_-With Nina-_

"Nina, please don't go!" Amber yelled from behind Nina as she watched her best friend run back to the cabin. Nina whirled around to face her.

"Amber, I hate him! I don't want to be here while that…Scum is here!" She yelled.

"He deserves losing you but I don't! Please, can you stay for me?" Amber pleaded with a puppy dog face with tears.

"Y-" Nina started but sighed. "No."

"At least let me help you pack." She said walking beside her.


_- Fabian-_

"No, Joy, I've given you too many chances!" Fabian yelled at the girl chasing him.

"Fabes, I'm sorry! We can work this out!" She cried

"N-No, we can't!" He knew he was lying. "We're over!" He said sprinting to their cabin.

He locked the door behind him as he ran in. Joy would have to go to the reception building and get another key. By the time she would unlock the door, he would be long gone.

"This is going to be SO romantic!" Fabian mocked in a high pitched voice as he absentmindedly threw the clothes he had unpacked back into his suitcase. "Yeah, more like she cheats on me with another guy."

_- Nina-_

"And he hooked up with a girl he met at the bar last night!" Nina yelled angrily. Amber nodded but stayed silent.

"I mean, Mick wouldn't do that to you!" Nina continued. "He wouldn't, right? If he has, I will beat my cousin's-"

"No, he hasn't Nina but…" Amber paused wondering if Nina would hate her. "Eddie and you were never dating." Nina looked blankly at her best friend.

"But we hooked up and-"

"Nina, he went farther with the girl at the bar! He is a git anyway! What, so you guys have made out! I made out with Alfie last year!" Amber yelled. Nina was so appalled she grabbed her suitcase and ran out of the cabin, heading to the parking lot.

"How are you going to get home?" Amber bellowed, running as fast as she could to catch up.

"I'll...I'll," Nina looked towards Amber and yelled, "Hitchhike!"

"Nina," Amber said as she reached Nina. "You promised you would stop! At least take a bus."

"No, now let me go Amber." Nina said as she left Amber standing alone in the cold.


Fabian put his suitcase in the trunk of his car muttering curses under his breath.

"AH!" Someone screamed. He whipped around to see a young woman trip and fall onto her knees into the small amount of snow.

"Hey, are you okay?" Fabian said kneeling next to the injured girl. When she looked up, he noticed deep brown eyes that looked as sad as he felt inside.

"Y-yeah, my knee just stings a little." She said as she pulled herself up. Fabian looked at the knee and saw the blood trickling down onto the snow.

"Would you like to come here for a minute? I have a first aid kit in my car." He said motioning toward it.

"Yeah, for a second I guess." She sat down on the seat behind the driver and he grabbed the kit.

"So, where are you from" He asked getting the alcohol ready to dab.

"America, obviously, but I live in Liverpool right now. And you?"

"I live in Liverpool also." He said dabbing her leg. She cringed.
"Sorry, I got to disinfect it." She nodded. "Are you in college?"

"Yeah, I'm studying for an English degree but I really want to be a musician." Nina said shocking herself. She had only told Amber that.

"Me too." Fabian said finishing putting the bandage on. "I actually play the guitar."

"That's cool; I would really want to learn."

"Maybe I could teach you sometime." Fabian smiled at her.

"Yeah, I would love that…Did I catch your name?"

"No, uh, F-Fabian Rutter." He stuttered.

"Nice to meet you, F-Fabian Rutter." Nina laughed as she realized he was giving her butterflies. If only she knew she had the same effect on him. "I'm Nina Martin."

"So, how are you getting home?" He asked changing the subject quickly.

"Not sure really; I think I was going to hitchhike."

"Are you insane?" Fabian said quickly but noticed the hurt in her eyes. "I mean, it's dangerous. I can give you a ride if you want."

Nina smiled. "I would like that." As Fabian put her suitcase in the back, Nina texted her cousin Mick.
'Hitching. I'm fine. Met some guy our age. Fabian Rutter. Txt you when I'm home. Shud take bout 2 hours. Bye. P.S. Tell Amber it isn't her fault I left.' She closed her phone and jumped in the passenger seat with a stranger.


Amber sulked back to the cafeteria and found Mick and Eddie eating. The difference was that Eddie was fuming and Mick looked in paradise with his steak.
"She's gone." Amber mumbled. Mick's head shot up from his plate.

"What do you mean, 'gone'."

"She left." Amber said as she held in sobs. "Probably going to end up dead!"

"Not likely." Eddie said as Amber gave him a glare.

"He means that her ride is from Fabian Rutter. Remember him?"

Amber thought for a moment. "No, not really."

"Let me jog your memory…" Mick said as he took a sip of his 'root beer' even though Amber knew it was bud light.


"Nice job, Amelia. Next up…" Ms. Valentine looked at her clipboard that said the grades for the kids in her 10th grade class. "Fabian Rutter."

A thin average sized brunette boy shyly got up and stood in front of the class.

"W-world war o-one was-was a very h-hard time-"
Some fake coughed, "Stutter Rutter." The teacher glared at the jock but the boy continued speaking.

After class, everyone went to their lockers. Amber and Mick walked out into the hall hand in hand and Mick was appalled. Almost immediately, a couple of rugby jocks started to push Fabian around.

"Hey stop it!" yelled a petite brunette girl who was a cheerleader with Amber.

"Hey guys, leave the kid alone!" Mick yelled at the guys. Even though he was a 10th grader, he was still co-captain of almost all the sports teams. The boys walked away laughing.

"Thanks for that, if you need anything just let me know." Fabian said quietly. I saw out of the corner of my eye, Joy staring at him longingly but Patricia, a petite but feisty gothic punk, pull her away. (A/N: Long description for Patricia! Hehe!)

"Well actually, Amber and I aren't the best students in the world…maybe you could tutor us?" Mick asked.
"Yeah, I won't be able to do table tennis and cheerleading if I don't get a least a B on my midterm." Amber added.

"Yeah, how about…" Fabian thought for a moment. "After school today."
The couple looked at each other and nodded.
"That would be great!" Amber said cheerfully.

"Alright, see you then!" Fabian said as he walked away smiling.

The thing the 15 year olds, and 14 year old Amber, didn't know was that this would transform into a friendship…a friendship that separated only when high school was over.

*End Flashback*

"You remembered that but couldn't remember where my bag was!" Amber screeched forgetting about Nina and the crowded cafeteria for a moment.

"I was drunk when I brought it in, sorry." Mick mumbled, taking a bite out of his huge cheeseburger."

"Well, I guess she's alright. Fabian wouldn't hurt a fly." Amber smiled as she took a bite of her salad.