Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I don't any of the Bleach character I just use them to write with them. They belong to Tite Kudo and him only.

A/N: I've decided to take a crack at a Grimmjow and Ichigo fic. I'm worried about it but I'm going to take a shot at it. Don't judge to hard

Here goes nothing….

Summary: Ichigo lives in a post-apocalyptic Karakura town with his brother Shirosaki and Nel. Life is not the same since the day of a Mysterious Great Explosion. He survives in a world where everyone is either enemies or allies. People are no longer civil as people have become insane and savages. There are those that have not been lost to insanity and still have their sanity.

The room was filled with bodies living, breathing, sweating, and dancing. Colorful lights shot into the darkness of the rooms fueling the life in the room. Music boomed into the fray seeping in to the crevices of the sweating bodies and the cracks in the walls. The floor vibrated as the bass picked up and dropped getting deeper and deeper.

(I recommend listening to the song "Stereophobia" by Dark Oscillators. )

Ichigo danced in the center of the crowd with closed eyes swaying and moving to the holy rhythms of the beats. His orange hair glowed in the lights and the beams of lights that covered his body like a second skin. Sweat clung to him in a thin sheen causing him to glow in the radiance of the beams. Ichigo's black shirt stuck to his body darkening the letters that spelled out 'Rave equals Life' showing off a hint of his muscular lean body. Ichigo's arms lingering in the air as half a dozen or so kandies laced his arms, most of them glowing under the black lights. He swayed to the music finally opening his eyes to the mass of sweating bodies dancing around him. Most of them were on drugs and other narcotics that made the club seem more alive.

Suddenly hands encircled around his waist gripping them firmly as a body pressed up against him. It moved to the rhythm of his body grinding its hips into his ass allowing him to continue to dance with the music. His eyes averted themselves from the others around him to the hands on his waist seeing the black fingernails and pale fingers. Ichigo turned his head, chocolate golden eyes meeting golden yellow eyes. They were oddly colored eyes but then again so were Ichigo's.

Shirosaki stood behind Ichigo in a white tee that read 'Kandi is sweet' that glowed under the black lights. He also wore tight black jeans that clung to his slender form showing off his ass and his crotch for the passersby. His white hair sticking out in the crowd as it semi glowed under the beams and the black lights. Shirosaki's face was same structure as Ichigo's face making it evident that they were twins.

"Watcha doin berry? Dancin here all by yerself?" Shirosaki yelled over the music.

Ichigo smiled at the albino, "Dancing what else would I be doing? Where'd you disappear to Shiro?" he said leaning back into Shiro.

"Oh I… uh…" Ichigo looked at the albino with questioning eyes "A little blondie needed my help with somethin'" a sly grin formed on Shirosaki's face.

"Yeah needed help getting you off" the orange haired teen chuckled dancing along with the albino's movements.

"You know, Ichi, fer my brother ya really are a bitch" Shiro muttered.

"We're twin's Shiro, so I can be a bitch all I want" Shiro's eyes gave a narrowed glare at Ichigo watching the boy laugh at him.

(Next Song: "Drop" by Eastside Clubbers)

The music started to pick up tempo causing the twins to dance fast to the beats of the next song. Onlookers watch the semi erotic scene with lust filled eyes, not know that they were looking at twins. Ichigo looked around seeing couples and single watching them with interest, before seeing a familiar person weave through the crowd.

A head of sea-foam green hair made itself towards the Shiro and Ichigo catching the eyes of men from all angles.

"It's about time you got back, geez Nel you took forever" Ichigo yelled over the music.

Nel stood before the twins looking at them with the hint of a grin. She wore a black and white corset that fit to her voluptuous body emphasizing on her enormous breasts. Her curves had no end as her legs went on for miles having the men in the club drooling. Her sea-foam colored hair fell over her shoulders, the color of her hair bringing out her hazel eyes.

"Baaaa Ichigo! I was only gone a few minutes" she laughed, "Don't get your panties in a twist geez"

"Baka I saw you flirting with some e-tard who looks like he's was having some bad trip", the orange headed teen still dancing with his brother.

(Nel might be a little OOC and Ichigo)

"Damn Ichigo! You sound like some clingy girlfriend, I feel sorry for any guy that ends up with you"

"Fuck you!"

"Please don't"

Ichigo glared at Nel. "Oh come on Ichigo, you know I love you".

Ichigo still looked away from the girl, Shirosaki silently cackling behind his brother dancing to the music. His body shook with laughter, drowning in the flow of the music making his laughter sound like a whisper. Ichigo glared at his brother his eyes making daggers towards Shirosaki. His brother stopped laughing only to give an evil smirk to his orange headed twin, still gaining the daggers in return.

Nel made her move as Ichigo became distracted by his brother. She closed the distance between herself and the orange headed boy. Her body caught the rhythm of the song molding her hips into his trying to copy Shiro the best she could. Ichigo's whipped around as he felt Nel's groin grind into his making it as sensual as she could and knowing his green haired friend she always pleased the audience. They swayed to and fro really getting into the music making Shiro work a little more to turn it from sensual to sexual.

