So this is NOT part of the Save me verse, just a little something to tide my readers over until I can finally update my other story.


So who knew that Loki had curly hair?

Last night his black locks had been deadly straight and silky when Tony had run his fingers through it but now there were adorable curls spread across the white pillow. Tony smiled and rose up on his elbows, looking at Loki through soft, unfocused eyes. It was amazing that he could remember tiny details like that after such a crazy night. But Loki had shown up while Tony was alone at the Avenger's mansion and there had been wine and music and self depreciating humor and the night had gone downhill from there.

It had happened before, Loki showing up to pull Tony away from his projects and duties with smoldering eyes and double edged words that somehow drew him in. But Tony had always felt like Loki had just used him as something to rub in Thor's face and to freak out Fury. Last night had been different though, a different Loki had shown up, smirking less than usual and with sad eyes. Tony had asked him a few times if anything was wrong but Loki had brushed off his concern.

So now here he was, covers twisted around him, expression thoughtful as he watched the trickster god. This was the first time that Loki had stayed the whole night, hell most of the time Loki left before Tony even fell asleep. But something more was different, something other than Loki sleeping over and his miraculously curly hair.

The smaller man stirred in his sleep as if he sensed Tony's gaze (damn he probably could) and opened his bright eyes, gifting Tony with a brief flash of green before his eyelids dropped low, black eyelashes skimming his cheeks. "Go back to sleep Tony, it's too early." He moaned, reaching out blindly to pull the genius back down beside him.

Tony smiled and put a hand on Loki's pale cheek "I'm already awake though." he whined, leaning forward to peck Loki softly. The god grinned reluctantly and opened his eyes.

"Oh fine, I'm up." Loki smirked and captured Tony's mouth, sealing his lips around Tony's top lip.

Tony groaned when Loki pulled back and rolled out of bed. "You're a little tease." He muttered, watching the smaller man as he gathered the white sheet up around him and stood up, picking up his clothes from where they were scattered around the room.

"And you're ridiculous." Loki shot back, holding up his shoe and raising an eyebrow at the Avenger. "Why was my shoe on top of your dresser? Were you really that caught up in the throes of passion?"

"If I recall correctly you were just as caught up, if not more so." Tony replied, sitting up and stretching his arms high above his head. "Look, I even have bruises to prove it." He showed off the dark splotches that dotted his neck and smirked at the blush that colored Loki's cheeks. Though Loki tried to hide it by turning his back to pull on his jeans and sweater (Like insanely tight jeans and sweater, how are you even comfortable right now Loki).

"It's not my fault that you bruise so easy, humans are insanely delicate." Loki's voice took on that superior tone that Tony loved and hated.

"Come here and I'll show you how delicate I am." Tony said in a husky voice, he noticed his phone blinking on the bedside table. Pepper was probably calling to see where he was, she would probably realize when he didn't call her back. Only Loki could distract him from real life so much.

The paler man grinned a bit manically and stepped lightly towards him. Tony reached a hand up and laced his fingers through those black curls, pulling him down and kissing him.

"I hadn't realized that you were this…..eager in the morning." Loki snickered into his mouth "I ought to stay over more often."

Tony laughed sharply and tugged Loki down, making the god fall into his lap, long legs getting tangled around Tony's waist. "I'm always eager when it comes to you."

"Aw, sentimental Tony, how quaint." The black haired man twined his arms around the Avenger's neck and rolled his hips, trying to get comfortable.

"Why did you stay all night?" Tony asked, trying desperately to keep his mind on the here and now. It was pretty difficult though when Loki's sharp hipbones were just barely touching his and Loki's sweater was riding up his flat stomach.

Loki immediately glanced away from him, his eyes narrowing and Tony could practically see the walls that were popping up all around him. "No reason, I was tired…..or maybe I want to accidentally run into my darling brother on the way out and make a few snarky comments about your bed or something."

Well that actually sounded like something that Loki would stay over to do….but Tony didn't buy it. "As amusing as that sounds I feel like….maybe….we're kind of becoming a couple?" he could feel himself blushing but Tony didn't care anymore, all he cared about was hearing Loki's response. In the past he never would have dared to say something like that. He probably would have been tossed into a wall or had his hair all fall out or something equally horrific. But he and Loki had known each other for a while now. Sure it had just started out with some very inappropriate flirting on the battlefield but then Loki had started invading Tony's lab, and bedroom, and laundry room, and bathroom, and kitchen…and after all of that they had actually started to respect each other and become friends. They had gone about it rather oddly, but they were at least sort of like a couple now weren't they?

"Tony…we've gone over this before….your mortal. Any attachment will end badly for you." Loki's voice sounded detached but Tony could hear the tiny quiver of emotion in it.

"It would end badly for you too hun. Don't deny it, you like me just as much as I like you."

"That doesn't mean we should be….what you think we are. It wouldn't be smart." Loki tried to scoot off Tony's lap but the Avenger was holding him tightly and Loki didn't try very hard.

"For two geniuses Loki we've never been very smart." Tony kissed him softly on the corner of the mouth and Loki sighed, the tension leaving him, his eyes fluttering closed.

"You're insane." Loki murmured in a sleepy voice, letting himself fall against Tony like a cat, all the resistance leaving him.

"You love it."

"I do."

"By the way…." Tony whispered his voice thoughtful as he ran a loving hand through his trickster god's hair.

"Hmm?" Loki replied, opening his eyes and leaning his head into Tony's touch.

"I like the curls."

Just realized how obsessed I am with the idea of Loki with curly hair. In everything I'm writing I keep making Tony compliment his hair, what the hell.

I hope you all liked it, this was super quick and probably not at all god but I hope that it was somewhat entertaining!