Looks like The Undead got a lot of hits.
Because of this…I'll celebrate with another zombie story! (Also I just watched Zombieland…Heh, Twinkies…) That movie sucked, wasn't very funny, but the action was good…
Anyway, yeah…another zombie thing…although it has nothing to do with The Undead. It's a completely different story. Hope you enjoy. The title came from Greenday's song, 21 Guns and I like the song a lot, so a shout out to them. Rated M for blood, gore, language, drinking and things like that.
The Commander walked down deserted halls. It had been that way for nearly fifty years, after the Incident. His footsteps echoed around the room, reverberating off the walls and floor, creating an eerie sound. He was headed for possibly the only populated room on the entire abandoned space colony. He and his trusted group of generals and soldiers would prepare a plan to capture one of the most wanted.
An automatic door slid open to a small room, where a blank gray door was mounted on the opposite wall. This one demanded identification.
The Commander flashed an ID in front of the scanner and proceeded on into the conference room, where his colleagues were waiting.
"Good evening, gentlemen."
A few of the higher ranking generals stood and saluted. "Sir!"
"At ease,"
The Commander sat at the head of the table in his personal leather chair. He eyed the group of people staring at him and said, "Proceed. What have you got so far?"
"Just ideas, sir." A scientist said. He adjusted his large glasses on his nose. "Although…we can see no way in which most of these would work."
"Let's see what you've got."
The scientist shuffled some papers around and then spoke. "A trap of some kind," he said. "some trap that won't necessarily kill him, but would wound him enough so he can't escape."
"How would you design this?" The Commander asked, folding his hands together and leaning forward towards the table.
"Maybe an abandoned building…we can send some of our best troops in when he enters. Some armed with bullets and some armed with tranquilizers."
"We've tried that, and look what happened." The Commander rested his elbows on the table and massaged his brow. "We've got more than a hundred deaths accounted for, some of them innocents, like the professor's granddaughter."
Silence covered the room. A few of the older scientists in the conference had been there the day the troops had stormed the very place they were sitting in now. It would eternally be burned into their minds forever.
"What if we…somehow brought him up here?" A soldier spoke up. "Bring him up here…and take him down. It's abandoned now…so no one can get hurt."
"This place still has very valuable data files on many different subjects." The Commander said. "We can't risk losing them yet."
"What if we…" A pencil-thin scientist spoke up slightly. He cleared his throat and continued. "what if we somehow poison him?"
"We've been working on a few things in the labs…but something went wrong and we ended up with a virus that can make you lose your mind. You'll go mad, hatred being your only feeling. You'll…want to kill all you see if you think that anyone's in your way. If left unattended you could eventually take your own life for hatred of yourself." The scientist gulped nervously. "And…lately we've been seeing signs of this virus in the outside world. Somehow it escaped the labs and has infected some small insects. But as soon as they bite someone…"
Silence in the room.
"What is this virus? A gas? A liquid?" The Commander asked.
"It can be either, although the liquid form takes effect faster if it's concentrated…almost immeadentally. Diluted and it can take weeks to fully take effect."
"Any ideas?" The Commander asked. "Because we now have to stop this virus and the most wanted criminal on our records."
More silence. No one seemed to even breathe.
"Operation: S.H.A.D.O.W. is now in effect." The Commander stood and headed for the door. The others in the room began to hastily gather up papers and notebooks and file out.
"Sir, we could show you what we've got." The skinny scientist said, coming up to the Commander's side.
"I was heading there anyway." The Commander responded. The group split in two, one half staying on the abandoned ARK and the other returning to the labs down on the planet below.
Shadow the Hedgehog was currently looking out from his apartment window on the plaza below, where a small family of humans were gawking at the shops all around. The excitement on their faces was unexpected and genuine, something you don't really see anymore. Shadow smiled slightly; glad for something that wasn't hurting anyone or anything for once.
He turned away from the window to the interior of the room, which was bare besides a small glass case with a pistol beside his bed and a small cracked mirror mounted on the wall. He hadn't had to use the pistol in a long time, but lately more and more GUN soldiers had been walking the streets, asking random citizens if they had seen him. Shadow had to bribe the owner of the apartments with an extra cash bonus with his rent if she'd keep her mouth shut about where he was hiding out.
