A/N: Hey everyone Slaps is back. I finally got off my butt and started the next part of the story. I would like to apologize for my overdue update, but here it is. There is no excuse for my delay. I should have at least told you guys what was going on. I am really sorry, so for being so patient with me I have decided to make this chapter the longest I have ever written. I hope you enjoy.

Chapter 1

Several weeks passed since the battle with Cynder, and Spyro's powers have yet to return; however, that didn't excuse him from training. He would do combat training with the others. Though gaining his powers back wasn't on the mind of the guardians right now. During those several weeks, word had spread that the temple was been reclaimed. Soon, Warfang began to send a few soldiers to aid them. Now the temple has more security than they did before, which the guardians loved. With more dragons around they can focus more on the war. Since they reclaimed The Temple, their main priority was to care for the children; which it still is. However, they couldn't spend all their time looking after the children. Especially, since they've recently recovered Intel of vital importance.

"What?" said Ignitus in disbelief with the other guardians standing nearby. "Are you sure, Trey?"

"Its true, sir," said Trey panting. He was an ice dragon like Cyril. He was fresh from the academy and was transferred to The Temple. He was slightly shorter than the guardians. He was blue and white all over.

"Can you confirm this?" asked Terrador.

"I can, sir," said Trey. "We've captured one of the apes who told us. He's down in the holding cell."

Everyone began to make their way towards the holding cell. As they walked they would pass several dragons, most were new recruits.

"Glad to finally have more security around here," said Terrador.

"Indeed," replied Cyril. "Thanks to these other dragons, The Temple is now a safe place once again."

"Cyril, once again, stating the obvious," said Volteer with a laugh.

"Rather make obvious observations than blather on and on about nothing."

"I do not blather. I simple use correct analysis that is vital to our goals, and state them in a coherent way that can…"

"See blathering, and even whining."

"What did you say?"

"Didn't hear me? You must be getting old."

"Well, with me, age shows sophistication, maturity, and wisdom. Key elements you seem to lack."


"Didn't hear me? Well it looks like your further along in age then you thought." Volteer had on a sly smile, proud of the comeback he made. Soon Cyril and Volteer's argument became more heated. Trey, Ignitus, and Terrador simply watched with slight annoyance.

"Are they always like this?" asked Trey.

"Unfortunately," sighed Terrador.

"Don't worry, Trey," said Ignitus. "You'll get use to it."

As they continued walking, they noticed Ember running down the hall. Ignitus was about to tell her to slow down, but she quickly turned a corner to their right. Almost instantly, Cynder and Flame came running right pass them. Running zigzags around their feet trying to get somewhere fast.

"What's going on?" asked Volteer.

"Tag," called back Flame. "Spyro's it." With that they disappeared down the hall. Once they were gone, Spyro made an appearance.

"Did you see where they went?" asked Spyro panting.

"Down that hall," said Cyril pointing towards the hall on their right.

"Thanks." Spyro ran down the hall Cyril had pointed too.

"Cyril!" yelled Volteer in a disappointed tone.


"Ember went down that hallway." Cyril slapped his head in a 'duh' fashion.

"These two," whispered Terrador to Ignitus. "One minute they'll be at each others throats, the next their best friends."

"They are quite unpredictable." said Ignitus with a smile.

Hoping to no longer get distracted they continued to the holding cell that kept the ape. When they arrived the cell door was made completely of metal with earth slabs running through it, like a lock. Terrador put his claw on the wall and instantly the earth slabs were gone from the door. Terrador opened the door and inside was the captured ape. He was bound by boulders that covered him up to his shoulders.

"I'll go in," said Terrador.

"Are you sure, sir?" asked Trey.

"Don't worry," replied Ignitus. "Terrador is one of our best interrogators. He knows what he's doing." With that Terrador closed the door. He turned around to see the ape looking back at him.

"Comfortable?" asked Terrador.

