Day One - On The Job


a/n This is a group of oneshots that tell the stories of various Merry Men and other characters' first days on the job at Rangeman. They are in no particular order, I may add to them at a future date, so if you have a special MM you'd like to read about, pls let me know. Most fit into my Mercenary Ranger world but some discrepancies may occur. Babe fic, but not a romance. I'll try to post every Friday or saturday...enjoy!

Standard fanfic disclaimers apply.

Thanks go to Harmne for the idea behind this series!

The New Guy-Cal's story


This takes place after Ranger has returned from a job; the op was a success but some things went FUBAR and one of his men is badly injured. From JE's books we know Ranger takes that very seriously, so he is overtired and stressed. This is what happens….

new guy POV

First of all, this is not about my tattoo. And secondly, it's just my freakin' luck, my first day on the job at Rangeman Trenton and I am guarding some guy in a hospital bed. Someone apparently very important because the home office was in an uproar and the staff seemed to be terrified of somehow not getting the job done. My name is Calvin Jenner and I am a 38 year old ex-Green Beret, formerly part of the RMPMC group stationed in the Middle East. I recently returned stateside after a two year tour. I've had enough of the sandpit for awhile but Rangeman pays great and I had been assured that I'd like the work here as much as I'd—well, liked is the wrong word—but I was good at my job on the battlefield and I was confident I'd do just as well here in Trenton.

This morning I reported for duty at oh five hundred. Tank issued me weapons and permits, some other man named Hal gave me a stack of black uniforms, and a little gay Hispanic guy loaded me with phone and comm unit and then they shoved me in a big black Yukon with five other men and here I was.

Now, six hours later I watched an unidentified female medical person, I was guessing a doctor, finish her conversation with my new boss and walk away . As ordered I turned my attention to my employer, Ranger Manoso. He had been sitting on the floor outside the ICU cubicle but had risen to speak to this woman. I vaguely remembered meeting Manoso when I was first hired 2 1/2 years ago. Now, thinking back, I mostly recalled a handsome young man wearing an expensive suit who had silently observed my final interview. After I was hired and retrained, deemed up to Rangeman standards, I had been sent to Iraq under the command of Bobby Brown. Brown was a fine boss, both a medic and a former Special Forces operator and I respected him highly. So my loyalty, my allegiance, was to Brown, not particularly to Manoso.

Earlier in the day Tank, Rangeman's hulking second in command, had pointed out a rest area with crummy couches and said he hoped Ranger would grab some rest soon.

And now, as Ranger too watched the doctor leave, I saw only a very young, very exhausted man who closed his eyes and began slowly sliding down the wall again. I estimated that Ranger Manoso was ten years younger, two inches shorter and forty pounds lighter than me and so I did not hesitate. I went quickly to Ranger's side, planning to say, Mr. Tank said that I should show you the rest area, sir.

I wrapped a hand around Ranger's left bicep and got out, "Sir, M…"

And in a blur of pain and motion I found myself thrown hard to the corridor floor, a foot on my throat, a gun in my face. Stunned I momentarily had no idea what had happened. I gasped for breath and fought down the pain in my ass and shoulders. My vision slowly cleared and I looked up to see Ranger watching me dead-eyed, his gun a black hole just like his eyes. I blearily wondered if he would actually kill me. And why.

The US Rangeman employee called Zero stepped between us, his back to Ranger blocking him a fraction. Ranger straightened up but said, did, nothing.

Zero said, "Rule number 2—never touch the boss without his permission."

I tried to catch my breath and felt Ranger's boot press harder on my throat.

Zero said, "Sir? Ranger?" And the boot let up a little. They both stared down at me then Zero made a go ahead circle with his finger.

I choked out, "What's Rule Number 1?"

Zero said, "Be afraid. Be very very afraid."

Ranger took his foot away and stepped back a little. Zero hauled me to my feet, clapped me on the shoulder briskly and said, "Show the boss that couch, man. "

Ranger's gun disappeared. He made a tiny motion with his chin that apparently Zero saw as assent. Zero said, "Good man, Jenner." Then "Sir." And he went back to his post by the ICU door.

I managed to say, "It's this way, um, sir. Just down this hall."

Manoso followed me in silence, while I silently thanked God that I hadn't pissed myself.

We stopped at the nook with two old fake leather sofas. Someone had set out some blankets and pillows already.

Ranger politely said, "Thank you."


"Ah—Jenner, is it?"


"Don't let Zero scare you."

"No sir."

"I hardly ever kill anyone."

"No sir."

"Unless I get paid. A lot. In advance."

"Yessir, I mean no sir."


Jenner beat a fast retreat under Ranger's bemused stare. Ranger thought, What was that all about. And fell instantly asleep, horizontal for the first time in maybe a week.

Later over coffee, Zero said, "What the hell were you thinking, Jenner? Ranger Manoso could snap your scrawny neck without even waking up."

"He just looked so tired, I don't know—I felt sorry for him. He's just a kid."

"Geez. That's like feeling sorry for a rabid pit bull or a rattlesnake, you fool. And Ranger is no kid, trust me."


"Rumor has it that he's one of the finest covert assassins in the world, " Zero said softly.

"I thought Manoso was just some ex-Army business guy."

"You need to get out more, man."

I repressed a shiver and kept my mouth shut. Iraq was looking very inviting all of a sudden.

The end of the story, next MM up to the plate soon.

a/nThe un-named injured man is Anthony, as a matter of fact; the timeline fits in right before the beinning of Take a Chance.

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