A/N: I know I said I wouldn't work on any more stories until my others are completed, but a friend requested that I write this…she's my best friend…I had no choice. LOL! The Boy Who Became a Hawk will be my main story, this one will be the one I work on when I don't feel like typing about One Piece (I could never get tired of Harry Potter!). Updates might be sporadic; it mostly depends on its popularity. I'm more likely to update faster if you review (The best motivation!) so don't be afraid! My story policies are on my profile and chapters will probably range anywhere from 1500-2100 words per chapter…and that's about it for now. Thank you for reading and I hope that you all enjoy!

Be sure to the TheDhampir for the prompt and go read her stories!

Harry Potter and the Order of the Vampire - Prologue

It was bad. Those three little words summed everything up. Alaric was a murdering psychopath, the Originals were trying to kill each other again (though that's nothing new), and Klaus was threatening Mystic Falls with his hybrids because Elena was contemplating becoming one of the living dead. Yep, it was bad. It was for those exact reasons that Stefan, Elena, Caroline, Damon, and Bonnie were all standing in a circle, hands linked together while Bonnie chanted the magic words in the middle of the night.

Two days ago, Bonnie had discovered a time spell in an old yellowed journal that could take them back to when things were still slightly sane. It was complicated and time magic was one of the most dangerous in existence, but both her and Elena had agreed that it was for the best to at least try it out. What could possibly go wrong?

"Deus of Vicis. Addo nos tergum pro is totus coepi. Rid nos nostri fatigo. Tribuo nos totus alius tendo. Quod permissum nos tendo iterum." Bonnie's eyes were closed tightly as she concentrated on the spell, saying it multiple times.

"Is this even going to work?" a sarcastic voice that could only belong to a certain vampire rang out, before quickly being hushed by a frustrated Elena. Damon's eyebrows shot up and he tried his best to give her an 'I'm innocent' face, but was quickly shot down by her glare-of-doom. Stefan chuckled.

Bonnie kept chanting on through their chatter, her own frustration visible only through the slight ticking of her eyebrow. Suddenly, all of the waxy purple candles in the room blew out, drenching everyone in darkness. Slowly but surely, their linked hands began to glow in a golden light, signaling a link between them.

"This is it guys, are you ready?" Bonnie asked, slightly nervous. It was an unwritten rule that time magic wasn't to be tampered with, but she'd taken a chance and decided to go through with the spell anyway.

"About as ready as I'll ever be, having to be stuck to you." Damon said casually, glancing towards his glowing left hand, which was attached to Stefan's, "Can anyone say awkward?"

"Shut up Damon! Now isn't the time." Yah, Stefan was nervous, not that he'd ever admit it.

An invisible wind began to pick up, howling through the air and blowing coldly on their faces. Elena barely held back a shudder as chills shivered down her spine. The candles in the room relit before going out several times, creating a seizure inducing play of lights. The windows shook in their panes, making loud cracking noises like they were going to shatter at any moment. The light from their hands shot up into the air above the center of their circle before striking down like lightning, and hitting an old hourglass that Caroline had placed on the floor before they began. The floor suddenly began to shake, nearly throwing everyone to the floor. It shook and shook and shook and…it stopped.

Damon looked casually down at the lonely little hourglass that rested pristinely in the center of their circle, practically mocking their poor failure. "Well, that was melodramatic." He muttered.

Bonnie shook her head, eyebrows creased downwards with a large frown on her face. "This shouldn't have happened. We did everything the book said."

"Well, the warlock who wrote it in the journal did say that it was experimental." Elena said somewhat softly, trying to console her close friend.

"Yah Bonnie, don't worry. I'm sure we'll get it to work somehow. We just have to keep trying." Bonnie couldn't help but smile at the chipper voice of Caroline, glad that she could have such great friends by her side.

"Well," Damon said, completely prepared to ruin the moment, "Now that you girls have had your little chick-flick moment, why don't we –" Whatever he was about to say went unheard as they were all sucked into a swirling yellow vertex.


Everyone's favorite golden trio were whispering to each other at the Gryffindor table while a massive pink toad, erm…sorry, Umbridge, gave her [un]welcome speech to the students of Hogwarts. Most of them had already toned her out and were staring idly out into space with drool dangling from the side of their mouths. It wasn't a pretty sight.

Even then, Umbridge droned on, spouting off her impossibly long speech in a voice that just screamed 'I'm treating you like five year olds and there's nothing you can say about it'.

Dumbledore looked slightly ruffled, slouching in his chair while listening to the speech intently, trying to figure out what the Ministry was up to. All in all, while Ministry officials interrupting the Headmaster was an odd experience, it wasn't the weirdest thing that had happened.

As her speech finally came to a close (and most of the students began cheering… on the inside of course), Dumbledore stood up to say his final words. A bright yellow light suddenly began to light itself in the center of the Great Hall, between the house tables and the teacher's table. The fake sky that made up the ceiling started getting cloudy, the complete opposite of it's previous clear forecast, and thunder rolled. Lightning struck out from the ceiling and into the ball of yellow light, creating a flash so bright that everyone was momentarily blinded.

Everyone screamed.


Elena, Bonnie, and Caroline groaned in pain simultaneously, in a way that can only be accomplished by those who are the best of friends. Stefan was sprawled out on his back, still very disoriented from the vortex. Damon made an attempt to sit up, rubbing at his ears to try and make the ringing stop.

None of them could hear anything except for the ringing. It only took a few seconds for the ringing noise to dissipate, only to be replaced by the sound of hundreds of screaming children. "Oh my – What the hell is that?" Damon yelled clutching at his over sensitive vampire ears. A quick look around showed that Caroline and Stefan were doing the same, desperate for the loud noise to stop.

Elena was swaying where she sat while attempting to hold up an extremely disoriented Bonnie who looked like she was about to vomit everywhere. Neither of them seemed to really hear the noise, though their eyes winced closed every once in a while.

It took several more minutes before the screaming torture stopped and the three vamps in the gang could stand up. Everything became eerily silent and anyone could have heard a pin drop from across the room.

The three vampires were stuck staring wide-eyed at several hundred black-robed children who were staring back with equally dumbstruck expressions on their young faces.

There was absolutely nothing that could be said at a moment like this. There were no words. It was impossible. Nobody could. Nope. Never. No one. "Uh, guys, I think we're not in Kansas anymore." Well, except for Damon.


Faraway in an ancient mansion belonging to one Lucius Malfoy, the Dark Lord Voldemort sat staring at the four boys and one woman standing before him. His bloody red eyes were widened only slightly in shock (He was the Dark Lord, he can't look surprised in public, that would make him look weak).

"Dear Rebekah, what just happened?" Kol asked, looking around with interest.

"Why are you asking me? It's probably Klaus' fault anyways!"

"ME? No, it wasn't me. It was probably Finn! It's always the quiet ones!"

Finn just glared at him before mumbling something about Elijah's messed up creepy powers.

"What powers?" Elijah angrily retorted, still managing to sound civil and sophisticated, "I only throw change. What's so creepy about that?"

Oh poor Voldemort, he got stuck with the Originals.


A/N: So this is the prologue. It's a little short so you can expect most of my other chapters to be longer. Plus that was just an awesome way to stop. PLEASE REVIEW! They're like drugs to me! JK!

The translation for the spell is very rough. I don't speak Latin but essentially, this is what it says: God of Time. Take us back before this began. Rid us of our worries. Give us one more chance. And let us try again. (That is an even rougher translation because I x'ed out of my translation page and it doesn't translate back correctly).