"Actually," replied the ape. "I am. It's tight enough so I can't escape, but also very roomy. There's this rock behind me that's not only a good back scratcher, but it's something I can lean against. Also listen to this." The ape arched his body slightly and soon Terrador heard several pops. "I haven't been able to pop my back in years. I have to say this is…"

Fed up with the pointless conversation, Terrador moved his left claw on the ground; causing the boulders to close more tightly.

"Ok," said the ape. "Now I'm uncomfortable."

"Good," replied Terrador. "Now I have a few questions for you. Answer them truthfully, and we might let you go. Lie to me and you'll regret it." Terrador slid his left claw again to make the boulders close in on the ape even more. "Got it?"

"Yeah…I got it."

"Now, we got reports of apes mobilizing to the east. Why?"

"It was orders given by our higher ups. We were all supposed to converge on a sight, to look for something."

"What sight, and what are you looking for?"

"I don't know exactly what we had to look for, but the sight we were going to were some old ruins. They said they'll explain everything when we get there."

"Last question." Terrador walked closer to the ape and bent his head down slightly. "Who's the new leader of your army? Who took Cynder's place?"

"No one," replied the ape. "Cynder was never our leader. She was simply…"

"You're second in command," finished Terrador. The ape looked at him with surprise. "We know who your real leader is, but I wasn't talking about him. I want to know who took Cynder's place."

"I don't know. I was just following orders." Terrador scanned the ape's face to see if he was lying. Soon Terrador pulled back.

"Alright then." Terrador turned and soon began to head out the door.

"Wait!" called the ape. "I thought you said you would let me go?"

"I said we might let you go." The ape had a look of fear as he frantically tried to break free. Soon he sighed loudly as if he'd given up. Until, something came across his mind.

"Wait!" he called again. Terrador stopped right in front of the door and turned. "There's something else. Something I think you'll find very interesting."

"What is it?"

"Before I tell you, I need your word, as a guardian, that you will let me go." Terrador suddenly slammed his claw on the ground, causing the rocks around the ape to become tighter. The ape was soon having a hard time breathing. As ever breath was a struggle.

"If you don't tell me, you'll never leave here alive."

"Alright," the ape was now saying his words more quickly. "I may not know the main reason for our involvement in the ruins, but I do know of a side reason why we're there."

"And what exactly is that." Terrador began to move closer to the ape. He was waiting for the ape to lie.

"Prisoner exchange; we were making a prisoner exchange."

"That may be interesting, but why would I find it interesting enough to let you go?"

"Because the prisoner we were exchanging is someone you and the guardians know personally. At least that's what he said."

"Who?" The ape soon had a very wide grin; knowing that he had Terrador's attention.


With everyone outside the door, not knowing what's going on, they all soon became impatient.

"Terrador sure has been in there for quiet some time," said Volteer. "When do you think his interrogation of the prisoner will end?"

"Volteer, show some maturity," replied Cyril. "Only children become so impatient."

"Why you!"

Before they could continue, the door began to open. As soon as it was, Terrador began to walk out. However, something was different. He had this weird look on his face; an odd combination of shock, confusion, and sadness. Though that wasn't what they really focused. Everyone looked down and saw the ape walking out of the door next to Terrador. Everyone took a defensive stance believing that the ape was trying to escape. Terrador lifted his claw to prevent them from attacking.

"Take it easy everyone," he said. "I'm letting him go."

"What!" yelled everyone.

"Are you daft!" yelled Cyril. "He's an ape, why would you…?"

"Because I promised him I would if he cooperated," interrupted Terrador. "Trey, can you escort him out of the temple."

"Yes, sir."

"And be sure to let the guards know; that if they should see the ape return to the temple, they are permitted to kill on sight." Terridor looked at the ape sternly while he said those words.

"Understood, sir." Trey began to escort the ape out of the temple. Before they rounded the corner the ape stopped and turned to look at Terrador.

"Nice doing business with you," he said giving Terrador a light wink. Terrador barred his teeth and growled deeply. The ape quickly ran around the corner out of fear.

"Would you mind telling me exactly what's going on?" asked Cyril.

