Okay, just want to start off by thanking: Naza-Pazz, Mystery Angle, Nobody Knows But Me, mbj2323, Clove15, Acsprincess, LunaSibuna!
And a special thanks for: Ginger-drake14 for being the first reviewer!

You reviewers help make my writing better, give me more confidence, and tell me your opinions. Thank you!


Nina stared out the window in a daze. She began to think about how she met Mick falling into a daydream.


"Hey, are you Nina." Asked a woman with long blonde hair.

"Yes, I'm Nina." A smaller and squeaky voiced 8 year old, Nina, said.

"I'm Rebecca Campbell, your new mom." Nina's eyes flashed a look of sadness. "Well, guardian, like a guardian angel on Earth."

Nina smiled and answered, "I'd like that."

"Is this the American? Let me see her, let me see her!" A scruffy 9 year old, Mick, said running over to his mom. He studied Nina like she was a new animal at the zoo.

"Yes, Mick, this is Nina; Your new sister." Mick tilted his head.

"Mum, she seems more like a cousin to me!" Nina laughed. "Yeah, Cousin Nina!" Mick continued liking the attention.

"Hi, Cousin Mick!" Nina yelled as the two kids laughed innocently.

*End daydream*

"You okay?" Fabian asked looking over at Nina who looked sad.

"Y-yeah," Nina said coming back to reality. "Just thinking about stuff."
"What kind of stuff?"
"Relationship stuff." Immediately Nina frowned as her happy memory of meeting Mick turned into her recent memory with Eddie.

"What happened?"
"My boy- My friend hooked up with some girl at the bar."
"I bet I have worse." Fabian added and Nina smirked.


"My girlfriend cheated on me last night."

"Oh, wow…that beats me. What happened?"
"Well, she stayed at the bar and I went back to the cabin since I had been there the previous night with her. I brought her purse and found her making out with someone. I was shocked and threw her purse in the snow and went back to the cabin. When she didn't come back that night, I went to the café in the morning and she was drinking coffee. I confronted her, and she didn't admit it. Then I went back to the cabin, packed my bags, and left her there."

"Wow, that's-" Nina paused as a phone rang.

"That's mine. Can you answer it? It might be my ex-girlfriend." Although Fabian didn't know what him and Joy were at the moment.


"So, Fabian just left?" Patricia asked as she watched her best friend sob.

"Y-yeah, our-" Joy let out a loud sob, "his car is gone."

"He'll probably come straight back here. Don't worry." Patricia said trying to stop her drama queen of a best friend to stop crying. Patricia and Joy knew the only reason they clicked was because Patricia didn't have many emotions and Joy…she was an emotion of her own.

"So guys," Alfie screeched as he ran in the room, "Fabian just talked-"

"Fabian used to love to talk to people!" Joy sobbed.

"So…" Alfie continued on, "Fabian just talked to Amber and told her that he is on his way back to Liverpool…sort of." Joy cried out in angst and collapsed dramatically on the ground.


"Maybe we should call a doctor?" Alfie suggested to Patricia as she sighed at her best friends.

"No, she'll be fine, she-"

"No, I won't be fine! I'd rather die without my Fabes!" Joy's muffled scream called out from the floor.

Alfie giggled but received a glare from Patricia.
"I have the remedy for this." Alfie said cheerfully heading for the kitchen. He grabbed a gallon of ice-cream from the freezer and heated a large spoon under warm water. Patricia understood what he was doing and managed to get Joy onto the couch. She put on lifetime while Alfie brought over the ice-cream.

"Joy, I promise this will help you heal." Alfie whispered with a sympathetic look. Joy managed to stop most of the tears and smile.
"Trixie, may I talk to you outside?" Alfie asked and Patricia nodded.

When the got outside, Patricia blurted out. "He had a girl with him, didn't he."
"Well, let tell you what happened…"


Nina picked up the phone and smiled as the person on the other end spoke.

"Amber!" Nina laughed but then her face went serious. "It's your best friend, Nina Martin."

Her smile reappeared as Amber talked on. Fabian remembered trying to get history homework from his friend Amber one night in junior year, but ended up listening to an hour long rant about how water-proof makeup was better than regular makeup.

"Amber!" Nina blushed. She looked over at Fabian, her face getting redder as she handed him the phone. "It's for you." She laughed nervously.

"Hello?" he asked cautiously.

"OMG! OMG! I CAN'T BELIEVE I STILL HAVE MY ADORKABLE LITTLE STUTTER RUTTER IN MY PHONE! I HAVE NEEDED-" Fabian pulled the phone away from his ear so he wouldn't go deaf by Amber's squealing. "MICK AND I HAVE MISSED YOU SO, SO, SO, SO, SO, SO, SO, SO, SO, (A/N 10 more so's later…) SO, SO, SO MUCH!

"I get the point!" Fabian said quickly.

"So…Fabian," He put the phone back to his ear. "Is Nina pretty?"

Fabian's face froze. He couldn't talk for a moment. He thought Nina was the most beautiful person on earth! He thought she was an angel from heaven! The problem was…YOU DON'T TELL AMBER MILLINGTON ANYTHING THAT HAS TO DO WITH YOU AND A ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP…but he did anyway.
"…yeah." He whispered.

"I'll call you back!"
"Wait, call Alfie and tell him I left for Liverpool and am not coming back!" Fabian yelled urgently.

"Alright." Amber said before hanging up.


"Ambs," Mick called from the other room. "Come here."

Amber walked out of the small sitting room to the master bedroom where Mick had been watching TV with the phone still pressed to her ear.

"I'll call you back!" She blurted into the phone

"Wait, call Alfie and tell him I left for Liverpool and am not coming back!"

"Alright." Amber said hanging up and sitting down so she could listen to the news report.

There was a lead anchorman talking about current events. Some 'crop circles', a huge blizzard getting ready to hit any moment, and someone was mugged.

"Ambs…the blizzard." Mick looked scared for the first time in his life.

"This is a weather alert." Started a weather forecaster. "I advise for everyone to stay inside your house and get off the road as quick as possible. This storm will have very strong winds and freezing temperatures. Power outages are definite tonight, so, be ready. Make sure you have tons of food just in case of any-" Amber shut the TV off.

"Mick, we're safe in this room." She said trying to sooth the boy who had grown pale.

"That's not what I mean." Amber tilted her head in confusion. "Nina and Fabian…they're on their way back to Liverpool. They won't survive if they don't find shelter."

Amber whipped out her phone informing Alfie about Fabian and then calling Nina.

(Author's babble)
This is inspired by a book I read but I can't tell you what happens just yet. I forgot the name though…

So yeah…Jerome and Mara are dead. Yep, they just died because…Hm…they got eaten by leprechauns. RIP Jara. Okay, just kidding but they'll be apart of some sort of search.

I really want to finish this story and I am determined!

IMPORTANT: My friend gave me OC's so I am taking down the contest. Thank you if you entered but Contests are very hard to do. Sorry times a Google sign!