Hi guys! I have a new story for you. It's a song-fic. It's when Nina's gran dies, and Nina's new parents are blaming her for everything and treat her like loser. That's when she decides that she wants to end her life. Nina and Fabian also never got together at all, but they did find the mask and the Cup of Ankh. Unlike the real show, those events happened all in one year. The songs will start next chapter. Now, on to The Damn Long Prologue. No really. That's what it's called.

Disclaimer: I don't own House of Anubis or Skillet's songs

Chapter 1- The Damn Long Prologue

Nina's Pov

I was so happy that the summer was over. The events of my summer vacay made this the worst summer ever.


During the first two weeks of summer, I lost Gran. Like it wasn't bad that I almost lost her during last term.

A couple days later, my god parents came down from England. Their names were Julianna and Ryan Mitchell. They said that we were leaving a day after the funeral.

During the funeral, I couldn't help but sob really hard. You would think that Julianna and Ryan would comfort me, right? Wrong.

"Suck it you little brat. It's your fault she's dead," Julianna snarled, giving me a dirty look.

"She's right if you hadn't nagged her to come to the talent show at your summer camp she wouldn't be dead," Ryan agreed. They were right. I begged and pleaded for my Gran to come to my performance. This also would have been her first time watching me perform.

Throughtout the rest of the summer, they pointed out every single one of my flaws multiple times. They continually drove me to tears. Once I started crying, they told me that its About a month and a half before the end of the summer, they pushed me to the limit. They started to beating me. After they would do this, I would lock myself in the bathroom, and take out the razor. At first I was nervous about it, but I got over it. I slid the edge over my wrists. The pain was unbearable, but it's okay. I liked the way it hurt.

*End of Flashback*
Thankfully, they are letting me go back to boarding school, and the best part is that it's three hours from where they live. It almost seems too good to be true.

Before I got there, I covered my the scars on my wrists with foundation and bracelets to keep anybody from suspicion. Right now, there's no reason to do cut myself, but I took the razor with me anyway. Julianna and Ryan had to make come back a month early because they have special plans, whatever that means, I really don't want to know.

I knocked on the front to door to be greeted by Trudy. She was shocked at how early I was.

"Oh Nina, what are you doing back this early?" She asked, clearly confused.

"After my Gran died, my god parents, who I found out about after she died, took me in, but they had special plans. Apparently they last for a month," I informed her, but it reminded me of Gran.

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry," she said giving me a comforting hug. It brought tears to my eyes. I refused to let them out.

"It's fine," I told her, but I know it's a lie. The guilt was eating me alive. Their words were haunting me. "You killed her. You're a murder. Time to get what you deserve, you little bitch." That was along the lines of what they usually would say before they started to beat would also say "We also know about your little crush on Fabian. No wonder, he would prefer Joy over you. He must of realized how much of a loser and psycho-freak you really were." Their words really hurt.

"I'm going to unpack," I said before I took my stuff up to the room. As soon as I shut the door, I let the tears fall from my eyes. I needed to do it, again. I dug in my bag for the razor. I peeked from behind the door to make sure Trudy or Victor before I darted into the bathroom.

Once I was there, I took off my bracelets and concealer. After my wrists were washed off, I slid the razor across my wrists. I did it again a second time a few inches away from the first cut. Once I was done, I stopped the bleeding using toilet paper so I could get rid of it quicker, and washed the blood off of my razor, arms, and sink.

*Two Weeks Later*

It has been two weeks since I last cut myself. I'm kind of happy about it. There has been no reason to. Plus, my scabs have healed.

"Nina? I have some news," Trudy called to me.

"Yes Trudy?" I responded back.

"I'm sorry to tell you that Mr. Sweet decided to move me and Victor to another house," she informed me sadly.

"It's okay. It's not your fault. Uh... Do you know who he is putting here?" I asked.

"Umm... He said that a married couple was going to take over this house. I think he said that their names were Julianna and Ryan Mitchell," she told me which made me freeze.

"Are you okay, Sweetie? You've gone all pale," she asked with concern.

"I'm fine. They are my god parents," I told her, putting on my happy face.

"At least it won't be awkward," she told me comfortingly. It only makes it worse.

*The Next Day*

"I'm going to miss you, Trudy," I told her while giving her a hug. I started to cry. She was like a mom to me. Now, I have to lose her, too. Thankfully, not forever. Well fuck, I'll even miss Victor.

"I'll miss you, too. You were like a daughter to me," she told me which made me cry even harder. Of course, Julianna and Ryan chose that moment to walk in. We let go. "Oh, you be Ryan and Julianna. I'm Trudy, the old house mother."

"Pleasure. Would you excuse us we need to talk to Nina alone," Julianna said with faux happiness and smile.

"Not worry, I was just leaving. Bye Nina," Trudy said giving me a wave.

"Bye Trudy," I said waving back. More tears fell. I watched as she walked out the door. Victor left earlier today. He was actually almost sincere. I turned to them. They glared at me.

"Wipe those tears off before I slap them off" she snapped viciously.

"Then, I slap you for not obeying us," Ryan said cruelly. You'll never believe how fast I went, to wipe those tears off. It might have been a world record for the fastest movement, but apparently, I didn't move fast enough. They pushed me to the ground, and started to kick me in the stomach. For a bit, I thought I might throw up. Then, they stopped.

"Quit trying to get everyone to feel sorry for you, you worthless tramp. And you wonder why you don't have any friends," Julianna dementedly rubbed in her face. Now I'm wondering if I wasn't here tomorrow, would anybody care? Cuz, it kind of feels like nobody wants me on this world. The boy that I thought liked me probably wouldn't even care because he was to busy hanging out with Joy and being her so called "study buddy". None of the Sibunas would even care, I'm sure of it. I'm even sure that Trudy only feels sorry for me. I'm sick of all this pity. Maybe I should just end my life. It might be the only way to end the pain, but I'm going to wait until I can say good bye face to face with Fabian. He might not care, but it will probably be the one thing that will ever make a little happier before I do it. Just one more time to talk with him face to face. I'll even show him the scars. I want to be completely honest with him. He was my closest friend or my bestest friend. I guess would be my attempt at closure, but I have come to a decision. He might not love me like I love him, but he deserves to know how I feel before I go.

Wow. Poor Nina. Will any of them care if she died? Would anybody try to stop her? Will Fabian understand? Or will he never let her go? All these questions and more will be answered next time... Well not necessarily in the next chapter, but you get what I mean. Do you like it? Should I continue? Please leave me a review of your opinion. I really want to know what you think. Oh, and just remember this one thing. I love your critism, it just helps me make the story better. Okay make that two things. I want you guys to remember the thing I said before, and this. I love you all, even the haters.

xxx Cari xxx