"Terrador," said a worried Ignitus. "Is everything alright?" Terrador just looked at Ignitus. With an expression that Ignitus has not seen in years. Pure sadness and shock completely took over his face. If it wasn't for Terrador's rough demeanor, Ignitus could have sworn that Terrador was going to cry. Not being able to look at him any longer, Terrador diverted his gaze to Volteer.

"Volteer," he said in a slightly, raspy voice. "What do you know about ruins to the east?"

"Not much," replied Volteer, "but I know where we can find out."

They made their way to the library. Hoping to find books holding the information they seek.

Once they arrived Volteer began to search the library for information about the ruins to the east. The other guardians waited in the center. As they waited, Ignitus and Cyril noticed that Terrador has been acting strange. He hasn't said a word since they left the holding cell. They were starting to worry. Before they could question him, Volteer returned with a rather large book in hand. He placed it down on a near by table and proceeded to quickly thumb through it until he found what he was looking for.

"Here it is," he said. He soon opened the book and began to read the text. "The ruins to the east belonged to a tribe of dragon warriors long ago. They were a strong tribe; consider the most powerful in their time. They would defeat anyone who threatened their way of life, but were oddly kind to friendly visitors. Many experts believe that their trust in visitors was the reason for their down fall." Volteer finished reading and looked up at the other guardians. "They are indeed the most interesting of ancient tribes."

"Why is that?" asked Cyril.

"The tribe consisted of mostly females. There was little to no males there."

"That can't be right. Then how did they…you know…increase their numbers." Volteer looked back down into the book and began searching for an answer.

"It is said that they would take what they can from visiting males. So even though there weren't many males living in the tribe; there were plenty of visitors."

"…makes me wish I was born back then…." stated Cyril in a soft tone while turning his head.

"Focus you two," interrupted Terrador. "There is still the bigger issue."

"Yes," said Ignitus. "Like what the apes want with the ruins in the first place?"

Volteer continued to thumb through until he came across a piece that seemed quiet interesting.

"It appears that during the tribe's existence, there was a rumor that floated through the lands." said Volteer.

"Rumor?" asked Cyril.

"Apparently, other lands speculated that the tribe had rare gemstones that gave them incredible strength and abilities."

"Kind of like the crystals that we use?" asked Terrador.

"Exactly," replied Volteer. "Except, these gemstones enhanced the user's strength and abilities ten fold; much strong then a common crystal."

"And my guess is that the apes believe that those gemstones are still there." said Ignitus.

"That would make sense," said Terrador. "They know they can't defeat us now that The Temple has been taken back. So they need power of an ancient tribe." Everyone sat there, quietly, thinking what their next move was. They would glance over at Ignitus for the answer, since he was the leader. However, he would give them a blank stare. Though, Terrador was too pre-occupied with something else. He was deep in thought, nothing breaking through the barrier he had created around his mind.

"So what is our next move?" asked Cyril breaking the silence.

"Well," said Ignitus. "If this tribe had such a power, we can not allow the enemy to acquire it. I believe we should send Trey and some of the other dragons from Warfang to take care of the apes at the ruins."

"It sounds like a good plan," said Cyril. "What about the young ones? Should we send them too?"

"I don't believe that would be a good idea," said Volteer. "They have done enough to aid our efforts against the enemy. They deserve some time to relax."

"Then it is decided then," said Ignitus.

"Actually," protest Terrador finally snapping out of his train of thought.

"Yes Terrador."

"I believe that the four of us should take this one." All the guardians looked at Terrador puzzled and shocked. They haven't been on a mission together in some time, but there was a reason for that; a reason that was quickly brought up.

"Terrador," said Cyril. "Maybe you forgotten but we're guardians. We can't just go off on a mission together. Our responsibilities are with to lead The Temple."

"I understand that the sense of nostalgia is flooding your mind," said Volteer. "There are times that I look back on the days of old, when we were young, but times have changed."

"It's not that," stated Terrador with a sigh. "There is another reason why the apes are at the ruins; prisoner exchange."

"That is not very important," said Ignitus. "At least not important enough for all four of us to go."

"Actually it's just one prisoner…someone we all know exceedingly well." Terridor has now captured the attention of other guardians. They all looked at him with both curiosity and confusion.