The soldiers would stop at nothing to bring the so-called 'incredibly dangerous' project down. To Shadow, they were the real threat. They killed innocents that day up on the ARK, including his friend. Never once since that night had he been able to sleep soundly. He would always awake to the sound of echoing gunshots and the warm spray of blood. He knew as long as he lived, the images would never leave him.
He turned away from the gun's case and began angrily pacing the room. Hatred boiled up inside of him, hatred for the soldiers, hatred for the world for allowing this to happen…and hatred for himself. Why hadn't he taken the bullet? If he had died that day, everything wouldn't be as bad as it was now. Maria would still be alive.
There was a knock at his door. "Hey, you'd better open up and tell me what the hell those guys downstairs want!" Shadow ground his teeth together and unchained the door, opening it to find the landlady, giving him a very serious look. Never before had he seen her like this.
She was a rather tall and usually angry orange cat who didn't love anything but money. Her fur was styled in a way that said 'I'm successful in life, unlike you' and her eyes were set in a permanent scowl. Her arms were crossed over her blue shirt in an 'I'm waiting' gesture, and her left foot was tapping impatiently under the bottom of long jeans. Her tail waved back and fourth, matching her curiosity and anger.
"Long story." Shadow muttered. "Look, I'll throw in an extra twenty this time and everyone's happy, right? And-"
"Don't give me that shit," she hissed. "I want to know the truth."
"Then you'd better come in."
She wasted no time in pushing him aside and entering his small apartment. She sat haughtily on the edge of the broken, beaten sofa and said, "Those men out there mean business. What have you done to upset them? Was it you that broke into that bank a few months ago? It was you, wasn't it? That's how you always seem to have money even when I've never seen you hold a job for more than four months."
"No, it's not like that at all." Shadow re-bolted the door and leaned against it. "It's not what it seems like, at any rate."
"Then what is it?"
"…I've…I've been framed."
"Is that so?"
Shadow sighed and ran his hand through his quills. "Look, I'd rather not talk about it. I'll give you the twenty now if you want, just get out of my apartment-"
"It is not 'your' apartment, you rent it from me." her green catlike eyes seemed to stare fire. "And I can kick you out of here before you even reach for the money."
"Lady, this is the only place that is within my budget…"
"If you want to be homeless, just keep talking."
A tense silence filled the small room.
"I really don't want to talk about this." Shadow said slowly. "it's more personal than anything. I've had a rough past couple of days and all of that doesn't exacally add to this tension growing outside."
"Just tell me why they're asking for someone that matches your description perfectly and I'll leave." The landlady said firmly.
"Come on, Nancy—"
"It's Mary."
"Mary, right…" Shadow hissed. "I'm telling you, I've been framed. Please, just let me stay a few more days here and I'll get out of your life forever. Until then…I'll pay whatever you want."
"You can pay me with the truth."
"I can't, all right? Dammit, can't you see that?" Shadow's eyes flashed with red fire from the horror of the past. Mary jumped slightly but the look on her face didn't waver. She just nodded slowly.
"I'll give you one week. Until then…twenty a day."
Shadow moved out of her way as she unbolted the door and left after casting him a look that was lined with worry, a light anger and curiosity. Shadow slammed the door after her and stalked back to the bedroom, anger much like earlier coursing through him again. The family in the plaza was gone, as was most of the crowd. A few GUN soldiers were stationed at shops, glancing around warily.
Damn you. Shadow thought. Why did you have to kill innocents?
He caught sight of himself in the cracked mirror hanging near the pistol's case. The anger in his eyes took even him by surprise and his features softened a bit. His black and red striped quills were longer and had a more pronounced windswept look to them than they had been back when the horror had taken place. The white patch on his chest was in need of a strong brush along with most of his other fur. Shadow stalked out of the room and to the small kitchen, where he grabbed a dark bottle from the refrigerator.
Sitting down heavily on the nearly-destroyed couch, he screwed the top off and lifted the bottle to his lips, taking a long gulp that ended in coughs as the bitter liquid slid down his throat. It burned, but at the same time brought an artificial relief. He choked down swallow after swallow until he became aware of a knocking at the door.
"Go away, Mary." He muttered, taking another gulp. The bottle was nearly empty now.
"Erm…who's Mary? Open the door, Shads! This is important!" the knocking persisted.
Shadow slammed the bottle on the ground next to the couch so hard it nearly cracked. He struggled to his feet and drunkenly made his way to the door, where he had difficulty unlatching the chain. When he finally got his hand around the knob, it burst open and the uninvited hedgehog darted into his home.