The audience around them of both genders stared at them with lust filled eyes following their every move never taking their eyes off of them. Eyes followed their every sensuous movement. The twins noticed the attention deciding to give their audience a show grinding their groins together a little harder making the males now uncomfortable in their pants. Nel caught on pressing her breasts again Ichigo's back, making them almost pop out of her corset.

The people surrounding them stared at them with shocked faces, sensing the sensuality seeping off of the trio. The group of three smiled at themselves still dancing to the music nonchalantly looking around to see the faces of their audience. Shiro laughed as he continued to grind up against his brother, his laughter being drowned out by the bass. Nel smirked at the people making a small circle around them just to watch them dance. She grabbed Ichigo's slender hips gripping them tightly as she could before enveloping her body against Ichigo's.

Nel brought her lips to the orange haired teen's ears, "Wow I didn't know that people were such perverts, I mean a little grind of the hips and everyone has nosebleeds." She laughed.

Shiro overhears the sea foam haired woman, cackling in Ichigo's face "Let'em look they ain't touchin what's mine!"

Ichigo giving his brother a blank stare "I'm not yours Shiro…"

"You're my brother aren't cha, so therefore you're mine" Shiro grinned.

Nel placed her head on Ichigo's shoulder still moving to the music, "You want to share Shiro?"

The albino cackled again as his brother blushed cherry as his companions laughed at his embarrassment. Ichigo scowled as he realized how easily he could be riled up, glaring at his brother. The orange haired teen danced re-thinking his choice in friends and siblings ignoring his two companions dancing against him.

"I'm not a sex toy for anyone, thank you!" Ichigo growled.

(Next Song: "Million Miles" by Coone)

The rave became livelier drowning out Ichigo's outburst, Nel and Shiro only hearing barely a whisper. The duo against the orange headed teen started to really move to the new song grinding harder on him. Shiro and Nel ignored their companion the humor leaving their faces allowing their bodies to take in the music. Ichigo huffed as he felt overlooked deciding to let the music take him away as well. Their surroundings become surreal as everything suddenly became one and nothing else mattered. The lights overhead melded into one another turning into one huge blur.

The audience looked away from their spectacle noticing that their free show turned into them being forgotten. Many looked on in frustration due to the intense aura of arousal that surrounded the crowd. Some left to secluded areas to relieve themselves of their 'problems'.

The rest refocused on their partners and continued with what they were preoccupied with before they had become distracted. Everything went back to the way it had been the trio finally finding their own escape in the mass of people.

The music died as the rave had gotten back into its original rhythm freezing people in their places with shock. They looked towards the DJ seeing what had happened to the music. Everyone's eyes focusing on the two figures on the turntables standing closely together. Ichigo looked over the people in the crowd towards the DJ seeing the horrific scene.

A knife stood alone in the back of the dead DJ, as he laid a top of his turntables bleeding out through his back wound. A figure stood behind the lifeless body the light showing only an outline of a human body.

"Who the hell cut off da music?" Shiro said angrily.

Ichigo ignored his brother looking at the figure trying to figure out who it was, but the darkness made it difficult to do so.

"Shut up Shiro! Geez!" Nel snapped smacking the albino in the back of the head.

Shiro glared at their female friend before looking in the direction of the dead DJ. The dark figure steps forward in to the strobes revealing himself to his silent audience of ravers. He was extremely muscular standing over 7'0 tall, looming over the dead corpse of the man that he had just killed. His black hair only pooled at the back of his head falling loosely midway down his wide back. His malicious smile spread from ear to ear sending fear into the souls of the people standing among the dance floor and black lights.

"Well what do we have here?" a low baritone voice questioned, "It seems that you guys are having a little party"

Nel looked the giant over before recognizing him "Yammy" she whispered.

Yammy's smile got even wider as the crowd didn't answer him, remaining silent in fear.

"I guess that means me and my friends here" men and woman appeared around him with the same crazed expressions on their faces, "Are going to have to teach you a lesson."

Shiro looked over at Ichigo seeing his twin's amber eyes glaze over going feral ready for a fight to break loose. A wicked grin appeared on his own face, gaining his brother's attention a silent message passing through them. Ichigo's features hardened as he knew that he would have to fight for his life as well as his companions.

"So Ichi, who are these guys?" Shiro quickly whispered.

Nel looked at the albino in surprise that he had no idea who their attackers were, Ichigo looking at his twin before answering him.


With those words the slaughter began.

A/N: So here you go my first chapter of this fic, it took me forever to finish but I finally did it. Please Review ^^ I can't await your comments, I know it ain't much but reviews would be greatly appreciated. The next chapter will be post as soon as I can and depending on the reviews. Also I'm in search of a Beta reader, so please if anyone can please message me