"Who's the prisoner?" asked Cyril.

Terrador turned his head to look directly at Ignitus. Even though they all knew the prisoner, it was Ignitus who was fonder of him. It killed Terrador to speak, but they all needed to know. In a soft tone, he opened his mouth and spoke the words that would effect all of them; "Kasai." They all let out a gasp. Shocked by the answer they were given, and Ignitus gave of face of disbelief.

"That's impossible," he stated. "Kasai died in the raid."

"It's not entirely impossible, Ignitus," said Volteer. "We never did find his body under the ruble. It is quite possible that the apes did recover him, and take him captive."

"I know this is hard for you," said Terrador. "But we need a decision." Ignitus sat for a moment and thought. He wanted to save Kasai, but all four of them going is risky. If they all go they can get the job done quicker and more efficiently. Pretty soon he came to a decision.

"We're going," he said.

"Well I don't fully agree," said Cyril. "But I'm willing to put aside my discomfort."

They all made their way out of the library towards entrance of The Temple. Along their way they informed many of the other dragons where they were going. Trey was the last to be informed, and obviously he wasn't too pleased.

"Sirs," he said. "Listen to what your about to do. You four are the leaders here, we need you. You can't just leave."

"Trey, relax," said Terrador. "We'll be back before you know it."

"I just don't understand why can't one of you stay." They all looked each other.

"Listen," said Ignitus. "The apes have someone important to us. We want to do everything we can to get him back."


"Trey," said Cyril. "Listen, I know this seems very confusing to you. I hardly understand it myself, but you have to trust our decision. Can you do that?"

"I guess so."

"Good," said Terrador. "Until we return, you're in charge."

"What should I tell the young ones?"

"Nothing," said Volteer. "No sense in worrying the children. If they should suspect our absence, just tell them we are in a meet with the high council of Warfang."

"Yes, sir."

"Oh and Trey," said Ignitus. "Try to keep the place in one piece until we return."

Trey gave a slight nod as the guardians flew off towards the ruins.

After one hour…

After flying for some time they knew they were closing in on the ruins. The clouds began to block their view. Volteer took the lead as he was the only one to know where to go.

"How much longer?" asked Terrador.

"Actually, we're here," said Volteer. He then dropped down towards the ground with the others following. Their vision began to clear up as the ground grew closer and closer. Within seconds, they could see the ruins. There were many stone houses that covered the area, obviously made by an Atlawian tribesman. There were also many stone statues of dragons in different poses. At the rear of the ruins was a rather large building with statue guards in between the doorway. It was apparent that the leader would stay there. On both sides were what appear to be hallways that lead to different parts of the building. The one to the right appears to be a meeting area, while the one to the left looks to be a library. In the center of the ruins was a coliseum that has the obviously weathered over time. However, they noticed something odd about the ruins. There was not a single ape anywhere to be seen. There was evidence that they were here. Like bones on the grounds, freshly made fire pits, tents, and trash everywhere. The apes were here, but for some reason they've moved on or they're hiding.

They soon made their decent and landed at the front entrance of the coliseum. They wanted to look through the larger building first before moving to the smaller ones. The coliseum was definitely the largest building. As they walked through its halls, there were statues of different dragons than outside. They were much larger and were posed in different positions, more triumphant. It seems as if these statues were honoring the great warriors of the coliseum. Though, Cyril was too busy look at the body structure of the statues.

"Wow," he said softly as he lightly blushed. "I must admit, the dragons in the statues are quite elegant."

"Focus, Cyril," said Ignitus. "Let us not forget why we're here."

"Yes, well," Cyril gave a small cough to bring him back to normal. "We may not be here for long. It seems that the apes have moved on."

"Even if they did," said Terrador. "We should still investigate; they might have left something or found something."

After checking the every inch of the halls, they couldn't find nothing. There were many statues destroyed, and a few more pills of trash. They decided to head to the center of the coliseum, the battle grounds. Once they went in they noticed how massive the arena was. Terrador and Volteer moved to the right, not realizing that they were separating for Ignitus and Cyril.

