The Ship and Man of My Dreams

It was 1912 and 22 year old newlywed Victoria Wentworth was going to be traveling on the RMS Titanic's maiden voyage with William Wentworth, the man of her dreams. They were returning from their Honeymoon in London. Victoria couldn't wait to travel in such style with William by her side. She did wish that her parents hadn't decided travel on the Titanic as well. She wanted more time with William alone. She would be meeting her parents and William's parents at the hotel in Southampton. They were on their way to the hotel, when Victoria began to talk.

"Oh William it will be so marvelous to travel on such a magnificent ship. So many prominent people will be onboard! The Astors, the Guggenheims, Ruth DeWitt Bukater and her daughter, Rose Sir and Lady Duff-Gordon and so many others will be on board!", Victoria rambled on.

"Isn't that vulgar woman who became rich by striking gold reported to be among the passengers?, "asked William.

"Oh yes, Margret Brown, I've heard she one was a barmaid!" Victoria wrinkled her nose in disgust.

That evening after arriving at Southampton's grandest hotel, the families went to dinner.

"I hope you had a good time in London. Were you able to have tea with the Earl of Spencer? And his wife and daughter?", asked Victoria's mother, Clara.

"Yes Mother and it was wonderful. They said they would like to have tea with you and father when you come to England again."

"Oh how marvelous, isn't it Edward?" Clara asked her husband.

"Oh of course, having such a close connection to aristocracy is marvelous"

"I was just telling William how exited I was to be traveling on the Titanic!"

"Why of course it will be exiting, Victoria! It will be wonderful to see Mrs. John Jacob Astor again. I haven't seen her since the wedding", said Clara.

"Yes wasn't that a delightful wedding?", asked Charlotte, William's mother.

"Oh Yes, quite delightful!", replied Clara.

The women spent the rest of the evening gossiping about those who they had heard were going to be onboard. The men discussed business and the stock market. Later that night Victoria was far to exited to sleep much as she thought of traveling on the RMS Titanic.