than me, anyway. I-I'm not cut out to be the most beautiful girl on the island." she mumbled this with a light tint across her nose and with her fingers tugging at her blouse. Judai gave a look, then nodded.
"Yeah, you're right, Shou. You're not beautiful. . . You're just down right cute! Aw~! Shou-chan was fantasizing about a dream guy~! Cute!" she teased as she spun around with Shou, the latter laughing and begging for the world to stop spinning. Asuka looked at the two of them, before giggling and shaking her head.
'Yes, Judai-chan is certainly no 'damsel in distress.' If anything, she might become the Queen of Games, not the King. King is far too mainstream. And Princess lowers the bar of sanity. But Queen seems. . . Just right.'
To Be Continued. . .
Yes! Second chapter is done! And we already got three episodes written up! Alright, we're getting somewhere! OK, next up it's going to be Judai VS Manjoume, before we get into the Shadow Riders Arc! I can't wait for that! Well, make sure to read and review! And thanks again for looking over this, Colossal Fighter GX! Alright, be seeing you, guys!
This is me saying, Peace!