Suddenly, energy began to surround the arena; creating a force field like dome. It had a very odd feeling to it. Not evil, but more peaceful. Though, that quickly changed when the dome created a barrier between the separated dragons.

"I knew you'd come," said a voice up in the stands. They all quickly turned to see Moore sitting in the stands with another ape right next to him. "It took you longer than expected, but I'm glad you're here."

"You!" yelled Terrador. "Get us out of here!"

"Well, unfortunate, I don't have much control over that."

"What are you talking about?" asked Cyril.

"You see, this field is created to suite the competitors who step into the ring. The stronger the competitor, the stronger the field. So don't get any ideas of trying to break out, it will send the attack right back."

"Bastard," said Terrador under his breathe.

"Hey don't be mad at me," said Moore as he scoffed. "You're the ones who fell into an obvious trap."

"What?" said Ignitus.

"You honestly think that ape gave you the information because he was scared? Please, I sent him to you."

"So everything was a lie?" yelled Volteer.

"Not everything," said Moore. "You see we did come here looking for those gems, hoping to get an edge." Moore stood as he pulled small, black, quartz like rocks out from behind him. "Alas, this is all that was left. The gems couldn't withstand the test of time." He crushed the gems in his hands and blew them to the wind. He turned to look at the guardians to see their all baring their teeth.

"Why don't you cut the foolishness and tell us how to get out of here!" barked Terrador.

"Pushy…fine, but I really shouldn't have to. It's pretty self-explanatory. In order for you to escape, two of you must be the victors."

They all looked at each other with complete shocked, knowing what they had to do.

"You must be out of your mind!" yelled Ignitus.

"We would never fight each other!" yelled Terrador.

"Well, unfortunately," said Moore. "You don't have a choice. It won't go away until a victor is declared. However, if you still refuse." He looked at the ape sitting next to him. From his pockets, the ape pulled out a flute. He brought it up to his lips and began to play a low toned song. The guardians looked at the ape a bit confused. Moore gave the ape a hard look as he soon realized what was going on.

"Oops," said the ape. "I was playing F flat instead of C sharp." He shifted his fingers as he tune became much higher as a soft, yet unfamiliar, song came from it. They started to enjoy it at first, until something started to change in Cyril and Volteer. There was a loud ringing in their heads as the world seemed to spin. They fell to the ground holding onto their heads and screaming. Ignitus and Terrador looked at them with fear.

"Volteer, Cyril!" yelled Terrador.

"What have you done to them?" demanded Ignitus.

"I've simply given them a serum during my time in Tall Plains and Dante's Freezer. It can only be activated when a certain note is played in a specific order."

Terrador and Ignitus were too distracted by Moore to notice that their friends were rising.

"Terrador, look out!" called Volteer. Terrador turned to see Volteer try to strike him. He was quick enough to duck and jump back to get some distance. Ignitus turned and saw everything. He then looked over at Cyril who was charging at him. Cyril began swiping at him, but Ignitus dodged them all. Ignitus jumped back to give himself some distance.

"What are doing?" asked Ignitus.

"It's not us," said Cyril.

"We're not in control," finished Volteer.

Ignitus and Terrador turned to look at the ape.

"Now what have you done to them?" yelled Terridor.

"Its part of the serum," said Moore. "The host has no control of their movements. The one playing the flute does."

Volteer charged at Terridor with great speed. He slashed down with his right claw. Terrador saw it coming and dodged to his right. When Volteer's claw hit the ground he followed up with his left claw as he swung it around. Terrador didn't see it coming as Volteer hit him square in the jaw. Terrador fell to the ground, a few feet away. Volteer pulled his head back and launched an electric strike. Terrador slammed his claws on the ground to put a wall between him and the attack. The wall was struck as it grumbled away into dust. Taking the opportunity, the ape had Volteer fly through the dust; catching Terrador off guard. Volteer pulled his head down and charged into Terrador's chest. Volteer then opened his mouth and shot an electric in the stomach. Thanks to Terrador's tough hide he the attack wasn't enough to kill.