"Wow, nice place. Um…well, you know those guys out there? They're going through building after building looking for you. Apparently your landlady let some info get loose on the street about your whereabouts. Wait, is her name Mary?" The hyperactive blue hedgehog stopped talking for a total of about five seconds. "Oh, that makes sense. Anyway, if I were you, I'd leave now. You can come to my place until you can get away from here."
Shadow stumbled against the wall and barely caught himself from falling. "Who are you? How did you even know I was here?" His words slurred. His mind was slightly frazzled. Who was this guy again…?
"If I said 'lucky guess', would you believe me?" The blue hedgehog wandered into the kitchen.
"Hell, no." Shadow slurred.
"Well then…" The intruder opened all the cupboards in turn, finding nothing but a few cracked glasses. "if you want to know, come with me."
"Stop going through my kitchen."
"Dude, you've got nothing. Well…nothing worth eating…" The hedgehog pulled a moldy loaf of bread out of the last cupboard. "When was the last time you had something decent to eat?"
"Get out of my apartment."
"I'll take that as an 'I can't remember'. But then again, you're drunk." The hedgehog stood in front of Shadow. "Now if you want some quality food I suggest you come with me and we'll both force Amy to make us something, all right?"
"GET OUT OF MY APARTMENT!" Shadow roared.
"Not with an attitude like yours," The hedgehog smirked, turning back to the kitchen to go through the fridge. "I'm going to guess that you can't even remember my name on account of drinking that pure alcohol crap. It's Sonic, all right? Don't forget it again."
"Sonic…I remember you. I hate you…" Shadow collapsed back onto the couch and ran both hands through his quills. "Wait…is this some sort of hallucination?"
"If it was a hallucination, would I be able to do this?"
Shadow forced his eyes to focus as Sonic brought out something green and glowing from behind his back. "Chaos Emerald. If you want it, come on."
"Can't it wait until morning?" Shadow caught himself before he fell face forward off the couch.
"No, not really." Sonic grabbed his arm and hauled him to his feet. "Guards are on the way. Tell me what to get from this dump and I will."
"The pistol," Shadow muttered, swaying on his feet. "just that."
The sound of glass breaking was heard. Sonic returned a moment later with the pistol and handed it to him.
"On second thought…" Sonic took the gun back. "Just in case. You're drunk."
He held the Emerald out in front of him and grabbed onto Shadow's arm. "Chaos Control!"
Before they had been standing in a run-down apartment. Now they were standing in a softly lit room with creamy yellow walls and a fluffy gray couch pushed up against the wall. Shadow collapsed into the sofa and almost immeadentally lost consciousness. Sonic twirled the gun a few times and tossed it onto the table in the next room along with the Emerald.
"Did you get him?"
He turned to see a small yellow fox looking up at him with bright blue eyes. Sonic smiled and said, "Yeah. He was drinking again, though. I don't blame him…If I had gone through something like that I would probably be worse. Tails, where's Amy?"
Tails thought for a second. "She's outside, last time I checked."
"Why?" Sonic pulled a chair away from the table and sat down.
"She thought that she saw someone out there, and then I heard voices, like she was talking to someone. She's been out there for a few minuets."
The door slammed and the sound of approaching footsteps was heard. Both Sonic and Tails turned to see Amy walk in the room, a worried expression on her face.
"What happened?" Tails asked.
"GUN's all over the neighborhood." She pulled a chair away from the table and sank into it. "It's like they expect Shadow to be in two places at once! Speaking of him, how's he doing?"
"Not very good." Sonic pointed towards the couch. "He was drunk when I got him, might have been a lot worse if I hadn't gotten there when I did. He didn't even remember my name."
"It's been… what… five months since Maria was killed?" Amy estimated.
"A bit more." Sonic said.
"I don't think time can heal this wound." Tails muttered. "Shadow's been through so much lately…and now GUN again…I don't know how he's not going crazy."
"I think he's about to." Amy sighed.
Unknown to them, Shadow could live with Maria's death during the day…but at night, that was when it became unbearable. Because he saw it happening night after night, week after week…
"GUN's after you." The professor's assistant said quickly. "You need to get out of here…get to the escape pods and go to the planet below. You'll be able to hide there. For a while, at least. Until we find you and bring you to the last safe place."
"Where is that?" I asked.
"The last safe place. Even I don't know exacally where it is. All I know…is it's safe."
