Chapter 1
Me no own Naruto or any of the characters…T-T
Naruto stood outside his new school. He swallowed and took a hesitant step forward.
He really didn't want to go inside. The building looked too...intimidating. He felt like he was being laughed at right now. He walked into the reception and was surprised to see none other than Kakashi Hatake. As soon as Naruto saw the silver haired man he wanted to run to hills. But instead he froze mid-step with his mouth hanging open.
"Oh, hello Naruto, how are you?" Kakashi asked and smiled-well Naruto thought he was smiling, he couldn't tell because the mask he wore on the bottom half of his face.
"Kakashi? Y-you're th-the-"
"What your headmaster? Yes. Yes, I Am." he replied and started to walk over to the stunned blonde.
Naruto saw him moved and ran for the door. He was just inches from the door when a hand grabbed the collar of his black school shirt, "No! No way in hell that you're my headmaster! No, there's no way!"
"Now, now! Don't judge a book by its cover-"
"I'm not! I've known you for years! I know exactly what you're like!" Naruto yelled as he tried to get out of the man's steel grip.
"Aw, come on Naruto! You'll love me as your headmaster!"
Beep, beep, beep, beep! Beep, beep, beep, be-
"I'm getting up! I'm getting up!" grumbled the half awake blonde. He groaned, 'First day back, great!' he thought sarcastically.
The boy stretched and looked around his room. Orange painted the Walls and his carpet was a light blue colour. His desk sat opposite his bed on the left nearer the window with had thin, dark blue curtains framed the window that looked out at the never ending houses and streets.
Naruto got up and walked to his desk and picked up a picture frame of his late godfather. He missed the old pervert. Jiraya was always there to comfort Naruto no matter what he was doing or where he was. Jiraya had been the closed thing to a father the boy had ever had. And now he was gone. Forever.
His grip tightened on the wooden frame as a single tear slid slowly down his tan cheek, "Why did it have to happen to you?" he said as tears splashed onto the glass of the picture frame. As Naruto wiped away the tears with one hand he used the other hand to put the picture down. His hand lingered over the picture for a second, before he went to the bathroom to relive himself and head down stairs to the kitchen.
There was a note attached to the fridge. It was from Tsunade. It read:
Dear brat,
I had to leave early so I didn't have time to make your lunch. Some stupid paper work to do finish and Shizune will kill me if I don't get it done.
P.S. You better not be late for school today or you will regret the day you set foot on this earth.
He almost laughed at his nickname Tsunade gave him, "Old hag." he said.
He crumpled up the note and threw it in the bin. He poured a glass of orange juice and put toast in the toaster.
Knock, knock, knock.
He peeked through the kitchen door.
He never got visitors unless he knew they were coming over. He got a few visits after Jiraya's death but it had died down a few weeks after his godfather's funeral.
Naruto walked to the door and waited a second before opening it.
He saw flash of brown and red before being crushed in a spin snapping hug, "I've been so bloody lonely without you at school! I only had Shino to keep me company!" said the brunette, "I came over as soon as possible to make sure you we're going to ditch me!"
"K-Kiba! I c-can't b-breath!" Naruto gasped.
Kiba, noticing that he was actually nearly killing his best friend and let go, Kiba frowned, concern filling his face, "have you been okay?"
Naruto smiled sadly, "Y-yeah."
Kiba thought hard for a moment before pulling Naruto into another hug. But this hug was different; it wasn't a bone crushing hug but a comforting and caring hug.
Naruto smiled and pulled away, "I'm fine really, I just need to adjust, you know?"
Kiba nodded and walked into the house.
There were bouquets of flowers and cards that had messages like; 'he's in a better place' and 'sorry for your loss.'
"Yeah-Uh-excuse the smell, it's the amount of flowers in here." Naruto said apologetically.
Kiba nodded, "S'alright."
Naruto led the way into the kitchen to collect his toast as Kiba took off his shoes and dumped his bag near the door, "How's Tsunade? She must have been really upset."
"Yeah, they were brother and sister." Naruto said almost robotically, after swallowing a bite of toast.
Kiba nodded.
Naruto wasn't energetic like he used to- Kiba expected that but he was starting to sound like Shino. It wasn't natural for Naruto be emotionless, "Naruto, I'm here for you. No matter what I'll be here if you need to talk to me. You can talk to me about anything, you know that, right?"
Naruto smiled his old, signature smile for the first time as he washed out his glass, "Thanks."
"No problem."
"I'm gonna get changed, you can watch TV if you want." Naruto said while exciting the kitchen.
Naruto got changed into his school uniform; a White shirt, black and red diagonally striped tie, black jumper, black trousers and a red blazer.
He looked in the mirror. The uniform fitted him perfectly and his tie hung loosely around his neck. He had left out the top two button of his shirt and his blazer was unbuttoned. Just like he always did. But there was something wrong with his reflection.
'I look-', he walked closer to the mirror and his eyes widened.
He had red marks around his eyes and his usually tan skin was paler than usual. He even looked a bit thinner. No wonder Kiba looked at concerned.
Naruto frowned and went to the bathroom and washed his face, he looked at his wet face in the mirror above the sink.