During Terrador and Volteer's battle, Ignitus was having troubles of his own. Cyril's attacks didn't catch him off guard, but he was trying to avoid the attacks. Cyril launched an ice attack and Ignitus countered. The flames and ice soon faded away as Cyril charged in. He twisted his body around to hit Ignitus with his tail. Ignitus ducked and jumped back. Cyril then stood on his hind legs and opened his wings. He began flapping as ice shards were being hurled at the fire dragon. Ignitus continued to dodge as the ice shards kept coming. Soon, Ignitus was being cut by the shards. He would dodge a few and get cut by one. It kept going like this until Ignitus was covered in them. Though, it wasn't enough to put him down.

Cyril and Volteer then charged at Ignitus and Terrador, struggling to gain control of their bodies again. Every strike they made, their hearts would sink. Ignitus and Terrador didn't want to hurt their friends so they would just dodge the attacks that were coming at them. Soon, Volteer thought of something that made him chuckle a bit.

"What's so funny?" said Terrador still avoiding the attacks.

"Nothing," said Volteer still attacking. "This just reminds me of the time we were all in the academy." Volteer turned his body as he whipped his tail around; electric sparks were clearly seen from it. Terrador jumped back to avoid it. "How you, Cyril, and I fought over a beautiful female we all met."

Soon everyone had a small grin on their face.

"That's right," said Cyril. "I had forgotten about that." Cyril tried to bite Ignitus, but he jumped back. Before Ignitus could land, Cyril used his ice breath to freeze the ground. Ignitus flapped his wings and launched a fire attack at the ground so he wouldn't slip.

"Wait," said Terrador. He blocked an on coming electric strike with another wall. "Didn't Ignitus claim her in the end?"

"It's not my fault," said Ignitus jumping over Cyril. "She liked me." Cyril launched a series of ice spikes. Ignitus jumped further back to avoid from being impaled. "But why are you bringing this up now, of all times."

Volteer jumped back and got some distance away from Terrador before continuing. He looks over at Cyril, who looks back. Cyril gives Volteer a slight nod.

"Because," said Volteer. The ape holding the flute was about to have the two dragons attack when Moore placed a hand in front of him, telling him to hold off on attacking. He was curious to see where this was going. Volteer let out a small sigh as he continued. "I thought it would be nice to have one laugh before the end."

"The end?" asked Ignitus. "What are you talking about?" Terrador let his head drop. He knew what Volteer was talking about; he just wished it didn't end like this.

"Ignitus," said Volteer. "There's no other way. You two have to kill us." Ignitus was in a state of shock. Did Volteer really just say that? He looked over at Cyril to see an accepting face greeting him.

"There has to be some other way. We can't just kill you."

"Think about it, Ignitus," said Cyril. "If we die, then you two can still lead the army against The Dark Master. However, if you die, then Volteer and I will be under the ape's control."

"But there has to be a way," said Ignitus.

"Ignitus," said Terrador. "They're right. We have to get out of here. If it means defeating our friends, then so be it." Moore continued to watch.

"It looks like this battle is going to end," said Moore. "Pity, I was hoping it would last longer. Oh well." Moore turned to look at the flute player. "Show no mercy." The ape brought the flute back up to his lips and, once again, began to play. Volteer and Cyril started to feel their bodies begin to move on their own again.

Volteer launches an electric strike at the earth dragon. Terrador creates another wall in front of him. The wall shatters as the strike makes contact, leaving it in smoke and rubble. Volteer flies through the smoke and tackles Terrador. Using the momentum of the fall, Terrador rolls back and forces Volteer off him using his back legs. Volteer flipped to land on his feet. The second he turned around, Terrador was right in front of him. Terrador slammed his left claw down on the ground as a pillar, slanted upward, came out of the ground and collided into Volteer's chest. Volteer was sent flying into the barrier that surrounds them.

"Volteer!" called Ignitus.