I turned my attention to my companion beside me. She smiled down at me and grabbed my arm. "Well, if we're going to get to this 'safe place', we should get a move on, shouldn't we?"
"What about the Professor?" I asked as we began making our way cautiously down the hall.
"He'll follow you. He has to delete some information we've accumulated over the years here…just in case GUN gets ahold of it." The assistant paused for a few seconds. "In fact…I should be helping him. You'll be fine without me."
"But…I've never been taught how to use the escape pods." Maria said sheepishly.
"Oh, you don't need any training or anything. They basically tell you what to do while you log in coordinates. I would suggest somewhere on the east coast of America."
"Sounds ok." Maria nodded.
We began to walk quickly down the halls…until they surrounded us.
"Freeze!" One of them shouted, raising his gun at my height. I stood protectively in front of Maria, even though she wasn't in any immediate danger.
"Why do you want him?" Maria asked, fear covering her face. "What has he ever done to you?"
"We have orders to bring him down, one way or another." The soldier said bluntly. He cocked the gun.
"Maria-" I started, but a soldier cut me off as he stepped forward and roughly dragged Maria back from me. I felt anger rising in my chest and I stepped towards the soldier. "Let her go!" I commanded fiercely.
I felt the bullet narrowly miss me and strike at the ground. I jumped backwards, nearly losing my balance. Maria went pale at the small dent in the floor. The soldier had a firm grip on her arms, keeping her from running to me, or away.
"Next time, the bullet will pierce your heart." The soldier who shot snickered. I narrowed my eyes at him with an expression that would have made a normal human cringe and turn away. The soldier just laughed.
"Get him,"
A couple of the soldiers advanced towards me. I backed up into another's reach and he twisted my arm until I cried out and collapsed on the ground. Another soldier ran forward with thick handcuffs, ready to restrain me. I could hear Maria screaming over and over, "Don't hurt him! Don't attack him! What are you thinking?"
I managed to throw my foot in the oncoming soldier's face, breaking his nose and sending bright red blood spilling over his uniform. He fell backwards, dropping the handcuffs, clutching both hands to his face and stifling moans. The soldier holding my arms down loosened his grip momentarily from shock that I reacted that fast…that was his downfall.
I twisted my arms out of his grip, slamming my elbows into his stomach and uppercutting him in the chin, sending him crashing into the wall. A few of the soldiers hesitated and then lunged forward towards me. I sidestepped them and darted towards the one holding Maria back. He let go of her and said, "Now, we could do this the easy way, or the hard way. You choose."
I grabbed Maria's arm and started to drag her down the hall. She could barely keep up with me, but somehow she managed to take my pace and work with it. We seemed to by flying down the hall for who knows how long before another group of soldiers blocked our path. I skidded to a stop about ten feet away from them and glared.
"Unhand the girl and you won't be harmed." One of them said.
I let go of Maria' wrist and stepped forward. "Maria, get out of here, please."
"I won't leave you." She hissed dangerously, stepping to my side. To the soldiers she said, "let us by. Now."
"I'm afraid we can't do that." The soldier said before raising his gun and taking aim at me. I jumped out of the way and ran in the only direction I could think of at the time. Forward.
The soldiers held their ground, never taking their guns off of me. I eventually knocked one off guard and sent him crashing to the floor. A bullet ricocheted off the wall closely followed by another. One barely missed my head. I knocked another gun out of a soldiers grasp and sent another sprawling.
I quickly reached down and retrieved a fallen pistol, quickly checking to see if it was loaded. It was. I looked up to see the final soldier advancing at me with his gun. A clear shot. I wasn't going to make it. Before I could stop myself, I raised my pistol and fired. It was him or me.
A red fountain of blood exploded on his throat. He collapsed to the ground, red staining his face, his hands, everything around him. His eyes widened as his life began to fade away. He tried to breathe, only succeeding in deep gurgling noises. His muscles spasmed, slowly growing weaker until he just stared blankly at the roof, death in his glassy eyes.
I had killed someone. They were right. I was dangerous.
"Shadow!" Maria grabbed my arm, forcing me back to reality. We began running down the hall again. I threw the weapon I had used into the corner. I never wanted to do that again…
We entered into a small square room. Six escape pods were left out of the fifty. Maria ran to a pod and began logging in coordinates. "East coast of the Americas…" She muttered. Beeps sounded as she punched in the latitude and longitude.