His eyes that were colour of the sky and his bright blonde hair stood out but there one main feature that stood out; the three whisker-like scars that were engraved on his cheeks. Naruto never knew how he got them he just thought they had magically appeared when he was little but as he grew older he began to question Jiraya and it wasn't until two years ago that he found out; he had been kidnapped when he was about two and held hostage. They had tortured him and gave him the scars. Jiraya had said that his brain had kind of erased the horrific memory from his mind in some form of protection. Jiraya had told Naruto that he would wake up hearing him scream and when he would ask the two year old what was wrong, Naruto always said; "it was a nightmare, but I can't remember it". Then he would start crying.
Naruto felt more tears filling his eyes at the thought of his former godfather but wiped them away before they fell.
He went to his room and started packing his bag.
"Hey, Naruto! We better get going if you want to get to school on time." Kiba yelled from downstairs.
"Right, I'll be right down" Naruto replied. He stuffed all his books in his bag and put his arms through the straps. He ran down the stairs while trying to put his shoes on and he would've fell if Kiba hadn't caught him in time.
Kiba had the exact same uniform except he didn't wear his tie. He had said that he didn't like wearing them because he thought they look stupid, but Naruto knew that it was because he couldn't tie them.
"Be careful! You nearly took me down with you!" He yelled.
"Sorry, sorry!" Naurto said as they walked out of the door. He locked the door and they were about to walk down the street when Naruto's next door neighbour called on him.
Naruto jogged up to the girl, "Yeah?"
The girl had long brown hair and green eyes, and she was smiling kindly at him but there was pity in that smile, "Well, because Jiraya is no longer here, I was worried so," she held out a container, "Here, take this, it's your lunch."
Naruto smiled at her, "You didn't need to, I was going to buy lunch at the school! You shouldn't be worrying about me!" but he took the container anyway.
"No, no! I wanted to."
"Okay, thanks!" He hugged her and the girls face went bright pink.
"Naruto, come on! We're going to have to run if you don't stop flirting with her!" Kiba yelled.
Naruto let go of her and turned to Kiba, "Shut up, Dog-breath! I wasn't even flirting with her, I was giving her a hug and thanking her for giving me lunch cause she's a nice person and..." he said as he stormed over to his so called friend while waving his fists angrily.
Naruto was about to walk out of his English class when his teacher Iruka called on him and beckoned him over. His teacher had waited until all of the students were out and closed his door. Iruka walked towards Naruto, "I'm sorry for your loss, Naruto and I want to let you know that you can talk to me when ever you want and about anything. Any problems you have, I'll be right here for you. Whether it's about school or personal matters, I just wanted you to know that."
Iruka had said before getting ready for his next class.
Naruto had just about to walk out of his class when Iruka had stopped him to say; "Also, if you don't feel comfortable talking to me, which I hope is not the case then, any member of staff is willing to help you, okay?"
Naruto had thanked him and went straight to his locker.
Naruto sighed as he closed his locker after grabbing his Biology books and heading to his biology class on the second floor, which he was now late for.
He really didn't want to go but he had no choice, he couldn't skip he would be in deep trouble and it wasn't because he would get caught. It would be the fact of who his next teacher was.
As soon as he walked through the door of his fourth class he regretted it. His teacher, Orichimaru, was very creepy and he loved embarrassing, annoying, he loved to humiliate him-to get any negative reaction out of Naruto just for kicks. But most of all he hated Naruto.
Orichimaru had his back to the door and was looking at one of the student's book, most likely checking the students work. He got on his hands and knees and began crawling to his seat in the hope of not being seen by one of the devil's spawn. But his hope was shattered when someone tripped over him and dropped everything that had been in his hands, "Next time when you're crawling on the ground, watch where you're going, Naruto!"
Naruto could have just jumped out of the window and died or slit his throat or happily be mauled to death by a pack of wolves or been bitten by a poisonous snake because they all would have been better than what was coming.
"Oh, Naruto, you are back. How nice of you to arrive at my class half an hour late and grace us with your presence." he said which made some of the students snigger, "How is your dear godfather and my brother, Jiraya, doing?" he asked with a smirk that made babies cry, old people cry and the devil run away in fear.
Naruto got up and turned around slowly to look directly at the evil, yellow eyes that belonged to none other than Orichimaru himself, "Jiraya is dead. He's been dead for over a week." Naruto replied with no emotion in his voice.
Orichimaru's smirk fell and was turned into a fake frown, "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know. My poor, poor brother," he said with the corners of his mouth tilting upwards as he talked, "Do they know how he died?"
This was the question everybody thought. Everyone wanted to know the answer.
Naruto was silent.
Everybody was whispering and texting the latest 'gossip' to their friends.
Suddenly Naruto turned around and glared at the floor, his hands forming into shaking fists.
Something clear fell to the floor. Tears. One single tear was followed by anther and another, until they were pouring from the blue eyes and flowing down the scarred tan cheeks.
Ten minutes, now had past with nothing but silence and tears hitting the floor.
"Naruto." Kiba got out of his seat and wrapped an arm around his best friend. Kiba guided Naruto towards the exit of the class room.
Orichimaru wasn't smirking he was frowning but inside he was grinning like a maniac.
They were about to go outside when Naruto turned around and again looked directly at Orichimaru and said, "No, they don't know how he died. And I'll throw this in that may make you to leave me the hell alone," he said as he broke away from Kiba and walked right up to the teacher. He was inches away from each others faces and Naruto was looking at Orichimaru with eyes that no one had ever thought the happy-go-lucky blonde could posses. He raised his fist and let it collide with the old snake's face, "Heartless bastard!" he spat before walking out.