"Ignitus!" called Cyril. "You have to pay attention!" Cyril charged at Ignitus at full speed. When they collided, Cyril was on top delivering blow after blow. "Ignitus, you have to stop holding back. Come on, do it!" Ignitus, with a heavy heart, opened his mouth and launched a fire blast into Cyril's chest; knocking him back. Ignitus quickly recovered and continued to launch wave after wave of fire blasts, each one larger than the next.

Volteer was now on his feet. He lowered his head and began to create a large ball of electric energy. As it reached its peek Volteer began to shrink it, making the energy inside become more and more unstable, like adding too much air in a balloon. Sooner or later it's going to give. With in seconds, Volteer launched several electric strikes coming from the orb. Terrador quickly reacted and slammed his claws down in front of him, forcing up a big piece of rock in front of him. Terrador struck the rock with his right claw as tiny shards of rock was sent flying. The two attacks meet in the middle as the rock shards and the electric strikes collided. As the attacks met, Terrador slammed his tail on the ground; wrapping the earth around it. As the smoke cleared, Volteer charged. Terrador waited for the right time. When Volteer was close enough, Terrador took the chance. He performed a front flip as his tail, still surrounded by earth, followed suit. Within seconds, his tail made contact with Volteer's head; forcing Volteer, violently, to the ground. There was a small amount of dust that kicked up into the air. As it cleared, Volteer was lying motionless on the ground; a giant cracked was beneath his head. A pool of blood began to form under his head. Terrador looked down at his fallen friend with anger and sadness.

Ignitus had finally ceased his onslaught of fire blasts. The smoke began to clear as Cyril was coming into focus. He had a few burn marks on his body as blood started to come from his mouth. He was panting very heavily as his legs were becoming weak. He looked up at Ignitus with a smile on his face.

"Ignitus," said Cyril in a frail voice. "Stay strong, for both of us."

With tears in his flowing free from his eyes, he launched one final attack. It struck Cyril with great force, knocking him off his feet and lies motionless on the ground. Ignitus, like Terrador, just looked at Cyril with anger and sadness. There was a calm silence that filled the air, which was quickly interrupted by the sounds of clapping. Ignitus and Terrador both looked at Moore, who was the one clapping. They both gave him with murderous eyes as they bared their teeth.

"Well done, gentlemen," said Moore. "I must say I'm impressed."

"Are you happy now?" yelled Ignitus.

"Pardon, I don't quite understand."

"Because of you their dead! Are you happy now?"

"I wouldn't take your anger out on me. I never said you had to kill them."

Both Terrador and Ignitus looked at him with shock and disbelief.

"What?" yelled Ignitus.

"Yeah," said Moore. "I just said there had to be two of you needed to win. You could have just knocked out."

"You son of bitch!" yelled Terrador.

"Language," said Moore. "You're a sophisticated dragon."

"Moore!" yelled Ignitus, pupils completely dilated from his rage. "You are dead when we get our claws on you."

"I don't think so." Moore whistled out to the sky as it echoed through the ruins. Within seconds a wyvern appeared from behind the coliseum and landed right next to the apes. Moore and the ape accompanying him quickly jumped on the wyvern. The barrier that trapped the dragons was soon released.

"Do not think you can get away!" yelled Ignitus.

"I wouldn't waste your remaining energy on me," said Moore. "I think you should focus more on your friends if you want to save them."

"What?" said both Ignitus and Terrador as they turned to look at Cyril and Volteer. It was faint, but they could tell that they were breathing.

"Ignitus," said Moore getting Ignitus' attention. "Consider this a test of strength; a test to see if you are capable to taking a life, especially if it's a friend. Let's just say you past with flying colors. I can't wait to meet again. Also, that friend you came here for. I wouldn't give up the search for him. He was here for a prisoner exchange, but that was weeks ago." Ignitus and Terrador both had shocked faces from the information they were given. The wyvern jumped into the air and began to fly away. "Ciao." Within seconds, the wyvern had disappeared into the clouds.

Ignitus and Terrador quickly ran to the aid of the other guardians.

"Terrador, you get Cyril. I will get Volteer," said Ignitus. Terrador nodded his head in agreement. He slowly placed Cyril on his back, not trying to cause him any more pain. Ignitus did the same with Volteer. With weight on their backs it made it difficult to take off, but with some effort they were up in air and heading back to The Temple as quickly as possible.

