Author's Note: This is the final chapter I promise!

Chapter 5

The Sacrifice

"Goku, what are you thinking of" Trunks asked Goku.

"There is a way to save your life." Goku replied.

"How?" Trunks asked.

"I will be the sacrifice. I will give up my chance to be wished back in order to restore your life." Goku said solemnly.

"Goku, no I can't let you do this for me." Trunks replied.

"It's too late Trunks. I already made up my mind to do this as I watched your father cradle your lifeless body in his arms." Goku stated.

"Why? Why would you do this to help me?" Trunks questioned.

"I always thought of you as a son. I thought that with Vegeta gone and the chance that I might be wished back, I knew that your mother would want me to be a "daddy" to you." Goku stated.

"Goku…I…um." Trunks began.

"You don't have to thank me. I'm doing this not because I have to, but because I want to." Goku said. Trunks ran to Goku and he gave him the biggest hug. Goku hugged him back.

"Thank you Goku." Trunks whispered as he held the powerful saiyan warrior. The Supreme Kai approached Goku and told him that the time had come. Goku learned that Vegeta had already been granted his life back by King Yemma. Goku looked at Trunks.

"It's time that I return your spirit to your body." Goku said. Trunks held on to Goku as he used his instant transmission technique to take them back to Gohan. Goku could now feel Vegeta's life force. King Yemma head restored Vegeta's life just as he promised him he would do.

"Dad you're back!" Gohan exclaimed as he ran to his father. Gohan stopped suddenly when he saw that Trunks was asleep in his arms.

"Dad? " Gohan asked with curiosity.

"I'm bringing Trunk's spirit back to his body." Goku replied.

"What about you?" Gohan asked his father.

"Don't worry about me now son. The important thing is to reunite Trunks with his body." Goku said. Goku walked over to Vegeta and Trunks' lifeless form. Vegeta looked up and saw that Trunks' spirit was in his arms.

"Kakarrot?" Vegeta asked in puzzlement.

"Take good care of him Vegeta. You'll never know how precious Trunks is Vegeta." Goku stated as he reunited Trunks' spirit with his body.

"Kakarrot, why?" Vegeta questioned.

"I decided that you deserved a second chance at a happy life with Bulma and Trunks. You need to experience the life that is not full of evil, but a life full of love and joy." Goku said.

For the first time in his life, Vegeta didn't know what to say. He looked up at his greatest adversary.

"Thank you Kakarrot." Vegeta replied as Goku's spirit completely disappeared. Gohan watched as his father disappeared. He understood what his father had done for Trunks. Goku would remain in the other world for enternity. A tear quietly slipped from Gohan's eye as he was looking to his father in the heavens.

"You truly are noble dad. I hope to one day be like you." Gohan quietly murmured to the sky.

Meanwhile Trunks had just woken up to find that he was in his father's powerful arms.

"Dad?" Trunks asked in puzzlement.

"Hi son." Vegeta replied.

"What happened?" Trunks asked.

"You came back from the other world thanks to Kakarrot." Vegeta stated. Trunks remembered being in the other world with Goku. He wondered how he was alive when he remembered dying in Gohan's arms. Then suddenly Trunks remembered about Goku giving his life to save him. Trunks choked back a sob.

"What's wrong Trunks?" Vegeta questioned.

"Goku gave his life for me in the other world. He was the one who restored me!" Trunks exclaimed.

"Yes I know son." Vegeta said.

"How?" Trunks asked.

"He told me the whole story when he reunited your body and spirit." Vegeta told Trunks.

Trunks was saddened that Goku would never return to Earth. He looked over his dad's shoulder and saw Gohan looking to the heavens. He felt really bad about returning to Earth when Goku wouldn't be able to. Trunks couldn't imagine what Gohan was thinking or what he would do once he found out his life was restored because of Goku. Trunks got up and walked over to Gohan. He could see that Gohan had been crying and he knew what Goku had done.

"Gohan." Trunks called. Gohan turned around and saw Trunks standing next to him.

"It's great to have you back." Gohan stated with a look of sadness on his face. Trunks knew that Gohan was hurting inside even though he didn't show it.

"Gohan I'm so sorry for…" Trunks began.

"Don't worry about it. I'm alright with everything." Gohan stated.

"Gohan how could you be alright. I killed your father for good. He can never come back to you, Goten, or your mom. I took away your father just so I could be with my dad. I hate myself for it!!!!" Trunks exclaimed. Gohan looked at Trunks who was engulfed with grief. He knelt down by Trunks.

"There are some things in life that will never change. I will always be without my dad, but I will go on. He really isn't dead as long as I keep the memories I have of him alive in my heart. As long as I do that, it will be like my dad's right there beside me and not in another world. It will hurt knowing that I'll only be able to see him when I die, but I know my dad is happy wherever he is. He died doing what he loved best, protecting the life of a dear friend. I also know that my dad wouldn't want you to be sad for him, just like I don't want you being sad for me." Gohan said. All Trunks could do was give Gohan a big hug. Vegeta watched as Gohan and Trunks embraced. He knew that he would love his son forever no matter what. It was Vegeta's turn to look to the sky and whisper words to the heavens.

" Thank you Kakarrot from the bottom of my heart." Vegeta said.

"Anytime Vegeta." A voice replied. He turned and saw Goku's spirit standing by Gohan and Trunks. With those words, Goku disappeared into the wind never to be seen again.