The door opened behind us. Maria and I spun around to see a squad of four GUN soldiers enter. One of them raised his pistol and took brief aim.
I thought I was stuck in some sort of dream. Maria's soft blue eyes widened in shock and horror as the stream of blood erupted on her chest. She dropped to her knees.
I turned towards the soldiers, hatred and anger burning in me. I ran at the one who had shot and downed him with three quick punches. I brought my hand down over the back of his neck and there was an unnatural sounding snap. Before I could stop myself, the other soldiers lay dead around me. I looked down at my hand and saw I was clutching the pistol that had been fired at Maria.
I turned to see her struggling to her feet and making her way towards me. I ran to her and said, "Quickly! Get into the pod! We'll get help once we're on the planet! Maria, please! Come on!"
"…I can't." She smiled grimly, but her eyes said otherwise. Her right hand was covered in blood from trying to cover her wound. It was too great; she wouldn't live. I refused to believe that.
"Come on, Maria. Please!"
Her strength took me by surprise. She turned and shoved me into the escape pod, the latch securing over me. I stood and pounded on the glass, screaming her name again and again as she struggled over to the launch pad and successfully launched me into space…but not before I saw her collapse, dead.
I didn't stop screaming her name until the pod opened again on Earth and I discovered I was still holding the pistol that killed her.
Sonic jumped about a mile into the air and spun around towards the couch where Shadow was still sleeping uneasily. "Did he just yell?"
"Yep." Amy left her chair at the table and walked quickly and knelt down next to the couch. "Shadow! Wake up! It's just a dream!"
"I wouldn't say it's 'just a dream'." Tails whispered almost inaudibly.
Shadow was trembling uncontrollably, muttering pieces of broken sentences and digging his fingers into the couch. Amy gently touched his shoulder. "Shadow! Wake up!"
Shadow in response grabbed his head as if it hurt and pulled his knees up to his chest, still muttering and shaking. His fingernails began to draw blood, which stained his white gloved hands red. Amy grabbed his hands and tried to keep him from hurting himself any more. "SHADOW! WAKE UP!"
Just as if he had heard her, the nightmare ended. Amy let go of his wrists and sat back heavily. "This guy needs help,"
"A lot of it." Sonic agreed. "And something tells me that he didn't tell me the whole story about how Maria really died."
"I don't blame him for not telling the whole truth." Tails said quietly. "I probably wouldn't be able to tell anyone if something like this happened to me."
Shadow awoke the next morning when the sunlight streamed through the windows onto his face. As soon as his eyes adjusted to the light he began to glance around, taking in a higher ceiling than the one in his apartment. He glanced to the side to see two wide green eyes.
"Hiya, Shadow!"
Shadow reacted violently. His fist caught Sonic in the forehead and sent him sprawling into the middle of the room. Shadow backed up towards the wall, but the room seemed to be spinning…his head exploded in a terrible migraine. He lost the strength to move and lay staring at the ceiling that seemed to be spinning in a thousand different directions at once.
"Why did you do that…?" Sonic moaned pitifully, using the couch to pull himself back up. "I thought you never had any energy after drinking."
"You scared the hell out of me," Shadow said, his voice hoarse.
"Yeah, well…sorry. Oh, last night you were having some sort of dream and were yelling for Maria. It seemed a lot worse than how you said she died."
The room spun slower. Shadow forced himself to turn his head and glare at Sonic. "It happened exacally as how I told you." He growled.
"This sounded a lot worse than a disease."
Shadow lost the fight in him and sighed. "Maybe I didn't tell you what really happened. Maybe I want no one to know. Maybe night after night I have these dreams."
Sonic rubbed his forehead thoughtfully, wincing a little. "Well, maybe if you talk about them I can help."
"How the hell will that help? I'll just be re-living it again!" Shadow managed to prop himself up on his elbows and ease himself into a sitting position. "Stop trying to force me to tell you!"
"Relax! I'm sorry, it's just…" Sonic trailed off. "…everyone's worried about you and now with GUN around again…"
"I'll worry about myself." Shadow growled. The room was beginning to go dark…and then bright again. The walls seemed to be spinning. He collapsed onto his back again, grinding his teeth together to keep from vomiting.
"Right…" Sonic muttered. "I'll check on you later. Everyone's outside, trying to figure out what exacally the GUN soldiers are doing here too."
He left, leaving Shadow to slowly drift back into another painful nightmare.
