Just Tri Again

A/N -Hi so this is my newest story that I have. This is going to be a multi-chaptered story. It's about Victoire Weasley in her 7th year of Hogwarts as she goes through the Triwizard Tournament. I know that there are a lot of fics like this, but mine has a special twist that I've never seen before. So…I hope you like it (and read it). Enjoy! Oh, I just realizied my French accent will be terrible. Sorry!

"Vic," I heard this voice interrupting my sleep, "Vic, wake up!" The voice got louder, "Vic, wake up, we're going back to Hogwarts today! Alright Louis, we're going to need that ice bucket," The voice belonged to my sister Dominique, but don't ever call her that unless you want to die. She prefers to be called Dom. I, as an individual who want to live, call her Dom. So does everyone else. You don't want to know what happened to the people who called her Dominique.

"Okay, Dom, let me go get it," I heard another voice that belonged to my brother Louis. Then, I heard footsteps trailing down to the bathroom and then back to my room. But it was slower back, filled with grunts and moans.

"Took you long enough," Dom said. She is not known for her patience, "Let's do this," She and Louis pick up the bucket and dump it over my head. Cold water crashes all over my body and in an instant I open my eyes and job out of bed.

"Merlin!" I yell, "Was that really necessary?"

"Well you weren't getting up, so I think, yes, it was necessary," He was smiling his impish smile and had an impish look in his eyes, too. Dom was backing up slowly. When two of us get in a fight, the other one usually went for help. Or tried to calm us down. The second option didn't always work. Louis smile didn't make me think that the water was necessary, but it did make me think that he had been spending WAY too much time with Fred and James, our cousins.

"Whatever," I said, "C'mon I want breakfast," I led the others downstairs to where my mother was making breakfast. Well, breakfast was making breakfast. Pancakes and sausage were floating in midair, while my mother was sitting at the table, waving her wand around. When we came in she stood up, causing a piece of sausage to hit Dom in the eye. Dom gave the sausage what is known as her "glare", which was pretty scary for a fifteen year old.

"Bonjour! Dominique, did zat sausage 'urt you?" She asked concernedly, as she watching Dom rub her eye. I saw Dom made a face when Mère called her Dominique, but since it was her mother, she accepted it. But it's only when Mère and Père and teachers call her that does she not argue. The rest of us don't get the same privilege.

"No mère, I'm fine," Since our mère is French, we speak fluent French and we also use some French words when we speak.

"Well zat is great! Would you like to sit down and 'ave some of zis breakfast?" She asked and we all sat down. She flicked her wand and three plates came flying down in front of us with a smack. Then a pile of pancakes and a few sausages came down too, and I started eating. I was very hungry, so I ate really fast. My mère rolled her eyes.

"Victoire, I love you, and I know you are 'ungry but s'il vous plait 'ave some manners! Don't eat like zat!" She smiled while she said it, though. I usually have very good eating habits, but today I was very hungry, so I wasn't really paying attention to my manners.

"Alright, mère, I won't," I eat with better manners for the rest of breakfast, then went up to my room to make sure all my stuff was packed. On my way up I saw the family cat, Eloise, coming out of Dom's room. Eloise has black and white spotted fur and would do ANYTHING for milk. She seems to understand human language, because one time Louis told her he'd give her milk if she bit Dom. She did, but she didn't get lots of milk, because mère found out.

"Remember, we are leavzing for King's Cross in two 'ours. Don't forget zat!" My mère yelled as I ran up the stairs. I walked into my room. It was tidy, which was really unusual for it. The reason was I had packed my back yesterday and it was sitting in a corner. The bag was most of my stuff, like clothes. It had been easier to pack yesterday them it had in other years, because I turned seventeen last year, so I could use magic this year. My clothes for today (which were lying on my bed) were one of the few things, besides the furniture, that weren't coming with me to Hogwarts. So, I decided to get dressed. I put my clothes on, brushed my teeth and hair and went over to my vanity/dresser/desk. I put on my watch and a necklace that my best friend Teddy Lupin had given me when I got accepted into Hogwarts. I had worn it every day since. It was a gold locket with a long chain that went down to the middle of stomach. Inside was a picture of Teddy and me together when I was eleven and he was thirteen. We had gone to a Muggle Carnival and had a great time. Teddy had cotton candy all over his face. I smiled at the memory. Teddy has been my best friend since before I can remember, but lately I've been feeling differently about him. Up until this point, our relationship has been entirely brother/sister. But I think I might be starting to like him and if we go out that would change all of that.

