"Ugh, Kiku, what does it mean to simplify?" Feliks asked his study partner.
Kiku looked at Feliks, and then at the question that was stumping the blonde.
'Simplify 3/6' the question read. Kiku chuckled, "To simplify means 'to make simple'."
"Well duh, I like totally get that, but how is that done? Can you like, give me an example in terms I can totally understand?"
Kiku considered it for a moment then said, "Simplifying something is taking something and explaining it in bare principles." Kiku then texted something.
Feliks opened the text message and read: 'Talk at you later' when simplified is : 'Tlk u l8r'.
"OH! OMG! Like I totally get it now! Like, you totally 'simplified' it for me."
The two laughed at the simplicity of the blonde's deadpan joke.