After reaching The Temple, Cyril and Volteer were rushed immediately to the hospital wing. Word had travelled around quickly about the two wounded guardians, as Terrador and Ignitus explained everything to them.

Within an hour or so, Cyril and Volteer had woken up; only to be greeted by Ignitus and Terrador sitting by their beds. Cyril and Volteer were covered in bandages.

"Terrador, Ignitus," said Cyril.

"How are you feeling, Cyril," asked Terrador.

"I'll be ok." Terrador gave a light smile and turned to Volteer.

"And you?" he asked.

"I'll be ok. The body is a remarkable thing when it comes to the recover of the…" said Volteer as he was rambling.

"Even on the brink of death you still find ways to annoy me," interrupted Cyril. All three of them started to laugh, all except Ignitus.

"What's wrong, Ignitus?" asked Volteer.

"Volteer, Cyril," said Ignitus in a soft tone. "I'm sorry. I walked us right into that trap. I let my emotions cloud my judgment."

"Ignitus," said Terrador. "Don't blame yourself. I'm the one who requested all of us to go."

"But I could have said no."

"Ignitus, don't blame yourself," said Cyril. "We all wanted to go. We all wanted to help rescue Kasai."

"Cyril is right," said Volteer. "Also, thanks to this mission, we now know that the apes don't have more power; so that's something."

"They're right, Ignitus," said Terrador. "Plus, we also know that Kasai is still alive. So this mission was a total loss."

"Thank you," said Ignitus. "But I promise. I won't put you guys in dangerous situations again. I don't want either of us to end up here again." Cyril, Terrador, and Volteer gave Ignitus a light hearted smile.

The spent the next hour talking about their days in the academy, also trying to figure out what happened to that girl. However, it was all short lived when the children ran in asking questions. The guardians tried to answer them the best they can, in hope as to not worry the young dragons.


Moore had been flying for a few hours before reaching what appears to be a mountain in the shape of a dragon. Two caves on the side glowed green, giving the mountain intimidating eyes. Smoke came from the top of the mountain giving it some cover from above. The wyvern landed at the entrance of this mountain, as Moore and the ape accompanying him jumped off.

"Go report to Gaul," said Moore. "I have things I need to do."

"Yes, sir," said the ape as he ran inside. Moore gave a good stretch until someone concealed in the shadows interrupted him.

"Another mission?" asked the unknown person. Moore quickly turned to the entrance of the mountain to see a large wolf walking out of the shadows. He had grey and black fur with hellish red eyes. He wore the same clothing as the apes did, symbolizing that they were allies. He had a gauntlet with a crystal that would glow red on the back end of the gauntlet. He also wielded double swords on his waste.

"Oh, Tempest, It's you," said Moore. "You startled me."

"What were you doing back at the ruins?" asked Tempest. "That mission ended weeks ago."

"I just had to tie up some loose ends." Tempest gave Moore a threatening stare. "You know I don't like that look you give me."

"Yeah, well, maybe if you tell me what you're planning I might change my look." Moore began walking past Tempest as he entered the mountain.

"What makes you think I'm planning anything?" he said.

"I've known you since we were little," said Tempest. "I know when you're up to something." Moore stopped in the center of the hallway that leads into the mountain. "Moore, if you need me to help you, I have to know what's going on. Tell me."

"I can't. It's not ready yet. When I have all the preparations set I will tell you, but in the mean time, please be patient with me old friend." Moore continued down the hall, disappearing into the darkness, leaving Tempest alone.

"Moore," he thought. "What are you planning?"

To Be Continued…

A/N: Well there it is the first chapter of part 2. Again, sorry for the long wait and thank you for being so patient with me; especially my beta reader. As you can tell this was mainly focused on the guardians. I kind of feel like the guardians don't get enough love. So here is my way of showing. Also it seems that Moore has some kind of plan. Also, the next couple of chapters will be primarily mission based before we get into the main story. Well see you soon, promise.