Pushing that thought aside, I went to the little alcove in the corner of my room. It was where my window seat was and I loved to sit here because it was hidden. I was looking out the window for my owl, Hibou. I called her Hi. Hibou is how you say owl in French, so that's why I named her that. It was one of my coming of age presents that I got last May. The other had been a watch (as it was a tradition in my family). Hibou wasn't there so I decided she was still out hunting. I hoped that she would be back in time, but if she wasn't, I would just take her cage and she would fly to Hogwarts. I decided to do a last minute check on my stuff. With a flick of my wand, my suitcase emptied out into little plies on the floor. My books were in one, clothes in another, and other personal items were in the third. My Firebolt had a pile all to its own. I grinned as I saw the picture on top of the third pile. It was the last Weasley-Potter family reunion, and there were so many of us that Uncle Charlie (who was on the edge) had actually not gotten into the picture. All you could see was his arm. I put the picture down and continued to sort through the piles. I saw my Head Girl badge among the items so I picked it up and put it in my pocket. This was my first (and only) year being Head Girl, and I did not want to lose the badge.

After a little while, I heard Hibou taping on the window. I walked over and opened it. She flew in with a mouse, looking very pleased with herself. She flew over to her cage, set the mouse down and ruffled her black and brown feathers expectantly. I rolled my eyes at her, and filled up her water bowl with water. Satisfied, she began to eat the mouse, so I looked away. I might have terrible eating habits, but that does not mean that I want to watch others.

"Hey, Vic are you almost ready?" I looked up and saw Dom standing there, her blond ponytail waving behind her in a memorizing motion. Dom has curly hair and freckles all over her face and body, according to Uncle Charlie she looks the most "Weasley". Both Louis and I have straight blond hair and no freckles. Well I actually have a splash of freckles across my nose, but Louis doesn't. Dom's hair is curly, but she wears it in a ponytail, so it is inclined to frizz out. I have straight long hair that is just below my shoulders. It's always amazing to me how much Dom and I look the same, but look so different at the same time.

"Yeah, I was just checking to made sure I had everything," I explained. She nodded.

"Well mère says we're leaving in about five minutes, so you better pack that up and put it in the car," Now I nodded. I flicked my wand and all my stuff flew back into the suitcase. Then I packed all of Hibou's stuff up and shut her in her cage. She nipped at my arm to show she didn't like that, and I smiled at her apologetically.

"It's only for a little while, and then you can roam around free at Hogwarts," I told her. Talking to an owl. The first sign that I might be going insane. I pointed at my suitcase.

"Wingardium Leviosa," I commanded, and instantly the trunk rose in the air. Before I moved it downstairs, I decided it would be best to give a warning.

"Flying truck coming down, get out of the way!" I shouted downstairs. Louis poked his head out of his room, interested.

"For goodness sake's Victoire! Do you 'ave to use magiv every time zat you can, now that you are able to do zat?" My mère asked.

"Oui," I replied and she rolled her eyes at me. But not meanly. I flicked my wand and the trunk followed me downstairs to where my dad was waiting for me. When he saw the flying trunk he smiled too.

"Morning Vic," He said, like there wasn't a flying trunk behind me.

"Morning père," I replied and he moved as the trunk landed in the back of our car smoothly. Then the car magically expanded itself so that there was still plenty of room for Dom and Louis's trunks to fit.

"Is that all your stuff?" He asked.

"No, I still have to get Hibou, she's upstairs," I replied.

"Alright, but don't levitate her. You know how your mère gets about that kind of thing," He asked.

"I won't," I promised, rolling my eyes.

"Good," He smiled, "Now hurry up. Your mère will want to leave any minute now,"

"I'll hurry," I promised.

"Good, and tell your brother and sister to hurry up!" He shouted the last few words so that Dom and Louis could hear him.

"I will," I said and I ran back inside. As I ran up the stairs, Dom and Louis were pulling their trunks down the stairs. Dom was having an easier time than Louis, who was taking forever.

"C'mon Louis! Hurry up!" Dom yelled, "Père said to hurry up!" Dom was a few stairs ahead of Louis.

"I'm hurrying, I'm hurrying," Louis huffed as I ran up the stairs.

"What d'you have in their anyway? Bricks?" She asked. Louis was about to answer, but then mère spoke up.

"Mes chères, 'urry up! We 'ave to leave in a minute of two. Victoire where are you gozing?" She asked.

"I'm going to get Hibou," I replied, not stopping for a minute.

"Well, 'urry up!"

"I will," I ran into my room, grabbed Hibou's cage, and gave my room one last look before I left, "Au Revoir," I said, before going downstairs into the car with the rest of my family.

A/N-I know this chapter wasn't necessary, but I wanted you to get an idea of Victoire and her family and stuff before I went to King's Cross, where there will be lots of other Weasley relatives. So anyway, next chapter is…King's Cross, which will have lots and lots of red heads, and some Victoire/Teddy fluff!