Damon P.O.V.
It's raining out. The earth is saying Fuck you people and your bullshit, or so I'd like to think. The bottle of vodka I hold in my hand is taunting me. Usually I'd go for some Bourbon but today is a vodka kinda day. I look at the glass in my hand, it seems too small for what I need, so I take the bottle and walk to my couch, taking a swig as I go. It's dark and dreary in here and usually I'd love that but not today. Today, the mansion is taking on the form of a coffin, closing in on me forcing me with it's shadows and ear popping silence to submit to the pain and anguish that festers with in.
Why was I so stupid? Why did I not listen? Damn it, I sigh. Sighing helps in no way, I know that yet I still do it. My angst annoys me so much it's not even remotely funny. It's like my world is tilted on a different axis than it's supposed to be. Damn it. I couldn't stop myself from smashing the bottle against the wall. I wish I had payed more attention to what was going on, and now I'm in this mess. I am alone, all because my stupid brother got me into this fucking mess. Yes I am aware how immature that sentence sounded. I wish Isabella was here, she is, no...was the only one who understood me. Well she was the only one who bothered to care. She would always come up with some ridiculous way to cheer me up whenever I felt down. I remember sulking in my room upset about something father said, when she barged into my room, carrying a tray with two cups of hot chocolate and biscuits.
"You missed supper Dame." she said. I couldn't help the smile that came across my face. "Come drink with me, Let's relax." she said as she sat the tray down on my table. Her voice was soft and melodious, it calmed me instantly. "You didn't need to do this Bell. I would have been fine." I said, walking to stand by her side. She gave me a look, a look which frankly I hated being on the receiving end of. "Damon, sit down and drink." I sit as quickly as I can without tripping. Bell giggled. It's a lovely sound. We sit in silence, savoring the rich taste of the coco. Bell more so than I, because her love of chocolate goes beyond my knowledge. I admired the moon for a second, only to turn and see Bell with a chocolate mustache upon her face. I can't help but laugh as she makes a funny face at me.
I sigh. She's gone now and I'll never get to see her again. I will never get to tell her how sorry I am or how much I love her. The vodka is still dripping from the walls, the shadows seem to be getting bigger and closer. I need get out of here.
Bella POV
That no good asshole. How dare he leave me here in a forest? What the hell? Something could have happened to me for all he know. I could have gotten pneumonia or fell and broken my neck while he was off doing god knows what. That child had better hope he doesn't cross my path again. Only I could get dumped by an immature seventeen year old looking centenarian. Well I guess it's time for me to go now.
I make my way back to Charlies house, hoping that he isn't there. As I pass the tree line I notice that thankfully, he isn't home. I run up to my room, ready to pack away my clothes. Well my good ones anyway. I kinda feel bad leaving Charlie but he's a grown man, he can take care of himself. I hear his cruiser coming up the road and sigh. "Bella! I'm home!" he yelled, as he put away his gun and holster. I slowly make my way down the stairs, watching him, memorizing his face as he smiles. All the laugh lines and worry lines "Hey Charlie." I said softly. He immediately picked up that something was wrong. "What happened is everything all right." He said panicked, worrying about me.
He is such a good man. "Relax Charlie nothing is wrong per say, it's just time for me to say good bye." I said with a sad smile. I look into his brown eyes that remind me so much of his father's and can't help the tears that spring to my eyes. I did my duty a long time ago, I raised Charlie as if he were my own. You see, Charlies father Geoffrey was a close friend of mine, and when Charlie was born, I was named god mother.
Charlie came closer to me and engulfed me in a tight hug "Goodbye Aunt Bell, I'll miss you being around all the time. You better call me." He said with a sad smile. "Of course I will, come on and help me with my bags." I said and gave him a kiss on his forehead. Once we had everything situated in the car, I look at the house. It's one of my homes now, and I'll probably be back in a couple years. As I drove away, I waved to charlie, watching as his figure becomes smaller and smaller.