The next week passed uneventfully, except for more and more soldiers were roaming the neighborhood. Amy had drawn all the window shades and told everyone firmly to not even look out the window. If the soldiers so much as suspected Shadow was with them, the door would be broken down and they would all be arrested, or worse.
Shadow began to spend his nights out on top of the house, watching for danger but more often than that keeping himself from sleep. He blended in with the darkness, making him nearly impossible to pick out among the night. He usually slept a few hours in the late afternoon, not enough for the nightmares but barely enough to keep him going the next day. He didn't speak much to anyone.
One particular night when the moon was full, he was out on the roof watching a few cars drift lazily down the streets. He found himself wondering why exacally he had lied to everyone about Maria's death, besides the fact it was hard for him to re-tell it again. He lived through it enough in his dreams. Shadow sighed and shivered a bit in the cool air.
A sound caught his attention. He glanced to his left to see someone staggering through the trees in the beginning of the small forest nearby, muttering and groaning to whoever it was' self.
A beam of light penetrated the woods and a voice shouted, "Freeze!"
Shadow didn't move as the lights settled on the figure and GUN soldiers surrounded whoever it was. The figure glanced from person to person before lunging at the nearest soldier, clawing and biting at his uniform. The soldier screamed and a shot rang out, reverberating around the houses. The figure that had attacked went limp and the soldier backed up quickly, clutching his shoulder. "That's one of them." He gasped.
"Get it in the truck." Another soldier commanded. Before two soldiers could reach down and either grab the figure's arms or legs, it moved and unleashed a long, pained cry. The soldiers froze momentarily, bringing their downfall. The downed creature sprang up and attacked both of them, spilling their blood at the base of the trees.
More shots. The creature wouldn't go down. It began to attack the others once the first threats were disposed of. Shadow only watched as the final soldier screamed as the figure dug its teeth into his neck. He shot wildly, finally catching it in its head. Blood sprayed into the tree and the creature fell to the ground, where the soldier shot three more times. It didn't move.
The soldier dropped his flashlight among the other dropped lights and ran. His light illuminated the face of the Mobian that had nearly killed him. Shadow waited until he was sure the soldier wasn't coming back before he jumped and landed silently on the grass, making his way towards the massacre.
Six soldiers were dead, one was alive and probably trying to find another squad. All six and one wounded because of the dark gray Mobian who's dark eyes stared blankly in front of him, blood pooling around his dead body, flesh between his teeth. The metallic smell of blood was overwhelming. Shadow backed up slightly from the hatred in its eyes. What had caused someone to do this?
Something wrapped around his ankle. Shadow kicked out and escaped the bloody grip of one of the soldiers, who was slowly dragging himself along the ground. Gashes covered his uniform and face, and his eyes matched the Mobian's. Dark and soulless. He smiled, blood pouring between his teeth and dripping to the ground. His breath was ragged and it sounded as though he was trying to breathe in the blood. He dragged himself further along the ground.
"Can you hear me?" Shadow asked clearly. The soldier's arm lashed out and gripped his ankle again, nearly pulling him to the ground. Shadow kicked out again and the soldier's arm snapped with a sharp crack. This didn't slow him in the slightest.
Sirens were heard in the distance. Shadow jumped out of the reach of the soldier and saw that two others lying around him were also stirring, their dark eyes fixed on the hedgehog in front of them. Shadow leapt back onto the roof and waited as the sirens grew to be unbearable until the large GUN car pulled up where the flashlights were illuminating the forest.
"Get them in the containment unit! We can bring them back to base and try to find a cure!" one of the soldiers shouted as he jumped out of the vehicle. Two more followed, opening the back and drawing out a thick cage. After a few minuets of dragging and the using of riot shields, they got all six soldiers and the Mobian in the cage and in the truck.
The first soldier who got out of the truck retrieved the flashlights and the proceeded to wash away the blood from the trees and grass with a strong smelling chemical from the back of the truck. Even though Shadow was a good distance away, he could barely keep himself from coughing at the harsh scent.
And just as quickly as they had come, they left. Like nothing had ever happened.
You can tell when I write things at night. They tend to be really nasty. Anyway, yeah, the beginning might not seem M-ish, but later on….Ooooh, it's gonna be M. I apologize if you were grossed out. Next chapter coming soon, so stay tuned! Reviews are appreciated, but not Flames! Flame me and I release Iblis.
Hasta la Vista, Readers. ~ Lordoftheghostking28.